Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 810: Here comes the white album again...ah, it's the cherry blossom season...

Regarding the commercialization of Motsuki and the animation of Tsukihime, it is not something that can be discussed in a day or two. ΔeΔwwㄟw

For this kind of commercial matter, Mori Xia gave it to Iki, and Iki was here to check it, and his uncle Ichiro Sato was legally helpful, which was a pretty good thing.

Speaking of Ichiro Sato, this year Morinatsu was here to enjoy cherry blossoms in the spring together with his uncle.

"This year's cherry blossoms came a little later than before."

Morinatsu is not in Tokyo, but on a mountain in the northwest part of Tokyo.

This is a forest of cherry blossoms, the scenery is very beautiful, but because this place is a private domain, there are no outsiders here.

To be precise, this is Shiina's industry.

Morinka, Chika, Reika, Yukino, Himeha, Iki, and Shiina Himeha’s sister, Shiina Mitsu, don’t get me wrong, this Shiina Mitsu is not a celebrity in the film industry, but the eldest lady of the Shiina family. As for the name If it is, it is probably just the same name.

And beside Shiina Mitsu, there was a man with a broken face, Morinatsu's uncle Ichiro Sato.

Originally, Jiye actually invited Morinatsu and the others to come here to enjoy the cherry blossoms today, but at this time, Hikaru just pulled Sato Ichiro over.

Just before coming to enjoy the cherry blossoms, Sato Ichiro thought that Mr. Shiina came to discuss some legal matters with him, but when he came here, Mr. Shiina left here because of a sudden situation. After that, Sato Ichiro was pulled over by Hikaru.

Obviously this should be a coincidence, but looking at Ichiro Sato with a look of lovelessness, Morinatsu always feels that the coincidence here is probably malicious from the world...

"Yes, the cherry blossoms in the past few years have opened so early, but this year is so late, the weather is really weird every year." Qianjia, who was sitting next to Morika, ate a dumpling and then held hands. The green tea on the table, feel the breath of spring.

This year's spring came a little later than last year, probably because of the weather. When the school opens, Sakino Academy is often covered by cherry blossoms, but when school starts this year, the cherry blossoms in Sakino Academy are not open. The cherry trees all over the academy have only bare branches.

By the time the cherry blossoms bloom, more than half of the April season has passed, and many people are planning to travel during the Golden Week at this time, and the flowering of the cherry blossoms is finally late at this time.

"Uncle Sugar, look, these cherry blossoms are so beautiful"


"Uncle Sugar, look, am I pretty?"

"Well, Hikaru is very beautiful."

"Uncle Sugar, let's play together"

Shiina Hikari is only the first grade of elementary school this year, and his age is not very large.

But in front of Sato Ichiro, she dressed herself up in a gorgeous manner, and then desperately squeezed around Sato Ichiro's side, but the kid who made such actions could only make people laugh.

"...I think that as long as it is a big family, it seems that there are many real estate and private territories." Senxia ignored the look of help from her uncle, and then decisively turned her head to look towards Qianjia.

"Ah, it's not that big families have a lot of real estate and private territories." But as a lawyer, how could Sato Ichiro sit so easily?

Just after Morinatsu said these words, Ichiro Sato followed Morinatsu's words.

"Although the superficial process is probably like this, the appearance and connotation are different. It is not so much that these big families have a lot of real estate and territories, but rather because they are the ruling class that owns the land, they have greater opportunities. Can succeed."

Uncle Sato's words really make sense, and after hearing his words, Morinatsu here nodded.

Indeed, unlike a large eastern country, Japan’s old class has not been liquidated. Now many large companies and consortia are actually inextricably linked to the former upper class.

For example, Qianjia’s family even has retainers from generations of costumes in her family. There are also many family divisions and retainers in Morinya’s house. What’s more weird is that according to Yi Ji, they also have a special family. "Maid Village" for training maids.

Why don't you say it's Konoha Village?

Many times, Senxia wanted to complain about this very strange point in her heart.


Morika was about to continue to ask Uncle Sato for advice, but at this moment, he saw that Shiina Mitsumasa was kicking Morika with a fierce expression, as if Morika had taken away her husband's "minor".

Senxia was a little bit dumbfounded by the pupil's gaze.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh size she really looks like you, Mr. Sato." Shiina Himeha looked through his sister and then smiled at Shiina Mitsu.

"Of course! Uncle Sugar is the best!" After Shiina Hikaru heard her sister's teasing, not only did she not feel embarrassed, on the contrary, at this time she happily ran to Sato Ichiro's side, and hugged him. Sato Ichiro's arm.

Seeing that, it is clear that I am saying "I am a regular wife."

But seeing Hikaru Shiina like this, Morika suddenly remembered the three elementary school students who had upset Ichiro Sato and the secretary of her uncle...

It seems that these loli and expired loli are all living themselves as "zheng wives" and "zhenggong".

Senxia maliciously guessed in her heart, if one day, these people get together, will they start a holy grail war around her uncle...Ah, no, it's a sugar war.

After hearing Shiina Mitsu's declaration, both Lihua and Chika laughed out loud.

After all, Hikaru is just a girl in the first grade of elementary school, but Ichiro Sato is a young man who is close to his age, and there is at least 20 years of age difference between the two. No matter how you look at it, the two of them are impossible things, only when this is the naive remarks of the little girl.

But Morinka and Yukino, they know, this matter...I am afraid it is not that simple.

Because of Sato Ichiro's young girl halo, this is almost something close to the weapon of causality, and it is real.

And to be honest, Sato Ichiro's appearance is very refreshing and reliable. For little girls, such a reliable face is naturally easy to attract their attention.

In addition, according to the experience Morinatsu knows, girls who like Ichiro Sato usually have strong mobility. They can really do a lot of things, and these loli and elementary school students seem to be very dedicated, even if they are already After becoming an overdue loli, she would want to stick to Sato Ichiro's side with a faceless face, and even use various strange methods to arouse Sato Ichiro's impulse, and then let it push herself to.

Fortunately, Sato Ichiro is completely disinterested in these loli and elementary school students. He prefers adult-like women to tell the truth. If he is a good boatman like Cheng, he will probably already be Up.

"Wow, if it wasn't because of the distance from Tokyo, I would even want to come here every day." Qianjia sighed.

"Well, my father originally thought about building a mansion here, but he didn't do it because he considered that man-made buildings would destroy the harmony and beauty of nature." Ji Ye said with a smile.

"Within a few kilometers around, there are only us." Lihua gently sipped the tea in her hand, and then looked around.

Although the cherry blossom trees are taken care of every day, other than that, this place is really a no-man's land. There is no such thing as a few kilometers nearby.

Even Senxia and the others came here completely on foot. Although they looked tired after walking for a few kilometers, once they were in this sea of ​​cherry blossoms, their exhaustion and discomfort seemed to be swept away. Up general.

In the voice of Ichiro Sato and Mitsuhiro Shiina, Morika also raised her head and looked around.

Indeed, this place gives people a very strange feeling.

Looking up, there seems to be countless cherry-colored worlds all around, cherry blossoms from far and near, from near and far, a warm spring breeze blows by, and you can see cherry-colored petals flying down like rain and dew , The scene is really beautiful.

Although Morinka knows that the endless ocean of cherry blossoms is just an illusion created by vision, Morinka really feels that if she continues to move forward at this time, she will be able to cross into a world of cherry blossoms.

And at this moment, Yukino's body leaned slightly against Senxia's shoulder.

Yukino is wearing a cherry blossom kimono that matches the cherry blossoms today. With the bun, she seems to be in harmony with the cherry blossom season.

"Brother, it's really comfortable here." Xue Nao gently closed her eyes, seeming to be enjoying the warm breeze of this spring.


Morinha's voice is also very small, as if to avoid disturbing what my sister is enjoying

"...Ahem, Senxia-kun, let's continue to discuss the issue of Xingyue." At this moment, Qianjia suddenly came over in dismay.

"Kingtsuki? Is it Takeuchi and Nasu-san?" Yukino opened his eyes.

"Ah, yes, that's it." Qianjia said with a smile, "because they are going to make a new game, so we have to discuss this matter now."

Even Senxia could see that Qianjia was here to deliberately destroy the atmosphere at this time, adding the smile on her face now makes people feel very subtle no matter how they look.

At this time, Morinya couldn't say anything about Qianjia, because he really wanted to discuss this issue.

"Ah, by the way, Mori-natsu-kun, how are things at your company now?" At this moment, Sato Ichiro also asked.

Now that it is about the company, he also wants to know about this.

"Ah, yes, no problem. And, thanks to your help from uncle."

Morinatsu thanked Ichiro Sato.

This sentence, Senxia is not a polite remark, but a fact.

Because in the law, Sato Ichiro really helped Morinatsu a lot.

In the beginning, Senxia once wanted to sort out those vendors and then mash up a Mithril platform.

But to make a platform and then integrate, there are problems that need to be solved urgently in various laws and regulations. Take a step back and help these manufacturers to transplant and reproduce various works. The problems they face , And also all piles of piles.

Without Ichiro Sato’s help, Morinka’s legal and copyright issues would definitely be piles. These problems may not explode at the time, but this kind of thing is tantamount to planting a thunder for the entire Mithril platform. If the problem is not solved, the problem will suddenly explode after the Mithril platform is really online and selling hot in the future. Come on, this hurt Senxia and the others even more.

"This is what I should do. Who made me your uncle, and I can't just take money and don't do anything." Sato Ichiro said with a smile, "What's more, I did have a lot of interest in your club. "

Although at the beginning, Sato had helped Mori summer for half a year, but it didn’t take long to work for free ~ As their legal adviser, Mori summer of course had to pay a large sum to Ichiro Sato. Now, my brothers have to settle accounts.

But to speak of it, Ichiro Sato is actually somewhat different from traditional Japanese in his attitude towards Morinatsu. If Senxia thinks that Tianhai's family is more pleasing to the eye, then there is probably Tianhai's family motto.

Although the Tianhai family, like other upper-class families in Japan, has various divisions and retainers, from the beginning, the Tianhai family taught everyone to live in harmony. All of these seem to be a bit like the next door.

"..." It was probably because Morinka and Sato had been talking for a long time, and Shiina Hikaru who had "occupied" time, the world began to look at Morinka with that kind of look at rivals.

For this little loli, Senxia really felt a sense of powerlessness.

Should I say that Uncle Sato's young girl's halo is too powerful, and that this little loli is too naive?

Please, we are a boy, OK, why do you treat me as a love rival?

Although the other party did not speak, Senxia knew that this was indeed the look of the rival's eyes. When the three little loli Yue Yong Shuizhi quarreled with each other, they used this look to look at their “rivals”.

"Ah, Hikaru, don't look at Morinka-kun with such eyes, it's very rude," Shiina Himeha said with a smile.

"Sister, then you can take care of your boyfriend, his fishy cat will **** my Uncle Sugar!"


Morinka, Chika, Yukino, Lihua, and Ji Ye, when they heard the word "boyfriend", they all made exclamations in unison...


Today’s update is two-in-one. I’m so sleepy, I’ll go to rest later, and the work is finally done smoothly...

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