Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 912: "Fate of the Sky" novel on sale

While the young businessman Senxia, ​​a young industrialist in the mud bomb, was busy discussing it, people in the mud bomb were looking forward to another big event: the release of "The Sky of Fate".

"Fate of Sorrow" is not a light novel, but Fate of Sorrow has caused a lot of discussion in the otaku circle.

There is no other reason, because this work is the work of Mr. Xia Sen, and this work will be released as a theater animation, and the supervisor is Jin Min who produced "perfect_blue".

Moreover, the theater version will be released next year.

It was only a few months ago that Yuan Zhikong released the news. At that time, people began to gossip.

What supervisor Imatoshi and Mrs. Natsume are both fellows from Hokkaido; what Mr. Natsume’s fate was written based on his own personal experience; what this work has been scheduled for the Akutagawa Award...

Some of these are hype, and some are rumors on the Internet. After the emergence of the Internet, all kinds of funny news began to appear on the Internet.

Not to mention, some rumors are actually quite truthful. For example, Toshito was born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, and Morinka, and he is indeed a fellow of Hokkaido. However, the relationship is not really the kind of fellow, because Mori was not born in Sapporo, but in the private hospital of Amami’s family, and Mori was actually not a long time in Sapporo. , Just spend some time there in elementary school.

As for the adaptations of real people and real things, if Morinia saw it, he would definitely make complaints.

Of course, this matter is not possible for the time being, because at this time, Morinya is still discussing with others how to deal with it in a certain oriental country

"This must be real and true! Teacher Xia Sen, really is our role model!"

Masaki Kajima's face showed a sad expression on my heart.

In the first moment "Fate No Sky" was released, Masaki Kajishima bought the book.

The cover of "Fate of the Sky" was painted by Sergeant Frog, but the style adopted in the whole work is not the aesthetic style of Sergeant Frog, nor the sensual style, but a realistic approach. In the style of Sergeant Frog, the edge banding drawn by Gunso Frog is the picture of Kasuga No Dome and Kasuga No Yu. Kasuga No Yu is riding a bicycle, while Dome sister is carrying a black rabbit doll, sitting sideways on the back seat of the bicycle, on the country road. , The faint sunlight, the green trees and the blue blue sky together constitute this beautiful picture.

This is really good.

The only thing that makes Kajishima Masaki feel uncomfortable is that this story describes a bunch of feelings between brothers and sisters in the plot, but it's just that.

What about the mother? What about my sister? What about the seven aunts and eight aunts?

Masaki Kajima is a little regretful.

"Ms. Xia Sen is just too scared."

Masaki Kajishima, who was inexplicably truthful, had his brains wide open at this time, "By the way, twin brothers and sisters seem to be a very good idea, why didn't I think of it before?"

Kajishima Masaki suddenly felt that this kind of plot could be added to the useless world.

——Yes, Masaki Kajishima is the original author of the "Tiandi Wuyou" series.

The work "World Useless" is definitely a mud bomb, no, it is a miracle in the history of world animation.

This work is one of the forerunners of the works of Crystal Palace, and the production is absolutely not persuaded. It did not force the Crystal Palace to become a single heroine. Although it is not "full collection", it is indeed considered "full collection".

In many of the later works of the Crystal Palace, the elements were actually carried forward by the work of "World Uselessness".

Here, almost all the characters related to the protagonist are related, and the ethical relationship between the entire work is simply very messy.

For example, in the plot, the heroine A Chongxia is the grandmother of the hero Tiandi, which is also the sister of the grandfather, and the hero's parents are also related siblings, and the hero Tiandi not only overthrows the sister paper, but also He also overthrew the battleship—well, it really overthrew a battleship and gave birth to a child. The name of this battleship is called the Ghost Emperor.

what? You say that the world you see is useless is not like this?

Well, yes, what you see must be a fake world and useless.

When Masaki Kajima was making "The World Is Useless", he kicked those members who opposed doing this and that between relatives to the tv animation team, and then there was "The World Is Useless Earth Universe", this The work was once introduced by a great eastern country, and there was indeed no problem in it. Later, there was also a series of "Xin Tian Di Useless", the world view of this world is also independent.

But to speak of it, the orthodox history of "Heaven and Earth Useless" is actually the ova of the "Heaven and Earth Useless Mangrin" series produced by Masaki Kajima and the derivative "Heaven and Earth Useless gxp" series.

In these works, the relationship between the characters is absolutely chaotic.

But Masaki Kajima is not ashamed, but proud.

"It's a pity Teacher Xia Sen, there is only a pair of siblings, and it's still a little bit worse..."

The topic of "Sora of Fate" has hit the Internet recently. Although this is not a light novel, Masaki Kajishima did not miss this work.

When he saw Fate no Sora, Masaki Kajishima glanced at a book with a black cover next to him—this is a hardcover copy of the second generation works.

"Oh, the work of the second generation teacher of Elohir is also good, and there are mothers and children, brothers and sisters, siblings, but unfortunately they are not in the same world... But when these elements are added together, it is quite interesting..."

A wonderful work in the animation industry, Masaki Kajishima's perspective on issues is different from others.

In the work of Yuan Zhikong, what Masaki Kajima sees is full of brother-sister friendship of "if you refuse to accept it".

Then Masaki Kajima was sighing.

Sure enough, this work is still too kitsch.

Although the story itself is very good, Masaki Kajishima also likes it very much, but he still feels that this kind of work is really too pleasing to those writers.

This work, how can I say, has a feeling of "deep sadomasochism".

Although it looks good, this emotional entanglement makes Kajishima feel very uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, I always feel that something is still missing.

"If the people in the village are set to be relatives of the Kasuga No family, and in the story, Kasuga No Yu tears all these girls down, this is the best."

Well, it's better to be the same as those written by the second generation teacher, it will be more interesting.

Hey, it's a pity that although there are various stories in the works of Teacher Erdaime, and each story has a wonderful thing, these stories are not a perfect whole story, but scattered.

All the plot and the story itself are scattered, which is embarrassing.

In Kajishima Masaki's view, it would be best if these contents can be integrated together if possible.

Well, with the background and setting of "Fate of the Sky", it would be even better.

Of course, not all readers of Fate no Sky are as unreliable as Masaki Kajishima.

Haruki Murakami is a very reliable reader.

Morika is a newcomer in serious literature, but this does not prevent Haruki Murakami from knowing this person's name.

Haruki Murakami first knew "Xia Sen" in the purely literary magazine "Literature Spring and Autumn".

As a matter of fact, when Morinka wanted to contribute to the literary spring and autumn when he created the void of fate, but this magazine was relatively right, so Morinka was gone. In fact, Morinka made a mistake here. In this era, "Literary Spring and Autumn" is actually quite left.

The name "Xia Sen" does not just appear in the literary world. There are actually many young authors in this world. However, Xia Sen himself is not just a high school student, he even runs a club. Moreover, it is said that he started from scratch-more importantly, before watching "Fate of the Sky", Haruki Murakami also discovered that the other party had brought a delegation and went to a certain oriental country!

With such multiple identities, the name "Xia Sen" began to become special.

"The cover is fresh and the text is very delicate."

This is Haruki Murakami's first feeling when reading a book.

Although the story is said to be "forbidden love", this thing was not revealed in the beginning.

Xia Sen is very good at the beginning of the story, showing the mud-booming rural scene in the eyes of the audience. The story is narrated, and the whole story is presented to the readers through the first perspective of the hero and heroine.

The story is eloquent, and it makes people feel very comfortable.

"This author must have experience living in the countryside."

From the text, it is easy to see that the rural scene described in this story is so real. However, in this reality, Haruki Murakami found that the other party had a good grasp of the balance of the story.

For example, everyone likes pretty girls, but if pretty girls go to the toilet, will other people find the scene beautiful?

Haruki Murakami found that this author named Xia Sen had grasped this point very well. He showed the scenery of the countryside, but it was just right.

——Ah, by the way, you said there are gentlemen who have some special hobbies, and that's another.

Not only that, but in the story, the emotional processing between the brothers and sisters, Kasuga No Yu and Kasuga No Qi, is also very good, and it seems that they have experienced it firsthand.

Haruki Murakami believes that this kind of delicate emotional processing is very difficult to write if he has not experienced it personally. Brothers and sisters are easy to write, but it is very difficult for brothers and sisters who are emotionally entangled so fiercely, and more importantly, when the author Mori summer writes this clean, he hides it in the beautiful rural scenery and rural life. middle. "Fire is blooming in peace"-this is how Haruki Murakami feels about it.

"It's hard to imagine, this is something written by a young man who is less than 18 years old." He sighed.

Such an article is not only difficult to write, but without life experience, I am afraid that I can only write specious things, far less touching than this article.

At the end of the story, the author also left a blank for the whole story.

It's not the irresponsible blank that other authors can't think of the ending, but just the right blank. After all, the brothers and sisters face only two endings, one is difference, the other is to go on, but no matter what Whichever it is, it seems very reasonable. No matter which it is, there is a feeling of relief but melancholy.

After reading it, Haruki Murakami's heart also seemed to become empty.

Haruki Murakami thought for a while, and he decided to write a long review for this book.

"The fire that blooms in tranquility."

He reorganized the language of his previous thoughts, and then started writing.

"...This is a very special story. The content of the story describes the emotions between a pair of brothers and sisters. This kind of strange perspective that seems to be separated from the public, when I read it, I unexpectedly discovered that this story is It's not that far away. I seem to have entered the story and experienced such a strange life. When the story is over, my heart is still empty, as if my soul was also sucked away..."

"...Although Ms. Xia Sen is a high school, he has shown amazing writing skills in the void of fate. It is very rare and valuable to make people feel like they can enter the story. After reading the story, I even wondered, as the author himself, whether he has experienced such an incredible life and had such an emotional relationship with his sister? Of course, I know that is impossible (laughs)... …"

"... On the surface, the theme of the story is the forbidden love between brothers and sisters, but in fact, what this story shows is not so superficial. I used to wonder why I would have such a forbidden feeling. It resonates, so after I meditated, I realized this. Repression and pursuit, shouting and resistance hidden in the taboo, this is the place that resonates with me, the author draws on the "taboo" of brother and sister love Intention, and then described the “flaming flame” displayed in the “taboo.” On the surface, this story describes the story of the village, but in reality, the world refers to us. On the surface, this The story describes the love of brother and sister, but in fact, this taboo is for each of us who are suppressed in this country..."

Haruki Murakami wrote a long paragraph and then submitted it.

——Ah, by the way, Haruki Murakami’s contribution was later seen by Masaki Kajishima.

"——As expected of a master, my understanding is really profound." Masaki Kajishima praised this.

Then, he continued to complain in his heart: "So, Mr. Xia Sen, why do you have nothing to write such a profound thing? Let Kasuga No Yu throw the whole village down and give birth to monkeys. These problems will disappear!"


This is called reading comprehension, don’t play if you don’t accept it~

Meow meow~

So, this is today’s update, meow meow~

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