Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 132 Swinging a Knife

“I didn’t expect to make so much money.”

On the way out of the editorial office and to where the car was parked, Mitsuha Miyamizu thought about the number that was extremely huge to her.

"This is just the royalties for the serialization. The real highlight is the royalties from the subsequent single volumes." Tetsuta Kirisaki said.

"Royalty?" Mitsuha Miyamizu, who knew nothing about the publishing industry, asked in confusion.

“Not a national tax, royalties, also known as copyright royalties, are monetary benefits that the original owner or copyright holder of intellectual property charges from others who use their intellectual property.”

Tetsuta Kisaki stopped. In order to avoid making a joke later, he felt it was necessary to explain clearly to Mitsuha Miyamizu. This would also help this personality to understand the main personality better.

"In layman's terms, if a publisher wants to print your work and sell it, it has to pay you as royalties."

"Can you get money without waiting for the work to be sold?" Mitsuha Miyamizu keenly noticed the point.

"Yes, the royalties are paid to you before they print it. Even if you don't sell the last copy, you don't need to refund them."

"Isn't this too convenient?"

"Don't think too much. Publishers have their own evaluation methods. They are not fools. If a work does not have corresponding potential, they will not print too many copies. But you don't have to worry about this for Hojo's works. They will definitely be printed when the time comes. It was printed starting from 200,000 copies."

"Two hundred thousand copies! How much would that cost?" Mitsuba Miyamizu exclaimed in a low voice.

"Although royalties have a tax label, they still have to pay taxes. Generally speaking, the selling price of a single book will be between 400 and 700 yen. The single copy royalties that the author can get after tax vary depending on the contract. Same.

Although it is still a bit far away from the publication of a single book, editor Shimomura and I have had preliminary discussions before, and it is calculated that Hojo can get 50 yen in royalties for each book. "

While waiting at the traffic light, Kisaki carefully gave Miyomizu Mitsuha some science knowledge.

"Fifty yen, two hundred thousand copies, isn't that ten million!" If there weren't so many people around, Miyamizu Mitsuha might have screamed in surprise.

"Don't be too happy too early. Hojo said that half of the money will be distributed to his co-creators."

Tetsuta Kisaki glanced sideways at his elder brother. He had never seen such a surprised expression on that face. No, I have seen it before, but it was when I told that stupid dream. My eldest brother was shocked by his stupidity...

No, the personality structure of Mitsuha Miyamizu is too small. She was stunned by such a small amount of money. In this case, the personality merger is far away.

"Oh, I remembered. You mentioned in the editorial department before that the person who drew comics with Hojo."

"Yes, and that money is nothing at all. After all, the motorcycle you are riding now costs four million yen."

"Is the Rocket 33 so valuable!? Is Kyousuke actually so rich?" Mitsuha Miyamizu had just stepped onto the motorcycle. When he heard these words, he suddenly felt that the mount beneath him became noble.

"The motorcycle was a gift from Brother Maki to Hojo, but Hojo always wanted to wait until he made money to give him a considerable gift. And what gave you the illusion that Hojo was poor? His family's ranch in Hokkaido Any white old cow here would cost more than five million if sold."

Kisaki Tetsuta threw bombs one after another, hoping to correct Miyamizu Mitsuha's view of money.

"Is it the beef in the refrigerator that I usually use to make beef fried rice?" As he spoke, Miyamizu Mitsuha couldn't help but recall the delicious taste of the beef, and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"That's right..."

Kisaki Tetsuta, who originally wanted to educate Mitsuha Miyamizu, didn't expect that he would be educated instead. Such high-quality beef was only used for fried rice. My eldest brother is like this, and so is Mitsuha Miyamizu. What a waste of resources.

"Okay, it's almost time for school to end. It's time to go to the Kendo club. People from the Kaijiu branch will come to receive instruction today, so be prepared."

guide? Or another branch!

Mitsuha Miyamizu was shocked when she heard this. Before she could ask any more questions, Tetsuta Kisaki had already ridden into the car and drove out of the parking lot.

When they returned to school, school was already over as expected. Miyamizu Mitsuha walked towards the kendo club while thinking about how to deal with it. She had never thought about escaping. This was also a rare training opportunity for her. She practiced so hard when Itomori, so there was no reason to be lazy here!

Although only incomplete memories can be brought back to her body every time, she believes that as long as she keeps working hard, she will catch up with Hojo Kyosuke one day!

Walking into the activity room, as expected, there were twice as many people standing there as Xisaki said. Fortunately, they didn't say hello loudly like before, but just bowed in unison.

Mitsuha Miyamizu returned the gift with a smile, and then walked into the instructor's dedicated office to change into kendo uniforms. This was something Kyosuke Hojo wrote down in a memo.

After entering the office, Miyamizu Mitsuha discovered that even if it was only used for a short time every day, this small room was still kept in order by Hojo Kyosuke. On the bed used for naps, the quilt was folded into tofu blocks, and the sheets were pulled out without a trace of wrinkles. There was no clutter on the desk, the kendo uniforms were folded meticulously and placed in the closet, and even the bathroom didn't have a trace of dirt.

Is this guy's obsessive-compulsive disorder getting worse? Mitsuha Miyamizu tried his best to avoid touching everything here and carefully changed into his kendo uniform.

"The competition day is getting closer. Today I will suppress my strength to a minimum. Each of you will come to practice one-on-one with me."

That's right, I'm not weak, I just suppressed my strength to the lowest level!

Maki Kyosuke, Katagiri Tomoji and others below looked at each other, feeling like they had heard these words many times, but every time the chief said these words, he would brutally attack them.

"Ahem, this is definitely the lowest level of strength. You can try your best to see if you can defeat the commander." Tetsuta Kisaki came out and encouraged.

Very good, Kisaki, you just called Kyosuke a "handless devil" today. I'll write it down in your memo tonight. Mitsuha Miyamizu nodded in agreement on the surface, thinking silently in her heart.

"Then I'll be the first!" Of course it was Onizuka Eikichi who jumped so far.

Seeing the Warriors appear, the remaining people quickly formed a circle, with those in front sitting and those behind standing.

Don't be afraid, this is Hojo Kyosuke's body. He can throw them away with his arms using only brute force! Besides, this guy's body is so tough that it doesn't matter even if he gets hit by a bamboo knife! Miyamizu Mitsuha, who had never experienced such a battle, swallowed and tried to calm down.

That's right, because the strength gap between Hojo Kyosuke and his subordinates was too big, Hojo Kyosuke didn't wear protective clothing when they were sparring, just a helmet. Of course, the subordinates on the opposite side are fully armed, otherwise someone will be killed.

"Then, should I attack first? Commander."

Although he usually looks like an idiot, Onitsuka Eikichi is actually very capable as he has the nickname of Onizuka Duo. Now he was standing there solemnly, holding a wooden knife, and it looked quite similar.

"Well, come here!" Mitsuha Miyamizu said loudly.

"Let me confirm again, Commander, you won't take the opportunity to beat me up because of Teacher Xia Shizi's matter."

Suddenly, Onitsuka Eikichi, who had been serious just now, walked up to Mitsuha Miyamizu in small steps and asked in a low voice.

"Huh? Of course not." Although he didn't understand what was going on, Mitsuha Miyamizu still recognized Onitsuka Eikichi, his subordinate who took him to the cafe and acted as a driver.

"Then I'll be relieved." Returning to his original position, Onizuka Eikichi took a mid-section pose, stepped forward and raised his bamboo sword, shouted loudly, and slashed at the head of his chief in an unpretentious manner.

Kiai in Neon Kendo is not just about roaring to cheer yourself up and release pressure, or to intimidate your opponent, it is actually more of a way to exert force. Just like when doing abdominal curls, if you do not cooperate with your breathing and spit out the gas in the abdominal cavity when curling up, the exercise effect will be greatly reduced.

The same principle applies to Qihe, except that real Qihe uses "reverse abdominal breathing", contracting the abdominal muscles when inhaling and relaxing when exhaling. It sounds abstract, but in fact, when practicing kendo, the teacher will have an easy-to-understand teaching method.

That is when shouting "one, two, three, hey" to carry a bucket. At that time, the person's state is naturally to contract the abdominal muscles and exert force.

Seeing the usually idiot-looking Onitsuka Eikichi roaring towards him, Mitsuha Miyamizu panicked for a moment, but quickly calmed down.

Her usual observations while fishing in the kendo club came into play. She saw that this idiot's sword moves had no follow-up changes. They were aimed at her head with a clear target. If she wanted to avoid it, she could just retreat to the right. But how can we only avoid this rare exercise?

The girl raised the bamboo knife. It was completely different from when she was holding the bamboo knife with her body. The feeling pointed by her arm was immediately reflected from the bamboo knife.

Step forward, yell, swing your sword!

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