Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 952: That's it...

   Lily, who suddenly appeared, finally rescued Morika in embarrassment.

   The war between the two men in front of him, I don't know why, Senxia suddenly thought of the scene where Yugsothos was playing with Nyaratotip.

   is really horrible.

   Morinatsu is sighing.

   He patted Lily's head, and then smiled: "Thank you, Lily!"

   "Don't treat me like a kid!"

When    was pressed on the head by Morinka, Lily exploded in an instant. It was obvious that he didn't seem to like being treated as a child.

   "Ahem, sorry, but Lily, you are so cute, so you just pretend to be a child without knowing it"

   Although she was suffering from secondary illness, Lily really saved herself.

   And, no matter how "legal loli" is, Lily is already a high school student. He unconsciously regarded Lily as a child.

   But in fact, Lily is not a child.

   Morinatsu felt that she should look at this loli squarely.

   But as expected, I still think it’s a loli to bully, right?

   Although I know that the opposite is a legal loli, but I don't know why, I just want to bully.

   "Ahem" Lily probably also found out that she was a little gaffe just now. The red medicine **** is that she just lost the second fan, which is really a gaffe. She coughed for two liters, cleared her throat, and said: "The concubine just felt two strong and deep magic powers, so the concubine went to explore."

   "Ah, thanks to you for saving me"

   Morika looked at Chika and Yukino from a distance, and after leaving from his side, the two seemed a little confused.

   They looked towards Morinka, as if they wanted to come and look for Morinka, but they looked at each other again, but in the end they only looked at each other, as if they didn't know what to do.

   As a result, these two people are now deadlocked in place.

   But seeing the expressions of these two people, Morinka was also relieved.

  Although the two men acted blankly at this moment, at least they did not quarrel.

  I believe these two people will be able to get back together soon.

   But this thing is quite strange.

   It seems that the relationship between the two people was pretty good before, but how come the two people started quarreling with each other from just now?

   The boat of friendship turned over as soon as it turned over, and the two of them instantly became like this.

   Their relationship before

   is wrong.

   Morika suddenly thought of the former Chika and Yukino.

  By the way, when the two people met each other at the beginning, they looked like they were tense.

   But I don't know why. After the two met later, they were relieved.

   No, if you look at it this way, it seems that the two men were not in harmony at the time, but reached an armistice agreement?

   So, the state of these two people is normal now?

   Morinatsu had such a guess.

   Could it be true?

   Before Morinya could infer it, Lily over there pulled Morinya's trousers and said, "My blood!"

   "Well, what's the matter?"

   "I want to build a huge city here, this is a vampire castle!"

   Lily looked at Morinka here with big shining eyes.

   "Oh oh oh"

   Understood, is to build a sand castle?

   Morika saw a pile of sand in front of her eyes.

   Although he pulled Lily away from there, after this, it was Lily who led Morinya.

   At this time, Morika has been brought here by Lily.


   Morika looked at the side of the sand pile.

   Two little kids, about five or six years old, squatted here at this time. After seeing Lily, they raised their heads and looked at Morinya.

   "Kukuku, these two blood servants were just collected by me. I now want to show them the greatness and glory of vampires! So, my servant, let me help my concubine build a nest of vampires!"

   To put it simply, I just went to play with two little kids, and then Lily wanted to show off and build a sand castle.

   However, Lily found that she seemed to be a handicapped party, so she failed.

   So at this time, Lily wanted to be the "servant" Morika, and wanted to ask for foreign aid.

   Well, to put it simply, it's a matter of pretending to be a beep.

   Saying that, Morinya looked at the two dazed little boys. They blinked their big eyes and looked at Morinya, and then knelt down to look at the pile of sand.

   "Ahem, can they understand you?"

   Many people around me can speak the words of a certain eastern country, right?

   Morinatsu noticed that there seemed to be so many people around him who could speak the words of a certain eastern country.

   "I only studied a bit. In this long vampire career, I can pass the time. How can the 1600-year-old concubine not understand this?"

   Hmm, I know you are 16 years old, but you say "I" and then "concubine body" again, don't you think it hurts?

   Regarding the second illness or something, Morinka really wants to complain.

   "Kukuku," Lily looked at the two little kids here, "Wait and watch, this is the mighty power of the concubine!"

   Yes, Lily still speaks Japanese to the two little kids.

   So that's it, these two people are completely confused at this moment!

   "Yo Xi," but Lily was very excited at this moment, he smiled, "Let's start now!"

   "Two eggs! Three hairs!"

   But at this moment, a middle-aged woman walked over here in a panic.

   "Oh, you little bastards!"

   As soon as she saw these two little kids, the middle-aged woman pursed their ears.


   The two little guys came out of the bewildered state at once, and turned into a crying face.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, these two little boys have caused you trouble." The middle-aged woman nodded apologetically to Senxia, ​​and then took the two little boys away.

   Then Lily was left with a dazed and embarrassed face.

   Obviously, Lily has fallen into a daze at this moment because of this incident.

"Are you OK?"

   Morinatsu shook her hand in front of Lily's eyes.

   "I seem to see

I saw the Great God of Creation. Well, yes, I was just communicating with the Great God of Creation. Although you see me now the same as the one you saw three minutes ago, I have spent hundreds of millions of years in these three minutes. In the past, the concubine body is no longer an ordinary person! "

   Hey hey hey, what about your vampire's settings just now? !

   This is Mori Xia-kun who has his eyes widened and wants to complain.

   "Well, forget it." At the end of the day, Senxia decided to give up spitting out, because spitting out a second illness, this kind of thing is simply meaningless.

   "Don't you go to find Mori Natsuki?"

   On the other side, when Morinka was deeply caught in the situation of wanting to vomit, Iki and Asagao at this time stared at Morinka from a distance.

   Chaoyan shook his head.

   "No need, as long as I can look at Senxia Jun from a distance, that's enough." Chaoyan chuckled.

   "Why? In fact, you are not completely without the opportunity. The master's heart is just not letting go. The Tianhai family itself is different from other families. You can have a chance."

   Iki looked towards Asagao.

Zhao Yan shook his head: "Well, maybe. But I know that I can't enter Mori Xia-kun's life. Whether it is Ms. Xue Nao or Ms. Qianjia, I wonder if it is other girls, their bond with Mori Xia-kun They are more profound and intense than I am. I am just an outsider, and I still have no way to join Senxiajun’s life. I don’t want to break Senxiajun’s life.”

   "You can be regarded as the maid of the Tianhai family." Iki said.

But Zhaoyan chuckled and shook his head: "Well, even though I said that, I'm actually just the child of a separate family and a retainer. It's an honor for me to be trained as a maid of the Tianhai family. I am a little embarrassed to say that at the beginning, I was actually very resistant to this matter, but now, I find that I have fallen into it without knowing it."

   Chaoyan looked at the distant sea.

   The pollution in the 1990s was not as strong as 20 years later. The faint smell of sea breeze blowing from the blue sea, what emerged in my heart, was the same subtle mood as the sea. Standing on the beach and looking at the sea level and the skyline in the distance, Chaoyan was once lost in consciousness.

   "Sorry, I don't feel like myself anymore."

Yes, after meeting Senxia-kun, after she seemed to like Senxia-kun, at this moment Lihua feels that the emotions surging in her heart seem to be very strange, and it’s right that she really likes that one. , Obviously, the tutor in front of me is to make myself elegant and decent

   "But maybe the master didn't think so?" Iki smiled at the corner of her mouth.

"But before that, I had already refused. Be with Mori-kun, as a classmate, not as a maid," she murmured, "And, I am not like the maids. It’s amazing. Although my sister’s history to you"

   "Please don't be ignorant of yourself." Iki interrupted Asano's words, "However, this kind of thing can't be done by force. You can use your own will and stand by your master's side."

   "Yeah." Zhaoyan looked at Lihua over there, then she turned her head and saw Chika and Yukino under the umbrella.

   The girl seemed to be in trouble.

   "Maybe I am a little selfish, and I want Morinata to look at me like this."

"It’s not. Girls pursue their own happiness. This is not a selfish thing. If you like someone, you will naturally want to be with the other person. If you like someone, you will naturally want to be exclusive. The other party's. This kind of thing is normal. Such a lovely master, I sometimes have the same idea: If the master only sees me."

  Is anyone thinking about things like that?

   Otherwise, Chika and Yukino would not quarrel like this today.

   But Asagao knew that it was impossible.

   The first threshold placed before her is the house rules.

   Tianhai Family will not allow such a thing to happen.

   She also knows that the previous generation of Patriarchs was for their love, so they ran away for their true love.

   But Mori Xia-kun is different. He is just the opposite of his current situation. If Mori Xia-kun has to be with his favorite person, he must abide by the house rules.

   Therefore, it is impossible to monopolize Morinatsu.

   Moreover, what Asagao cares about is not a house rule.

   Asagao knows that there are many people who have a bond with Mori Natsuki, and there are many people who have a good relationship with Mori Natsuki.

   Mori Natsu-kun doesn't say anything, but he already knows some things, the biggest family in Hokkaido is the Tianhai family, and he has also talked about his own situation. "

   Especially after Mori Xia-kun took over the other maids from the maid team, deep down in his heart, he would definitely have thoughts about this.

   Chika and Yukino, the relationship between these two people and Senxia-kun is obviously higher than their own, and the relationship they can reach with Senxia-kun is far beyond themselves.

   I just want Mori Natsuki to see it.

   This is actually just right now.

   Although it was a bit selfish about what happened that night, it would be full of joy to be able to stand with this kind of Mori Xia-kun.

   Although I wanted to take a step closer, Asagan knew that he didn't seem to be able to do so.

   In front of the fetters of those other girls, I am so small and vulnerable.

   "And you know Sister Iki. To be honest, my orientation is to be with Mori Natsu-kun. I am still a little confused until now."

   Chaoyan smiled embarrassedly. UU reading www.

   "Ah, yes, I almost forgot, Asagao, you like girls." Iki also chuckled lightly.

   "Ah, such a thing, if Mori Xia-kun knew about it, he would definitely find it very disgusting, I turned out to be such a person."

   Although boys and boys are together, it is what the rotten girls are looking forward to, although girls and girls are what the otakus are looking forward to, but it is only in the second dimension.

  In the real world, how many people would like such a thing to appear?

   Activists and intellectuals are completely different.

   Maybe the beauty of the second dimension is acceptable to everyone, but there won’t be many people who like things about the third dimension.

   But with such a face, I found that I seemed to like Morinatsu.

   She herself fell into chaos.

   "It's fine for now."

   Well, being able to stare at Senxia-kun like this is the best thing for me.

   That's it, that's it.

  Today's two in one.

   Stomach at night

Son, I'm exhausted

   Recommend the new fan moonlight is so beautiful, too sweet

Meow meow meow

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