Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 874: Response on the Internet

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"Lelouch the Rebellious" received a good response.

Senxia did not go to 2ch like Wang Ze, but logged in to his forum.

2ch is indeed very popular. Hiroyuki Nishimura has been very successful recently, and Moriha's investment has also paid off. However, 2ch is only an anonymous bulletin board after all. On the anonymous bulletin board, there are "keyboard guys" who are one-click away and flash people after speaking cold words. I want to hear any good news or objective information from there. Comment, then I really want to think too much.

Do you think anonymity can bring objectivity?

Wrong, the largest group created by anonymity is called "Tanzi". On the contrary, real-name forums will have posts with objective explanations.

Moreover, on 2ch, there are fans of the calculation formula, most of them are passers-by, who will log on to their own forums. That is called diehard and iron fan.

After the broadcast was over, a group of people on Senxia took out their notebooks and logged onto the forum.

Although both physical feedback and telephone feedback are available, such things are inferior to the Internet after all, and the Internet is the fastest. What’s more, what’s the method of calling inquiries like ratings survey? A real and reliable network?

In Japan, ratings surveys are made by phone calls. In fact, in many cases, audiences are talking nonsense, this data information is pitted, and the sample size is insufficient, which will make the whole result unobjective.

But the network will not.

Those who surf the Internet these days are high-quality people, especially in real-name forums.

"Musashino's new work is really amazing. Has anyone played Lelouch's game? Can you give me a spoiler?

-Owner, the game was only released in August, and now it only has a demo version, and there are only two plots. Well, but you can enter the game to see the character paintings in it, they are all moving, super fun! "

"The Hall of Lulu Xiu is really super handsome, super intellect, and completely different from those fools who turn on armor!

-You are mistaken, the original poster, Lelouch can't open the mech like this!

--Yes, but I think it should be Lelouch who is a genius in boot armor. Look at this character, Lelouch also has a boot armor scene in OP!

---The two upstairs knew at a glance that they had never played the game. In the game, Lelouch's driving ability value is very low. It is a waste of Knightmare to give Lelouch, but if you don't give it to him, this guy It's too crispy again...

----Is it because animation is different from game?

-----My Lulu Xiudian is not that kind of role, he is a wise man who is strategizing and deciding thousands of miles away! Ah, don't you think that Luludian's delicate posture is really cute!

------The host is a girl paper, the identification is complete..."

"I just want to know if knightmare will have a model, it's so handsome!!!"

Well, the Senxia version of Knightmare is very different from the original version. Senxia version of Knightmare, Senxia refers to a lot of future designs.

Although the general appearance is still the same, in the details, Moriha made more references to the sledgehammer and Muv in Overwatch.

The general process is to make it through 3D modeling first, then draw the line by hand, and finally paint to create the texture-well, the coloring method is not the same as the original.

Mori summer is very concerned about the texture of the mecha and clothes. In most animations, this kind of thing is rarely valued. For example, in many mecha animations, the mechas themselves look like It's white, green, and red plastic... well, what about you, Gang Damu!

But it’s not just Gang Damu. Everyone is doing this these days. I really want to say that anyone can create a metallic texture. It’s really very rare, because it’s difficult to assemble things in this area on the animation side. Morinka’s side , Mainly by adjusting the parameters of the coloring highlights and so on, and then made something unique, and it also needs 3D primer in advance-of course, it is impossible for people to directly use 3D as a lazy method to make .

Oh, by the way, in Moriha's version of "Lelouch the Rebellious", the combat uniforms worn by the characters are also somewhat different from the original version. In this regard, Moriha mainly refers to the Muv series...

Tights, race high!

"It looks like everyone is still satisfied."

Next to Senxia, ​​Qianjia and others are all leaning here.

"It seems that the new technique we adopted is not bad." Real Shita Koichi cares more about this.

"It's a loss that we can catch up..." Kenji Horikawa shook his head. The new technique itself is nothing. With the new technique, it can still catch up in such a short period of time. This is the most emotional thing.

"Why can't 3D be used directly?"

C.C of Yukino Cos is standing next to Morika, and many people actually come to watch Morika, but to watch the C.C queen who fouled his chest.

"This involves many problems. As far as the audience experience is concerned, the 3D picture itself has a great sense of violation. This is the key to the problem. If it is a pure 3D animation, this will not be a problem, but our The works are mainly 2D, so 3D needs to be hand-painted to 2D.” Morinya said briefly.

But in fact, this matter is not as simple as it seems.

There are actually many differences between 3D and 2D. Not to mention 3D, there is a big difference between painting with a pen and painting with a tablet. The line feeling of pure hand-painted painting is not comparable to tablet painting and 3D modeling.

Why is it that the painting of a certain oriental country in later generations can make people see the "national wind" almost at a glance?

It's very simple. Because in a large eastern country, almost everyone draws with a tablet, so the lines will give people a very "hard" and unnatural feeling.

Why do you say that a certain eastern country has been talking about rising, but it can't rise?

Being crushed on the painting is one of the problems.

However, the problem is that even if the painting is crushed, a certain eastern country still feels good about itself. Take FateUBW produced by UFO and Hearty Legend X, those who don’t know how to pretend to see These two UFO works immediately said, "This stuff is made in 3D! Simple, we can do it too!"

If someone tells them that this kind of picture is not the so-called 3D, these investors will contemptuously say, "The Japanese are really stupid, the 3D effect is the same, yes, let's do it in 3D! What? You say there is a difference, Alas, not much difference, that's it!"

Well, it's basically such a routine. Although Morinya used to write novels, Morinia has a friend who works in an animation company. The opposite is basically the same, and it's not once or twice.

Do you think the director is silly X? NONONO, in fact, it is not. People want to do it like this, and the director has no way...

Far away, Senxia chose to ignore the resentment of a certain friend of Senxia from the future.

After spending some basic science with Xue Nai, Senxia returned to the forum.

He saw the above post, and suddenly thought of something interesting: "Speaking of which, can we really make some models or something?"

As for the peripherals, this is what Morinka thought of doing at the beginning, but Morinka really didn't think about making a Knightmare model, or that at the beginning, Morinka didn't plan to do this.

But it seems that everyone’s feedback is pretty good?

"I remember when I was playing games, many people said that our robot was good." Qianjia still remembers the research they did before.

"If you do it, it's fine, but if you really want to make a mecha like Knightmare, is it really okay?"

Senxia was thinking.

If it is as neat as the manual, then there is indeed no problem. But at this time, what Senxia thought of was another Gundam series.

The models from the Gundam series are somewhat different from ordinary figures.

Even many models need to be put together one by one.

Senxia was thinking.

"Well, but the performance of our work itself is also very good, a little bit of this, it doesn't seem to be a problem..."

As far as the feedback of the first episode is concerned, there is no negative news here, and the reputation is also very good.

As long as the follow-up that Senxia is worried about does not cause trouble, it will basically be stable...probably.

Senxia didn't have much confidence in the following things. After all, the entire progress was barely reluctant. As for what the progress would become in the end, Senxia could not imagine.

If the work itself collapses, then there will be nothing to discuss afterwards.

The same goes for the game. Everyone is a relationship of prosperity. Morinha is actually very, very disturbed.

I don’t know why, there is always a pill feeling...

Senxia murmured in his heart. Instead of continuing to speak, he pressed F5 to refresh the interface.

"I heard that there is another game? I don't know the difference between animation and games?

-Owner, the game mode is said to be more free. Players can develop their own bases freely and advance the plot according to their own ideas. Moreover, after many battles are said to be defeated, it seems that there are still many side plots.

--Eh? Is there any plot after failure?

---Yes, after some battles are defeated, there will be follow-up plot developments, some meanings of strategy games, well, but I mainly played Demo, and then learned from the information in the magazine, what exactly is it? ,I'm not too sure either.

----I know, it seems to be like this, and it is said that the "Military academy difficulty", the damaged Knightmare can not be used directly, and the injured also need to be recuperated, which is especially authentic. "

This post is about the plot of the game.

In this regard, Moriha actually refers to some of the settings in "Angel Empire". For example, even if some levels fail, the game will not end, but will enter new levels.

In addition, below the last two difficulties, the mecha in this game needs to be repaired as long as it is broken. And on the highest difficulty, as long as the Knightmare is damaged, it will cost money to repair it after the battle, and the personnel will also need to heal the wounds, and they all need money, which can be said to be very "restore reality."

In fact, only when the player is below this difficulty can he truly experience Lelouch's "hell difficulty" story.

By the way, the fact that no matter what you do requires funding, it is not an idea proposed by Miyazaki Hidetaka, but a proposal by Mori.

Of course, this is only under the highest difficulty. As for other difficulties, there will not be such a terrible setting.

"But there are indeed many differences between the game plot and the animation plot. Some game plots are also very classic, but you can't do animation..."

Qian Jia suddenly raised a question.

For example, in the game, there is a section where if Lelouch fails at Narita Mountain Range, he will enter a very difficult "turn the tide" map and script.

In this script, Lelouch really squeezed his talents to the extreme by "explosing the liver" and finally won.

But what I really miss is that in the animation, this classic part is absent. Because in the animation, Lelouch did not fail.

"Well, it looks so true, but it doesn't matter, we can make it into OVA. Those wonderful parts are actually made into another if-line OVA, which is not bad!"

The OVA of the IF line is not the first of Morinya.

To give a typical example, in the plot of FATEUBW, there is a plot in which Saber Altria did not leave. In this plot, the three people live happily together... This is the content of another ending.

In addition, in many animations, different animations will launch such IF circuits, and then various derivative works will appear.

For example, in the original work, the protagonist succeeded, but in the if line, the protagonist was forced to fail, and then changed to a new ending, a new story or something.

"Can this be done?" Qianjia asked Zhenxia Gengyi and the others.

"Hi, but we don't have so much manpower to do this for the time being." Zhen Xiageng shook his head.

"This is okay. When the DVD is released, we will make the content of the if line into OVA and put it in the DVD-BOX! At that time, everyone must buy the DVD-BOX to be able to see the content of this part. !"

Yes, the animation here has just started, and Senxia thought of various ways to cheat money...


Two chapters in one

Today's ethics

Meow meow~ (To be continued.)

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