Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 120 You can’t have this anymore, right?

When she sleeps, she is completely like a little girl.

Yukino Mokari supported her body with her right hand, lying on her side and looking at Hojo Kyosuke who was already asleep, with a gentle smile on her face and thinking in her heart.

There was Yotsuba between her and Hojo Kyosuke, so the little girl's sleeping appearance was not that good.

The whole person turned into a big windmill, with all four limbs pointing in different directions, and one foot was still pushing on Hojo Kyousuke.

Seeing the latter's originally peaceful face frowning, Yukino was so frightened that she quickly stretched out her hand to move Yotsuba's feet away.

She was pulled down by Yotsuba.

"Teacher Yukino, you must be so thin because you didn't take a nap! Come and sleep with us quickly!"

With that said, the little girl hugged her arms and lay down together. Looking at Yotsuba with a hopeful face, and then at Hojo Kyousuke who was smiling and not stopping him, Yukino didn't refuse and let the little girl hug him and fall asleep.

After closing her eyes, the events of the morning kept replaying in her mind.

Whether it was sharing her own cooking with others or sleeping with such a cute little girl, it was something she hadn't experienced in many years. No, it would be better to say that this has never happened since I can remember.

Feeling the little girl's hand that was not honest after she fell asleep, Xueye smiled, and gently put Yotsuba's hand that stretched out the quilt carefully into the quilt.

Standing up, she looked at Hojo Kyosuke dreamingly.

Do gods also need to take a nap?

The question flashed through her mind and she answered it immediately. The Lord Kami is currently using the body of a miko. Is there anything strange about taking a nap? Rather, he is a good god who cares about his subordinates!

What else could it be than a god that could help me regain my sense of taste? If you are not a god, why can you read your inner thoughts?

"Cry, you are no longer alone."

"Such beautiful eyes can't just be used for crying."

"If you, Yukino, are always immersed in the past, you won't be able to see the present, and you won't be able to go to the future."

Those gentle words that I had never heard before seemed to still echo softly in my ears. That warm and comforting hug makes Yukino smile happily when he thinks about it now.

The warm sunshine shone on her body, making her feel everything was so alive. Not only did the food taste better, but everything seemed to have color again. The door blocking her and the chains holding her ankles seemed to have loosened.

Having been unable to move forward for a long time, she saw the future for the first time and saw the possibility of moving forward. She finally regained the ability to move forward.

Just like Kami-sama said, "Such beautiful eyes can't just be used for crying." Now Yukino must use these eyes to look at the present and go to the future under the guidance of Kami-sama.

This is the first time that Xueye doesn't hate his appearance. After all, it was praised by the gods. Maybe God is willing to grant blessings just because he likes Yukino's appearance?

Thinking like this, Yukino took one last look at Master Ming's sleeping face, lay down with a happy smile, took Yotsuba's hand and closed his eyes.

In the dream, the rainy day that was hidden deep in the memory and never wanted to be recalled again appeared. Teacher Hinako, who had been blurred for a long time, stood there clearly.

"Xueye has also found his support."

Teacher Hinako's smile was just like in that classical Chinese class, so warm and nostalgic.

Yukino Mokari seemed to have become the same person she was at that time, but strangely, the cold and biting rain in her memory was not slapped on her face by the wind. Her whole body felt warm, as if a sun was shining alone on her body.

She wanted to look back to find the reason, but seeing Teacher Haranako after a long absence made her reluctant to look away.

"rely on?"

Xueye whispered softly, she has always been alone, does she have someone to rely on?

"Well, isn't it the one holding the umbrella behind you to protect you from the rain?"

Teacher Hinako's smile was just like in her first memory, but looking at that ordinary but friendly round face, Yukino didn't know why she was no longer envious.

She followed Teacher Hinako's gaze and turned her head.

Oh, it turned out there was no sun, and it was Hojo-kun who held a transparent umbrella to help her cover the rain.

The raindrops kept falling on the umbrella, hitting, breaking, and sliding off, but it would not get her wet.

As for the warmth she felt, it was the body temperature of the tall man behind her. On such a rainy day, he was as hot as a furnace, constantly transferring heat to himself.

So, is this the feeling of being dependent?

It’s so warm, I feel like as long as I have him behind me, I can go no matter how far away I am, and I can get through any difficulties with his support.

It's so amazing. Can you see the appearance of a god when you dream?

Looking at that handsome, god-like face, Xueye thought dreamily. .

well? Was I dreaming?

As soon as this thought appeared, Xueye felt that the things in front of him were gradually dissipating. First, the raindrops all over the sky disappeared, and the sky suddenly turned blue.

Then there is Teacher Haranako, her face can no longer be seen clearly.

"Xue Ye, you have to live a good life."

Listening to this voice that was still as warm as in his memory, the trace of resentment towards Teacher Hinako in Yukino Momoka's heart quietly dissipated.

Well, I will, I will live a good life and keep moving forward.

Because I have found my own support.

Hojo-kun was still there holding a transparent umbrella, but Yukino himself seemed to be floating up and up into the sky.

Under the transparent umbrella cloth, Hojo-kun raised his face to look at him, his handsome face full of smiles.

Feeling the encouragement and tolerance contained in it, Xueye opened his eyes.

"It's such a nice weather, Yukino."

Under the sun, the girl's face was completely different from the one in the dream. She looked absolutely beautiful in the sun.

"Well, yes, Hojo-kun."

She looked at the other person's eyes that seemed to reflect the blue sky and white clouds, and replied softly.

In the afternoon, Hojo Kyousuke stopped letting Yotsuba work with him. For such a young girl, it’s good to experience it, but how can she really be the boss of a boy?

A phone call summoned the emperor and Sayaka and asked them to join the labor force.

"Why do I have to do farm work on such a wonderful weekend?"

Sayaka, who followed Hojo Kyosuke's instructions and came here wearing clothes that were easy for exercise, asked while pulling grass seriously.

"This will be used to grow wheat in the future. When the wheat matures, I will grind it into flour and make small cakes."

Hojo Kyosuke and the emperor used hoes to loosen the land where weeds had been pulled out. These lands had not been cultivated for a long time. If they wanted to use them again, they had to dig deep. Fortunately, the emperor was a young man from a construction company and had plenty of strength.

"Small cake?!" Sayaka's complaints disappeared instantly, she raised her head and exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's a pity that Neon's climate is not suitable for growing coffee trees, otherwise we can still grow coffee trees. But don't worry, I will ask Xueye to help buy some coffee beans."

Speaking of this, Hojo Kyosuke pointed to the open space in front of Yukino's house:

"Then we can build a pavilion there as a cafe, plant fruit trees and flowers around it, and build a shelf with grapes and passion fruits on it."

"Is this really something we can do?" Sayaka, who had been immersed in beautiful imagination following Hojo Kyosuke's words, suddenly woke up, and the wonderful future turned into a dream.

"It can be done. In fact, I have had this idea for a long time. I will bring the necessary wood and tools from home."

The emissary stopped the hoe, wiped the sweat from his forehead with the towel hanging around his neck, and then said decisively.

"So, Itomori is really going to own a cafe?" Sayaka said excitedly.

Seeing the enthusiasm in the other person's eyes, Hojo Kyosuke nodded. Even if they can't do it, at worst, when I mobilize a large force from Tokyo, there will definitely be subordinates who have a construction company at home, right?

After a while, Mitsuha Miyamizu's body was already very tired. Hojo Kyosuke invited the two friends to come over and rest together. Yukino Momikari had already prepared barley tea for them.

"Hojo-kun, is it really okay if I don't help?"

Because there was an extra boy like Jiji in the family, Yukino, who originally only wore an orange T-shirt, put on a dark green Jinbei.

Jinbei is a neon traditional costume with large sleeves that resembles a haori.

At this moment, she was sitting on her knees in the corridor, with a round futon under her body. While speaking, she bowed slightly to pour tea for Hojo Kyosuke.

The clear tea water flows smoothly from the spout into Hojo Kyousuke's cup with a round water column. Although it is just the most ordinary barley tea, under the pleasing movements of Yukino Hyakuro, it seems to have become a treasure that can only be enjoyed in Tokyo's top teahouses. .

"It's okay. Look at Sayaka, she won't even ask her to rest."

Hojo Kyosuke picked up the iced barley tea and drank it all in one gulp, as if all the fatigue after work was taken away by the cool and sweet tea.

This barley tea was bought from the supermarket when Zaoyexiang and the others came just now. Then Yukino poured it out, processed it a little and took it to ice.

"I always feel very embarrassed. Everyone is working, but I am here playing around with Yotsuba." Xueye said embarrassedly.

"Xueye, you'd better take good care of yourself. Then we'll plant persimmon trees together."

Yotsuba said, what she was eating was the snack she gave to Yukino Momoka as a gift in the morning. Just now, she had successfully become the kind of friend who could call the beautiful teacher Yukino by name.

"Yes, Teacher Xueno, your health is really bad. You must eat more in the future!"

Sayaka was finally too tired and came over to rest. The emissary behind him did not speak, but just nodded to the ancient teacher, then picked up a cup of barley tea and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing her beloved Sayaka coming, Yotsuba immediately abandoned her new friend Yukino and ran over.

Yukino didn't feel disappointed about this, because Hojo-kun was sitting next to her.

The afternoon sun was blocked by the eaves. In the spacious corridor, barefoot Yotsuba happily ran back and forth between Yukino and Sayaka, very busy.

Sayaka held a bag of potato chips given to her by Yotsuba, looked at the empty yard, and thought about the cafe that was still there.

The imperial emissary leaned against a pillar nearby, and the dappled sunlight fell on his muddy shoes.

Hojo Kyosuke sat on the edge of the corridor, his legs dangling in the air, and the cool wind blew from the overhead floor below the corridor from time to time.

Xueye knelt on the futon, in front of a wooden tray with a glass pot of amber barley tea.

The wind flowing in the hall ruffled the broken hair on her forehead, but it didn't make her look away for a moment. She was looking at that person quietly.

The weather is so nice.

next day

Tokyo, Sendagi, single apartment

Hojo Kyousuke opened his eyes. The three-layer curtains on the balcony next to him were fully closed. The room was dark. Only the light leaking from the cracks in the curtains told him that it was already late.

Mitsuha Miyamizu finally remembered to close the curtains.

Thinking so happily, Hojo Kyosuke, who never stayed in bed, did not get up immediately after waking up for the first time, but nervously picked up his mobile phone.

He wanted to see what happened yesterday.

First is the memo

"I went on the Chidorigafuchi cruise with Sakura, Glass, and Naoka. It was so beautiful and fun."

"I went to Chidorigafufu Park for a picnic with Sakura, Glass, and Naoka. It was so beautiful and delicious."

"I went shopping in the Meguro River with Sakura, Glass, and Naoka. It was so beautiful and delicious."

Gone! Gone?

Hojo Kyosuke returned to the memo list to see if there were any other food reviews. After all, according to Mitsuha Miyamizu's consistent style, even if he didn't record what happened, he would write down every detail of the delicious food he had eaten, from the appearance, taste, texture, and after-eating sensations of the food.

But, no, there are only three simple words sorted by time.

He opened the photo album again, and there were many photos here, photos of girls, photos of him and girls, and group photos.

collective? Who's taking the photo?

Hojo Kyosuke quickly looked at LINE, oh, it turned out that Onizuka took the photo for them.

Then he actually saw his mother's chat history in the message list. There were some photos taken yesterday, as well as his mother's fancy compliments, and a reply that sounded like Sakura's tone.

Oh, it turns out Sakura taught her how to do it. Hojo Kyosuke also wondered why Mitsuha Miyamizu knew to send photos to his mother.

I looked at the dialog boxes of several girls, and the last messages were basically "I'm so happy today, let's go to the Sakura Festival together next year." and the like.

Isn't it amazing that Mitsuha Miyamizu wasn't discovered? It's impossible. Not to mention that guy Sakura, even Naoka should be able to tell that something is wrong, right?

Looking at the message records on his phone that were the same as usual, Hojo Kyousuke felt incredible.

He stood up from the bed, he had to go to school today, and there was no time to study further.

I took a shower as usual, opened the refrigerator, took out the milk and bread, and sat on the sofa to prepare breakfast.

Then he saw a piece of paper with writing on the table, it was Mitsuha Miyamizu's handwriting.

"I met Miki Okudera at the Meguro River tonight, but I didn't recognize her. She seemed a little angry. I'm sorry. Please apologize properly."

This is just right!

After reading it, Hojo Kyosuke breathed a sigh of relief. If nothing happened, then something would be wrong, right? Although the note said he was sorry, he did not want to blame Mitsuha Miyamizu at all. The other party had done a good enough job. If he and Sakurara were allowed to stay for a day at a time like the Sakura Festival...

Just thinking about it makes me feel horrified.

Keeping Okudera-senpai's incident in mind, he quickly finished his breakfast, picked up his cell phone, keys and other things and went out.

He still has things to do before going to school. The comic has been completed, and the next step is to submit it. He himself didn't know how to submit the article. Originally, Eiriri said she would solve it, but Hojo Kyosuke, who still had a sense of shame, refused.

It doesn't matter, Tetsuta Kisaki will take care of it.

As long as he prints it out and gives it to the other party, Tetsuta Kirisaki will definitely use his smart brain to send his comics to the right place. Hojo Kyosuke believes in the ability of the military advisor he selected.

I printed five copies, and when piled together they looked as spectacular as the test papers that my previous teacher had brought before summer vacation.

When I arrived at school, I wasted some time looking at my phone and printing, so it was already close to morning reading time. Except for the two people in charge of discipline, there were no other students in sight at the school gate.

"Well done anyway."

If it had been anyone else who walked into the school leisurely at this time, the two strong men at the door would have stabbed each other in the butt with a bamboo knife.

But the person who came was the beloved chief. After seeing that there was no one else nearby, the two people immediately bowed at 90 degrees to say hello.

Hojo Kyosuke smiled and nodded, taking note of their appearance, and decided to give these two good guys extra practice in the club activities in the afternoon. Such a sensible child cannot study hard.

"Good morning, Hojo."

"Good morning, Hojo-san."

After Kisaki Tetsuta said hello, other students who were immersed in studying also said hello warmly. It's been a while since school started, and everyone was a little afraid of Hojo Kyousuke at first. After all, this ruthless man single-handedly defeated the bad organization that dominated Dongcheng as soon as he entered school.

But after getting along for a while, everyone discovered that this "handless devil" who was feared by the entire Tokyo high school community was unexpectedly easy to get along with, so gradually everyone became familiar with him.

Hojo Kyosuke also smiled and said hello one by one.

"Why are you here so late today?" Tetsuta Kisaki asked.

"No, for this." Hojo Kyosuke took out the thick stack of comics from his schoolbag, all printed on A4 paper.


Seeing that Hojo Kyosuke handed it to him with one hand, Tetsuta Kisaki stretched out his left hand to take it without thinking. Unexpectedly, I almost hurt my wrist as soon as I caught it, so I quickly held it up with my right hand.

"so much!"

"No, that's five servings."

Kisaki Tetsuta was not in a hurry to read the content of the comic, because he knew that his elder brother must have something to explain to him.

"You can help me find some comic magazines to submit articles to."

"Why did you suddenly think of drawing comics?"

Carefully placing the manga in his hand on the table, Kisaki asked while reading it.

"I'm short of money." Hojo Kyousuke said matter-of-factly.

"Didn't you just get a salary of three million yen from two school kendo club instructors a few days ago? Didn't you spend it all so quickly?"

Xisaki asked in surprise, knowing you can eat it, there is no need to be so exaggerated, right?

"That's not true, it's just that there are many places where money is needed."

Hojo Kyosuke explained that although he told Mitsuha Miyamizu that he was welcome to use his money, today he found that the other party only used a small amount of money.

"That's three million, isn't it enough for you? What do you want to do?" Tetsuta Kisaki suddenly became excited, wondering if his elder brother was preparing to do something big.

"Well, there are many, many things. For example, Brother Zhenshu gave me the motorcycle, but I haven't returned the gift yet. The little money is not even enough for the motorcycle. And the apartment I live in now, I also plan to give it to He bought it and also wanted to buy a one-family house in Tokyo."

Hojo Kyosuke looked at his military advisor and revealed part of his plans for the future.

"Similar to the Western-style building in Shoto, Shibuya-ku?"

Kisaki Tetsuta asked. Naturally, he would not think that what his eldest brother wanted to buy would be an ordinary one-family house in the suburbs that could be purchased for 20 to 30 million. What his eldest brother could target must be a high-end residence.

The Shibuya-ku Shoto area he mentioned is one of the top five residential areas in Tokyo. Unlike other high-end residential areas, the residences here are all built in a variety of Western-style one-family houses, and the mansions look quite high-end. Of course, the people who live here are also rich people whose names can be named in Neon.

"It's not that kind of Western-style building, I'm looking for a private house with an ancient architectural style." Hojo Kyosuke said.

"The kind like a gym?"

"Roughly the same?"

"That kind of old house is uncomfortable and expensive to live in. Why not just buy a high-end apartment in the port area?"

Kisaki Tetsuta said seriously, he had no doubt whether his elder brother could earn the money to buy these luxury houses.

Rather, if outstanding people like my elder brother cannot live in a good house, the country of Neon will really be doomed.

"But don't you think it's interesting to sit on the edge, look at the dry landscape in the courtyard, and listen to the sound of frightened deer?

Think about it, you can watch the night cherry blossoms in spring, the stars in summer, the full moon in autumn, or the first snow in winter. At that moment, if you pour a bottle of sake. "

"Buy! But you must invite me to drink when the time comes!"

Kisaki Tetsuta swallowed all the words in his mouth, such as it was difficult to manage, it was cold in winter and hot in summer, a bird pooped, etc., then turned his head and started reading his big brother's comics.

Hojo Kyosuke smiled inwardly. Sure enough, the neon people who are in the second grade just can't refuse these things. Unlike him, who is a foreigner in soul, who looks at these things with novel eyes, Qisaki sees that he really has the kind of hidden chuunibyou that climbs to the rooftop in the middle of the night to look at the stars in the sky and dream about the future.

No, maybe not hidden.

"One Punch Man?"

Kisaki Tetsuta finally whispered softly. Although his morning reading had already begun, he was already attracted by the name and still did not take out the textbook.

"A hero driven by interest"

Just like everyone who saw One Punch Man, Tetsuta Kisaki was conquered by these words in an instant.


Seeing Saitama, an ordinary person, fighting desperately against the crab man for a nasty kid, Tetsuta Kirisaki thought of what his elder brother said to him last time, and of himself and Hanagaki Budo.

It turns out that this is a hero. I don’t agree with you, but for the ideal in my heart, I will risk my life to fight.

Brother, he has put all his understanding of heroes in this comic!

Reading the comics, Tetsuta Kirisaki's heart gradually became hot.

"Gained invincible power...

My heart is still not satisfied..."

At the end of the second episode, Tetsuta Kisaki saw the shining bald head and Saitama's silent back.

Invincible loneliness, what a state this is! So is this why the eldest brother didn't lead the rampaging angels to conquer the entire Tokyo bad world?

Adhering to the theory that works are tools that reflect the author's heart, Tetsuta Kirisaki feels that he has learned more about his elder brother through this comic.

There is no need to read any more. If such comics cannot be published and seen by people all over the world, it will be a loss to mankind!

"Commander, leave it to me. If you risk your life, I will make sure this comic is published smoothly!"

During the morning reading, which was filled with the sound of reading, the idiot named Tetsuta Kirisaki suddenly stood up and started his first step in Amway's "One Punch Man".

The sound of reading during the hour suddenly stopped, and the students all looked at each other in confusion. After a brief silence, there was a lively discussion. Finally, Hanagaki Budo, who has a better relationship with Hojo Kyosuke, asked on behalf of everyone:

"Hojo-san, have you drawn a manga?"

"Ah, that's right."

What a shame, Kisaki, come to me and spar a hundred times after school. Look at how weak you are.

Hojo Kyosuke, who was smiling on the outside but collapsed on the inside, said.

"What is your name?"

"Which magazine do you plan to serialize it in?"

"When can I buy it?"

After receiving the reply, the students next to him became excited and asked all kinds of questions.

Seeing this scene, someone from the club finally felt a little relieved. It seemed that at least there was no need to worry about sales. He reached out and took a comic from Tetsuta Kirisaki and handed it to Hanagaki Budou.

"I don't know yet when it will be published. I'm just now asking Kisaki to help me submit the manuscript. But I can let you take a look first."

"Is it really okay? Let us read unpublished comics like this?"

Holding the comic with "One Punch Man" written on it in both hands, Hanagaki Budo asked excitedly.

"Only for our class to watch, you won't be telling outside stories, right?"

Although he asked this question, Hojo Kyosuke was not worried at all. Although he didn't feel it, the reputation of the Rampage Angels as the most violent gang in Tokyo was not for nothing. For these students, his deterrence is much higher than any principal.

"Don't worry, we will never betray Hojo-san's trust! If there is such a person, I, Hanagaki Budo, will never let him go!"

Hanagaki Budo held the A4 paper tightly and said with a red face. Although he is extremely weak, if that happens, he will fight to the end even if he bites him with his teeth.

Kisaki Tetsuta, who was standing there, originally wanted to stop his elder brother's behavior, but he had no trust in human nature. But before he could speak, the eldest brother handed the manga directly to Hanagaki Budou, and he had no choice but to give up.

Looking around, he decided to keep a close eye on the comic and never let him appear outside the classroom.

The next morning, the teachers in Kyosuke Hojo's class discovered that in every class, the students were reading an A4 paper with comics printed on it. After reading it, they passed it to the back without stopping, and then took it. Continue reading the comics that the previous person passed to me.

Fortunately, the teachers who teach in this class all have a consensus. Whenever something out of the norm occurs, they should first ask if it is related to Hojo Kyosuke.

After this inquiry, all the teachers in the office soon knew:

Hojo Kyosuke, the most violent and best-achieving man in history, who dominated the delinquent world since the beginning of his career, drew a comic called "One Punch Man".

Then, the whole grade soon knew about it, and then, the whole east city knew about it.

When get out of class was over, there were suddenly countless other classes, and people from other grades were walking around outside Hojo Kyosuke's class, wanting to inquire about this matter. However, everyone who has read the manga abides by Hojo Kyosuke’s words and dare not spread the word about it at all.

In the end, Tetsuta Kisaki went out and scolded him, and those people dispersed, but everyone was determined to buy it as soon as it was released.

Lunch break, rooftop


Onizuka Eikichi's voice sounded flattering as he was being beaten. Hojo Kyousuke's temples jumped twice, and he closed his eyes and waved his hands twice, signaling Tetsuta Kirisaki to quickly hand over the manga to the guy.

"Thank you, Chief."

Onizuka Eikichi took the comic, and he and Danma Ryuji quickly moved their chairs to one side to read. Soon a series of "Suguichi" came over from there.

After hearing the news that Hojo Kyosuke had drawn a comic, Maki Kyosuke naturally followed him to find out.

He picked up a comic and flipped through it twice. Although he had never read comics before, the excellent drawing skills and dynamic storyboards made him immediately know that this was a good work.

"That's pretty good, Hojo."

"Haha, can Brother Maki also understand this kind of comics?"

Facing Maki Kyosuke, Hojo Kyosuke will not have a headache. After all, the original intention of making money is to return the gift to the other party.

"Who do you think I am? I am also a fun-loving high school student, okay?" Kyousuke Maki said with a smile.

High school student?

Hojo Kyosuke looked at Maki Kyosuke, whose head was almost touching the awning, and was speechless.

"Do you need my help with the serialization? I still know some people in the publishing industry in my family." Big Brother said.

"Let Qisaki try it first. If it doesn't work, let's talk about it later."

Hojo Kyosuke did not refuse. He has never been a person who refuses to take shortcuts. The reason why he rejected Yinglili before was because he still had confidence. If he didn't have these useful subordinates, he would have agreed at that time.

"That's alright. Don't be polite then."

After saying that, Maki Kyosuke also sat down beside him, eating fruit and reading comics.

Hojo Kyousuke began to take a nap. The book "Metronome of Love" was soaked with Mitsuha Miyami's tears. He didn't plan to continue reading it. He wanted to buy another copy later, but there was no rush now.

Tetsuta Kisaki, who was holding a mobile phone at the side, kept flipping through his address book. As a military advisor, he had the contact information and basic family information of all his subordinates in the organization.

Hojo Kyosuke doesn't mind taking shortcuts, and he, who has made it his lifelong pursuit to recognize his eldest brother from the beginning, won't mind it even more. Isn’t it natural for subordinates to take shelter under the command of the commander-in-chief and make contributions to the commander-in-chief to the best of their ability?

Soon he found a subordinate whose father was the editor-in-chief of "Weekly Shonen High", but unfortunately the other person was from the Roppongi branch.

After some communication, it was decided to meet in Roppongi after school, and Tetsuta Kisaki started studying with peace of mind.

When the lunch break was about to end, Onizuka Eikichi came over to return the comic and made another rainbow fart, saying that he would bring all his friends to buy it and support it after it was serialized.

Hojo Kyosuke smiled and thanked him, and then told him to get out of here.

"Oh, by the way, Commander, there is one more thing."

Onizuka Eikichi stood at the door of the rooftop, one foot already stepping into the stairwell.

"What's up?"

Since there was no need to rush to another teaching building, Hojo Kyousuke still sat on the recliner.

"The author of "Metronome of Love" would like to thank you."

"What?" Hojo Kyousuke frowned, instinctively feeling that Onitsuka Eikichi seemed to have done something wrong again.

"That's right, the other party wants to talk to you anyway!" After saying that, Onizuka Eikichi rushed into the stairs and ran away.


"Yingji, just stay here and explain it to the chief!"

Danma Ryuji's smiling voice came from behind the door. Onizuka Eikichi knocked on the door twice and found that the other party was still blocking the door.

"Bastard Ryuuji, I will not share with you any of the contact information of those beautiful girls I added yesterday!" Onizuka Eikichi shouted.

"Haha, I already uploaded it to my mobile phone."


Onizuka Eikichi said angrily, but even if the commander-in-chief, who seemed to be exuding a black ominous aura, was approaching step by step, he did not forget to flick his tongue. He shouted just a few syllables for five seconds before ending.

"Come over here and sit down."

Hojo Kyosuke lifted Onitsuka Eikichi who was squatting on the ground, grabbed him by the collar like a chicken, and lifted him up off the ground.

I have to say that the quality of this clothes is very good, even for such a strong man who is over 1.8 meters tall.

"Why did the author of "Metronome of Love" want to ask me to meet?"

"I just want to express my admiration for the chief." Onizuka Eikichi sat on a small round stool 20 centimeters high, turned his head and looked at the sky aside, not daring to look at his boss's face.

No matter how stupid he is, he can now see that the president doesn't know the beautiful writer at all. This is going to be terrible. I'm afraid everything he did before will be liquidated.

"Sit up straight and start from the beginning!"

Hojo Kyosuke frowned and his tone gradually became colder. For a pervert like Onizuka Eikichi, if he wasn't more aggressive, he could keep talking about things until school was over without telling the truth.

"Yes, Chief!"

Looking at Hojo Kyosuke's eyes full of ferocity, Onitsuka Eikichi was immediately inspired.

"Last time Ryuji Danma and I came to ask you for love tips, you told us to watch "Metronome of Love", and then...

Then a few days ago I went to Akihabara and met...and that super beautiful writer asked me to extend an invitation to you. "

Hojo Kyosuke pinched Seimei's point and felt a headache.

These idiots really can't let down their guard for a moment. They should speak clearly to them directly that time. But except for Onitsuka, no one else would do such a thing, right? It should be enough for an organization to have one such talent, right?

However, this incident was considered to be caused by himself, so he did not intend to blame Onitsuka Eikichi.

"Refuse it for me."

Just as he was about to wave, Hojo Kyousuke suddenly stopped, lowered his head and repeatedly confirmed that he was not holding any books in his hand, and then waved his hand to signal the other party to get out.

"But for what reason?"

Although he is a bad person, Onizuka Eikichi, who has always followed etiquette, asked carefully.

"I want to go."

Kisaki Tetsuta on the side listened to Onitsuka Eikichi's words and quickly refined the key words.

Recommended by the chief executive, the book suddenly started selling like crazy, with 100,000 copies

This matter must be exploited. There is no reason why a novel that no one cares about can sell hundreds of thousands of copies with just one sentence, but his own comics are not popular, right?

After Onizuka Eikichi walked out of the rooftop with a frown, he quickly followed him on the excuse that he had something to do.

Kisaki is so smart, he shouldn't make things difficult for me, right?

Hojo Kyosuke touched the glass plate used to hold fruits next to him and thought to himself.

He could tell at a glance that Kisaki was going to make a fuss about this matter, but the other party had always been reliable in doing things in the past, so he decided to give him trust for the time being.

After school, Tetsuta Kisaki did not give his elder brother a chance to train him, and directly announced that he was leaving early. Also leaving early was Onizuka Eikichi. It's just that the latter usually spends three days fishing and two days drying nets, which is not surprising.

It's almost May, and the National Middle School Kendo Competition at the end of July is not far away, although Brother Zhenshu said that he will definitely win with his own strength.

However, Hojo Kyousuke, who has always had a lack of security, decided to use his talent to some extent, otherwise it would be bad if some powerful guys came out and overturned him.

On the other side, Tetsuta Kirisaki quickly came to Roppongi on his motorcycle and found Masao Shimomura, whose father was the editor-in-chief of "Weekly Shōnen High" in a cafe.

In addition to Masao Shimomura, the people in the cafe also included the two heads of the branch, the two brothers Haigu Lan and Haigu Gentian.

Since morning, it has been widely rumored in the chat room of Rampage Angel that the leader Kyosuke Hojo has drawn a comic. A few of Hojo Kyosuke's classmates who had joined the Rampage Angels were showing off inside, making the world go crazy. However, the specific content was not stated, which made people in other branches feel itchy.

Therefore, as soon as they heard from their subordinates that the military advisor wanted to discuss something related to this comic, the Huigu brothers came with them just to have a look.

After sitting down, Tetsuta Kisaki didn't whet the appetites of others and directly handed them three comics.

From the beginning, he had no intention of submitting articles through normal channels. He knew very well the rules of how society operates, and he had to use them if he had any connections.

After receiving this task, Qisaki urgently made up for the matters related to the comic magazine. We know that "Weekly Shōnen High" is the most popular comic magazine under Eijisha, one of Neon's largest publishers, and is also one of Neon's three major comic magazines.

Now that we have such a good choice, there is no need to consider other magazines.

"Shimomura, your father is the editor-in-chief of "Weekly Shōnen High"?" Although it has been confirmed online before, it is still necessary to confirm it in person.

"Yes, I was just promoted this year." Shimomura Masao reluctantly moved his eyes away from the comics, raised his head and replied respectfully.

"When your father is free later, the director and I will talk to your father about the comic series. Can you help coordinate it?"

"No problem!" Masao Shimomura replied immediately. As a delinquent and an only son in the family, he could easily agree to this for his father.

"Very good, I'll thank you on behalf of the chief."

The conversation ended happily. On the other side, Onizuka Eikichi, who also left early, rode a motorcycle to Wako City in accordance with the instructions of military advisor Tetsuta Kisaki.

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