Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 838: Housework and work

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Regardless of how Morinka protested, Qianjia and Yukino had already decided this matter.

The time is now approaching June. In order not to make the itinerary to a certain eastern country become urgent, Qianjia was busy with these things for the rest of this period.

It was probably better to leave this to Iki to do, but Iki hasn't done anything about the maid yet, so I can just forget it for now.

——Sinxia was wondering, why the matter about the maid could have delayed Sister Iki for such a long time.

Obviously, in normal times, Yi Ji did things cleanly and neatly, but this time it became an exception, which made Morinya very curious.

But whenever Morinka asked, Iki always cited "necessary equipment and props" as the reason.

So! Take! Say!

You maids, what kind of props do you want!

As a maid, don’t you just need a maid costume to make everything happen!

"But the necessary self-defense props are necessary, because they are going out to act, so they must be equipped with safe and concealable props. These props need to be tailored."

Standing on the side of Morinha's desk, Iki answered like this.

"So what does the maid in our house do! This is the maid who came down from the battlefield of the World War!"

Why would a maid need such equipment! Are you here to destroy Tokyo?

Senxia's vomiting force burst out.

He is meowing, is this to choose a maid or a special soldier?

But in the face of Mori Xia, who was spitting out, Iki was puzzled: "But isn't this kind of thing necessary? In case the master is pressed to the corner by a few strong men to do this and that kind of thing, he has no hands. The maids of the chicken-binding power can't help the master, right?"

"Uh, I admit this... wait a minute, why would I be pressed into the corner to do this and that kind of thing! And this and that kind of thing, what kind of thing is it!"

Mori Xia said he could not calm down.

Why must this kind of thing happen to me!

"Don’t you know, master, this is the prevailing trend in society now? Cute boys are very popular now. In the past two years, crimes against boys in Tokyo have increased by three times than before. More than doubled." Iki's face was solemn, obviously not joking.


What about this?

Mori summer is sure that in the future, Japan will indeed be very popular in all kinds of "male mothers", but in this year of Japan, although there are pseudo-women or cute boys, no one will associate them with ergonomics or gentlemen. Together.

In other words, most Japanese people these days are still straight.

But now Iki’s statement is clearly saying that there are already many people in Japan who have been bent, and the number of people who have been bent is about three times as many as before...

"Hey, I have investigated the relevant part of the record." Iki said very seriously, "According to the intelligence, the crime rate in this part has started to rise since the master, you started broadcasting.

"--Huh?" Mori Xia looked at Iki blankly, and Ikie blinked at Morinya.

Then Senxia pointed her finger at herself.

Is this my pot?

Yi Ji nodded heavily.

This is your pot.

it is more than words.

"Impossible, how can a cartoon increase the crime rate?" Senxia couldn't calm down.

"In fact, the overall crime rate is declining, and the rate of decrease in crimes against women is greater than that of men." Iki said, "Although there are various coincidences, this is enough to explain this. There may be a connection between the two, and you, the master, actually reduced the crime rate."

"It's none of my business!"

Senxia said that this pot is not praiseworthy.

It's just an animation. Why did you make such a mess?

Don't the otakus feel "uninteresting" when they see cute girls after seeing the girls fall in love with their sisters?

A joke of knitting!

"Miyazaki Tsunami."

However, Qian Jia just used a name, so Senxia had to admit that this pot was really memorable.

The case of Miyazaki Tsunami was a case that almost destroyed the Japanese animation industry that year, which is the same as the situation that is about to destroy the original game industry in a major eastern country.

This pot... Morinya is really memorizing now, this is Iki's view.

When thinking about this, Senxia felt her chrysanthemum tighten.

"Well... forget it." Senxia decided not to discuss this issue. "Speaking of which, when will the maids be here?"

"Some have already come, but most of the others are still in Hokkaido." Iki answered like this.

"Already here?"

Senxia was a little strange.

"Hi. Although most of the maids are selected from the village, some are selected from the retainers and other places. Although they are all maids, there are some jobs that can't be done by a simple maid, so some maids are now Here, and the identity is arranged."

Morinka nodded at Iki's words.

However, after hearing Iki's words, Morinka began to have some subtle feelings in her heart.

Maid... this is really coming.

Moreover, these maids will not only come to their side, but will also live with them in the future.

Morinka now lives with Chika, Lihua and Iki, but apart from Iki, everyone has known each other for a long time.

Although Iki didn't mean that everyone had lived together for a long time, Morinatsu had become accustomed to the life of Iki around him since Iki came here.

But at this moment, I suddenly said that I actually still have a maid team...

It's true that Morinka likes maids, but if there is a maid team around him, this sudden change in interpersonal relationship makes Morinya feel that she is not very comfortable.

"Well, this topic will stop here..."

Senxia felt that it would be better to change the topic on her own side.

Compared with topics in life, Morinia found that she seemed to prefer work topics.

On work topics, at least you don’t need to face these extremely headaches like life topics.

It's like this.

Faced with this kind of family-related problems, Morinatsu really didn't know what to say.

But when facing work problems, as long as there are solutions to solve the problem, then everything is not a problem.

There are always ways to solve work problems, but what is said, it’s hard for an upright official to judge housework...

Especially, as a gentleman with moral integrity, Moriha really doesn't want to talk to ordinary people on some topics, otherwise, that kind of thing would be really painful.

Gentleman culture needs to be popularized, but before that, it is always a shame to talk about gentleman topics with others before everyone can discuss gentleman topics frankly.

—— Didn’t you see that Morinka used to avoid Yukino to discuss gentleman issues?

"Hi," Iki said, "This is a summary of the news about the Mithril game. I have sorted it all out for you."

Well, Iki is still Morinka's secretary, so Iki is helping Morinka sort out many things.

It's like now.

"What is this?" There is a lot of news about the Mithril platform, and what are these.

"This is a question about the development of the game engine you raised. Here is a question about the review of the game. Here are the questions I selected from fan games and must be answered by you."

Iki explained to Morinka.


Withdraw the foreword.

"If you have any questions, let's talk about them one by one." Senxia was not calm.

"As for the Ark engine, we are now ready for commercialization, but the specific launch time has not been finalized. In addition, regarding this engine, some people think that it can be made into a model similar to RPGMaker..."

The Ark engine is the engine that Senxia used to make. This engine is very helpful to Senxia. Basically, this engine is used to make this engine.

This engine can be said to be a great contributor to Morinya's success-by the way, Tsukihime was also made using this engine.

After making several games with this engine in a row, Animic feels, can I use this engine to make a fool game system?

Not to mention, Morinia did have such an idea at the beginning, but it has not been implemented.

Now, the engine itself has matured. Everyone here feels that using this engine to make a visual production software like RPGMAKER seems to be a feasible thing.

However, on the Anmic side, I don't want to release it casually like other engines.

At this time, Senxia thought of a game engine, which was named Orange Light. In the original game industry, this engine is actually very disgusting. There are countless black histories, but this thing is indeed a success.

But that thing is also a thing in the Internet age, now this is... no problem?

"If it's just an ordinary release, it would be nice to say..."

If it's just an ordinary release, then of course it doesn't matter, but Morinka still wants to make a big news here.

"Master, in your words, it's'don't always want to make a big news.' I think your distress is completely unnecessary." And at this moment, Iki completely saw through Morinka.

"Ahem, it's not like that." Senxia waved her hand, "Well...that's it, but we can try our best to make it visualized, similar to the RPGMAKER version..."

It is obviously impossible to be perfect in the first place, and Morinka also understands this.

As for the question of game review, it is naturally related to DC and PS2.

Several games on Morinia's side can be said to be very large. Games like Ghost Street and Brave New World are all very large.

As for the Guilty Crown, if this game is MOD, it is also a gentleman's.

Although Sega agreed with Morinka's plan to add MOD to the game, the other party has not given up on managing Morinka's content, but there is a problem.

Sega thinks that there are a lot of 18X mods and games on Morinia's side. In fact, they are all very creative. How about we make a pure love version and join the game?

Get some wool!

It's another thing that wants to swear.

On the one hand, Sega did not allow 18X to land on the platform, but on the other hand, it felt that 18X could bring them a lot of popularity, so I wanted to let Morinya make an 18X version.

This kind of thing that says no in the mouth, but has a reaction in the body, really makes people unable to complain.

However, Morinia has a lot of mods, and many mods were originally sold on 18X. Sega’s behavior means that I removed the braised pork meat, and then asked Anmic to make a whole plate of braised pork with only seasonings... It’s a joke of knitting.

Of course it is impossible for Senxia to challenge the bottom line, but it is impossible to say that he wants to put an irresponsible and harmonious version casually.

So as Yi Ji said, harmony is really a problem.

"Um..." This problem is indeed a problem that also needs to be solved.

Senxia is thinking.

However, if you say that you don't care about turning discordant content into harmonious this is not okay.

Because it is not only Sega but also Sony who cares about this.

Yes, Sony.

Don't forget, Morinia is not only doing games here, but also Sony.

For Morinka's games, Sony's attitude is the same.

They talked about it for a long time, but the result was the same, that is: Everyone in Anmic, you have to work hard, Lu! Try to show up! It's okay to see, there is nothing strange on the chest-just don't cross the line.

So, you guys want to make wool on the side ball!

Sometimes, Morinka really wants to lift the table.

I am also a man of integrity!

You have to be serious, then be serious, what is it to always do some sideballs!

There is a kind of positive on me!

Okay, it's impossible on the front, but the sideball is still played.

"Well... this, let's study and discuss it."

Senxia doesn't know what expressions should be used to deal with this time. You said that you can wipe the side ball. I don't know what to do with this side ball!

"Well, as for the questions raised by the doujin producers, this is easy to do."

But just after Morinya said this sentence, he saw a lot of questions Iki had prepared for him, and Morinya was even green...

Ah... Sure enough, housework is easier...


This is morality, cough cough...

Two chapters in one, touch it~

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