Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 962: Girl's time

In the afternoon, the weather was slightly cooler.

Clouds obscured the scorching sun, giving the burned earth a chance to breathe.

A gust of cool breeze blew, rolling up a trace of coolness.

After eating, Morinka left, and after arranging to meet in Ginza, Asano returned home first.

After changing clothes and putting on a light make-up for herself, Chaoyan went out.

In the morning, Asayan didn't expect to meet Morinatsu at all, so he didn't make up at all. Although Asayan's plain makeup is actually pretty good, but in front of the people he likes, he did not show his best. On the other hand, this feeling is still a bit unreliable.

"Is it... here?"

Coming out of the subway station, Chao Yan came to the place where he had agreed to meet.

This is Ginza, the largest shopping street in Tokyo. But to be honest, it is really the first time Chaoyan has come to such a place.

Probably because of the colder weather, the number of people on the street has gradually increased. On both sides of Ginza Avenue, there have been more tourists.

But where is Mori-kun?

Chao Yan looked around.


A nice voice sounded, with a little familiarity, this voice made Chaoyan realize that it was the voice of an acquaintance.

Turning his head, Chaoyan saw a young girl smiling and greeting herself.

The upper body of the girl is a small white vest, and the outside is a lavender sleeveless waistcoat. The lower body of the girl is wearing a pair of pleated skirts of the same lavender red. Under the pleated skirt, there are a pair of generals. The girl's slender legs are tightly wrapped in black stockings. On the girl's feet, she is wearing a pair of high-heeled sandals in the same lavender.

At first sight, Chaoyan was attracted by the opponent's figure and appearance.

"Miss Xue Nai...? Eh, that's not right!"

Zhaoyan almost yelled out, but at this moment, she suddenly noticed that this girl who seemed to be similar to Ms. Xueno's chest seemed to be a little bit worse?

No, it's a lot worse, I can't make a mistake here.

The girl was already standing in front of Zhaoyan at this time.

Although she has the same appearance and long hair as Yukino, Chaoyan noticed that the temperament between the two is still different. The girl in front of her seems to have some feelings of the opposite sex?

Moreover, Yukino's long hair was waist-length. Although the girl in front of her also had long hair, it was incomparable to Yukino's. Of course, it's still pretty long black hair.

"Ah la la ~ already stunned, Chao Yan ~"

The girl leaned in front of Chaoyan.

Although the weather was a little cooler, it was summer after all. When the girl moved her face to Zhaoyan, Zhaoyan found that she seemed to be hot all over.

She approached Chaoyan just like this, the eyes of both sides were facing each other, and the tips of her nose were almost leaning together.


The heart seemed to jump out of the chest cavity.

When the other person's breath was heaving on his face, the strange and comfortable feeling made Chao Yan almost can't help but yell out.


She seems to understand.

The girl...No, it's Senxia. He smiled lightly, then took two steps back and turned around in front of Chaoyan: "How about? This is a surprise!"

"Okay, so beautiful... Senxia-kun, so amazing..."

Before Chaoyan's words came to an end, Senxia stretched out the index finger of her right hand, and then gently pressed Chaoyan's lips.

The slender fingers are coated with red nail polish, and the fingers are gently pressed against Chaoyan's lips. This feeling makes Chaoyan feel that this seems to be more exciting than kissing.

"It's not'jun', just call me Senxia~"

It used a woman's self-proclaim, and there was no sense of disobedience in terms of tone or demeanor.

Unlike before, Chaoyan discovered that the current Morinia-kun...No, it should be Morinia, which really seemed to be a lively girl.

"Yo West."

Seeing Chaoyan's stunned expression here, Morinatsu here was very satisfied.

He tidyed up his handbag. It was a small handbag, which was hung on one side by Senxia. The handbag was also lavender, which matched the clothes on his body.

Afterwards, Mori Xia took Zhaoyan's hand, and then walked towards Ginza Avenue in front: "Now, it's a rare weather, let's just stroll here!"


After hearing the invitation from Senxia, ​​Chaoyan nodded, and then immediately greeted him, holding Senxia's hand, and the two of them seemed to be a pair of very good girlfriends.

There are many shopping malls in Ginza. After stepping into the mall, the refreshing coldness gradually calmed Chaoyan's restless heart.

"Everyone's eyes seem to be coming~" Morinya's voice sounded in Zhaoyan's ear.

There is no feeling of embarrassment, Senxia's face is a happy smile at this time.


On the Zhaoyan side, after finding that the surrounding tourists all looked at his side, he seemed to feel a little ashamed.

Although there is no shortage of cute girls in Tokyo (makeup is so powerful), there are two girls with only light makeup and beautiful figures standing together arm in arm, which is indeed eye-catching.

Not only the boys, but even the girls, looked at the two of them, with feelings of envy and jealousy in their eyes.

"Now, Chaoyan, this dress seems to suit you well!"

At this moment, Senxia took Zhaoyan and came to a boutique.

Senxia picked up a sky-blue suspender dress, and gestured on Chaoyan's body.

"You, hello... Is there anything... Need help?"

The clerk is a somewhat shy big boy, he greeted him after seeing two lovely girls appear. But it's a pity, it seems that because of the tension, his tongue has been robbed.

The boy's embarrassment made Morinya laugh out loud, she gently covered her face with her right hand, and then said: "Thank you, but we can do it ourselves here!"

"Ah...Okay..." The boy walked over, disappointed.

The Chaoyan next to him was stared at this moment.

Asayan liked it, it was originally a girl, but at this time, Asayan noticed that after Morinka changed into women's clothing, she turned out to be so cute and full of charm.

"Senxia, ​​don't you feel... upset?"

Chao Yan asked softly.

"Ah, I was a little nervous at first, but after letting go, I found it was quite interesting~"

Senxia tilted her head, seeming to reminisce about the first feeling.

Although I felt nervous before making up my mind, when I completely let go, Morika realized that there was actually nothing strange.

"When other people's eyes noticed myself, I used to feel very nervous. The feeling of fear of being exposed and discovered really makes people nervous..." Well, from another perspective, this This feeling is actually quite exciting, and having said that, there seem to be many "male の mothers" who actually like this kind of stimulation? However, Senxia is not that abnormal, and it feels like going after him.

He continued: "But then, I found out that this seemed to be groundless worries, and even if it was a face, didn't you discover that I was a boy at first?"

Chaoyan nodded.

When I first started, I never thought that the one I met was actually Mori Natsu-kun. The first thing she thought of was Yukino, and then she wondered if it was someone who was very similar to Yukino. After that, she reacted. Chaoyan came to think that this was Morinya.

The heartbeat is so fast.

It's not just the excitement when I'm with a girl, but the excitement when I'm with such a boy wearing a girl costume.

I can now stand with Senxia-kun arm in arm, and Senxia-kun has also become a "girl", and more importantly, Senxia-kun can also do things like this and that... Triple happiness is superimposed on Together, Chaoyan felt excited all over.

"This, this, and this... Now, Zhaoyan, let's try it out together!" At this time, Morika had already taken several sets of clothes, and then pushed Zhaoyan into a dressing room. .


"Um... let me see, according to Sister Iki, these places should be seen..."

Senxia began to look around the locker room.

This dressing room is large enough for two people to stand together, and there is plenty of room, and inside the dressing room, there is a floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Asagao didn't react at first, but after seeing Morinka's movements, she reacted.

"Is it checking whether there is monitoring?" Chaoyan asked.

Senxia nodded.

"If this is the case, there is no such thing here," Chaoyan said.

"Huh? Zhaoyan, you know very well!" Senxia was a little surprised.

"Ah..." It's hard to say if you have been trained in this area, "I'm more sensitive to this kind of sight!"

Had no choice but to explain.

"Well, that's good, in this case, Zhaoyan, you can come and try these clothes after a while..." Senxia smiled.

Chaoyan nodded, and was about to start changing clothes, but she noticed at this moment that Morinka had not left the room, and when he first came in, he locked the door...

Realizing the face of something, his cheeks immediately turned red.

Senxia chuckled and pressed Chao Yan to the corner.

"Well, although there is really no problem with women's suits, but black silk pantyhose is still too exciting to wear." Asayan's hand has touched Senxia's body, so she also understands Senxia. I want to say something, "If we don't calm down a little bit, our next shopping action may be overwhelmed~"

Chaoyan lowered his head gently.

Morika wears black tights.

The semi-transparent black pantyhose reflects the white light, with a slight flesh-colored feeling, which makes people heartbeat. The material of the pantyhose is not ordinary, the surface is very smooth, and the reflected light becomes like water waves. Generally smooth.

Asayan squatted down gently, brushing his fingers across the thigh wrapped in tights.

It feels very comfortable.

It is probably because of this comfortable feeling that there is no way to continue to act, right?

If it were the usual Mori Natsu-kun, Asagan felt that even if he was wearing a swimsuit, it would probably be difficult to be seen, but the situation is different now.

Zhaoyan took a deep breath, trying to calm Morinya, but at this moment, Senxia suddenly pulled Zhaoyan.

"Eh... wait a minute, Senxia, ​​it will get dirty..."

Asagan immediately understood Morinatsu's thoughts.

But Senxia didn't stop, but leaned to Zhaoyan's ear and whispered softly: "It's okay, we just buy a new one..."


In the boutique, after receiving a couple of customers, the shy clerk cast his eyes on the door of the dressing room.

Those two lovely girls have been in for a while.

Of course, this is nothing, but as a boy, it is natural to be able to look at cute girls more! If you didn't see it when the two girls left, wouldn't it be a loss?

But after such a long time, why haven't they come out yet? it to be reported to the store manager?

The boy But at this moment, he noticed that the two girls opened the door of the locker room and walked out.

Their hair tips and clothes are a bit messy, probably because they are worried about which clothes to try on and buy!

The boy was relieved. There are actually quite a lot of customers like this. He often commits himself to choosing difficult syndromes.

"All these are needed, please wrap them up for us."

At this time, the girl in the lavender little vest smiled and walked to her side.


Being able to serve such a cute girl made the boy excited, and he immediately actively helped the other side to fight.

"Huhu~" When he came out of the shop, the boy still looked reluctant, and Chaoyan was relieved at this time, "I always feel like I'm going to show my stuff. I didn't dare to say a word just now..."

"It's nothing~ In fact, many times, it's just our own guilty conscience, people can't see it at all!" Senxia whispered softly.

"It's not because of you, Senxia-kun!"

Chao Yan pouted.

"But asayan sauce, aren't you very happy too~" Morinka chuckled lightly.

The Zhaoyan here blushed immediately after hearing Morinatsu's words.

"Ah-forget it!"

However, at this moment, Morinka seemed to think of something, and then patted her head in annoyance.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

As soon as he saw Morinha's expression, Zhaoyan asked quickly.

"I just forgot to put this thing on for you, I think it suits you well~"

Morinya said, and took out a pink...


In the dressing room, nothing strange actually happened OwO

Two in one chapter, meow meow~

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