"Hey, with me, Sakura-sama, at the helm, how could I possibly hit them?"

After arriving at the destination with unstoppable momentum, Sakura released the steering wheel and said proudly.

Mitsuha Miyamizu looked at the people behind who were still complaining softly and burst into laughter.

She had never experienced such arbitrary behavior even when using Hojo Kyosuke's body. For a moment, she felt extremely happy both physically and mentally.

Sakura Yamauchi...

Looking at Sakura Yamauchi who turned around and happily shared the joy of driving with Glass and Naoka, Mitsuha Miyamizu felt a touch of envy in her heart.

"Hahaha, Sakura is such an interesting person."

"It's all thanks to Kyousuke being around, but now I should say Mitsuha."

Sakura turned around, the expression on her face was like some kind of animal that Mitsuha Miyamizu had seen in elementary school textbooks.


Glass and Naohua from behind also looked over curiously.

"Because Kyousuke is here, I'm not afraid of them causing trouble~" Sakura said proudly, with a deliberately villainous smile on her face.

"Hehe, it seems like this." Glass chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Aren't you afraid that there will be too many people for Kyousuke to handle?" Naoka Ueno said.

"In that case, I will drag Kyosuke away immediately. We have been practicing long-distance running every day since the third grade of elementary school. No one can catch us!" Sakura said confidently.

Damn it, I really want to be able to rely on Kyosuke as I please like Sakura!

Looking at the face of the other person's childhood sweetheart, Ueno Naoka felt envious in her heart.

Mitsuha Miyamizu sat aside and smiled silently watching the interaction between the three girls, trying to understand the complicated relationship between them.

After spending a long time together, I learned all the basic information from chatting.

Although they were all Kyousuke's friends, Mitsuha Miyamizu was keenly aware that the relationship between the three girls was not simple.

The cutest and most adorable Glass is the group favorite. Sakurara and Naoka both like her very much.

Although Glass and Naoka study in the same school and sleep in the same apartment, Glass relies more on Sakura. But this may have something to do with Sakura's character. She is a very handsome and independent girl.

Glass also has a very good relationship with Naoka. It can be seen that she cherishes this friend very much. When Sakura was running around, Glass was holding Naoka's hand tightly, even when taking pictures, she was holding her hand tightly. Together.

As for Sakura and Naoka, Mitsuha Miyamizu, who is an emotional mentor, keenly noticed the little disagreement between them. As for the reason, it is the owner of this body.

Although Naohua was having a pleasant chat with Sakura and Glass, the smile on her face was sincere. But who is Miyami Mitsuha? The shrine maiden who is famous in Itomori Town, Hida City, and a well-known emotional mentor, she immediately saw the deep thoughts hidden under the bright smile.

It seems that today I will not only help Hojo Kyosuke with the Ministry of Education, but also help him enlighten his friends and maintain the stability of his circle of friends.

The girl silently made up her mind.

The waves caused by the duck boats gradually subsided and the river became calm again. Because of Sakura's actions, they were the only ones left on this section of the river.

The turquoise mirror-like lake reflects the blue sky and white clouds. Under the clear river water, water plants and falling petals sway and flow with the river water.

The white boat looked like a dreamy ornament on the jadeite. When the girls raised their heads, what they saw was not the sky, but the cherry blossom branches stretching from the river bank to the river, as well as pink cherry blossoms.

The sky seemed to turn pink, and the sky seemed to be floating down. Pieces of petals continued to fall in the spring breeze, dyeing the white duck boat and the little hands of the girls stretching out the cabin pink.

Tiny ripples appeared on the river surface due to the falling pink petals. The turquoise lake water was disturbed. A large number of cherry blossoms fell and merged into the water flow. The river surface instantly changed color.

"So beautiful."

Glass stretched out her little hand to catch the falling cherry blossoms, her voice was as transparent as river water, and as soft as the pink petals.

Naohua had a faint smile on her face, looking at the cherry blossoms that kept falling in the river and then being taken away by the river, not knowing what she was thinking.

"No, I'm going to jump to the river to take pictures for you!"

It was the first time Mitsuha Miyamizu saw so many cherry blossoms and so many beautiful girls. The sense of responsibility in her heart made her feel that she could no longer sit still and wait for death, and she had to record it!

"Hahaha, why don't you throw me over, Mitsuha?" Sakura said with a smile.

"It's better to throw me away. I'm the lightest." Zhihua also joked.

"That's true." Sakura chuckled, looking at Ueno Naoka's chest.

"Sakura! I'll fight you!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

A few people were playing around when a loud shout suddenly came from the distance


"Onitsuka Eikichi?!"

Mitsuha Miyamizu suddenly raised his head, exerting too much force and causing the boat to shake slightly, which frightened the others and quickly grabbed the hull of the boat.

"Sorry sorry."

After finishing speaking, the girl raised her head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, on a dark blue shuttle-shaped boat that Sakura used to tease Glass, Onizuka Eikichi and Danma Ryuuji were swinging the paddles vigorously towards this direction, but for some reason, both of them were obviously very I tried hard, but the speed was extremely slow.

"Idiot Long Er, keep up with me!"

Seeing his elder brother right in front of him but unable to rush over, Onizuka Eikichi was extremely anxious.

"Idiot Yingji, why don't you keep the same pace with me!" Danma Ryuji retorted unceremoniously.

"Who told you to use all my intelligence fees to buy photos and prevent us from renting a duck boat?"

"Who asked you to use our gas money to buy novels, causing us to have to take the subway during this period!"

"..." Onizuka Eikichi silently adjusted the paddling frequency.

"I didn't do that just to learn about love." The fool muttered in a low voice.

"Then have you learned it?"


The two ships finally came close.

"Just when I was far away, I saw an incredibly fast boat. At that time, I told Long Er that this must be the captain's boat. No one except a handless devil can drive a mere duck boat out of here. It’s gaining momentum!”

As soon as they met, Onitsuka Eikichi slapped the flattery that he had been preparing for a long time.


Listening to the nickname that was so good at the second level, Mitsuha Miyamizu finally understood why Hojo Kyosuke told her in the memo that as long as someone called him by this nickname, he would write it down, and he would give that person extra training later.

"Hahaha, the devil without hands is so handsome."

Sakura was the first to laugh. If Hojo Kyosuke himself was here, her laughter might have subsided a little, but now, Mitsuha Miyamizu next to her started laughing too.

"Although it's not the first time I've heard it, it's still so cute, Kyousuke's nickname." Naoka rarely reached an agreement with Sakura.

Although Glass also had a smile on her face, she was completely infected by Sakura. What she was actually thinking was: As long as it is Kyousuke-kun, any nickname will sound good!

"Right, the president has always disliked it. In fact, everyone is envious of this nickname!" Onizuka Eikichi said.

Looking at the proud Onitsuka Eikichi, Mitsuha Miyamizu thought for a while and decided not to write down his name. How could Kyousuke give him extra training when he was a good subordinate who picked up and dropped off people in cars and was now rushing to be a photographer.

Yes, Mitsuha Miyamizu knew the mission of Onizuka Eikichi the moment he saw him.

"Onitsuka, didn't you go to find the main force? Why are you here with Ryuji?"

"What's the point of a gathering full of men? There are so many cute girls here in Chidorigafuchi, maybe my right one will appear here."

"Idiot, I wasn't the one to remind you!" Danma Ryuji said with a bang to Onizuka Eikichi's head.

"Haha, then I wish you good luck."

"Come on, Chief, I'll take pictures for you!"

A certain fool said very consciously that in fact he and Long Er did come here for this purpose, and even asked a subordinate to borrow a camera.

According to Danma Ryuji's observation, the ladies who cruised on Chidorigafuchi were actually troubled by not being able to take photos.

There are obviously such beautiful cherry blossoms on both sides of the river, but the cute girls on the boat couldn't take pictures.

Isn’t this opportunity coming? Bringing a camera and adding contact information on the pretext of sending the photos to them later, wouldn’t fate just come?

As for Bluetooth transmission, sorry, it doesn’t have that function.

Taken with a mobile phone? No, I can’t capture the beauty of the young lady in the photo.

It was also because of this good idea that Danma Ryuji briefly became the eldest brother of the duo.

Of course, this can only be a preliminary way to obtain contact information. Whether you can win the young lady's heart in the future still requires the director to teach you love skills.

So the moment they saw Hojo Kyosuke, the two of them rushed over immediately.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Mitsuha Miyamizu said without any politeness, smiling.

"Leave it to us! After the filming is completed, I will use Bluetooth to transfer it to the director's mobile phone." Onizuka Eikichi said with a smile.

With the good tool man in hand, the four girls had a good time filming.

The cherry blossoms in Chidorigafufu are truly amazing, no wonder the Imperial Palace was built here.

Because the moat is so beautiful, is it okay to build a castle?

A total of 800 cherry blossom trees have been planted in the short 400-meter river, all of which are Somei Yoshino cherry and mountain cherry, which are the most suitable for viewing. Years of growth have made the cherry blossom trees extremely tall, and the branches are unevenly stretched out to the river. The low places can be reached by just sitting on the boat and reaching out.

At this moment, Glass was sitting alone on the small boat brought by Onizuka and the others, and the brown twigs full of pink cherry blossoms just touched her head.

The girl in a brown dress held a small white handbag in her hands and placed it on her legs together, looking ahead with a peaceful smile. His eyes were calm, like the turquoise river water, and his brown eyes seemed to be able to see the cherry blossoms on the other side.

Photographer Onizuka Eikichi, who was standing on the duck boat in an extremely dangerous posture, quickly clicked the shutter.

"OK!" The idiot gave a thumbs up.

Glass breathed a sigh of relief. It was really embarrassing to take pictures in the spotlight.

"No, no, no, I'll take a few more pictures. I'm going to take pictures with Glass later!" Sakura shouted quickly, and then asked Mitsuha Miyamizu to quickly drive the duck boat to change the angle so that Onizuka Eikichi could continue taking pictures.

"Oh, just leave it to me!"

Onizuka Eikichi shouted passionately, this is a movable type sign! Later, I will let the young ladies see the photos of the chief’s friends, and the young ladies will not have to line up to take pictures with them!

"Well, I think one card is enough, Sakura." Glass begged for mercy in a low voice.

"No, no, it's a rare trip, so I must take more photos. There is only one Sakura Festival in a person's life when he is fourteen years old!"

Sakura also shouted like the protagonist of a hot-blooded comic.

"Oh hiss, that's it, Sakura-senpai is right!" Onizuka Eikichi and Danma Ryuji responded one after another.

"Hahaha, Glass, let's take a few pictures. I haven't seen what you look like today."

Mitsuha Miyamizu said, deliberately using an accent when saying the word "I".


Hearing this, Jiazi's fair little face turned red instantly, turning pink like falling cherry blossoms blending into one. For a moment, she couldn't tell who was more beautiful, the human being or the flower.

As for how they exchanged boats, with the body of Hojo Kyosuke and the three strong men of the Onibaku duo, they stretched out their hands and pulled the two boats as steady as if they were on land.

He again changed angles and postures and took many photos of Glass. Mitsuba Gomiya controlled the duck boat and carefully approached it. Several people stretched out their hands to fix Glass's boat.

Just as Sakura was about to step over and take a photo with Glass, Naohua had already passed by.

Mitsuha Miyamizu turned her head to look at Sakura, who didn't seem to mind at all. She just laughed at Naoka who was imitating her face.

The two ships separated again, and Glass and Naohua began to take photos with Sakura.

In the front row, Onizuka Eikichi and Danma Ryuji were taking photos and the other was directing. Miyamizu Mitsuha in the back was always paying attention to Glass and the others, preparing to rescue them if they fell into the water. Suddenly, Sakura next to him said:

"Are you surprised about my relationship with Naoka?"

"Well, I'm a little bit, but I'm not too curious." Mitsuha Miyamizu nodded first, and then quickly shook his hand.

Sakura turned sideways slightly, stretched out her hand to touch the petals floating on the water, and then suddenly pushed forward hard, raising a bunch of cherry blossoms and water splashes.

"Naoka is actually a very awkward person. Although she has known Kyousuke earlier than me, she is the one who talks to Kyousuke the least among the three of us."

"Huh?" Mitsuha Miyamizu looked at Sakura in confusion.

"It's hard to understand, isn't it? Naoka and Kyousuke have always been in the same school, and I actually didn't meet Kyousuke until the second semester of the third grade. Glass didn't come to our school until the sixth grade, but Naoka was in It was only after Glass and Kyousuke got to know each other that Glass took the opportunity to join us."

"So that's it..." Even so, Mitsuha Miyamizu still didn't understand what Yamauchi Sakura wanted to say.

"Actually, she is the most possessive among the three of us. I have always been a little jealous of Kyousuke's childhood sweetheart. No, it's more regretful than jealous."


"Yes, regret. Regret about why she had the earliest opportunity to meet Kyosuke and become childhood sweethearts, but now she has become the last one to join."

"If this is the case, isn't it the same for glass?"

"Are you saying that Naoka is also jealous of Glass?"

Sakura was still leaning sideways, but turned her head. The midday sun reflected on the water, and the ripples of light shone on her fair and pretty face.

A complete cherry blossom fell accidentally, and the clear appearance of the five petals remained on Sakura's face.

"Looking at Glass like that, would anyone really be jealous of her?"

Miyamizu Mitsuha turned her head as she was told, and the shy Glass was hugged by Ueno Naoka. Although her face was embarrassed, she still cooperated with Naoka seriously in posing for photos.

"It's so cute!" The girl nodded in agreement, and later she would hold Glass like this for a photo!

"Haha, right?"

Sakura smiled happily when the person she liked was liked by others, and her happiness doubled.

"I can't give up my childhood sweetheart's position, so I'll play some little girl's games with Naoka~"

Listening to the relaxed tone, Miyamizu Mitsuha knew that the girl named Sakura really didn't take the little emotions between the girls to heart, just like she had always shown.

Just like the queen sitting in the palace in the Dahe drama...


What am I thinking about? Mitsuha Miyamizu was startled by this sudden thought.

"Then Sakura, why are you telling me this?"

"Haha, don't look at me as if I am having fun heartlessly and stupidly every day. In fact, these things are very tiring after being buried in my heart for a long time, okay?

You can't tell Kyousuke the secret of a girl. It just so happens that you have Kyousuke's face now, but you are a girl with a delicate mind. Wouldn't it be a waste to not use the big tree hole! "

Saying that, Sakura smiled slyly.

"Hahaha, I'm really yours, Sakura."

Hearing this, Miyami Mitsuha breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of the Taiga drama, she thought she was going to be involved in a palace struggle.

"Ah, it's my turn. I also want to take a photo with Ni-chan."

Seeing that they had been filming for a long time, Sakura quickly went to the cabin and shouted.

Glass showed a soft smile and waved to them, and Mitsuha Miyamizu, the power source, quickly went to pedal the boat.

After Ueno Naoka returned to the duck boat, Sakura quickly stepped over and pulled Mitsuha Miyamizu, or Hojo Kyosuke along with her.

"Hehe, Kyosuke just take some photos with us first, Naohana, please wait."

Looking at Yamauchi Sakura who was making a proud face, and Ueno Naoka who was a little unhappy for a moment, Miyamizu Mitsuha suddenly laughed out loud.

Glass, three-leaf, and Sakuraliang take pictures; glass three-leaf ones take pictures; glass three-leaf ones take pictures; glass three-leaf ones take pictures; straight flower three-leaf ones take pictures...

Except for taking a group photo with the Oniba duo, the girls tried all the combinations.

"It's time for Sakura to take the photo."

Seeing that everyone except Sakura had been photographed alone, Glass shouted quickly.

"Haha, I don't like taking pictures alone. Kyousuke, come over and take pictures with me."

Sakura stood on the boat and looked at everyone. She was the only one left on the boat at the moment.

Don't like taking photos alone? Mitsuha Miyamizu was puzzled as she took out her phone and quickly snapped two photos of Sakura.

Wearing a super simple outfit like a white T-shirt and black shorts did not affect Sakura's beauty at all. Rather, the exposed round thighs and slender arms with clear traces of movement made her look more energetic. .

Hojo Kyosuke will definitely be happy to see such a healthy and happy Sakura.

With this thought in mind, Miyamizu Mitsuha quickly stepped over at Yamauchi Sakura's urging.

Although the person next to her was not really Kyosuke, Sakura still held her arm happily. If he missed taking a photo with Sakura-sama on a day like this, Kyousuke would definitely be very sad!

The considerate wind blew by, taking away the hats of passers-by on the bridge, blowing down the cherry blossoms all over the sky, and the gorgeous pink petals fell like rain and snow.

The cherry blossoms symbolize life, spring, and bring hope and love to people. Like a dream, the two people on the boat seemed to have turned into a picture of spring cherry blossoms.

Looking at the camera, Sakura showed a big smile.

After taking the photo, bidding farewell to Onitsuka and Eikichi, the four girls returned the duck boat and continued walking along the Chidori Greenway.

Their next destination, Chidorigafuchi Park, is at the end of the greenway.

In fact, it is not that easy to have a picnic under the cherry blossom trees while admiring the cherry blossoms.

Most of the beautiful cherry blossom trees are surrounded by green plants in the middle, and there are guardrails around them. Visitors are not allowed to enter.

The same goes for a good-looking lawn. Otherwise, how could it look good if everyone stepped on it?

But Chidorigafuchi is different. It is the second best cherry blossom viewing spot in Tokyo after Ueno Park. There is a cherry blossom forest maintained by dedicated personnel, and the lawn below is a specially bred variety with strong tolerance. On such days, it will be open to tourists, allowing everyone to drink and enjoy the cherry blossoms.

Of course it’s okay not to drink, but that’s what Neon people like. The gorgeous cherry blossoms, but the extremely short flowering period, are completely in line with their aesthetics of mourning for things.

Therefore, even women who don’t usually drink will drink a glass of sake while looking at the beautiful cherry blossoms.

I have already seen the cherry blossom forest from a distance. Dozens of trees full of cherry blossoms look like giant pink marshmallows at a glance. Ignoring the shadowy people and the green grass, it looks like a scene from a fairy tale. Same.

"Mitsuha, you go and find a seat first, I'll be here later." After saying that, Sakura ran away with a smile.

"I don't know if I can still find a good location." Naohua just glanced at Sakura and started to worry about the picnic.

"Don't worry, Onizuka just told me that he has arranged for his subordinates to help occupy positions here."

Mitsuha Miyamizu said that now she has a deeper understanding of the words in Hojo Kyosuke's memorandum:

"They are all very convenient and reliable subordinates. You can rely on them if anything happens."

It is indeed very convenient and reliable, it feels just like Doraemon!

When they came to the lawn where the crowd gathered, two subordinates Mitsuha Miyamizu had met, but they couldn't name them, and they were playing with their mobile phones on the lawn and occupying their seats.

After Miyamizu Mitsuha thanked him in the name of the commander-in-chief, Glass took out some food from the food box and gave it to the two subordinates.

Seeing the two subordinates leaving happily with food in their hands, Miyamizu Mitsuha couldn't help but laugh.

Lay out the picnic mat, because Hojo Kyosuke and Sakurara are people who like to enjoy themselves and are not afraid of trouble, so the picnic mat that has been prepared long ago is very thick.

In other words, the body that Mitsuha Mitsuha is currently using is Hojo Kyosuke's body. If it were replaced with her own body, she might be exhausted after carrying it for a hundred meters.

He took off his shoes and sat cross-legged on the mat. This action made Mitsuha Miyamizu feel happy again. If she was still a girl, this action would definitely make her friends scream.

Glass and Naohua on the side also took off their shoes and began to place the food in the middle of the mat.

Not to mention the problem of taking off shoes, the question is that the feet of beautiful girls are delicious.

In addition to cooked beef, what I cooked today was all kinds of sushi, as well as the spinach and yam rolls and steamed yam cakes that Hojo Kyousuke had prepared long ago. No matter what time of day, the food cooked by that person would never be without yam.

Oh, yes, and papaya. The one-litre thermal bucket is filled with papaya balls and other fruit snacks.

There is also Hojo Kyosuke’s special version of fruit and vegetable juice, the kind that won’t foam at the mouth after drinking it. After all, he usually drinks it after working out. He uses vegetables that don't have a strong taste, and the main raw materials are fruits.

"Wow, it's been a long time since I last saw Kyosuke-kun's special yam and papaya dish."

After exclaiming like this, Glass and Naohua burst into laughter.

Mitsuha Miyamizu on the side looked confused and didn't know where the smile was.

"Well, is it because Hojo Kyosuke likes to eat yams and papayas?" the girl asked cautiously.

"Hey, let's wait until Sakura comes back and let her tell you. You can try the steamed yam cake first, it tastes great." Glass pointed at the steamed yam cake that looked very soft and was dotted with black sesame seeds on the surface.


Miyamizu Mitsuha, who was confused, could only endure his curiosity, picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth.


As soon as the food entered his mouth, the soft texture made Mitsuha Miyamizu open his eyes wide. I never thought something as slimy as yam could be made so fluffy.

After chewing it in one bite, the roasted black sesame seeds exploded instantly. The sesame seeds seemed to be mixed with the fragrance of yam, and the mellowness of the milk were all blended together. The girl's taste buds were instantly shocked.

"It's delicious! It's really delicious!" said Glass next to Mitsuha Miyamizu, who looked at her expectantly, and his subordinates did not forget to pick up a piece of pastry again.

"Hehe, this is Naoka and I's favorite yam dish." Glass said, holding a piece of steamed yam cake in his hand, but he only took a small bite, as if he was savoring it carefully.

"But why are they all desserts? Why is a boy like Kyosuke so good at making desserts?" After saying that, Miyamizu Mitsuha threw a whole piece of pastry into his mouth again. It was really delicious!


Hearing this, Glass and Naohua burst into laughter again.

"I still have to ask Sakura about this matter."

"What, what do you want to ask me?"

Sakura's voice sounded from behind.

The three of them looked back and saw a smiling Sakura running over with a big bag in each hand.

"Sakura, can't that be ice cream?" Glass immediately saw the largest ice cream bucket in the transparent plastic bag.

"Hahaha, yes! Chocolate flavored!"

Sakura sat down on the mat, gasping for air while taking out the ice cream Glass mentioned, holding it in her arms and saying proudly.

"That's not all, Calbee potato chips, mustard-flavored persimmon seeds, Coke, pokey..."

While taking things out of her pocket and placing them on the stall, the girl said as if announcing the names of the dishes.

"But, Kyosuke-kun..." Glass said and glanced at Hojo Kyosuke worriedly, then turned around and instantly met Mitsuha Miyamizu's eyes who didn't know what was going on.

"Oh, Kyousuke-kun isn't here." Mitsuha Miyamizu smiled apologetically, and Mitsuha looked at Yamauchi Sakura again.

"Haha, it's only at times like this that Kyousuke will accompany me to eat junk food. He often drinks coke secretly, and he thinks I don't know. Every time he knows I'm going to go, he hides the coke at home in advance. "

Wrinkling her nose, Sakura took out four paper cups and opened the Coke.

With a bang, carbon dioxide or air-conditioning rose up. Before the people nearby could react, Sakura DuangDuang poured four cups of Coke and handed them to each of them.


With an excited smile on his face, Sakura raised his cup and spoke loudly, with an indescribable cheerfulness in his voice.

"Haha, cheers!" Miyamizu Mitsuha was the first to respond, looking at Sakura who was full of energy and straightforward and handsome.

"Then Kyousuke-kun found out that I didn't care!" As he said this, Glass also smiled and raised his glass.

"Happy Sakura Festival, Sakura." Naohua raised her cup.

"Happy Sakura Festival, we will come together again next year!" Sakura said and clinked glasses with the girls one by one.

"Ahem, it tastes delicious!"

I don’t know if it was the first time he drank it, but Sakura instantly choked on the Coke, but still praised the deliciousness of the Coke loudly.

Next year?

Seeing the cherry blossoms spinning and falling above everyone's heads, and then being sent up into the sky by a gust of wind, Miyamizu Mitsuha had a deeper understanding of her grandmother's words.

Time gathers, shapes, twists, and winds.

Time seems to have a shape, just like the beautiful cherry blossoms, blooming a lifetime of beauty in a short time, bringing hope and love to people.

Time seems to have a shape, just like the girl laughing in the rain of flowers, gorgeous and beautiful, giving spring more beauty.

The little witch sitting on the cushion seemed to have entered a wonderful state. Her soul was transcendent from her body, and the connection of all things appeared clearly before her eyes.

Lines extend from Hojo Kyosuke's body, leading to Sakura, Glass, Naohua, and the sky to unknown places...

These words reminded her of what her mother often said, that everything in the world has its destiny.

For the first time, the girl thought about the question that she had always been able to ignore: Why did she and Hojo Kyosuke switch bodies? Why did she switch bodies with him? And why did he switch bodies with her.

Was it his mother or the gods who asked Hojo Kyosuke to revive Miyamizu Shrine?

What about yourself? Why did my ordinary self come to this place? Why can I sit with such a beautiful girl in the sky full of cherry blossoms and enjoy the splendor of spring?

Why did he and Sakura and the others meet?

At this moment, the girl no longer has the inferiority complex she had in the past. Just like her mother said, there must be a reason why she came here, but the time has not come yet.

Her mother's beautiful, gentle face seemed to appear before her eyes, telling her that Sanye...

"Sanye? Why are you dazed? Come and eat quickly!"

"Ah, okay, okay."

After coming back to his senses, Mitsuha Miyamizu found that he was still sitting on the mat. His mother was not here, and he had not left his body.

Smiling, she took the potato chips thrown by Sakura, but she found that Sakura, who said she wanted to eat junk food to her heart's content, was holding a steamed yam cake in her left hand and poking a papaya ball with a toothpick in her right hand.

Remembering the question just now, Miyamizu Mitsuha asked quickly:

"Sakura, why does Kyousuke like to make yam and papaya dishes so much, and all of them are desserts?"

"Ah, this has been said before. It was a long, long time ago, when my family first moved next to Kyousuke's house. Kyousuke could tell at a glance that I would become a super beautiful girl when I grew up..."

After chewing twice quickly and swallowing the food in her mouth, Sakura began to tell her favorite story, her acquaintance with Hojo Kyosuke, and her past with Hojo Kyosuke.

Glass and Naohua looked here, smiled, put on their shoes and went to find a place to take pictures. Because they know that when they talk about this Sakura, they will instantly enter a state where they will never do anything else until the story is finished.

But they didn't know that Yamauchi Sakura's story had new content this time.

"...In order for me to run and exercise with him every day, that guy tried his best to make delicious food to tempt me every day."

"So that's it."

My childhood sweetheart, I’m so envious.

Listening to the story between Hojo Kyosuke and Yamauchi Sakura, Miyamizu Mitsuha's heart was full of envy. My only childhood sweethearts are the monk Tzu Tou and Sayaka, although Sayaka is also very cute.

"But why are they all yams and papayas? If you want to make desserts, shouldn't you choose sugars that are more popular with children and easier to make?"

Mitsuha Miyamizu asked her second question.

"This is it~"

Yamauchi Sakura turned around and looked at Glass and Naoka. They were already some distance away from the picnic mat, and they were having a great time taking pictures there.

"This is my secret. If I tell you, you can't tell anyone else."

"Your secret? Does Kyosuke know about it too?" Mitsuha Miyamizu asked doubtfully.

"Hehe, this is a secret that Kyosuke thought I didn't know, but actually I already know it."

Sakura lay down on the mat and looked at the cherry blossoms above her head. Although she smiled, her tone gradually became dull.

"Huh?" Mitsuha Miyamizu was confused by this tongue twister.

"I'm about to die, Sanye."


Miyamizu Mitsuha, who thought she would hear the sweet childhood sweetheart story like before, was shocked by the sudden bad news. For a moment, she stared blankly at the girl sleeping on the mat with her hands on her belly. She didn't know. say what.

From the moment we met until now, this girl, who is as energetic as a cherry blossom in full bloom, seems to be so quiet for the first time.

If those brown eyes weren't still staring at the falling cherry blossoms and turning slowly, Mitsuha Miyamizu would have really thought that the girl died after saying what she just said.

"You must be scared!"

The little miko was startled by the "dead man" who suddenly turned his head to look at her.

"Of course I'm scared. Anyone who hears that their friend is about to die will be shocked!"

"Hehe, that's why I told you after making sure that Glass and the others couldn't hear. Besides, Kyousuke won't be shocked."


Mitsuha Miyamizu then remembered the tongue twister Sakurara said. In this way, the meaning of that sentence was "Kyosuke Hojo knew that Sakurara was about to die, but he kept it secret from Sakurara, thinking that Sakurara didn't know." "in this way?

"Kyosuke, does he know? No, no, you don't look like someone who is about to die."

"Hahaha, then you have found a blind spot, Sanye. It seems that you also have the potential to be a detective."

Sakura, who looked like a sleeping beauty just now, sat up again, picked up a bag of potato chips, and chewed them like no one else.

"Compared with this, please explain to me quickly, what does "dying" mean? Do you want to rush me to death first?" Mitsuha Miyamizu anxiously wanted to snatch the potato chips from Sakura's hand.

Anyone who hears that a friend they just met is about to die will go crazy, right? Besides, Sakura is such a strong and beautiful girl who will get countless happiness as long as she stays by her side.

"Mitsuha, you have become evil, as vicious as Kyosuke."

After saying that, Sakura laughed first.

"Hehe, it turns out that pretending to be cute doesn't suit me. Ni-chan is cute when she repeats her words."

Seeing the anxious look of Mitsuha Miyamizu who was using Hojo Kyosuke's body, it was the first time he confided this matter to others. Sakura, who was also so nervous that he kept talking nonsense, finally spoke:

"I don't know why, but Kyousuke thinks I will die of some kind of pancreatic disease in the future."

"Huh? Is Hojo Kyousuke really possessed by a god?! Why do you know such a thing!?"

"Hahaha, Mitsuha, the expression you made with Kyousuke's body is so funny. I have to take a picture of it and show it to Aunt Miyoko!"

Saying this, Sakura quickly took out her cell phone, but unfortunately the latter had already managed her expression.

"Possessed by a god? What is that?" Yamauchi Sakura asked.

"I'll tell you about this later. Now, please explain that matter to me clearly."

"You should know that Kyousuke is a person who is very afraid of trouble."


In a way, Hojo Kyosuke's slight obsessive-compulsive disorder is also based on his fear of trouble.

Everything is placed in its corresponding position in an orderly manner so that it can be easily accessed next time.

In order not to cause subsequent trouble, as long as you do it, you will do it well.

In order not to be confused about the left and right sides of the socks, causing my thumbs to keep stretching the socks, I wrote "left" and "right" on the socks...

God knows how speechless Mitsuha Miyamizu was when she saw the left and right written on the socks.

In short, this person really implements his fear of trouble into every aspect of his life.

"However, such a troublesome person has actually prepared different desserts for me every day since the third grade, just so that I can exercise with him.

I also cook dishes that are good for the pancreas, such as papaya and yam, and always supervise me not to eat food that is too oily or too cold. "

Speaking of this, Sakura turned to look at Mitsuha Miyamizu:

"What do you think motivates a person like him who is extremely afraid of trouble to do such a troublesome thing for so many years?"

After hearing this, Mitsuha Miyamizu looked at the girl who seemed to be possessed by Sherlock Holmes.

A few cherry blossom petals fell on her brown hair, just like a cherry blossom tree that had passed its flowering period and withered to only a few cherry blossoms.

Mitsuha shuddered as soon as this idea came up, and she quickly focused on Sakura's words.

Yes, why? In addition to the reason Sakura mentioned, there must be a more reasonable explanation!

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