Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 935: It's time for the cooking power to be released!

Mori Xiawan never expected that Nasu and the others would give an answer so quickly.

But after reading Nasu's script, Morinka shook her head.

Although this script looks a bit interesting, in fact it is a little less interesting.

In this script, Morinatsu didn't see Nasu's own style, nor found enough healing parts.

Although it is only a first draft, there is no filling in the content, but looking at the outline part, Senxia does not find it interesting.

Some of this content is still much worse.

Simply put, it is not shocking enough.

In spite of this, Senxia is still quite interested in this story.

After communicating with Nasu and the others, I contacted teacher Nidaime through QICQ-because Nasu had already told Mori that he wanted to cooperate with teacher Nidaime.

But surprisingly, the second generation teacher does not seem to approve of making this fairy-style story into a gentleman.

"Why is that?"

Senxia asked curiously.

The time difference between a certain eastern country and the mud bombing is only one hour, so Morinya talked directly with teacher Erdaime at this time, and there was not much time difference anyway.

However, Morika did not use her own notebook, but was using Sister Iki’s spare notebook. Because Morika’s laptop was requisitioned by Yukino, she said that she was inspired, as if she wanted to write something.

"This kind of fairy story is not suitable for this kind of gentleman's script." Teacher Erdaimu said on QICQ, "I have played the game "Sword", but this is not a script suitable for gentleman's story. ."

"Um... wait a minute, I set up a group, Nasu and others are also here, let me pull over and discuss it together."

Anyway, Nasu and the others have already arrived at a certain port, so Morinatsu can let everyone discuss it together at this time.

Four people entered the group, and Senxia continued typing at this time: "Minasan, let's discuss the script of the fairy sword now."

It's not the first time that everyone has met each other, and they are all familiar with each other, so when we discuss it, we just started.

Teacher Erdaime first explained his own opinions at this time.

Like the other two, the Erdaimu teacher played the fairy sword series.

No, it's not just the Fairy Sword series. The Erdaimu teacher even played the Xuanyuan Sword series. Even Senxia was a little surprised.

In the end, the Erdaime teacher really told these young people in the tone of a teacher.

"You guys, don't see the wind or rain, have your own judgment. Is this kind of story suitable for adding gentleman content? That is definitely not appropriate!"

Xian Xia pays attention to that kind of ethereal temperament, if strange things are forcibly mixed, it will only make the plot strange.

If someone else said so, Morinka, as a gentleman, would definitely spray him.

But now, the person who said this to Morinya is not someone else, but the second generation teacher, which is embarrassing.

Why does the Erdaime teacher, who is an ergonomic leader, say that this part is not suitable for gentleman content?

"...Sorry, I made a mistake. This kind of story should be said that it is not suitable for the kind of gentleman content we used to feel, but suitable for the cruel type. In short, the gentleman content inside must be It has to be cruel."

"Cruelty?" Although Nasu also wrote the content of the eros gentleman, Nasu's own grasp of the eros content... ahem, it is open to question.

"It should be the kind that makes people cry!" Lao Xu put forward his own opinion.

"Hi, this kind of fairy tale story, if you are immersed in the desire of the body, it will be a failure. If the player buys the game for this reason, it is a failure in failure."

No, there will be a game called Sword Spirit in the future, it will be so hot...

Okay, teacher Erdaime is also a creator, so he naturally considered it from the perspective of the creator, so Morinka didn't continue to say. What's more, what the Erdaime teacher said is indeed no problem, writing a story carefully, this is on the road of "sustainable development".

For capital, they are more concerned about short-term profits. Capital is a vampire. After sucking up blood on one project, they will move on to the next goal, which is contrary to the creators themselves.

Senxia is wealthy and self-willed, so she doesn't care much about this aspect. The story itself has more influence on Senxia's decision-making.

"So, what kind of story should be better?" Senxia was also thinking at this time. Although a little embarrassed, at this moment, Senxia recalled Zhu Yan's novel.

But then Morika shook her head.

Later, he thought of a relatively cold *Female Ninja Magic Treasure Legend.

This story was created by Yamaguchi, who sells classic works in paintings.

The story tells that in the Warring States period, the Manmo Ninja served Toyotomi Hideyoshi as a ninja, and was paid a million taels. This treasure was hidden by the Manmo leader and made a Ninbo post with seven tattoos. The body of the sister paper.

The heroine Shiyin is the daughter of the leader of the Ten Thousand Demons, and she is also one of the seven.

The story begins when Shiyin is destroyed.

Looking at this part alone, of course it’s nothing, but the interesting part of this story lies in the setting of the Ninbo post and the setting of the female ninja.

In the story, the secret in tattoos does not always exist, but only when the female ninjas reach the end, they can be revealed. Therefore, the sister papers are all important positions of women attacked by enemies in the plot. What……

Moreover, the female ninja in this story is also very much a female ninja.

What is a ninja fan?

Simply put, it is the kind of sister paper that is good at using your own body.

While fighting violently while selling meat vigorously, this kind of story is indeed very good. In this plot, there are also several embarrassing stories.

Thinking of this, Senxia suddenly lit up, and he had an idea.

"It's better for us to do the opposite."

He typed a line of text.

The others were silent for a while, and then questioned.

"Our story is to express the spirit of the'Xian Xia', but this performance is not only the appearance, we can achieve it through the story itself. The gentleman content to be filled can also be part of the appearance. Think about it Look, a goddess of great compassion and enlightenment, who appears in front of everyone with nothing on her body, what will she behave like?"

It was Nasu who spoke first: "This goddess will definitely look at everyone with compassionate eyes. She will not be ashamed of herself. Those who cast gentlemen's eyes on the goddess will definitely be ashamed."

That's it!

Senxia smiled.

There are many similar methods. Our protagonist and the story itself can not sell meat, but we can sell meat on the plot. No, not selling, but "rationalizing"-for example, those in the vitality pill and the turtle No matter how you look at it, it’s impossible to keep it as it is when you send Qigong! This is the real speech!

However, Erdaime instantly shattered Morika's thoughts: "Can such a story be called a gentleman's story?"


The scene fell into silence.

"Leave aside the topic of whether or not a gentleman is or is not, just starting from the plot, let's think about this aspect first."

Senxia decided to return to the story itself.

Others have seen the story of Fairy Sword Gaiden. According to Nasu's setting, this story is a story of revenge from the door.

But this kind of story setting, in Senxia's view, is not enough to cure.

Although reversing and reversing is very characteristic and bright, it still feels not enough.

"But given the background, I actually agree with it."

If he insisted, Morinya felt that the background of the story was okay.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it was an era when demons were rampant, and demons who led beasts and cannibals were everywhere.

In this way, the depressing background of the story is rendered.

But Senxia still felt that it was not enough.

"Well, let's continue to set it up. In fact, the court and the demons are in collusion. The demons give the court powerful abilities, and the court secretly helps demons import virgins..."

If it is going to be black, then it will be black to the end. Since it is going to be cured, then start from the root.

Although the future of the "Sword" series has gradually taken shape, it is only the future.

In this era, who knows what the fairy sword series can develop into?

Since everyone doesn't know, it is of course that Senxia is here to magically change it!

In fact, Senxia thinks Yang Guang, the unlucky child, is still very poor, but for the sake of the story, poor Emperor Sui Yang can only act as the villain at this time!

With the background of collusion between monsters and people, then the story of the heroine will follow.

"I think it's very interesting to let the heroine be a big disciple from the beginning, but if you want to heal a little bit, you might as well set her as a prisoner."

Well, from the classic setting of the Elder Scrolls-the prisoner protagonist.

"Speaking of which, why do you have to limit yourself to the heroine?" Teacher Erdaime asked again, "Is there anything wrong with men? I think if the protagonist is a cute boy paper, it doesn't seem to be a problem, right?"


What you said makes sense, but I was speechless...

It seems that it is indeed. If it is a cute boy paper or something... it is also very interesting.

Senxia feels that this kind of setting is still very good.

However, at this time, Lao Xu said: "Usually, when we make a game, we plan the scene, music, plot, etc. according to a pre-set script. If we are to make a series, we will first Starting from the world view, but in terms of game presentation, the script itself needs to obey the performance of the PC and the console."

In other words, the script and the program are complementary to each other, and both sides need to make compromises. Moriha's idea is very good, but no matter how good the idea is, it must compromise with performance and program.

If you want to do Gao Daquan, it may be possible in 2019, but let's forget it in 1999.

At this time, Morinya got along with two approaches in his mind.

One is to confine the scene to one scene, such as Bloodborne Curse and Dark Soul, or else, it is a battle mode with a small scene similar to Monster Hunter.

He thought for a while, and felt that these two modes were more suitable for the performance of fairy tales.

But Senxia thought for a while, and he found that none of them seemed suitable.

The story of Xianxia is more suitable for that kind of broad scene.

No, it's not right.

The current action game is basically a map-by-map battle. This is more similar to Dynasty Warriors and Nioh. In addition, the Blood Curse and Dark Soul, strictly speaking, also need to switch maps.

"Sandbox really doesn't work..."

Senxia thought for a while, and found that the sandbox was still not working.

"I remember in the myths and legends of a great eastern country, there are three fairy islands, Penglai, Abbot and Yingzhou. How about we use this as a background?

Nasu suddenly said something.

Hearing this, Senxia's inspiration came: "That's it! We will put the story on Penglai Mountain."

Yes, since it is a "Xianshan", such a story is pretty good.

"During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, demons were rampant, and even Xianshan became a magic cave..."

Senxia had a brain hole.

The scene in "The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind" that Senxia thought of at this time, the main scene of this story is the story that happened on the Wadenfell Island and other surrounding areas.

If it is Xianshan this is no problem.

"Penglai is a place where immortals and mortals live, but because of the filth coming, demons run rampant here..."

Huh? Having said that, in this mode, it seems to be similar to the type of Elder Scrolls.

The Elder Scrolls 3 was released in 2002. Morinka’s game will probably not be developed until 2001 or 2002. If it is an open mode like the Elder Scrolls, it seems not bad. And the Elder Scrolls is an RPG, although we say that we need to use action, but action RPG is also good. Senxia is going to adopt the sword-spirit type of combat mode. This combat mode itself does not hinder the RPG part.

Senxia recalled his own profit and cash flow. He gritted his teeth and made a decision: "I have already thought about the game mode!"

Yes, although there are some financial and technical problems, it is also a question whether the work can be recovered.

But what's the problem?

Now is the time when the cooking power is released!

What kind of money is money!

... But then again, if this is the case, why must it be Penglai? It seems that it can be placed on Kunlun's side, and there is also the classic setting of the lock demon tower...

After deciding to release the cooking power, the next step is the scene of the story and the whole process...


Fairy sword is considered a domestic symbol, so I don’t want to mess around, so it’s a little bit longer, don’t blame...

Although it is a magic change, it will respect the story.

Of course, it is the inner core that is respected, not the nonsense of a certain "fall of the titan".

Speaking of was true that Unreal 4, which was said at the beginning, was not available. After using Unreal 4, I am afraid it is not the fall of Titan, but the explosion of the Milky Way...

Two in one, meow meow~

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