Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 918: Mori Natsu's ambition

"Huh... sure enough, dealing with officials or something is the most tiring..."

After eating and coming to the hotel, Senxia seemed to have lost her strength and lay on the big bed on the street.

Talking to the official side for several days in a row really made Morinya's head dizzy.

"Then I'll give my brother a massage to soothe his mind and body!"

Xue Nao looked energetic, she raised her brows, and her slender eyebrows moved up and down.

"No, just leave me alone."

Senxia waved her hand.

If Yukino were to come over, it would definitely cause trouble.

Anyway, for all the more intimate actions, Senxia feels that they must be strangled, and some irreparable things will happen. But I don’t know why, even though I think so, in Moria’s heart, it seems that this matter seems unnecessary. I always feel that the morals I adhere to seem to have already been The feeling of falling...

Wait a minute, having said that, why do you feel this kind of egg pain?

Morika buried her head on the pillow.

Illusion, all this is my own illusion...

Senxia felt a little uncomfortable.

"Um... In short, I want to take a good rest now."

Senxia decided that at this time, it is better to take a good rest first.

Although the situation of Nihong and a certain eastern country are similar, they are completely different. Although Morinya knew some things about a certain eastern country before, he knew better about a certain eastern country twenty years later. Although a certain oriental power now exists in Senxia's memory, it is relatively remote.

Because of this, when negotiating with a certain eastern country, Morinia is really tired here.

On the other side of the mud bombing, Senxia is a "native native" anyway. The mud bombing in this world is relatively well understood, and the same is a certain eastern country. Because of the different world lines, there are subtle differences between the two worlds. There are some things. It will be different too, this is the most painful situation.

But fortunately, the Onionhead once said that although there is a difference between the world line and the world line, the general situation will not change. Morinka will care about small things, but it is still a reference for big things. meaningful.

However, the mayor of such a city is such and such, what kind of policies he will have, such things, it is impossible to say.

"My brother is really fond of a certain eastern country."

Yukino is making tea at this time.

There were teapots and tea bags in the room, but Yukino didn't use the tea bags here. Instead, he took out his own black tea from his backpack and started to brew it.

"Why do you say that?" Senxia turned her side a little, then glanced at Yukino's side.

"Generally speaking, if the manufacturers here want to open up the market or something, the first choice should be the lighthouse country across the sea. Isn't your brother's Plants vs. Zombies very popular?" Xueno said, using a small spoon. Scoop the tea leaves out of the bag. She said: "I know my brother thinks a certain eastern country will be great in the future, but now, if you go to the lighthouse country, won't you make more money?"

"It's because everyone thinks so, so we want to go to the market over there, which makes it more troublesome."

If Morinia is a club that was born and raised in a certain lighthouse country, then it's a different story, but the problem is that they are not.

After all, a certain lighthouse country, compared to the mud bombing side, is indeed the "daddy country", and many things are troublesome.

Making money can make money, but in addition to making money, it is impossible to get social status or something.

"In the lighthouse country, it is possible to make money, but in a certain eastern country, it is easier for us to earn social status. This is the key." Mori Xia sighed, "Sure enough, it is still in a certain oriental country to spread gentleman culture or something. It’s better here."

Well, it is actually more difficult to spread gentleman culture here, but at least everyone has the same aesthetics.

The aesthetics are the same, so we can sit down and discuss the gentleman's question, right?

"Ahhhh, if only I have black technology, I must perform surgery and transformation on this world!"

Senxia was wailing.

"Black technology? Transformation?" Xue Nao tilted his head.

"Yes, you see, we make a tights that can promote the development and healthy growth of adolescents, and then use the term'health' to turn it into school uniforms for students, and then we can see the sense of body shape every day The students are walking around, isn't it great?"

Well, the best clothes should be semi-transparent. It can also be called "to help everyone eliminate shame and live in harmony with everyone", but in this case, pure reasons are probably not enough, and direct hypnosis is probably needed. some type of……

"Does older brother like tights?" Xue Nao focused on the other side.

"Ahem, it's not entirely true, it should be said that it is just one of the favorite types!" Senxia waved his hand, his hobbies are very wide, this can only be counted as one of them, he continued at this time, Then, if there is black technology, we can also modify human genes so that everyone has the same colorful hair as animated characters, and they are all handsome men and beautiful women..."

Well, in that case, it must be super exciting...

Okay, it seems more outrageous to modify genes or something, but black technology or something... isn't it just for this kind of thing?

"Is black technology the kind of thing that can do everything?" Xue Nao tilted her head.

"It should be said that it is the kind of unclear technology. For example, the technology of making Gangdamu...Well, by the way, if there is a black technology, I must make Gangdamu!"

Senxia sighed.

Up to this thing is very unreliable in combat, but if there is black technology, this thing must be made-because this is a sentimental speech!

Do you understand feelings? Feelings are just stubborn!

I am just Gang Damu! Do you understand!

What Senxia wants to see is basically something that he likes to see, but it is a pity that in the real world, such "two-dimensional painting style" is rarely seen.

"Brother wants more than just this little bit, right?" Yukino saw Morinka's thoughts.

Morinia also nodded immediately: "Yeah, yeah, it would be great if there was a demon forbearance in the real world, and a city with a demon fetus..."

These works are not the ones that exist now. These are the settings that exist only in Morinka's production, but since Yukino already knows these settings, Morinka can say it with confidence.

"The gods guarding Tsinghua, Alyssa, that?" Xue Nai asked seriously.

Senxia hmmed, and then continued: "It's almost like this. If you can make something like this, it would be really fun!"

Of course, Morinatsu actually likes something heavier in taste, but likes in fantasy and appearing in the real world are two different things. For example, the mountain range of women's clothing, Morinka enjoys playing games, but the real world Appears in... then forget it...

Even if it's a elder sister or something, Morika feels that it's better to put it in her own vision. If the real world appears... it's better not to be better.

No, the real world may also appear, as long as it doesn't appear by your side, it should still be fine.

In fact, the things in many animation works are very good.

Morinka thought for a while, if in the real world, there are really Asuka and Ling Boli, there really are Qiqi, there really are Haruhi Suzumiya...Uh, don't ask for this... In short, the real world has these. , That is really what the people like to hear.

Unfortunately, the real world does not have these things, and there is no gentleman content.

"Um, I probably understand..." Morinya said casually here, but Xue Na over there nodded very seriously.

She seems to be listening to Morinka's meaning very seriously?

its not right!

Senxia immediately became alert.

If Yukino nodded casually, it means that Yukino was just chatting casually.

But with Yukino's current appearance, it is obvious that he is seriously thinking about the issue Morinatsu said... This is the rhythm of making trouble!

However, I just said casually, what can Yukino do?

Morinia decided it would be better to ask directly.

But at this moment, Senxia's door was knocked.

Yukino went over and opened the door.

"Yo, Xue Nai sauce, Senxia-kun!"

Standing at the door were Qianjia, Lihua and Ji Ye.

"Well, what's the matter?" Senxia continued to lie down on the street.

"Of course I'm talking about our affairs tomorrow! This place is so interesting, you must go shopping, the Bund or something, that's definitely going to be!"

Because the itinerary here is relatively free, Senxia still has a lot of time to wander around.

Tomorrow is a free time, Qianjia decided to go shopping together.

"Well, you go, I'm in an awesome burnout period..."

Senxia turned her head and fell into a state of throwing herself on the street.

A certain oriental country this year gave Senxia an "old" feeling. Although nostalgia is good, Morinia really doesn't want to be nostalgic at this time...

Mori Xia-kun, who can't lift his energy, is also languidly praised today...

Senxia didn't say anything, Qianjia rolled her eyes and did not continue discussing this issue.

She sat on the bed with Lihua Jiye.

Anyway, if Senxia doesn't go tomorrow, they will also pull Senxia to go, so this is the case.

Ji Ye asked at this time: "Speaking of which, did you seem to be discussing something interesting just now?"

"Ah, this."

Yukino was boiling the water. She glanced at Morija, and then said: "My brother said that he hopes to get that kind of powerful black technology product, and then turn our real world into the same as the two-dimensional and gentleman world Where is it. Black technology is the kind of science and technology that seems very powerful, but does not exist in reality."

"Oh, this idea is good, I like it. The practice of a gentleman should be placed in the real world!"

Qianjia heard Senxia's words and immediately expressed his concurrence.

"Come on, that kind of thing is impossible..." Morinya glanced at Qianjia, "Although it is cruel, there is no such leeway in the real world. I think even if aliens appear, It's more reliable than black technology."

"Don't say that, Senxia-kun." Ji Ye was sitting on the edge of Senxia's bed. She turned sideways and looked at Senxia. "Maybe something very powerful will appear? Realization, maybe only one step away from us! And even in the world of animation, it is based on the real world."

"Impossible... By the way, that very powerful world is useless. This series is amazing. Jiu Mu Tiandi and so many girls are together. This kind of thing is impossible even in the real world. , How can there be so many sisters and a boy in this world? How can brothers and sisters still like each other? That's art creation, art creation! This kind of strange Crystal Palace plot is simply placed in the real world It's impossible!" Tiandi Wuyou is the most classic Crystal Palace animation. Morinka used this series to give an example.


Qianjia glanced at Xue Na, then at Lihua, and finally at Ji Ye.

Lihua seemed to think of something, and then blushed.

Ji Ye had an expression of "I understand".

Xue Nai's eyes were filled with scorching flames.

"...Sinxia-kun, although this sentence seems reasonable, you seem to be the person who has the least position to say this sentence." Ji Ye smiled lightly.

"Huh?" Senxia inexplicably.

"Sinxia Just talk about it, how many of the papers that usually appear next to you are girls' papers and how many are boys' papers?"

"Hey, hey, boyfriend... Bah, male friends, I also have a lot! Girlfriends... ah... there are also many female friends, I'm actually quite popular!"

Senxia is actually quite popular in the class. Not only the girls like to talk to Senxia, ​​but the boys also like to get together when they are fine. Senxia feels that she is still quite human.

"Then-compare the number of male friends who came with you with the number of female friends. Did you find anything, Senxia?" Ji Ye looked at Senxia amused.


Looking at it this way, apart from the employees, only Lao Xu is the friends they invited over. Although Senxia also knows Guitou, Ji Zong Gangji, etc., they are all ordinary friends.

It a sense...on my own side...uh...Is there really no standpoint to say this?

No, right? I don’t seem to have a Crystal Palace or anything here. People in Jungmu World, children can make soy sauce, it’s incomparable...

"Ahem, the animation is based on the real world, the animation is more intense, and the reality is more absurd...Hahahaha..."

Senxia turned the topic off inferiorly.

Such things are indeed impossible in the real world.

Well, before his children can make soy sauce, Morinka said that the real world and the animation world are still very different!


This is today's festival~

Well, yes, I really didn’t get a flower to marry Nero, are you satisfied...


By the way, when I saw Tomoko with a big ask at station P, I felt like a fan of Xue Nai. You can take a look. The id of station p is 52520072.

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