Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 891: Jay Chou, write a song for Nana?

The Wu Zong line in this world is very young.

After all, it is only 1999 now, not even the 21st century.

Only at noon did I chat with people in the game industry, and now I hook up with people in the entertainment circle. At this time, Senxia wants to complain about herself. She really did her duty. She obviously came to Day Bay to prepare for public travel. , But the result is exhausting all the way.

"Mr. Xia speaks Chinese really well."

After greeting each other, Wu Zongxian exclaimed.

Although Senxia's Mandarin is not Taiwanese, it is still very standard, and there is no sense of half-bakedness at all.

"It's just a little learned." Senxia smiled and looked at Wu Zongxian.

Wu Zongxian, who was younger than he remembered, looked so full at this time. However, his appearance is not the same as the appearance and temperament in the variety show.

Senxia is not surprised by this. People are always different when they are at the front desk. That in front of the stage is called acting.

What's more, this world is not the same as the original second elder sister after all. People in this world are also very handsome, so even if Mori Xia knows that Wu Zong line in this world is a sister paper, Obama is actually my underground party undercover, Mori Xia Not surprisingly.

——Unconsciously, Senxia discovered that her acceptance of the abnormal conditions of this world had also increased.

Of course, most things in this world are based on historical laws.

A person's identity may change. After all, even if it is exactly the same world as before, he has been in the same world for eighteen years, and the butterfly effect that should happen should have happened long ago. There are inevitability and contingency.

Qiao’s helper got cancer and died. This is contingency. Sega has no intention of exiting the home computer market due to internal struggles. This is inevitability.

Well, Senxia still firmly believes that Sega is about to finish so far.

After pulling away, Senxia took a look at Wu Zong's line, and saw the celebrity of staying bay up close.

But compared to Wu Zongxian, Senxia cares more about Jay Chou next to him.

Jay Chou has now put on a formal suit, and the scum on his face has also been repaired. Obviously, he cleaned it up before coming here.

I don't know if this is what Wu Zongxian meant, or Zhou Dong sorted it out himself.

But to be honest, even though she was dressed in a serious manner, Morinka felt that it seemed a little unsuitable.

Just as Senxia was looking at the two people in front of him, Wu Zongxian and Jay Chou were also observing Senxia.

The young Jay Chou seemed a little bit shy, he was just watching it secretly, but Wu Zongxian was very calm at this time.

Although the Wu Zong line in Senxia's impression is very old, the current Wu Zong line is still a bigwig in the industry, and there is a unique temperament in every gesture.

Wu Zongxian glanced at Senxia, ​​but his eyes were quickly attracted by the three sisters behind Senxia.

Affected by the rb culture, many of the girls on the Daiwan side are open, and some are even more open than the rb side.

Although not all, but Wu Zongxian thinks that he still knows quite a bit about rb's sister paper.

But the three girls in front of me...well, the one with the smallest chest standing at the end seems to have some RB breath, but the other two...

The girl standing next to Senxia has a big heart, and the other party’s clothes have a special breast bag design, so you can see that the basic shape is also very good. This beautiful mind is even better than the girl’s. A good face is more attractive. Moreover, the black silk under the skirt makes people unable to look away. The girl's legs are very good. Under the translucent black silk, the color of the skin appears softly. If it is the first brother, I might not dare to look at it. , I just can’t look away — well, yes, I’m talking about Jay Chou’s mouth!

As for the woman standing behind Senxia...well, the woman in a maid costume. This woman named "Tiankai Iki" is the same person who called Morika earlier. Well, her figure is also very good, and the clothes are very comfortable, but why is it a maid outfit?

Yes, maid outfit.

Although the clothes on the other party have been modified, and the middle is also very eye-catching tight-fitting appearance, but there is no doubt that the clothes on the other party are indeed maid outfits.

Is this a secretary or a maid?

Having said that, do rb people have this and that strange interest?

I’m not sure, I’ve often heard of such and such things over there before.

But having said that, it seems that this Mr. Xia is the one with the highest appearance among the four. Why are boys more beautiful than girls?

Wait a minute, is it because you have some wrong perceptions of the country of rb?

Hey, it's not right. When I was drinking with people before, some people mentioned the beauty of rb's youth culture. It seems that the powerful beauty boys are better than the girls.

Wu Zongxian vaguely remembered that after he was drunk, that friend told himself that the Oda Nobunaga in the Azuchi-Momoyama era before rb was a beautiful boy when he was young. He had a very powerful "little surname" Moriranmaru by his side, and it is said that he was also a Beautiful boy. In addition, the former Genji and Hepingjia Gen Yoshitsune was said to be a beautiful boy when he was young...

Looking at it this way, it seems that the young man in front of me is so beautiful, and there seems to be no problem...

Hey, speaking of it, what kind of popular doctrine is still popular in rb?

The public Dao is that kind of "comrade". Wu Zongxian looked at Senxia, ​​and then unconsciously thought of the public Dao. Then he tightened the chrysanthemum, and the expression on his face became more subtle, and there was no way to maintain the previous one. Windy expression.

"Sir, do you want to order now?"

Fortunately, the waiter came over at this time and interrupted the conversation here.


Wu Zongxian nodded, then took the menu, and asked, "Mr. Xia, what do you want to eat?"

"The guest will do whatever you want."

Yes, this time for the guests to discuss matters, this was first proposed by Wuzong Line, and this is also the restaurant chosen by Wuzong Line.

After ordering a few special dishes, everyone chatted again.

"Ah, by the way, I just forgot to introduce it." Senxia was still observing Wu Zongxian and Jay Chou before, so he almost forgot the people around him.

After Wu Zongxian over there heard what Senxia said, he also patted his head.

Because I was only thinking about my own chrysanthemums at the time, the business affairs here were forgotten.

"This is the president of our animic club, Chiba Chika. This is my...secretary, Iki Amami, this is an employee of our company, Nana Kondo, whose stage name is Nana Mizuki."

Senxia gave a brief introduction.

"Ah, it turned out to be the boss and the president, who are all so young-Jie Gun, come here, don't stay there, say hello to everyone."

Wu Zongxian did not forget the Jay Chou here, he waved his hand, and then let Jay Chou come over.

"Hello everyone." The young Chou Chou greeted everyone in short words.

"The talent of Jie Gun is very good, but he is a little shy." Wu Zongxian said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhou is a genius. He is very good at music and arranges very good music," Mori Xia said. "What we animic fancy is Mr. Zhou's arranging ability. But I heard Mr. Zhou in the bar After the resident singing, I found that Mr. Zhou might be able to go to a larger stage instead of being limited to the arrangement of music."

Wu Zongxian nodded, regardless of whether he agreed or disapproved, at least he expressed his respect for Senxia.

"But according to what I understand, animic seems to be a company that makes games?" Wu Zongxian is a mixed entertainment company. The word "animic" is a little strange to Wu Zongxian.

Even, Wu Zongxian’s initial impression of "animic" was because some of his employees mentioned it during small talks. Those employees were fans of computer games. They mentioned the animic club and their production by accident. The game "Hero Trail".

Out of curiosity, Wu Zongxian went to investigate, and then he discovered that this game turned out to be the most profitable and hottest online game, and its gameplay is simply popular all over the world!

Of course, this popularity is only limited to the circle, but this does not affect Wu Zongxian's surprise for this game.

After Yi Ji called, before contacting Jay Chou, Wu Zongxian asked someone to ask what the animic was.

In the end, I don’t know, I just found out when I asked here, it turned out that the animic here has already brought a lot of rb game manufacturers into the Dolly Bay.

According to the news over there, it is said that the entire game makers on the Duiwan side, after hearing this news, have simply become a mess - they are still in chaos.

Animic may have limited power, but as the leader of this inspection group, the power animic possesses is indeed particularly terrifying.

It's like a giant.

Although for Wu Zongxian, the game industry in Duiwan has no relationship with this side, but this does not prevent Wu Zongxian who heard the news from being vigilant for these people.

"Animic is not just a game company," Mori says, "animic...or, at the same time, is also involved in the animation and novel industries. In addition, I also agree with Mr. Zhou's ability to arrange music, we only do All of the games are high-quality games, and they need talents like Mr. Zhou to participate."

After finishing talking, Morinatsu looked at Nana again: "Nana is our employee, but she is also a voice actor and singer. If possible, I also hope that Mr. Zhou can arrange music for Nana."

Morinia bluntly stated her own conditions: "But I'm more optimistic about the songs you made by yourself, Mr. Zhou."

Although Nana was mentioned, Nana just smiled awkwardly at this time-no way, it's all in Chinese, and Nana can't understand it here...

Morika looked back at Nana.

Speaking of which, if Nana learns Chinese, what will happen?

Well, yes, there is also the nail palace.

Kugimiya Rie's accent seems to be a very interesting thing to speak Chinese.

But even if they start learning Chinese now, they probably say it is not standard.

But this does not prevent Senxia from thinking about it here.

"It turns out that it is." Wu Zongxian nodded.

He did not dwell on this issue for a long time, but said: "I don't know what you want to do?"

Although questioning, Wu Zongxian thought of something else.

Speaking of it, although Jay Chou is not very handsome, at least his facial features are correct, and from the opposite, they seem to have some ideas about Jay Chou.

Is there any ulterior py transaction behind this?

Isn't it necessary to betray the hue before the conclusion?

Wait a minute, I also brought Jie Gun here. Isn't it a bit unkind to sell him like this?

Hey, that's not right, whoever will attack and who will receive it is not necessarily the case, what if the best stick is attacking?

Wu Zong line can't accept such a thing. A carrot has a pit, so why pick a dung pit? This is the idea of ​​Wu Zong line.

But speaking of conscience, if there is a boy who is more beautiful than sister paper appearing in front of him... ahem.

There was a subtle change in Wu Zongxian's face.

"Ah-by the way, Jie Gun himself has pre-produced two songs before, how about listening first?" Wu Zongxian decided to change the topic.

"This feeling is good." Senxia nodded.

"Okay." Wu Zongxian asked Jay Chou to bring the playback equipment. At this time, he took out the Walkman and started playing.

"I want to have a helicopter, I want to fly to the universe with you, and I want to melt with you..."


Morinia immediately heard what the song was about—yes, this was Jay Chou’s "Lovely Woman".

When the song progressed to the lines of "beautiful cute woman who makes me blush, tender cute woman who makes me feel bad, and transparent cute woman who touches me", Morika herself almost hummed.

"Not bad, it's the man I really like." Senxia nodded in satisfaction.

"..." Qianjia next to her heard this, then turned her head and glanced at Senxia, ​​she thought about it, and finally said nothing.

But this song is indeed very attractive. The wonderful melody and lyrics give Qianjia a feeling of not wanting to forget.

Hearing Senxia's constant nodding, Wu Zongxian probably knew that Senxia might have taken a fancy to Jay's talent.

"Maybe we can try to cooperate first?" Qianjia looked at Morinka, "I think this song is also good, Nana, how about you? How would you feel if you let him write songs for you?


Why is Jie Chou?

Because it is a mix of Jie Chou x + nunchaku.

It's not a strange meaning, please don't be crooked.

Today’s update, the two chapters in one, and the book that was harmonized, can only finish the outline. This is a sad story.

Today’s festival, meow meow~

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