Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 886: Do you want to be a singer?

Jie Chou...?

What is it, can it be eaten?

After Li Yongjin heard this name, he was dumbfounded.

But Senxia obviously cares very much about this name, and he has been looking at each other at this time.

Li Yongjin glanced at Senxia, ​​and then at Zhou Jiegun.

This big boy is not very handsome, a little shy, as if it were a green fruit.

Li Yongjin suddenly tightened.

Is Mrs. Xia Sen interested in men? And still interested in this immature big boy?

Hey, wait a minute. Speaking of it, although I can't be called handsome, I still have a certain temperament. From the very beginning, Teacher Xia Sen has not hesitated to impart life experience to himself. Is there any sense of it?

Oops, I heard that there is a thing called "Zhongdao" in Japan that specializes in walking through the back door of men. Is this what Xia Sen likes?

Li Yongjin took a look at Teacher Xia Sen, and he found that the opponent's appearance was really a fatal trap.

Obviously he is a boy who is even cuter than a girl, such a delicate appearance, but in fact, he is the kind of domineering person.

At this time, some scenes suddenly appeared in Li Yongjin's mind.

Teacher Xia Sen, who was disguised, went to the room, then opened the other party's skirt and found something "yooooo~", and when he was entangled in whether to go, the other party slammed himself down.

When he thought of this, Li Yongjin tightened his chrysanthemum, his entire face turned into pig liver color.

However, if Mr. Xia Sen really made such a request, what should he do?

For people like Mr. Xia Sen, they can have a hundred ways to make the game makers of Duiwan unable to survive.

Li Yongjin struggled in his heart.

It seems that when the time comes, only oneself will dedicate his own chrysanthemum to stay in the bay.

Li Yongjin's face was full of heroic expressions.

In that situation, Li Yongjin could only sing two poems, and then went on.

Well, he has already thought about poems.

The chrysanthemum is precious and the price is higher.

If it's a dull bay, both can be thrown.

However, it can be overthrown by someone like Xia Sen...Huh, it seems to be pretty good too?

Li Yongjin seemed to see a door to a new world opened in front of him.

Ah, I seem to see the light of the new world shining on me!

"I heard you wrote a song for Huazi?" Suddenly at this moment, Li Yongjin heard Senxia's question.

Hua Zi?

Liu that Dehua?

After Li Yongjin heard the name, he pricked his ears.

This person once wrote a song for the four kings? Could it be that Teacher Xia Sen knew the other party because of this?

Li Yongjin suddenly felt very ashamed. Just now, he would use that kind of thought to speculate on Teacher Xia Sen.

Obviously it's a small pain, so I said how could it be an offense!

Eh, wait, there is always something wrong...

"Ah, yes," Zhou Jiegun nodded flatteredly, and then he said regretfully, "but was returned."

Oh, it was returned.

I just said that people who can write songs for Huazi, how can they be in such a small bar.

"You wrote the lyrics and music for the song just now, right?" Morinya asked.

Jie Chou was not good at words. After hearing what Senxia said, he seemed to be taken aback, but then nodded.

"What do you think of the songs you wrote? You have written a lot of songs, right?"

Yes, before his debut, Zhou Jiegun worked as a composer and a lyricist.

Not only that, Zhou Jiegun's current life can be said to be very poor and embarrassed. Not only does he have to work and earn money by himself, but the place he rents is a small single room.

Zhou Jie stick is here to sing, in fact, it is for the livelihood.

But Jie Chou never expected that at this time, someone would look for himself?

And... who is this?

I don't know him at all!

Listen to the accent, is it someone from the mainland?

But after all, people paid for the consumption, and it was the first time that Zhou Jiegun saw a local tyrant with money.

And this one is like this.

Therefore, Zhou Jie stick will come.

But he never expected that this person... seems to really know himself?

After thinking for a long time, he suffocated a sentence: "There is still room for improvement."


At this moment, Li Yongjin next to him found out that he shouldn't interrupt?

Having said that, what is happening right now, I seem to be a little confused here.

who am I? where am I? What should I do?

Didn’t you say that everyone is happy to play games together? Why are you talking about something very unclear? Does Mr. Xia Sen want to enter the singer industry?

Not to mention, Mr. Xia Sen has a good voice and looks very good. If he enters the singer seems to be a real deal!

Li Yongjin suddenly discovered that if Mr. Xia Sen really entered this industry, he would look really good?

Wait a minute, shouldn't we discuss games now? Why discuss idols?

No, right? Idol games seem to be fun too. It's just like star volunteers. Do you want Daewoo to do it again?

Originally, Li Yongjin was ready to discuss the topic with Senxia, ​​but after the rhythm was suddenly interrupted, Li Yongjin now seemed a little skeptical of life.

"Are you interested in singing by yourself?" Senxia asked suddenly, "I think you have potential."

Not to mention, in the whole Duywan, the most admired artist of Senxia is Jay Chou, not only because his song is good, but also because he works hard enough, and the most important thing is that the other side is upright and grounded. Shit, just don't make a movie.


After Zhou Jiegun heard the word "singer" from the other party, the breath of the whole person seemed to become a little hasty.

Yes, singer, of course I want to be a singer.

But... she, no, who is he?

Jay Chou is not Jay Chou, but Jay Chou is born with a special talent for music. Simply put, he has a very good sound.

Although the opponent hasn't debuted yet, Senxia is still optimistic about the opponent.

Such a hardworking and talented person, no matter from which point of view, Mori Xia admires him very much.

Well, what's more, I can still invite Jay Chou to sing the Chinese animation I will do in the future. Isn't that great?

Well, not only op and ed, but also various episodes, various bgm...

Yes, Senxia is planning to invite Jay Chou to come here to score music and sing.

Well, think about it carefully, it seems that Jay Chou played well with Nana Mizuki, who wrote music and lyrics, and then asked Nana Mizuki to sing.

Speaking of which, Nana has dubbed many animations, sang many ops and eds, and even released albums. But to be honest, Nana is not completely on fire now, she is still too young.

Qianjia also said to Morika before that she wanted to make Nana popular. If Ayana has the potential, she can also add it.

And it was at this time that Senxia suddenly saw the legendary singer Zhou Jiegun.

A coincidence is a coincidence, but since the opportunity is in front of me, why should I miss it?

Speaking of it, Jay Chou and God Zun, might they also collide with wonderful sparks?

Well, at this moment, Senxia has already made up various small theaters in her brain.

Jie Chou thought for a while, then nodded firmly: "Yes!"

"Are you working for Wu Zongxian now?" Senxia smiled.

Jie Chou was a little dazed, but he still nodded.

Having said that, what exactly happened? Why should I be asked by this young man here...

who am I? Where am i? What should I do?

A question similar to Li Yongjin appeared in Zhou Jiegun's mind.

"Okay, this is my business card, you are ready, I will let my secretary go and contact over there." Senxia smiled and handed her business card to the other party.

"Ah, thank you." Zhou Jiebang nodded, and then accepted Senxia's business card.

Then he was even more stunned.

Tianhai Senxia? Japanese?

"Oh, by the way, my father is a lonely orphan left in Japan, and my mother is from Hokkaido. You can also call me Xia Sen. Tian Hai Sen Xia is my Japanese name. Call me Mori Natsu Yasari directly. It is pronounced in Chinese and Japanese. It's okay."

By the way, Senxia said that her name is "Xia Sen", but it is not a mess. Xue Nao's pen name is "Xia Xue". It's the same. Because my father's previous surname is said to be "Xia", so I named it this way. ,There is no problem.


As always, Jay Chou didn't have much words.

"Mr. Li, something has happened now. I may stay in Duiwan for two more days. I may go to Daewoo to have a look. I don't know what you think?" Senxia finished speaking with Jay Chou. After that, he turned his head and looked at Li Yongjin.

Li Yongjin still hadn't recovered at this time, but since Senxia had already said it, he naturally nodded, "No problem!"

"Then, let's get here first today. If we have anything, we still have time to talk tomorrow." Senxia waved to Zhou Jie's stick, and then left here with Li Yongjin.

As a result, in the end, Zhou Jie Gun didn't know what strange things had happened. He only knew that it seemed that someone had given him a large sum of money, and then just to ask himself if he wanted to sing?

Our Comrade Chou Dong picked up his business card at this time.



Is it a Japanese entertainment company?

Ah, speaking of it, is it true that I have been favored by Japan?

Wait a minute, I heard from my friends before that animic seems to be a game company? It seems to be quite famous in Japan?

Oh by the way, remember it!

Jay Chou patted his forehead, he already remembered this time.

Yes, that is the game, the game called "Hero Trail"!

"Hero Trail" is a very special game, this is an online game, but also a free online game. It is precisely because of its free nature that the game Hero Trail is very popular here in Dywan. Jay Chou was once invited to play this game together.

Not to mention, this game is quite fun. After playing a few games, Jay Chou has mastered the skills of this game, and then led his friends to kill in the ladder tournament.

It's just that Jay Chou doesn't have the money for a computer, so he only has the opportunity to play occasionally.

Having said that, this does not prevent Jay Chou from being fond of this game.

He is still the young Jay Chou. Although he is shy, in fact, Jay Chou is still a very smart and careful person.

At this time, Zhou Dong also remembered.

Every time I play a game, at the beginning of the game, I will flash a ".

When thinking of animic, Jay Chou also remembered.

Although I don't talk much about this aspect, my friends who play games together seem to know some things in this aspect, and they occasionally talk about this animic club.

Although animic is making games, but the boss over there seems to be writing novels and making animations. It is said that he has done a lot of great animations?

"Do you want me to make music for anime? But does Japan need such a thing?"

It's not that he is not confident in himself, but Jay Chou really can't figure out what is the cause and connection between himself and Japan.

"Forget it, it's just a kid younger than me anyway..."

On Senxia's business card, only the words "animic" were marked, but it did not say what kind of identity the other party was.

So although Jay Chou knew such a thing, he actually didn't take it to heart.

This idea was maintained until the evening position.

Jay Chou hadn't eaten dinner The Wu Zong line over there called for Jay Chou.

After Wu Zongxian met Zhou Dong, he asked: "I heard you want to sing?"

Jay Chou was a little confused, but he still nodded.

Afterwards, Wu Zongxian continued: "Someone in Japan is interested in you."

Is it really here? !

Jay Chou was shocked.

"It seems that they don't pay much attention to you. They even want to take away your contract. They may talk to you about this matter later."

What? !

Opposite this, could it be true?

Jay Chou never expected that that young man would be so active?

No, no, is it the man next to him?

It's not right. He remembered that the man seemed to respect each other very much. It was obvious that the boy had a higher status.

When Jay Chou was surprised, Wu Zongxian was also looking at Jay Chou. After a long while, he continued: "Have you any good songs? Let's go and record them overnight tonight. For you , This is a golden opportunity."

Wu Zongxian is still very good to Jay Chou, otherwise he would not let Jay Chou write songs for Wah Tsai and other superstars, but it is a pity that those songs are not useful.

But now, Wu Zongxian doesn't understand the situation. Is he really so optimistic about the boy Zhou Jiegun?

Well, Senxia is really optimistic about him.

It's just a pity that Senxia doesn't have the time to take care of Jay Chou's affairs. He is having a headache because of the room's affairs at this time...


After thinking about it for a long time, it’s better to call Dong Chou decisively~

After checking a lot of information, it is true that Zhou Dong is more worthy of the efforts and achievements of others...


Back to Shenzhen~

As always, the festival is on~ (to be continued...)

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