Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 840: Introduction

The transfer of students caused some commotion in Senxia's class. ?

However, everyone played once and made trouble after playing. After that, everything returned to normal, but in Senxia's class, there was an extra beautiful scenery line.

Sure enough, the addition of a girl or something is still very interesting.


When the get out of class finally ended, Senxia felt much more relaxed.

Because of the relationship between Morinka and the new transfer student that seemed to know before, everyone focused on Morinka's side.

Being stared all the way for a long time, it feels quite uncomfortable.

"Sinxia-kun, here!"

Just after class, Morika was stopped by Erika here.

"Uh, monitor, what's the matter?"

Well, just now, the squad leader Erika had the hottest gaze, so when Morika saw Erika, there was a feeling that a psychological shadow was about to explode.

"That's it. Asahina-san just came to our school. I'm about to take her around in the school." Erika smiled and walked to Morika, and said, "If you don't mind, Mori-kun Can you come and help?"

"Ahem... okay."

Is it OK? Your expression is clearly saying "If you don't agree, I will force you to agree."

So at this moment, Morinia seems to have no other way besides agreeing...

Well, after all, Chaoyan is also looking at herself with expectant eyes.

Introducing the school to transfer students, this seems to be a "reserved show" that often appears in animation, and Mori Xiawan never expected that he would also be shown the task of showdown.

Of course, Morinka wasn't actually alone here, he was actually with Erika.

"...So that's it, Mori-kun, you and Chao Yan met a few days ago..."

After Morinka's side explained the cause of the matter clearly, Erika's side was obviously relieved.

In addition, she seemed to have become a lot more cordial.

"But Mori-natsu-kun is indeed a good person. It was only the first time I met, but he also came to school with the classmates I just met~" In Erika's words, it seemed that he meant something.

"I've said it, it's just on the way, and also, we are not here to introduce Chaoyan to the school, at this time, don't discuss my affairs!"

Senxia felt that this strange issue should not be discussed at this time.

At this time, can't you say something about ethics?

"...But Asagao seems to be familiar with our school?" Erika changed the subject.

Obviously in the school, but Zhaoyan didn't seem to hesitate at all when she walked with Morinka, and seeing her walking very briskly, she seemed to be...really familiar with this place?

"I have seen the school map, because I am very interested in the new school, so I wrote down all the roads above." Chaoyan smiled.

Although Erika directly called her by her name, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. In fact, this was Chaoyan's own request.

Because of the relationship between calling each other’s name, the relationship between Erika and Chaoyan, the temperature is also warming up very quickly. It took less than a long time to meet each other, and when the two were able to smile and walk together, it was like Looks like a good relationship.

"Well, what's wrong, Senxia-kun?" Zhaoyan noticed that Senxia had been looking at her side, so she changed to look at Senxia's side.

"Ah, sorry," Morinka said apologetically, "I just think that the way you look like Zhaoyan now is a little different from when you were in class."

"Well, yeah, after class, Chaoyan seems to be easier to get close to." Erika also said here.

"Maybe because I am not very comfortable with the crowded environment." Zhao Yan smiled.

Is it because of "that person"?

Mori Natsu approached Asayan's side: "Asayan, do you mind telling me about that person? Although I don't know if I can help, but seeing the girl so distressed, it's really It's unbearable!"

If Asagao was distressed because of something else, Morinka probably wouldn't have such a view, but when he heard "that person", Morinka felt it was impossible.

Seeing a girl forced to succumb to a man because of some kind of pressure is simply unbearable!

Well, a man like this beast should be put on a women's dress, and then be crushed by other strong men!

You know, even among criminals, the kind of criminals who forcibly overthrow girls are the most despised existence.

"Eh? What's going on?" After hearing Morinka's words, Erika also leaned over.

"It's a long story..." Morinya didn't know how to explain it better. He found that when he asked this sentence now, he seemed a bit too rash, so he was thinking about what he should do now. end.

And Chaoyan over there smiled: "Well, it's not a big deal, it's just a few small arrangements in the family. To me, it's not embarrassing."

"The arrangement of the family, is it that your family wants you to do some strange things?" Erika also felt that this matter did not seem to be simple. It was obviously not a suitable day for transfer, but Chaoyan transferred at this time. Come here, there must be something strange, "Is it going to send you to the news, and then marry you to some nasty guy for a political marriage?"

After all, Chaoyan had the breath of a eldest lady, and Erika naturally had such an association after seeing her.

After hearing Erika's words, Chaoyan's figure clearly paused.

"Eh, is this really the case?!"

Erika widened her eyes, "What do your family want you to do?"

"Ah, it's actually not the same thing." Chaoyan showed a bitter smile on his face. "Actually, I don't know what he looks like. In fact, the family didn't give him anything. How much information do I have."

"Huh?!" x2.

At this moment, Erika was not the only person who was surprised. After hearing the news, Morinya next to him was also a little surprised and inexplicable.

In Japan, there are many kinds of chaebols and consortia. The "feudal remnants" left over from the feudal era are very common. Some things that are rare in other places are basically common sense in Japan.

However, what Zhaoyan said made Morinya a little puzzled. What was her family thinking to come up with such a thing? Obviously I want to give my daughter to other men, but I don't let my daughter know what the other person looks like and who it is. This is really woolen yarn!

"Ah, that's the case. That person is the chief family that our family has served for generations. If that person is almost equivalent to our'master', right." Chaoyan whispered his family background, "but... …With a stranger or something, I really can’t bear it.”

"Huh? Lord?" Although there is still such a relationship, in general, in this era, it seems that there are very few such names and such relationships. Even in Japan, this concept is somewhat out-of-date.

But considering that Asagao came from Hokkaido, Morinka felt that the relationship seemed to make sense. There are still many places in Hokkaido that are relatively primitive and retain relatively primitive ecology. , This possibility is still there, except for my own home, there are also retainers in Qianjia's home!

"But what kind of family is there in Hokkaido?" Morinya thought for a long time, and he found that apart from his own home, he seemed to have never heard about other families?

However, the surname "Asahina" is too ordinary, so at this time, Mori Xia didn't think of many clues about this "Asahina". Could it be that Asahina Asagao has a relative named Asahina Mikaru, and Asahina Asagae and Like Asahina Mikuna, all came from the future?

So, what about the head? Where is Nagato Yuki? Where is A Xu?

Senxia's heart was flooded with spit water that almost drowned herself.

"Although my destiny is doomed, but sure enough, I want to live my own life more." Asahina Asagome told his ideals.

This was not a complaint, nor was it some kind of rebellion or excuse. Morinya felt that she probably understood the meaning in Zhaoyan's words. She said this only to make her heart less uncomfortable.

Chaoyan is not the kind of person who will spread secrets everywhere, otherwise, her character won't make her be polite to everyone else.

However, she probably really needs to find someone to talk about it, so things have become what they are now.

"So, don't you know anything about the person who will affect your life?" Erika raised her brows and looked at Morika.

Chaoyan nodded.

"By the way, the squad leader, why are you always looking at me when you are talking?" Senxia looked at the squad leader next to her strangely.

Chao Yan also looked strange.

However, at this time, Erika next to him suddenly laughed and said, "Ah, what a coincidence. Mori Xia-kun used to work for a cute girl before rushing to grab Marriage~"


Zhaoyan raised his head, then looked at Morinya inexplicably...



Lihua looked at the file in front of her, then sneezed accidentally.

"Although it is summer, you still have to pay a little attention to your body. It is the easiest to catch a cold if you go in and out of the air conditioner~"

Beside Lihua, Qianjia put the freshly brewed black tea on the table.

"Ah, it's just a little itchy nose, nothing." Lihua shook her head.

This is animic club. Although Morinka is still flirting with other girls at school, Qianjia and Lihua are collating documents and materials at this time.

On the computer in front of the two of them, there is a portrait drawing in 16 colors.

The sensibility and skill of art are very obvious in a 16-color environment. When you tell a newcomer that the painting here is not good, he can understand it immediately; but in the case of multicolor, people without artistic cells will It's hard to feel the difference. Even if he can feel that the two works are different, it is difficult to understand why a person who is good is good, and why he can't. Therefore, at this point, the exhibition for newcomers is very bad. Therefore, in this transitional stage, the animic people will make newcomers a 16-color version first, which is considered to be practice and training.

Of course, this is not something that Chika and Lihua are considering. In fact, what they are looking at is the design of the character itself, and the name of this designed character will resound in the gentleman world in the future-Nanase love.

Nanase Koi, the first heroine of a hospital ward series, Nanase Koi is almost a character set as a goddess in this series.

If Nanase Love's setting is in, then she is likely to become another high-level painting, not only will not be pushed, but even the protagonist.

But mInk is very thoughtful. The plot of the goddess falling into the mortal world is very attractive. With a heavier taste, the whole picture and plot are very impactful.

In fact, mInk has also succeeded, and their approach really made Nanase fall in love-in "history."

As for the words in Gaobei, although they are also liked by many people, everyone knows that there is a rather stinky work, but there are relatively few people who know Gaobei.

"It's almost the same here." Qianjia nodded, "FanscLuB is now..."

Yes, FanscLuB. In these years, many game companies have to rely on FanscLuB to attract more attention.

For example, we are now in harmony, and there is also a series of commemorative products of my own Miss Netdy.

And; Although there is a website here, there is really no cLuB.

So at this time, Qianjia felt that they should also have it.

"Let's use the opportunity of making this game..." She stared at Nanase Love's Tachie.

"Snee--" Lihua sneezed again.


One order, I got the head office, and the head office really loves me^_^

Then I took a look at my friend, a good friend named Okita Souji, who went directly to the Five Treasures Director. I remember he still has a king full of treasures. For the local tyrants and Europeans, I can only say that I just kneel...

Well, a wave of hope on the weekend, if you start the sauce again, you can continue to explode^_^8

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