Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 927: Tell you quietly, Yang Jian is the sister-controlled nephew

At the end of July, "Baolian Lantern" began to be released as scheduled. Apex novels update fastest

As a masterpiece of work, Baolian Lantern is indeed very technically superior in all aspects.

The result of such a "stars shining" work is naturally exciting.

"Mulan", which was released in the same period, was slammed by Baolian lanterns.

At least in Magic City, there are many people who go to the cinema to watch "Baolian Lantern".

In terms of "history", "Bao Lian Lan" accounted for more than one-sixth of the total box office of "Bao Lian Lan" in the magic capital. In other places, the box office is not so good, especially in the mainland.

Facts have proved that for things like animation, the more economically developed the region, the higher the tolerance.

"This part of the plot of the Baolian Lantern opening was made in 3D, but this was not made by Shanghai Meiying, it was made by a centro company in a certain port. Later, when Meiying ran out of money, they withdrew."

At this time, Senxia was also paying attention to the Baolian Lantern of the Magic City.

In fact, up to the past few days, Morinya has been liaising with other game manufacturers, such as making the target software for "Ao Shi San Guo".

"The Three Kingdoms" and "Qin Shang", these are all made by the target software, this company is in the imperial capital.

In addition, there are the ones made by Zulong Studio, "Da Qin Titans", "Perfect World" and so on.

Most of the game companies are in the imperial capital. When Senxia came, he only discussed a few things with the government, and because of the itinerary, he arrived at the magical capital early. But on the return trip, Senxia was going to find them, all together.

Although it has been arranged for a long time, things in the real world are not the kind of things that can be smooth sailing if you arrange a plan. In order to coordinate the affairs between Japan and China, Moriha has to let the domestic work together. , And then arrange a plan to distribute related materials on the Mithril platform.

Well, that's right, one of Senxia's ideas is to move games from a certain eastern country to his own game platform.

When foreign language games are translated into Chinese, sometimes it can be quite troublesome, because a large eastern country uses Chinese, and the Chinese encoding is very unique. A word occupies two bytes, while in English, a lowercase letter only occupies one. Only bytes, so in the process of translation, because of this problem, it often leads to problems with the game itself.

But on the contrary, because the Chinese capacity is large, there is a lot of margin when translating into foreign languages, and foreign language games do not support Chinese, but Chinese games must support foreign languages, so the technical difficulty of translation is not the same.

If you just move a domestic game from a big eastern country to the Mithril platform and release a multi-language version, there is almost no technical content!

Of course, there are not many people on the Mithril platform, and it is not easy to make a lot of money.

After getting the news from the Japanese side, Morinatsu wanted to play with ease, and it was at this time that "Baolian Lantern" was released.

Although I have already observed it internally, Morinia still needs to observe the situation of the Baolian Lantern.

At the premiere, Senxia bought a ticket and sat at the back of the cinema, not watching movies, just watching people.

And sitting next to Morika were Chika and Iki.

Lihua is now helping Senxia contact other manufacturers, while Yukino said that he would study Chinese weddings. At this time, only Senxia is doing business.

"Huh? Didn't they invest twelve million? Why don't they have money?"

Qianjia also learned some news about Meiying, but Qianjia was making up the history of Meiying, so she didn't know much about the actual situation of "Baolian Lantern".

"Because twelve million is not enough, and the movie actors they hired from outside are also invited by favors, and they charge all favored prices. If they are paid according to the official price Estimated, this cost will at least add a few million."

Senxia made an estimate.

If the cost is really to be counted, in fact, Baolian Lantern might not even return to the original cost.

But the thing of humanity can really count money, so the Baolian Lantern can barely make money.

In fact, in these years, the box office of the Baolian Lantern itself is actually quite good, at least the animation film itself has set a record.

If you want to say why there is a problem, it is still the sentence that the movie market of a certain oriental country itself has not fully developed.

Because she was sitting in the last row, Morinka could not speak so quietly this time, but Morinka was still watching the audience over there at this time.

Compared with movies, the audience is the most important.

Senxia noticed that in the movie theater of the magic city, there were many children who watched the Baolian Lantern movie, but more of them were adults.

"It looks like it can reach a box office of 30 million yuan, which is already pretty good." Qianjia had learned about the market environment in a certain oriental country before. But in the end, she found that this place is really not suitable for filming.

Last year, the total box office for the whole year was only a few hundred million. When you switch to the mud bombing side, sometimes it is not even a big hit movie, let alone compare with my big lighthouse country.

"If the number of people is small, then you need to cultivate the core population. You see, our Mithril platform has less than 100,000 users, but the financial report is pretty good."

Yes, the Mithril game platform on Moriha's side is actually very good, because it is played by die-hard fans, especially the one that still spends money on old game collections.

According to back-end data, a large part of the players who bought the Mithril platform game will get the game through and get the platinum trophy. Generally speaking, these players who get the platinum trophy are also the most expensive players. They The most purchased games are also.

Therefore, although there are only 100,000 fans, in general, their purchasing power is very strong.

Senxia's full achievement system not only helps them increase the reliance of players on the game, but also has the effect of screening out players who really like the game. To be honest, this is a surprise.

"But it's worth learning from the technical aspect. It's really a pity if it's just market factors."

Qianjia felt that the current situation of Shanghai Film Studio was really a pity.

But Senxia shook her head at this time: "Senior sister, it's not like that. Although we see the "Baolian Lantern" produced by Shanghai Film and Television with excellent technology, in fact, this is just their mastery. There are not many innovative factors in it, and after the commercialization model, their previous institutional advantages will disappear. After that, the technology will only decline more and more."

Although there were also films like "I'm Singing Madness" later, but at that time, Shanghai Meiying was no longer available, and the film "I Singing Madness" was criticized to death because of various factors such as early love. .

For this kind of thing, Senxia wants to comment on only one sentence: "I have my own national conditions!"

"But the scale of Shangmei Film is much larger than Musashino. Is this really no problem?" Qianjia said again.

After seeing Meiying, Qianjia felt that Musashino's side was completely incomparable with Meiying in scale.

This is the most troublesome thing.

Even if they can accommodate them, who should be the best one here?

Changshetun looks like something, it sounds pretty good, but the act of acquisition itself is different from pure outsourcing.

Although Shangmeiying is now in decline, to be honest, this place itself is still very valuable, and the scale of Shangmeiying is also very large.

"These are not problems. We are discussing with a certain eastern country, and the government of Magic City also has discussions. Although we are going to acquire, the Shanghai Meiying brand cannot be moved. So our initial cooperation method should be The two sides jointly established a joint venture company and managed it through this side."

Of course it is good for outside companies to come in, but more importantly, it is to make money!

Senxia didn't take all the shares by herself, but chose to cooperate. It is also because of this that shares, which are used to find ways, are more valuable than dividends.

Of course, even though the shares have been allocated, the holdings of one's own side must be maintained, otherwise it will really be a part-time job for others.

However, Senxia does not value shares very much. The gentleman industry does not value money. The market itself and influence are the most important. This is not to engage in scientific research, which requires hundreds of millions of dollars to be poured into it.

"By the way, Morinia, what do you think if DC's factory also moves to a certain eastern country and cooperates with it here?"

What will happen to "Baolian Lantern" is not clear to Qianjia. But since it talked about cooperation, Qianjia also thought of another thing.

"DC moved to a big eastern country? Ah, from the standpoint of simply reducing costs, this is not a problem, right."

DC is now being slapped by the ps2 satellite. There is no way, and Moriha has nothing to do with Sega. The problem with DC is not simply in reducing costs, but in the game lineup itself.

"Why did you say this suddenly?" Senxia was curious, why did Qianjia suddenly talk about DC.

We are talking about games now. Why did you suddenly get involved in games? And it's gaming hardware?

Qianjia glanced at Senxia, ​​and then said: "Because my father called me last night and talked about it."

After coming to a certain eastern country, Qian Jia had contacted his father several times, and Senxia knew about it.

"So what's the matter?" Senxia asked again, "Why did my uncle suddenly say this?"

"Hey, Morinia, how would you develop dc if you were allowed to come?" Qianjia asked again.

"It's no help, quickly abandon DC." Senxia's answer was simple.

Qian Jiabai glanced at Senxia: "Seriously."

"What I'm talking about is serious, you see, it's just like this Erlang God, you know it's a bad face at a glance, it's hopeless."

It just so happened that the Baolian Lantern played at this time when Erlangshen appeared. This Erlangshen had a disgusting face, and he knew it was a villain.

Qianjia rolled his eyes and said, "Who said that? Maybe this Erlangshen is a good person? He played the role of a bad guy for the growth of his nephew, but in fact, Erlangshen is a sister-in-law and a nephew!"

Do you think this is because people grow and hate water!

He's meowing, don't mess with setting the movie!

"Okay, okay, I will develop a few good games for dc, is this all right?"

Senxia shook her head.

"You didn't say it yourself, isn't just playing games enough?" Qianjia looked at Senxia strangely.

"I'm talking about the lineup of game manufacturers, not the game itself, but this killer game certainly does not refer to a niche game like Shenmue, but a more popular one."

Senxia does remember many games in his mind, and these games can really save DC.

These are the essence and masterpieces of people in another world.

But the question is... why should I do this?

These killer games are super heavyweight, but why should I save dc?

"Sega! I saw you upset long ago!" This is the only thing Senxia wants to say now.

" I didn't ask." Qianjia shook his head.

"Yes, to discuss this kind of meaningless topic, it is better to discuss what animation is better after we cooperate with Shanghai Film and Television, the Holy Grail...No, the topic of Xinhai, I think it is good, if it is replaced by the anti-Japanese theme Although it's okay, Musashino can't go out on his own in this regard. Instead, he needs to wear a vest. "Sinxia wants to do such a thing now.


"Yeah, it has nothing to do with us? DC has nothing to do with us, right?"

"..." Qian Jia glanced at Senxia, ​​her eyes a little complicated.

"Well, tell me, what kind of themes do you like?" Senxia asked.

"I think it's good to go with ancient themes?" Qianjia stopped discussing the previous topic, but looked at the movie screen seriously. To be honest, she quite likes the style of Baolian Lantern, of course, purely artistic, not gentleman.

"In ancient times, then the Three Kingdoms would be fine...well, this is also not bad."

Um, let's find two more people to sing "Dream is Burning" and "A Handful of Rivers and Mountains" or something, which is also very emotional?

"It's better to be more gorgeous." But as the brainwashed Morika by the "Dynasty Warriors" series, this time naturally thought of the character image in "Dynasty Warriors", although later this series all rushed to modern style. Go, but I have to say that some character designs are really classic, and the costumes themselves are very fit and beautiful.

When making your own, should you just refer to this aspect?


People grow and hate water, it is a good book for healing, and I strongly recommend everyone to read it.

Today's morals...

Two in one...

I'm so sleepy lately, is it because of May disease...

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