Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 807: King Arthur could not be a girl!

"King Arthur can't be a girl!" After hearing Takeuchi's words, Nasu immediately exploded.

"But if King Arthur is a girl, isn't it a cute thing? King Arthur is a blond girl or something, it's so fun!"

Takeuchi raised his brows and looked at Nasu. He didn't understand why Nasu couldn't understand that King Arthur was the cute point of girls.

This is obviously a very interesting thing!

"No, no, why do you think of him as a girl! That kind of thing is completely evil!" Nasu swears to his death.

"Please be quiet!"

At this moment, Xue Nai looked back at these two people.

The majestic Xue Na immediately made the two people in front of him dumb.

Although the two people still wanted to continue their quarrel, Xue Nao's powerful pressure made them completely unable to speak.

Moreover, after realizing that arguing in the shrine is indeed a bad thing, the cheeks of both of them are slightly red.

When things were finally over here and the statue of Xiaoyu was completely placed, Nasu and Takeuchi finally breathed a sigh of relief and left here.

"I didn't expect Miss Xue Nai's aura to be so powerful." Just when he came out, Takeuchi sighed.

At that time, Yukino showed a strong aura. This aura made the two feel a strong pressure. They were obviously two boys, but when they stood in front of Yukino, they were all atmospheric. Dare to breathe

After leaving here and getting on the subway, Takeuchi said to Nasu again: "The story you wrote before is very interesting, but the combination of the female lord and the male heroic spirit is really strange. It is completely Girly rhythm!"

"So, that's just a half-hearted story." Nasu shook his head.

What these two people are discussing now is the story written by Nasu Mushroom in middle school.

This story tells the story of the master and the servant. The magician can summon the heroes in history to fight as his followers, and the person who wins in the end will receive the Holy Grail as a reward. The core of this story is called the Holy Grail War.

Yes, this is the original work of Xingyueshe's future famous "sn" series.

Nasu Mushroom had written the original manuscript about this story long ago, and Takeuchi was lucky enough to have seen this story.

And Takeuchi believes that Nasu's story of pulling the heroes out of the history of Guan Gong and Qin Qiong is very interesting. When deciding what to do in the next game, Takeuchi thought of one of the alternatives.

But at the same time, Takeuchi also noticed some subtle points in this story.

For example, in the story, the system uses a matching model of female masters and male heroes. The heroic spirit summoned by the heroine is the legendary King Arthur, and this King Arthur is the image of the standard rp male protagonist in the nineties. He is handsome, noble and powerful, and is simply a super-tempered big handsome guy.

Although this is a story of heroic battles, the master still occupies a very important position in this story. In such a story, as the master of the envoy, he naturally occupies the position of the "protagonist".

In Nasu's story, it is the heroine who occupies this position.

It's not that the heroine is not good, it can even be said that it is a very interesting thing to make a standard rp actor into a supporting role of the heroine. Of course, Arthur himself is the hero.

Only in such a story, when the heroine meets the heroine such a story. The whole story began to lean towards the girly style, especially in the middle of the plot, there is another male hero Gilgamesh pursuing the heroine. This is the proper way to unfold the girly comic!

What Takeuchi couldn't bear was the structure of this story.

Generally speaking, they are played as male games. Although there are also Otome games aimed at females, at least Xing Yuesha is not a company that makes such games. Their goal is to make a very interesting male-oriented game. Correct.

But Takeuchi still liked the original story structure very much. Without changing the original story background and original intention, he thought of a very interesting solution that is to reverse the gender of the hero and the hero.

In other words, the master becomes a male, and the heroic spirit becomes a female.

Takeuchi is a blonde controller. Takeuchi is a blonde controller. Takeuchi is a blonde controller.

Because it is very important, I have to say it three times.

After turning the lord into a male, Nasu also considered that it would be more interesting to give him what kind of heroic spirit.

But at this time, Takeuchi said, "Let's make King Arthur a sister paper"!

In the original setting, King Arthur was a beautiful blond man. After a sexual transformation in his brain, the image of King Arthur who appeared in Wu's brain became a blond cute girl.

At first he didn't think there was anything great, but the more he thought about it, the more he found this image very interesting, very vivid, and very deep.

Simply put, he is fascinated by this role in his mind.

After that, Takeuchi asked Nasu to write according to this idea.

Well, it was originally like this.

But at this time, Nasu quit.

"King Arthur is definitely not a girl, how could King Arthur be a girl!" Nasu expressed his strong protest, "I, Nasu mushroom, even if I die, I will not write King Arthur as a girl!"

"Nasu, you should know that in this world, girls are the most beautiful existence in this world." Takeuchi looked at Nasu with a strong and firm gaze.

"King Arthur can never be a girl."

"Nasu, you should know that in the stories we make, this kind of story that subverts history and myths and legends is actually very interesting."

"King Arthur can never be a girl."

"Nasu, if King Arthur becomes a girl, then such a story will become very interesting, and players will definitely love this story."

"King Arthur can never be a girl."

"Moreover, I also like blonde girls, Nasu, even for me, please turn King Arthur into a girl!"

"King Arthur can never be a girl."

"If you don't make King Arthur a girl, I will smash all your photos and videos."

"King Arthur is absolutely ah!!!" Nasu was halfway through speaking, only to realize that Takeuchi wanted to do terrible things, he immediately shouted, "King Arthur can be a girl! King Arthur can definitely be a girl !"

Facts have proved that the human group, you cannot convince them with reason, but threats can be.

In order to make King Arthur a girl and satisfy his own selfishness, Takeuchi threatened Nasu at this time.

"Then our new work should use this background?" Nasu looked at Takeuchi timidly.

Obviously, smashing the ps game console is a very terrifying threat for Nasu.

"I personally think it's good, and don't everyone have any objections?"

Others can say that the original story written by Nasu has already been read. Everyone thinks that Nasu's story is very bright.

But this story also has a problem, that is, Takeuchi raised a question while discussing with Nasu. This is a story about a girl.

It is undeniable that Nasu mushrooms do have that kind of girlish heart, but this kind of story appears in the masculine story, which is very subtle.

Even so, but changing the gender of King Arthur or something, well, it's still very good.

Nasu originally intended to make a comment, but when he thought that his complaints might bring a "killing disaster" to his game console, Nasu decisively and knowingly chose to shut his mouth and refrain from discussing the issue.

He thought for a while and said, "Is the main background of the story still the original setting?"

Takeuchi shook his head: "Well, the form can be preserved, but there are many interesting parts in the whole story. I think we can strengthen it."

Nasu nodded: "If you look at it this way, the previous setting of Seraphim's rank can be removed. After all, it's a bit too troublesome, but the rank setting can still be retained."

Even if it is not very acceptable, since Takeuchi wants it, Nasu can only continue to think about this plan.

And think about it, if this story is really done in the future, then there will be more game consoles we can buy in the future.

Well, Nasu tries his best to think about the good.

"Yeah, that's great, I have conceived a lot of very interesting pictures in my mind"

At this time, Takeuchi had begun to fantasize about the female version of King Arthur's story, which must be very interesting!

"Is this really no problem? Just change the gender of historical figures casually" Nasu muttered.

"Big husband cute, big breasts!" Takeuchi said boldly.


Okay, as long as you are happy, I will ask Teacher Xia Sen for advice.

Nasu murmured in his heart.

"By the way, Mr. Xia Sen seems to have told us before, let's commercialize the new work Kazukisha, right?" Nasu suddenly thought of the advice Morika had given them before, and Morika said Can give them financial support.

With funds, he can continue to be lazy and continue to work, so Nasu still remembers what happened at the time.

"Hey, I'm also thinking about this matter. I think it would be a good thing if Xingyue is commercialized."

Tsukihime's sales of over ten thousand copies are the reason Takeuchi's confidence in saying this.

Commercialization refers to the act of providing goods as a means and making profit as the main purpose.

Fan works can be very individual and very free. It doesn't matter whether it is expressing personal emotions or writing something brainstorming. But the so-called "business" has a clear purpose, and its main purpose is to make money.

In terms of emotions alone, both Takeuchi and Nasu feel that the "doujin works" that can be created freely are more interesting.

But fan works are not a guy who eats. To be precise, fan works may be able to maintain food and clothing and even expand their influence, but this is the limit. If it is not commercialized, it is difficult to say that it can realize one's ideals.

Most of the so-called ideals require financial support.

And Morinha once told them that if you want to be truly successful, you must maintain a balance between commercialization and your own preferences, and be able to fulfill your dreams and entertain the public. This is the best. of.

These words of Mori Xia also made Nasu and the others sprouting plans to commercialize Xingyue.

However, many fan works are incompatible with commercialization. Although Nasu and Takeuchi have such plans, at this time, they still have some doubts in their hearts.

"Well, why don't we ask Xue Naisang?" Takeuchi asked, "Xue Naisang also appears frequently. Why don't we ask her opinion?"

"That's right, we just left, this is the subway!" The two people have been talking until they arrived at the subway station. They thought they had just left the shrine, and Takeuchi wanted to turn back. Go to the shrine to ask Yukino. And Nasu just thought so too, but when he was about to turn around, he found out that he seemed to be at the subway station all at once.

"Ah, I think we might as well go directly to Mrs. Natsumi's house now?" Nasu thought for a while. Since we are all here, we might as well just ask Mori.

"Yoshi, it's okay." Takeuchi nodded.

The two got off the subway, then turned their heads, and turned back to do the subway and walk back.

And at this moment, Nasu thought of Yukino's majestic look again.

To be honest, at the beginning, Nasu only considered Yukino to be Morinatsu’s younger sister. He even thought that although there were small differences in personality and other aspects between the brother and sister, Nasu today saw it. A Yukino who was very different from usual.

Although it was only a moment, the momentum of the audience was indeed very amazing.

"Well, having said that, if King Arthur really becomes a girl and then becomes a character like this, it seems really cute."

Nasu was muttering.

"What are you talking about?" Takeuchi didn't hear what Chennasu said.

"Well, I mean" Nasu raised his head. "If King Arthur is a girl, it's really fun to be hungry!"

Having said that, in history, Takeuchi asked Nasu to turn King Arthur into a sister paper, and Nasu also laughed with death, but after the two made a dirty deal, King Arthur really became a sister paper.

Even if I starve to death, I won’t, and the next picture is really interesting. This is a long-lived and enduring old stalk on the Internet, and it’s also a ridicule mode that everyone likes.

Two chapters in one. To be continued.

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