Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 958: Of course forgive her!

Ji Zong Gangji found several fellow friends. 【】

I have to say that working on the NTR series made Ji Zong Gangji completely poisoned.

"Well, sure enough, NTR is still the most interesting..."

Sitting in the new office, Ji Zong Gangji closed his eyes and seemed to enjoy it very much.

Yes, Ji Zong Gangji established a new club.

While on the Internet, Ji Zong Gangji found that there are really a lot of people who like NTR, and more importantly, many of these people are successful people, and more are scripts. There are also authors from pure literary circles.

——In fact, everyone has already gathered in a QICQ group because of this hobby, um, NTR hobby group.

The matter of starting a company went well unexpectedly.

Ji Zonggang Ji never expected that his proposal to start a company was almost supported by the entire group. Therefore, when his club was established, there was no shortage of funds.

By the way, in his QICQ group, there are actually executives from Sony...

With respect to the tauren, Ji Zong Gangji embarked on a path of no return.


You say pure love?

What is pure love! Scum!

what? Do you mean aircraft warfare?

Can aircraft combat compare to NTR? Scum!

Yes, before that, Ji Zong Gangji had the mood to make some Galgame works that were more "SF" oriented.

However, when the green and green scene of the Hulunbuir Prairie was shown in front of him, Ji Zong Gangji suddenly realized: This is what he wants!

By the way, among these NTR enthusiasts, not only those who like being green, but also those who like to cuckold others, these people even form a weird gameplay, because it is too dirty, so I won't talk about it here.

Ji Zong Gangji's office has just been renovated, and it is not yet time to go to work, but Ji Zong Gangji still stays in the company.

Although there is no such thing as a "green hat" in the mud bomb, it may be a coincidence that Ji Zong Gangji's company also decorated with the theme of green.

"The whole room is full of the breath of nature..."

Ji Zong Gang Ji is very comfortable.

However, at this moment, Ji Zong Gangji's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Mosimosi?" He answered the phone casually. Because of his good mood, Ji Zong Gangji's voice was a little frivolous.

"Uh...Jizong Gangji?" The voice over there was a little uncertain.

Ji Zong Gangji also realized his gaffe on his side, and then sat upright and asked, "Ms. Xia Sen?"

"Hi." Senxia replied.

Since MUV is going to be done, of course Morinya must invite the original author here to do it!

"Jizong, are you interested in Galgame?" Morinia here said suddenly, "I mean, you are the main creator and set up a new club to make a brand new game. I am very optimistic about your talent."

"Huh?" Ji Zonggang Ji was stunned.

He didn't expect that Teacher Xia Sen would find himself to make Galgame? And it was... the establishment of a club? !

"...Sorry, Mr. Xia Sen, I have a job now."

Mr. Xia Sen's production level is very good, but unfortunately, he was a step late.

Although a little embarrassed, in fact, Ji Zong Gangji is YY who passed Teacher Xia Sen.

Because Mr. Xia Sen is a beautiful boy, Ji Zong Gangji once thought that his wife would bring the teacher Xia Sen of women's clothing to her home as a girlfriend, and then when she was sleeping, his wife was in another room. Inside the room, I did this and that with Teacher Xia Sen. Later, the two even came to their room, and then there was a "pre-husband"...

No, the saliva is left...

Ji Zong Gangji wiped his saliva, and then continued to regretfully said: "I am establishing a club with my friends, called'Forgive Her.'"


Senxia over there didn't react.

"The name of the club is called'forgive her.'"

What the **** is this? !

Senxia didn't say anything for a long time.

"Isn't it AGE?"

"Ah, ah, the teacher may have heard it wrong. I did come to play games with a few friends before, but I later discovered something more interesting, so I established the current club."

Ji Zong Gangji answered naturally.

"But what does "forgive her" mean?"

Moriha is inexplicable.

"Our club is a club that specializes in the production of the series of works of ‘Ninto’. After discovering that his wife and Xia’s not right, after doing this and that with other people, of course the husband chose to forgive her!"

"So it's called'forgive her'?"

Morinia here already feels messy in the wind.

What the **** is this...

Senxia looked confused.

"Of course I choose to forgive her!"

Ji Zong Gangji over there repeated it.

Then, Morinia here was completely at a loss.

"Well, it's not convenient for Fang to disclose, what game will you play in the future?" Senxia tried to ask.

"I don't know." Ji Zong Gangji said, "but it should be the bedtime orientation of the modern background. Although I haven't figured out the specific situation yet, the general content is that the husband keeps forgiving his wife who was overthrown by the yellow hair, so..."

Senxia suddenly felt poisonous.

"Then... Do you have any thoughts on the aircraft warfare?" Morinya tried to ask, "What about pure love?"

"I was quite interested in the past, but now I find that these contents...well, by the way, such contents seem to be the background stage of NTR!"

This seems pretty good!

Ji Zong Gangji's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered a world.

This feeling is really good...


Senxia felt a sense of terror spreading on her.

Although there are also plots in MUV, such as the younger sister being overthrown by the enemy, and the part where the lover is not miserable by the aliens, Morinia doesn't want to go back to this situation throughout the story!

In fact, the MUV that Morinka wants to produce here is preparing to remove these painful parts! The plot of this forced tragedy is simply the most annoying!

"Do you have any suggestions from Teacher Xia Sen?" Ji Zong Gangji thought of the scene where Teacher Xia Sen committed a crime in front of her husband...

Ah, I just can't bear it...Although I don't even have a girlfriend here.

For some reason, Senxia felt a deep malice spreading in her heart.

"Uh, I'm not very good at this kind of content, sorry." Senxia has nothing to do with it.

"Ahem, sorry, I'm still looking for someone to discuss things about the new club..." Senxia decided to hang up.

"Teacher, do you need some manpower from me?"

"Ah... this is no longer necessary, thanks!"

Before Ji Zong Gangji could answer, Senxia had already hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ji Zong Gangji shook his head.

Originally, Ji Zong Gangji wanted to introduce some of his friends to Mori Xiajun.

In the QICQ group of NTR, there are also some fans of Mrs. Xia Sen. Maybe they will be interested in this?

But since Mr. Xia Sen is so busy now, it is not good for him to continue to disturb others.



Senxia, ​​who hung up, felt cold sweat on her head at this moment.

Ji Zong Gangji, this product, went to take the tauren route, and went to play the tauren game!

Damn it!

Damn it!

Damn it!

This kind of things that were out of Senxia's understanding made Senxia a little caught off guard.

Say good AGE!

Say good king hopes forever!

Well said MUV!

Senxia burst into tears.

Ji Zong Gangji doesn't make a card according to the routine!

Senxia scolds her mother here.

I don't know how sad the situation was when Morinya knew that the so-called culprit was herself.

Unconsciously Senxia, ​​at this time found herself in a big trouble.

AGE is definitely a wizard in the industry.

I won't talk about the style of painting for the time being, but the games they make are indeed very unique.

If the AGE company is gone, then the entire gentleman industry can be said to have suffered huge losses.

And Morinka really likes MUV's tights.

But judging from the current situation, this situation seems to be a bit subtle...Without Ji Zong Gangji, what would the situation on your side be like?

...No, wait a minute.

Senxia remembered that Ji Zong Gangji seemed to say, what kind of fighter background NTR seemed to be very good?


MUV crisis!

Morinka strongly suspects that if Gangki Ji Zong is really made to make it like this, Gangki Ji Zong might make an NTR version of MUV.

At that time, Bai Yinwu saw that his sister paper was tamed by the aliens, and then Bai Yinwu said, "Of course I forgive her." The picture is simply not too beautiful.

For the MUV series, in Moria's view, it doesn't matter whether there is such a thing as the male protagonist or not, but if the male protagonist becomes such a weird existence, then Morinka really can't bear it.

"It's over... It's over... It's over..."

Morinatsu, who ruined a series, said that his sense of crisis is super strong.

"What's wrong with brother?"

Yukino next to him saw Morinka's appearance and couldn't help but get worried.

After having eaten, Senxia made a phone call outside, saying that she wanted to contact others. After the call, Senxia seemed to be very bad.

This feeling made Xue Nao extremely worried.

"...It's nothing, it's just that there is no time to come to our new company..." Senxia waved her hand.

"Huh?" Xue Nao tilted his head, "Isn't it enough to find someone? And why does my brother have to find an outsider? I can too?"

Yukino was a little puzzled about Morinka's actions.

"Yes!" Senxia's eyes lit up, "We can do it ourselves!"

Yes, do it yourself.

Senxia thought of this at this time.

Why not do it yourself?

Ji Zong Gangji said that the subject matter he is going to do here is urban. That is to say, if you want to do MUV here, you still have a chance.

Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about the human design, and they are all well-known here.

So, the next question is what exactly I want to make this game look like.

This is the most critical issue.

Although there are male protagonists in the MUV series, in Morinka's view, this series can actually be made into Lily Xiang.

But one of the cruel aspects of this series is the abuse of girls.

The sister paper in this series is really horrible.

Obviously they are cherishing resources, so they are gone. What a waste of it!

Senxia believes that sister paper or something is always a scarce resource, and if you want to abuse it, you cannot abuse it casually.

Just die casually, it's not suitable for taking it out at all!

Even if you want to design the sister paper to hang up, it should be able to cheat the corpse.

It's as if it's a U-turn senpai...disrespectful, just like Ma Meimei.

Although Xu Yuanxuan abused girls in the magical girl's round face, the ending of this film was good.

Although the sister paper was hung over and over again, but because of the reincarnation, it could die over and over again. Simply put, it means "you have been strengthened / your NP is full, send it soon!"

And in the end, Lao Xu also let these magical girls get a good home under Madoka's wish.

However, the torturers of the Magic type can be resurrected at will, but there is no way for the SF type! In sci-fi works, how many characters can casually die?

This is the problem!

"It seems super troublesome..."

Senxia fell into thinking.

"Is there anything wrong with brother?"

Xue Nao asked curiously.

"Ah, I have an idea for the time being, but I don't know what to do." Senxia shook her head.

And at this time, Xue Nao's eyes lit up: "Hey, brother, can you give me this job!"

Xue Nao's expectation made Senxia a little embarrassed.

But after thinking about it, Senxia discovered that the MUV series does not necessarily have to be an 18X version.

If it's not 18X, Morinia thought about it and found it was really good.

Before, when Yukino was writing EVA-RETAKE, her talents were already revealed. Strictly speaking, MUV, although it is also part of organic warfare, is not a purely machine warfare work-the original is Galgame after all!

This kind of work that has a SF feel but the "iron and blood" is just right, Morinka feels that it seems to be really suitable for Yukino.

At this time, Morinya's time is running out. God knows if Ji Zong Gangji will launch a MUV version of "Of course I will forgive her" plot after this.

It seems that the only thing that can save the world now is Battle Fury...No, it's Yukino...


As a result, our teacher Ji Zong Gangji has become a generation of Wen Qing master... the fog.

However, the NTR plot written by this guy is really painful, and this guy should enjoy the treatment of his own plot! Go shit, Ji Zong Gangji!

Cough, humiliated mouth.

Battle Fury to save the world is an old stalk of DOTA1...

Two chapters in one ~

Meow meow~

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