Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 103 Why run with your legs crossed (13,000 updates)

After Hojo Kyosuke followed Yukino Momoka to the office.

On the other side, Natori Sayaka and Kawara Katsuhiko, who had left school long ago, were struggling to climb the mountain road.

"Your Majesty, have you noticed that something is wrong with Sanye today?"

A public high school in a small town, with an ultra-low enrollment rate and a super happy study life. Natori Sayaka, who had nothing in her hands and no books, put her hands behind her back, lowered her head, and kicked pebbles one after another.

"Not only is something wrong, I suspect she is possessed by an evil spirit! Not just today, but also last time, the day she knocked down Toshiya Yamanaka." Katsuhiko Kawara, the envoy, pushed his bicycle beside her.

"That's right, and in the past two days, Mitsuha's hair has been tied up into a ponytail with a hairband. It's so suspicious, she has never been like this." Natori Sayaka nodded repeatedly, and even the pebbles were touched by her. He kicked over the guardrail and fell under the road.

Mitsuha Miyamizu's hair is the best evidence that something is wrong with her. The three of them are friends who have known each other since elementary school. Sanye only looks like that when she has just finished swimming. On other days, including holidays, she will take care of her hair seriously.

The method of braiding hair was so complicated that even fellow girl Natori Sayaka felt her scalp tingle. She once envied Mitsuha's beautiful hairstyle and wanted to learn it, but she gave up after just reading the beginning.

"Could it be that she just overslept in the past two days? After all, it takes a lot of time to get her hair done, right?" the emissary said.

"Impossible! In that case, Mitsuha would rather take leave than go out with hair like that." Sayaka flatly denied it.


It seemed that Mitsuha Miyami's hair was a very heavy topic, and the two fell into a brief silence.

The two had discussed in the past that Mitsuha's hair was a ritual to keep herself tight.

Her father is the mayor of the town, and she is the heir to an ancient shrine. The residents of the town are basically believers of the shrine, and everyone knows her. If she slacks even a little bit, someone will immediately point it out.

"Aunt Futaba taught her to braid that hair." Natori Sayaka's voice was low.

"Yes." The envoy raised his head and looked at the end of the guard. The forest had plunged into darkness, and the Yinghuo star had hung above the mountain.

"Sanye, maybe she doesn't want to disappoint her mother."

Both of them can understand Sanye's pain. If Sanye is releasing the pressure through his strange behavior in the past few days, they will support him with both hands. They will hit whoever Sanye says to hit.

"Teacher Yukino is from Tokyo. I hope she can enlighten Mitsuha."

"I hope so."

In the evening, home in the mountains.

Yamanaka Toshiya was kneeling and accepting the interrogation of his father in a sitting posture.

"So, you didn't have any conflict with Miss Sanye in the end, right?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, father, for embarrassing you!"

Yamanaka Junya put his forehead on the ground and apologized.

"No, you did a good job." Yamanaka Kazuki stretched out his hand to help his son up and patted his shoulder.

"Ah?" Yamanaka Jun didn't know why.

"That's the Miyamizu family." The speaker was an old man sitting next to him, Taketo Yamanaka.

"Yes, that is the eldest lady of the Miyamizu family." Yamanaka Kazuki echoed his father's words.

"Miss? But isn't that the title that everyone uses to laugh at her?" Yamanaka Junya asked doubtfully.

"Haha, Junya, you young people are not interested in the past. You have never met Mrs. Erye because you were too young. Otherwise, you would know why the daughter of the Miyamizu family is honored as the eldest lady."

Yamanaka Taketo's eyes, which were cloudy due to old age, looked even more blurry under the yellow fluorescent lamp.

"Mrs. Futaba? Is she Mitsuha Miyamizu's mother?" Yamanaka Toshiya still knew.

"Yes." Yamanaka Kazuki imitated his father and showed a reminiscing look.

Before Yamanaka Shunya could continue to ask questions, the old man had already begun to talk about the past.

“Basically everyone in Itomori Town has been a believer in Miyamizu Shrine for generations.

Just like your children today no longer believe in traditional religions, we who were impacted by the new culture at that time also had our own beliefs shaken.

I have met all the recent generations of shrines of Miyamizu Shrine, including Mrs. Setsuko, Mrs. Kotoko, Mrs. Kotonoha, Mrs. Ichiba and Miss Futaba. Of course, she later changed her name to Mrs. Erye, but I still prefer to call her Miss. "

Yamanaka Taketo's words have the unique "stickiness" of the elderly, and they don't sound as charming as they would draw people into the story. But Yamanaka Junya listened very carefully. Not only him, but also his father, who knew all this by heart, also listened with a stern face.

"I only saw Mrs. Yanye once at the festival when I was a child, but I am very familiar with Mrs. Yanye. After all, we are classmates.

When she was shocked by the new culture, it was when Mrs. Kazuyo took on the role of the god.

You would never guess that before the townspeople really left their faith, they became more religious, including me.

At that time, I had just returned from working in a big city, and my mind was full of trendy things. I was not convinced by the Miyamizu Shrine in the town where a classmate was the shrine.

I thought to myself, why does she look down at us from a high position on that mountain?

However, the appearance of Miss Erye changed everything.

Before she appeared, even if the older generation had shrines in their houses, their participation in festivals was more out of habit than piety.

But every time I see Miss Erye, I feel that believing in gods is a good thing. Actually, I can't explain it clearly, I just feel like she has a spirit attached to her. "

"Yes, Miss Erye and I are classmates. It's an indescribable feeling. Her body seems to be emitting a layer of shining white light, like a god walking in the world."

Yamanaka Kazuki took over his father's words.

"..." Yamanaka Jun was stunned when he heard this. Is this really the Itomori he has lived with for more than ten years? Were father and grandfather hypnotized?

"I know you don't believe it, and it's not just our Yamanaka family. In Itomori Town, anyone who has met Miss Futaba will become very devout to Miyamizu Shrine. Is it possible that everyone is a fool?" Yamanaka Kazuki said The tone was a little harsher.

"No, but..."

It seems that everyone in the town's devotion to Miyamizu Shrine is indeed more than just a level of psychological comfort. Recalling the past bits and pieces, Yamanaka Junya's scalp went numb.

"No matter what the townspeople find Miss Erye for, she can help us solve it, no matter what! A girl who graduated from high school can accurately identify agricultural problems, diseases in people, and even weather changes. prediction. There is no explanation other than miracles.”

There was a deep sense of longing in Yamanaka Taketo's words, although it sounded a bit weird for an old man who was about to be buried longing for a young woman who died young. But Yamanaka Jun also understands that it is not the longing between men and women, but the longing of believers for gods.

After figuring this out, Toshiya Yamanaka broke into a cold sweat on his forehead. He never knew that his grandfather, who had lived under the same roof for so many years, was actually a fanatical believer.

"Yes, Miss Erye seems to have a book in her hand that says 'the correct answers to all the questions in the world'. She only needs to refer to that book to answer." Yamanaka Kazuki said.

Listening to these exaggerated words, Yamanaka Shunya instinctively wanted to refute. He could know everything just by taking out his mobile phone. But looking at his father and grandfather who were like fanatics, he didn't dare to say anything.

"I know what you're trying to say, the Internet, cell phones, Google."

Yamanaka Kazuki glanced at his son. At this moment, he seemed to have Miss Erye's book in his hand, and could easily see through his son's thoughts.

Toshiya Yamanaka was shocked to see his usually dull father suddenly become so sharp.

“We didn’t have such convenient Internet at that time, and besides, there were many things that couldn’t be answered from the data.

When I was still in high school, I asked Miss Erye about relationship issues. "

Having said this, Yamanaka Kazuki closed his mouth, and the scenes at that time seemed to be still vividly playing in his mind.

It was a sunny afternoon. Miss Erye was sitting at the last table in the row by the window in the classroom. Her classmates were lining up to ask her questions.

Some people ask on behalf of their families, what should they do if their cattle are not energetic?

Some people say they want to go to the hospital because of joint pain, but they don’t know whether to go to Hospital A or Hospital B.

Some are about future directions, and of course, the most frequently asked questions are about adolescence.

They are not those old people who will solemnly go to Miyamizu Shrine on weekends to complete the complete process before piously asking the miko.

No matter what the matter is, Miss Erye can answer it immediately, even if it is something in a place she has never been to.

That way, it's really like receiving a revelation.

It was finally his turn, and naturally he was consulting about boys' worries and relationship issues.

Because there were many people around, he blushed and was too embarrassed to say anything. The people behind him couldn't wait any longer, and even ignored Miss Erye's majesty and began to urge him.

But he really couldn't say it. Just when his face darkened and he was about to walk away, Miss Erye's beautiful face burst into a holy smile.

She stretched out her finger, pointed at a girl who happened to pass by the classroom door, and then told me.

"Ichiki, let your future son be called Junya. He will become a handsome boy!"

Yamanaka Junya was originally immersed in the magical Miss Futaba in the story told by his father, but when his father stared at his face and said the words Miss Futaba said, he was immediately frightened out of his body.

All right! The father gave birth to a son, and he was indeed a handsome boy!

Miss Erye is truly a god!

"You should have guessed that the girl Miss Erye pointed to was your mother. We didn't know each other at that time, and I only found out her name later. But there was no intersection between us at all. Gradually, I forgot about it. Later, we got married and gave birth to you, named Junye."

"Ms. Futaba's words are never wrong!" Takeru Yamanaka concluded his son's story.

"So, is this the change in Mitsuha Miyamizu now?"

"That's right, the god that the Miyamizu family has served for generations is using her body to walk on Itomori. She will protect Itomori and us like she has for thousands of years." Yamanaka Kazuki said.

"That's it, that's it."

Yamanaka Junya murmured, no wonder Mitsuha Miyamizu has changed so much, no wonder she is suddenly so good at painting. Since she is a god, there is nothing surprising.

He is God after all.

The unwillingness caused by a series of events during the day became a matter of course, and even the pain in the residual belt on the buttocks seemed to have become a symbol of honor.

At night, in the open space in Itomori Town that is often used for meetings, a group of old men and women who should have gone to bed gathered here. After a serious and intense discussion, they determined one thing through their respective news channels. The miko of the Miyamizu family seems to have begun to return.

It's not the little girl Sanye who usually takes care of her hair meticulously, but another Sanye with a ponytail.

Another time and space, Tokyo, Dongcheng Junior High School

By the time Mitsuha Miyamizu arrived at school, the first class had already ended.

Sitting on the seat, Miyamizu Mitsuha felt very comfortable with her body not feeling tired after a vigorous run. Although she had already experienced it once, she was still surprised by the incredible physical strength.

How does he study so well and still have so much time to exercise?

Mitsuha Miyamizu was confused as he inherited the body but not the head, and had no idea what the world of genius was like.

"Hojo, what did you do this morning?"

Kisaki Tetsuta stretched out his hand and handed over an apple. Through the propaganda of a certain big mouth, the people of Rampage Angel knew that their boss was financially tight recently, so they fed it whenever they had the opportunity. We also set up a chat room early, planning to post it from Tetsuta Kirisaki whenever the president has a need for dining, and then those members whose families are very wealthy will start grabbing orders.

This is not an offering. The members are very happy to be able to help this young boss. Even at the Italian restaurant, when Tetsuta Kirisaki was almost left to work to pay off the debt, the subordinate actually planned to waive the bill for them, but Kyosuke Hojo refused.

Mitsuha Miyamizu took it naturally, wiped it, then opened her mouth and took a bite, and the rich juice of the apple splashed onto her face.


As expected, apples had to be eaten in large gulps to feel comfortable. Mitsuha Miyamizu, who had never eaten apples like this since childhood, groaned inwardly.

Unlike Ito, who had to pay close attention to every move he made, here, in Tokyo, using Hojo Kyosuke's body, Miyamizu Mitsuha completely let himself go.

She also discovered that the life that this guy Kyousuke Hojo led was exactly what she had dreamed of.

Bustling Tokyo, handsome motorcycles, number one in age at a prestigious school, generous friends, countless subordinates; no annoying father, no obligations to inherit, not so many people staring at me.

Oh, he is still being watched by many people, but they are all his subordinates. No matter what she says or does, her subordinates will agree with her.


God, if you can, please let me stay in Hojo Kyousuke's body forever.

Chewing the crispy and sweet apple, Miyamizu Mitsuha thought endlessly. After swallowing the pulp in her mouth, she opened her mouth to answer Tetsuta Kisaki's question.

"over slept."


Kisaki Tetsuta looked at his elder brother with an incredible expression. The eldest brother who has always hated waiting and being late actually overslept? In the past, even if he wanted to sleep, his eldest brother would only choose to come to the classroom and lie down on the table to sleep.

"What, why don't you suddenly want to sleep in?" Mitsuha Miyamizu used her tried and true "big brother face".

"It's not impossible, it's just that the first quiz will be held on Wednesday. Don't you need to prepare more?"

Tetsuta Kisaki looked puzzled. Although sometimes Hojo Kyousuke couldn't stand being squeezed by them and would pretend to be the boss to forcefully regain his respect, but it was not like this now.

Moreover, he always felt that today's Hojo Kyosuke was weird. Not only does she have a strange accent, but she also moves like a girl. He just saw Hojo Kyosuke running towards the teaching building from the window. The running posture of the other person...

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