Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 114 It’s okay not to wait in this Shura field

Old Furukawa Garden, the Spencer family residence

The chef disappeared after finishing the cooking, and now only Hojo Kyosuke and Eiri were left in the huge mansion.

In April in Tokyo, the sun had already set at six o'clock, and the orange-yellow sunset shone through the colorful windows into the small restaurant.

Turn on the lights, and the small crystal chandelier disperses the yellow sunlight and illuminates the entire space.

Without Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, Hojo Kyosuke and Erili sat opposite each other.

"I didn't expect it to be completed in one day."

Looking at a table of delicious, tasty and tasty dishes, Hojo Kyousuke rarely started to eat them immediately. Instead, he looked at Eiri who looked tired and said.

"If it weren't for the fact that you had to drag me to do exercises, I would have finished it long ago!"

Hearing this, Yinglili, who was originally listless, became excited instantly, her voice full of pride.

"That would make me feel guilty for exploiting child labor."

"Huh?! Who do you think it is because of me that I spent all day painting?"

child labor? Although she would indeed be considered a child laborer if she went out to work now, Yinglili understood the meaning of the other party's words instantly.

It was not convenient to use the twin-tail attack at the dinner table, so Eiri looked down, grabbed a piece of bread and threw it at Hojo Kyousuke's head.

The two of them had done similar behavior many times while painting during the day, and she had no idea that the other person would really be hit.

Sure enough, the hateful guy opposite took the bread easily and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing the indignant look of the girl opposite, the unscrupulous guy smiled with satisfaction. Of course, these words were not just a joke, but contained deep concern for Yinglili. The other person will be angry because of what he said. When he wants to stay up late in the future, he will think of his flat figure and sleep obediently!

The plan goes through! I am worthy of being a life coach.

While Hojo Kyosuke was eating bread, the girl opposite spoke again.

"Kyosuke, what are your plans in the future?" As she spoke, the girl lowered her head and poked the steak on the plate with her fork, looking nonchalant.

Hojo Kyousuke could easily hear the concern in the crisp and delicate voice, and also knew that the other party was referring to the arrangements after "One Punch Man", so he smiled and said:

"I will ask reliable friends to help me submit articles to more famous comic magazines."

"Submission? Although I am very confident in my painting skills, why don't I just ask my dad to introduce me to the editor-in-chief of the magazine?"

The things she had been exposed to since she was a child made Ying Lili very uneasy about the promotion channels for civilians.

In fact, if she wanted to, with her father's ability, he could easily put her into the best animation production team and let the top seniors in the industry guide her.

"Let's try it first. If it doesn't work, I won't be polite to you. After all, we are partners."

"Just don't be pushy."

After finishing speaking, the girl put the steak on the fork into her mouth. At this moment, she put one hand on the table, placed her little head on the hand and moved it up and down as she chewed, while her eyes were looking at the other hand. The fork on her hand, her azure eyes looked extremely beautiful under the bright light reflected by the crystal chandelier.

Maybe it was the feeling of emptiness after the passionate production, or maybe it was because she knew that Hojo Kyousuke would leave after finishing the meal, but the girl seemed a little depressed.

"I wish our work will sell well!" Hojo Kyosuke said loudly with a bright smile on his face, raising his glass of water.

"It will definitely be a hit!"

The girl also raised her water glass high. My painter plus your creativity will definitely do it!

After dinner, at the door

"You really don't need me to stay here with you?" Hojo Kyosuke asked a little worriedly.

It's a bit scary to be alone in such a huge mansion, let alone a little girl like Ying Lili who looks fierce but is actually a coward.

"What a shame, I'm not a kid! Didn't you make an appointment with someone tonight? Let's go."

Ying Lili turned her head, not wanting the reluctance on her face to be seen.

"Kyosuke-kun, are you leaving now?"

A familiar gentle female voice came from one side, it was Mrs. Sayuri who came back at some point.


"Aunt Sayuri, it's getting late, it's time for me to say goodbye." Hojo Kyosuke said.

You still say you're not afraid, isn't it okay to be afraid without knowing it? The relief and happiness could clearly be heard in the girl's voice.

"Then come and play with Lily when you have time. This child has been looking forward to it before you came today." Mrs. Sayuri came over, stroked her daughter's head, and said with a smile.

"Mom! I don't have any expectations! This guy will only bring me a lot of extra work when he comes."

She also forced me to do exercises, but even with the arrogance of a girl, she couldn't complain against her will that the other party really cared about her.

Hojo Kyosuke and Mrs. Sayuri looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

"Yinglili, see you next week."

"If you dare not come to the New Talent Exhibition, I will never see you again!"

Seeing that the girl was obviously very nervous about this, but she looked fierce and fierce, Hojo Kyousuke chuckled inwardly, but also answered seriously:

"Well, you will never go back on your promise!"

I rushed home all the way, and before I even opened the door, I heard conversations coming from inside.

"Move me over a little bit, I can hardly see the glass!" It's Sakura's voice, which is always so energetic and can be heard instantly no matter how noisy the place is.

"Really, it's so troublesome. If you must participate in the discussion, then do it yourself!" This was Naohua's voice, with the crispness unique to a girl.

Then there was a burst of inaudible laughter, which must have been Glass.

Hojo Kyosuke didn't wonder why there were their voices in his home, because the keys were given to them from the beginning so that they could come to him when they were nearby.

"I'm back." Opening the door, Hojo Kyosuke called out the long-lost greeting.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the quarrel inside suddenly stopped, and then hearing Hojo Kyousuke's voice, two surprised sounds suddenly rang out.

"Welcome back." X2

Ah, this is so wonderful.

Looking at the two girls kneeling in the living room and turning towards him, and listening to their different but equally sweet voices, Hojo Kyousuke felt his heart tingle.

"What, is Kyousuke back? Welcome back, Kyousuke, come on and show me!"

After opening the door, Hojo Kyosuke discovered that Sakura's voice was a little strange. He thought it was because of the door. Now he knew that Sakura was trapped in the screen.

"Really, I told you to come here by yourself."

Saying something disgusting, Naohua still took the phone over and pointed the screen at Hojo Kyosuke.

"good evening."

You don’t have to bring a specific person with you, so you don’t have to worry about who to say hello to first.

"It's so slow, Kyosuke, what are you doing?" Sakura shouted when Hojo Kyosuke took off his shoes.

"I'm going on my plan to make a fortune."

Hojo Kyosuke said that only in front of Sakura, he would tell everything without any scruples. If she only had glass, she would be worried again.

"What the hell!" Sakura was just complaining casually, but she didn't expect to hear such a funny thing. She suddenly put her little face in front of the camera, and her cell phone covered with straight flowers looked a little funny.

"Kyosuke, take her away quickly."

Seeing that Hojo Kyosuke had changed his shoes, Ueno Naoka quickly handed over the phone.

"Good evening Sakura."

Looking at Sakura's face, Hojo Kyosuke couldn't help but smile widely. This guy Sakura, even if he doesn't do anything, just sits there and laughs quietly, he will give people a power and make people happy unconsciously.

"You too, Kyosuke."

After talking to Sakura, he saw Glass sitting next to him licking his lips a few times, his expression changing several times, and finally it turned into that peaceful smile.

Hojo Kyosuke stretched out his hand and rubbed her little head. Glass' originally peaceful expression remained unchanged for a moment, and her mouth became curved and then lowered. After a few times, she finally lost control and showed a big smile.

Next to her, Zhihua leaned on the sofa early, watching the interaction between the two, and secretly curled her lips.

Hojo Kyosuke sat between Glass and Naoka, and placed Sakura on the low table in front of him.

Before he could speak, Sakura on the phone couldn't wait to shout:

"What is your plan to get rich? Tell me quickly."

Hahaha, really, this guy, even if she is not here, still talks the most.

"It's a comic, I'll send it to you by email."

Smiling softly, Hojo Kyousuke sent the completed part of "One Punch Man" to Sakura.

The person opposite quickly received the email. As the portrait in the video changed, it could be seen that Sakura held the phone in her hand and read the comics.

"Kyosuke-kun..." Glass pulled Hojo Kyosuke's sleeve.

"Hahaha, I've sent it to you too."

Hearing this, Glass and Naohua quickly turned on their phones.

But after Naohua took the phone back, Sakura could no longer see Hojo Kyosuke through the small window.


Hojo Kyosuke smiled and answered the video call.

"Just read the comics and read them carefully. Then play them after you finish them."

"Didn't you say that eating looks better when you look at good-looking things? I think comics look better when I watch you read them!" Sakura said confidently in the video.

He smiled and still put his phone on the table.

Looking at the three girls who were intently reading comics, Hojo Kyousuke couldn't help but look forward to their reactions.

Sakura should be my favorite, right? After all, she is usually very boyish. Thinking of this, Sakura in the video actually burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, is this vaccine guy just joking? He said he was so powerful, but he was punched in the face.

This child is so hateful, Saitama should not save her, but the crab monster is not a good person.

Can you become so good just by running ten kilometers a day? Then why haven’t I become better after running for so many years? Even though I ran a little less than him, I ran more time than him!

No air conditioning! ? Bravo!


Not to mention Sakura who was instantly fascinated by the manga, Hojo Kyosuke discovered that Glass and Naoka, who originally thought they were not interested in the manga, were actually reading it with gusto.

"A hero?"

When they saw Saitama appear and save the little girl from the vaccine man, Glass and Naohua thought at the same time.

The difference is that what Naohua thought of was that Hojo Kyosuke saved him with his wisdom and strategy and punished the bad boy himself.

Yes, it was because of interest. He was not a hero who foolishly sacrificed his life like his parents, but a hero who was motivated by interest.

He can use violence and tactics, protect the weak, and fight against violence.

Just like when she first met the real Hojo Kyosuke as a child, when Naohua saw this comic, she immediately thought of the hero in her heart, Hojo Kyosuke.

Glass was very straightforward. When she saw Saitama hugging the little girl to escape from danger, she even felt that the little girl looked 50% similar to her.

Look at the happy-looking bald man with his arms folded and saying that line. Glass couldn't help but read it out:

"I am a hero motivated by interest."

Hearing this voice, Hojo Kyousuke raised his head and looked at Glass in surprise, because this sentence was exactly the same as the tone spoken by Teacher Saitama in the animation in his memory.

Glass didn't notice Hojo Kyosuke's eyes and continued to look.

"You bastard! Another hit and it's done!"

Glass's originally very transparent voice now smelled of anger, and it sounded unexpectedly cute.

"She usually imitates the people on TV when she watches TV."

Seeing that Hojo Kyosuke was staring at Glass, Naoka came over and whispered in Hojo Kyosuke's ear.

Upon hearing this, Hojo Kyosuke knew why Glass acted like that, it was to practice speaking.

But now, listening to the lines spoken by Glass's voice with the inner emotions of the characters in the comics, his eyes were full of surprise.

"I remembered one more thing. When I was a child, my dream was not to be an office worker, but to be a hero who could punch away bad guys like you!"

Glass was still saying her lines with a serious face. Only after she finished speaking, she would look at the cartoon with an intoxicated and silly face for a long time.

"I'm not looking for a job anymore, so come here!"

In order to match the emotion of this line, Glass's tone was also raised a lot. After hearing the sound, she seemed to be startled, and she quickly raised her head and looked around.

"Um, did I disturb you?" the girl said in a low voice with a serious look on her face.

"It's so awesome! Ni-chan!" Sakura shouted loudly on the screen.

"Yeah, I thought it was Saitama himself who was talking!" Hojo Kyosuke also said.

"I'm used to it, why would I find it noisy?" Zhihua was not too surprised.


Glass scratched his head in embarrassment at first, and then asked timidly: "Kyosuke-kun, do you really think that I imitated him very much?"

"That's right, if this comic of mine is animated, you can definitely voice Saitama!"

Although it is a bit exaggerated, Hojo Kyosuke still gave the greatest affirmation.

"Kyosuke, will your manga be serialized in a magazine?"

Hearing this, Sakura on the other side of the phone asked excitedly.

"Of course, I will submit the article next week."

"Then, is it really possible that it will be animated?" Glass asked quietly, with a little more expectation in his voice.

"This, although I am very confident, but after all, I am not sure whether it can be serialized yet." Hojo Kyosuke said with a smile.

"Certainly possible!"

Naoka Ueno, who had been silent next to her, suddenly said, her voice so loud that several people nearby were startled.

"That's right! As long as Kyousuke-kun wants to do something, there is nothing he can't do." Glass also said quickly.

"Kyosuke, how much will the royalties be?" Over there, Sakura was already calculating the royalties.

The matter of dubbing animation seemed to have been ignored, and several people began to discuss plans for tomorrow.

"Kyosuke, Glass, we discussed before, don't go to the Azalea Festival. The best cherry blossom viewing period predicted by the Meteorological Bureau this year is tomorrow. Both Chiyoda and Meguro will hold cherry blossom festivals. Can we go here?" Sakura said.

Neon's weather bureau predicts the most beautiful time for cherry blossoms based on temperature changes every year, and then announces it nationwide, along with cherry blossom viewing guides. Where can I go on what day of the month? Where can I go on what day of the month? This year, due to the cold wave, the peak cherry blossom season will come later.

"I don't care, you just decide."

"Okay, then let's go to the Cherry Blossom Festival. You should enjoy cherry blossoms in spring!"

Sakura made the decision, and she didn't know if it was because of her, but anyone could hear the excitement in her voice.

Hey, the azaleas in Nezu Shrine will cry. Who didn’t want to leave after taking photos there last time?

Looking at the three girls chatting together about whether to wear kimonos tomorrow, Hojo Kyousuke complained in his heart.

At the same time, he was wrestling with a question in his mind: Will he switch bodies tomorrow? Do you want to give Sakura and the others a vaccination?

After struggling for a while, he decided to let nature take its course. After swapping bodies so many times, whether it was a bad gathering, a class, or a dinner party with Onizuka Eikichi and the others, Miyamizu Mitsuha did a good job. So far, only Kirisaki Tetsuta was the only one who noticed that something was wrong.

In some ways, he was better than him. Thinking about Mitsuha Mitsuha's father who was shocked by him, and Momokari Yukino who discovered his identity, Hojo Kyosuke affirmed Mitsuha Mitsuha's ability. .

Therefore, if she switches bodies tomorrow, she will definitely be able to do it!

I leave it to you, Mitsuha Miyamizu!

With this thought in mind, the girl opposite also discussed it.

Tomorrow morning we will gather at Hojo Kyosuke’s house. We will not wear kimono. We will go to Chiyoda to enjoy the cherry blossoms and have a picnic during the day, and in the evening we will go to the Meguro River to enjoy the night cherry blossoms and attend the festival.

"Then let's go first. See you tomorrow, Kyosuke-kun." Glass stood at the door and bowed slightly.

"See you tomorrow, Kyousuke." Naohua waved.

"Welcome to play again next time." Sakura on the phone said goodbye to the two of them like a hostess.

"You should also rest early, we have a day of fun tomorrow."

Hojo Kyousuke made a flick of his head at the screen. After seeing Sakura again, he looked at the darkened sky outside the window. After thinking for a while, he said to the two of them:

"I'll go with you, just think of it as a walk."

After saying that, he also grabbed a coat and put it on and put on his shoes.

Glass, who was already standing outside the door, didn't say thank you, but smiled with crooked eyes, and Naohua had the same expression.

The entrance to Glass and Naoka's apartment.

"I'm leaving now. See you tomorrow."

After rejecting the invitation from Glass and the others to sit for a while, Hojo Kyosuke smiled and left.

"Naoka Naoka! Make me a Kyosuke-kun doll."

As soon as she changed into her home clothes, Glass couldn't wait to grab Naoka Ueno and said.

"What?" Zhihua thought she didn't hear clearly.

"Just make a puppet that looks more like Kyousuke-kun."

"Why do you want this? Aren't there enough photos on the bedside for you to see?" Zhihua asked in surprise, and after speaking, she nodded her chin towards Glass's bedroom.

"Straight flowers!"

Glass quickly ran over and pulled the curtain to cover the photo of her, Kyousuke-kun and Yuzuru on the bedside table, and then she shouted shyly in a low voice.

"Just make one for me."

The girl walked in small steps to a family of Naohana sitting on the tatami, sat down, hugged the latter's arm and said pitifully.

"There's really nothing I can do about you, so you have to explain it to me carefully from now on!"

Naohua, whose heart softened after being shaken twice by Glass, said helplessly, then stood up and found her toolbox.

As her dream is to be a fashion designer, she certainly has no shortage of things like cloth and cotton. She soon made a puppet that looked like Hojo Kyosuke.

Looking at the doll with black hair and big eyes in her hand, Naohua was a little reluctant to give it to Glass.

"Wow! As expected of Naohana, it really looks like it!" Glass next to her said in surprise.

Forget it, she will cry if I don't give it to her.

"It's just an ordinary doll, whatever you think it looks like." Reluctantly, Naohua handed the doll to Glass, and Naohua started to pack up the tools.

"Where! These eyes are exactly the same as Kyousuke-kun's! They look super gentle." Glass held the doll in front of his eyes with both hands, his eyes full of love.

"So, can you tell me what you want to do now?" Naohua asked.

"That, that..." Glass's little mouth quivered for a long time, and he raised his head, not daring to look into Naohua's eyes.

"Forget it, forget it, I won't ask you anymore."

Shaking his head, Zhihua cleaned up the low table, found a book on fashion design, and started reading.

"Hehe." Glass laughed sheepishly, then ran to his bedroom with the doll in his arms.

Ueno Naoka raised her head, glanced at the curtain suspiciously, then lowered her head and started reading.

"Why did you leave me?"

The sudden sound woke up Zhihua who was immersed in studying. When she raised her head, the sound continued.

"Can my mother's stop alone make you back down?"

"Kanghe-kun, is our love over like this?"

Glass's voice continued behind the curtain, and Naohua, who heard Mitsuko-kun, already knew what Glass was doing.

These are lines from a TV series they watched recently. The heroine's mother didn't like the heroine's boyfriend and gave the boyfriend 100 million yen to leave the heroine. The male protagonist agreed, and this line is the female protagonist questioning the male protagonist sadly.

However, there was no sadness in Glass's voice at all, only a hint of shyness and affection. It's just acting coquettishly instead of questioning.

"Ah, Naoka, looking at Kyosuke-kun, I can't even imitate Miss Ryoko."

The curtain was opened, and Glass ran to Ueno Naoka with his bare feet, sat down, and hugged the latter.

Looking at the red-faced Glass, Naohua shook her head helplessly.

"So, you asked me to make this doll for you just to practice your lines for him?"

"I, I just thought that as long as Kyousuke-kun is by my side, I will be full of strength. I should be able to speak more emotionally to his face." Glass said sheepishly.


Ueno Naoka was speechless. She was indeed full of emotion, but it was just in the wrong category.

"Why don't you try a sweeter plot? Didn't Miss Liangzi meet Mr. Right later? Wouldn't that episode be very suitable for you to play?"


Now that she was speechless, she couldn't say anything. When she thought about the scene of Miss Ryoko and Genichiro kissing, she couldn't help but think of Kyosuke-kun, and then her brain was overloaded and she couldn't even speak.

"Naoka! If you want to be a voice actor, you can't put yourself in your comfort zone. You have to be brave enough to challenge your own shortcomings." Glass's little face with baby fat puffed up and he said righteously.

"Oh~ So it turns out that Glass wants to be a voice actor." Naoka Ueno protracted her tone and looked at Glass teasingly.

"Because, isn't it possible that Kyosuke-kun's comics will be adapted into animations? And I usually like to imitate the people on TV talking. I know I am overestimating my abilities, but, but..."

He accidentally exposed his inner thoughts and kept talking in his small mouth.

"Stop, stop, stop, don't overestimate your capabilities. I think you are really suitable to be a voice actor, Glass. Didn't Kyousuke say before that you speak exactly like the Saitama in his heart?"

"Hehe, even though I'm very happy when Kyousuke-kun said that, I still know that it's just him encouraging me." Glass touched his head, and the warmth of Kyousuke-kun's hand seemed to still remain on it.

"If you want to be a voice actor, it will be very difficult just to practice by yourself. If you really make a decision, you should discuss it with your mother and find a professional voice actor training."

After teasing Glass, Naohua also knew that whatever the girl said must have been well thought out, and there must be more reasons than what she said, so she also made serious suggestions.

"Of course I know this, but it's still too early now. It will take a long time for Kyosuke-kun's comics to be animated. After junior high school, Naoka, you will also go to a specialized fashion design school, and I will also go to a professional Voice actor training, isn’t that just right?”

Glass pointed her other hand with her index finger and spoke with longing. It was obvious that she had really considered the future seriously.

"What about Kyousuke? Didn't you always look forward to staying with him in high school?" Naohua asked.


Glass shook his head, with a peaceful smile on his face:

"It's me who needs Kyosuke-kun, not him who needs me."

After saying this, Glass held Naohua's arm and leaned against her, and then the two of them leaned against the pillow on the wall behind.

"I seem to be the recipient of everyone's help all the time, so I thought, even if it's just once, I want to repay everyone."

Naohua knew that at least 90% of that "everyone" was referring to Hojo Kyosuke.

"Now I finally see this opportunity. The animation of Kyosuke-kun's manga will require voice actors. It just so happens that I also like to talk, I like to speak myself, and I like to imitate what others say.

How happy it would be if I could help Kyousuke-kun complete his animation and hear my own voice in Kyousuke-kun's animation."

Naohua turned her head and looked at Glass, who was leaning against her. Her lovely face was filled with a happy smile, and her bright eyes seemed to have seen the scene where the animation was completed.

Glass found his dream, what about me?

Fashion designer? Naohua originally couldn't remember when she came up with this idea. Now in Glass's sleepy voice, childhood memories gradually come to mind.

The longing when looking at other children's new clothes, and the disappointment when looking at the old clothes of myself, my grandfather and my brothers.

Yes, it turns out that that’s when the idea of ​​making beautiful new clothes for myself and my family came up.

Now, it seems that this dream can add a little something?

Naohua's heart moved when she thought of the nondescript clothes of the protagonist of Hojo Kyosuke's manga. Not only Glass, but it seems that she can also contribute to Kyousuke-kun's works.

On the other side, Hojo Kyosuke returned home and wrote on a memo that he would go to the Sakura Festival with his friends tomorrow, and then fell asleep with peace of mind.

Although it was completely uncontrollable whether he exchanged bodies before, he believed that his system would know for good or bad, so he should not embarrass himself as the master.

That is to say, this system is really a piece of shit, otherwise it would definitely jump out and scream that it was wronged. The body swapping and memory blocking were really not done by it.

In White Lily Academy, Sakura is still writing homework frantically with a lamp on so that she can travel tomorrow.

Tokyo, Sendagi, single apartment

Mitsuha Miyamizu was woken up by the vibrating sound of her cell phone. She skillfully reached out and turned off the alarm clock on the bedside table. Mitsuha Miyamizu opened her eyes sleepily.

Take a look at the phone

Isn't it Sunday? Why does Hojo Kyosuke set the alarm clock?

With this in mind, Mitsuha Miyamizu opened the memo. She knew that since Hojo Kyosuke specifically set the alarm clock on the weekend, he must have something important to do.

“Sakura Festival!!!”

The moment she saw the memo, Mitsuha Miyamizu's sleepiness was swept away, and she sat up with a scream.


I’ve only seen this festival on TV, and now it’s finally my turn to enjoy it, Mitsuha Miyamizu!

Resisting the urge to wash up and go out immediately, she continued to look at the memo.

Sakura Festival, but I have to go with three girls: Yamauchi Sakura, Nishimiya Glass, and Ueno Naoka

Hojo Kyosuke did not make it clear about his relationship with the three girls, but simply said that they were three friends who had a very good relationship.

It’s over, how could I hide it now?

As a girl, Miyamizu Mitsuha knew that girls would never be as easy to deceive as those boys in the East City.

Sayaka is the exception! She is too cute to be able to play so happily with Yotsuba.

How to do how to do? The joy of going to the Sakura Festival was instantly replaced by worry.

By the way, Hojo Kyosuke must have a solution!

With this in mind, Miyamizu Mitsuha continued to look at the memo.

"When you are ready to go to Chiyoda, call Tetsuta Kirisaki and he will find someone to drive to pick you up. I have already prepared the expenses for today in my wallet. Please don't be polite and have a good time (smiley face)"

This was the last sentence of the memo. Just like the previous memo, that person just told her all the information she might use, and never guided or restricted her behavior.

Mitsuha Miyamizu was very grateful for this in the past, but now she just felt numb when thinking that those three girls would come to her door soon.

Hojo Kyosuke’s smart brain, think of a solution quickly.

The girl prayed and quickly walked into the bathroom and started washing.

I don’t know from the first few exchanges, when Miyamizu Mitsuha wakes up, he will see his naked sleeping body, wearing loose shorts and T-shirts.

As soon as she finished washing and walked out of the bathroom, she heard the doorbell.

The girl's eyes suddenly became panicked. Although she did not expect to be arrested for dissection and experiment, she thought that she might mess up Hojo Kyosuke's interpersonal relationship.

Really, why is there such an outrageous thing as body swapping!

Thinking this, Mitsuha Miyamizu walked to the door and opened it.

Because she didn't open the curtains on the balcony, the room was originally very dark. But now as soon as she opened the door, the light from outside came in instantly.

His eyes were stung by the sunlight, but Mitsuha Miyamizu couldn't tell whether it was the sunlight or the three beautiful girls that was dazzling.

The clothes are different, but they look super fashionable at first glance, and every face is so delicate. They have makeup that Mitsuha Miyamizu has never seen before, but they all bring out their respective advantages very well.

She is filled with the youthful vitality of a girl, and you can tell at a glance that she is someone who lives in a big city, which is completely different from herself who wears school uniforms every day and is so boring.

For a time, the sensitive girl fell into a depressed mood.

"Too slow, Kyousuke." Sakura was the first to walk in the door and said as he took off his shoes.

This should be Yamauchi Sakura, right? Mitsuha Miyamizu identified everyone.

The girl who spoke was wearing a white T-shirt and black denim shorts, revealing her slender arms and straight thighs. When he bent down, a silver necklace fell out of his collar. It was a four-leaf clover pendant.

Mitsuha Miyamizu subconsciously touched her chest, where there was a four-leaf clover pendant of the same style.

It turns out that I bought it together with her. In the past, Mitsuha Miyamizu had wondered why a boy like Hojo Kyousuke would wear a girlish pendant. Now she knows, but she just doesn't know why she feels a little bitter in her heart.

Before she could explain that she had heard the doorbell and opened the door immediately, Yamauchi Sakura had already walked in on her own.

"Good morning, Kyosuke-kun."

Coming in from behind was a girl with brown hair, a little baby fat on her face, a sweet smile, and wearing a brown dress.

Nishimiya Glass is so cute and so big.

Mitsuha Miyamizu exclaimed in her heart and subconsciously looked towards her chest.

Damn it, Hojo Kyousuke’s chest muscles are so big...

It's a good thing that Hojo Kyousuke didn't hear this. What does it mean to be big? He is not a powerful muscle. Both his chest and abdominal muscles are streamlined.

"Good morning, Glass."

Hojo Kyosuke still left a simple message like a title to her.

"Good morning, Kyosuke."

There was only one left, Naoka Ueno, and Mitsuha Miyamizu decided on her name without even thinking about it.

When she appeared in Hojo Kyosuke's photo album, most of the time she showed off a pair of long legs that made Mitsuha Miyamizu drool with envy. For some reason, she wore a pair of suspenders today instead.

Maybe it’s because you don’t want to match up with Yamauchi Sakura? If there are two pairs of big white legs in a team, it would be too dazzling.

She guessed this, turned sideways and let the two girls come in, and then she closed the door.

"Kyosuke, are you ready for today's food?" As soon as he entered the room, Sakura rummaged in the kitchen like a hamster.

Um? Is Hojo Kyosuke still responsible for preparing the food? Mitsuha Miyamizu was confused, but she didn't see it in the memo.

"Sakura, didn't we agree that we would be responsible for the food for the picnic, and Kyosuke-kun would only be responsible for preparing the desserts?" Naoka Ueno said.

"Slightly~" Yamauchi Sakura said nothing, just made a face.

"Pfft." Glass, who was standing quietly beside him, was instantly amused.

"Ah, Ni-chan, you actually laughed at me!" Sakura, who had already touched the refrigerator door, stopped, turned around and said sadly.

"I didn't, I just thought about Yuzuru." Glass said quickly.

"Hehe, Glass is still so cute."

Sakura came over and gave Glass a bear hug.

"Then why didn't you ask Kyousuke to bring Yuzuru to Tokyo like last time and let's go to the Sakura Festival together?" Sakura asked.

"The Sakura Festival is also being held in Minato City. Yuzuru and my mother and grandmother should have gone out at this time." Glass said softly.

"Oh, yes, my mother just sent me a photo."

Mitsuha Miyamizu stood aside blankly, watching the interaction between the two girls. That girlish heart made her want to go up and have sex with a cute girl like Glass, but unfortunately she was using Hojo Kyosuke's body now.

Sakura let go of the glass and walked to the refrigerator again. She knew that her favorite thing should be in it.

"Wow, sure enough, yam ice cream!"

She cheered and took out the ice cream in the crisper box. Although she guessed that these foods were prepared by Kyousuke to prevent herself from getting sick, she didn't have any rebellious mentality at all.

Are you being rebellious for something so delicious? Sakura, my brain is not broken yet!

Thinking this in his smart head, Sakura took out a spoon from the box on the kitchen stove behind him and started to eat.

He opened the lid and turned around to look. Kyousuke was still standing there blankly.

He stretched out his spoon and turned around to look. Kyousuke was still standing there blankly.

After scooping up a spoonful, the familiar voice didn't sound yet.

After stuffing it into his mouth, at around nine o'clock in the morning, a spoonful of cold ice cream entered Yamauchi Sakura's stomach smoothly.

Not to mention Yamauchi Sakura, even Glass and Naohua looked at Hojo Kyosuke in surprise.

Uh huh huh? !

Miyamizu Mitsuha, who was standing there and still thankful that he was not exposed, was frightened by the sudden focus of his attention.

Why am I standing here motionless and showing flaws even without saying a word?

With a smile on her face, the girl pretended to be calm and looked at the other three girls.

"So suspicious!"

Sakura swallowed the ice cream in her mouth, put her beloved crisper in the refrigerator, bent slightly, and slowly approached Hojo Kyousuke like Sherlock Holmes looking for clues with a magnifying glass.

"What's wrong? Is the ice cream not delicious?" Miyamizu Mitsuha was sweating on his forehead and his head was spinning rapidly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Nishimiya Glass and Ueno Naoka also looked at Hojo Kyousuke suspiciously.

"What else happened?"

At this moment, Sakura was already in front of Hojo Kyosuke, and their bodies were almost touching each other. She looked up at the familiar face.

His little nose twitched and he sniffed hard.


"Kyosuke, you didn't take a shower this morning!" Detective Sakura said.


Mitsuha Miyamizu breathed a sigh of relief, she thought she had been discovered.

"I overslept a little, so I didn't wash it."

"Who are you?"

Please give me monthly votes, guys.

Yesterday, the boss's reward of 10,000 yuan was increased by 1k. It will be added tomorrow. Today is not suitable.

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