The two eavesdropped for a while, and Rainbow Fart accounted for the majority of them. Even if they had a few different opinions, they would be immediately suppressed by other people.

Just when Hojo Kyosuke was about to take Eiri to another bookstore to buy some, the group of people seemed to finally realize that their behavior was inappropriate, and each left with a magazine.

"Great, it seems the response is very good." Ying Lili stood up from behind the bookshelf and looked at the few people who had left. She put her hands on her waist and said proudly.

"Yes, thank you for your drawing skills Eiri." Hojo Kyosuke also came over, picked up the unsealed "Weekly Shonen High" and looked at the catalog. Sure enough, as the editor Shimomura said, it is a very good one. A good position is actually in seventh place.

Don't think that seventh place is very low. You have to know that this magazine, which sells for only 230 yen, is 2.5 centimeters thick. You can imagine how much content is inside. It is still very impressive to be ranked seventh.

It's amazing. I can't draw comics at all, but I used some scattered skills to create a profitable comic. It's really a good job.

"That's not the case!" After hearing Hojo Kyousuke's words, Eirili suddenly raised her voice and said.

"What's wrong Yinglili?"

Hojo Kyosuke looked at Eiri. The girl had turned around and looked at him. She also pushed back the hat that was covering her head. Her golden hair was tied back and did not fall down as usual. The expression on her delicate face was More serious than ever.

"Although I am very confident in my talents, Kyousuke, you must know that 90% of the success of this manga is due to you!"

It was as if the wind in the world stopped for an instant, and the sky in those beautiful eyes fell into stagnation, full of seriousness. The naughty little tiger teeth in the past have now become the accessories to accentuate the girl's tone.

The two people's eyes met together, and Yinglili's little face turned pink again, but no matter how shy she was, the girl's eyes did not waver at all.

Why is this guy not arrogant now?

When Eiri was no longer shy, the blushing person became Hojo Kyosuke himself. Suddenly hearing such a serious compliment from the girl, someone who had always been very thin-skinned suddenly felt embarrassed, his eyes began to wander, and he did not dare to look into those blue eyes anymore. It's so foul, Yingli Lizu's eyes seem to be discharged!

In order to cover up his shyness, Hojo Kyosuke decided to transfer his happiness elsewhere.

"Well, although I'm happy to hear you say that, I'm really uncomfortable with you suddenly becoming serious."

"Kyosuke Hojo, you are such an invincible idiot!!!"

Really, I must have forgotten my thoughts at home today, and I unexpectedly praised this guy. I should have whipped him hard!

With a serious expression on her face, the girl picked up the 2.5 cm thick magazine in her hand and slapped it at Hojo Kyosuke. That's right, she doesn't just talk about being arrogant. Although she is very weak, she can actually hit people with her hands!

Looking at Yinglili entering a normal state, someone breathed a sigh of relief and quickly got out of the shy state. Great, now it's my turn. Ignoring the movements of those who were massaging him, he stretched out his hands to grasp the girl's tender shoulders, and bent slightly so that his eyes were parallel to her:

"Then, I have to tell you, Eiri, this comic would never have been successful without you. No, without you, this comic would never have been born!"

Although he noticed from the corner of his eye that other people in the bookstore had noticed them, Hojo Kyousuke did not pause at all, his black eyes were still full of seriousness.

"If I hadn't met you one day, without your affirmation of my ideas, without your painting skills, without your support, I would have given up on the idea of ​​drawing comics. So, I would never be able to do it without you. The success of this comic is 99.9% due to you!"


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Hojo Kyousuke actually heard such a cute sound coming from Eiriri's mouth. When she was holding her shoulders down, the girl suddenly shrank her shoulders as if she had been cast a restraining spell, and looked at herself in disbelief.

As he kept talking, he saw with satisfaction that the girl's fair face slowly turned red little by little, and finally even the small earlobes turned into rubies, crystal clear and extremely cute. In his peripheral vision, he saw the girl's slender fingers spread to their maximum extent, and she looked like she was about to die.

"Thank you, Eiriri." Hojo Kyosuke launched the final attack. Originally, he should have doubled the attack with a hug, but looking at Eiriri, he doubted that doing so would make the latter faint directly. .

"Pah, pah, pah, pah," the people around clapped their hands softly.

Amidst the applause, Yinglili seemed to wake up from a dream, her whole body was shocked as if she was electrocuted, and even the hair on her forehead that was disturbed by the hat stood up. After looking around a lot, she saw that she was the target of a crowd of onlookers. She immediately jumped forward into Hojo Kyosuke's arms and quickly pulled up her hat.

Then he grabbed the edge of the hat with both hands to cover his small face, turned around suddenly, squeezed the people behind him, and started running away. The movement was so fast that Hojo Kyousuke didn't even react. He was also startled by the sudden applause and was looking for who was making the noise.

"Onitsuka, help me pay."

Taking out his wallet and throwing it to the conspicuous yellow plane, Hojo Kyousuke grabbed the comic magazine in his hand and chased Eiriri in the direction of escape.

"OK, leave it to me, boss." Holding the fat wallet, Onizuka Eikichi laughed happily.

Turning sideways to avoid a girl in the aisle, Hojo Kyousuke turned around and glared at Onitsuka Eikichi. This guy was still as good at poking fun as ever.

That look in the boss’s eyes! Is he saying that he will definitely capture the girl who just escaped? What a firm belief this is, worthy of being a ruthless machine to pick up girls! Onizuka Eikichi looked at the fierce look in his boss's eyes. For the first time, he didn't feel scared, but felt admiration.

The narrow aisle was crowded with onlookers and new people entering the store. Before Hojo Kyousuke could walk a few meters, he saw the petite Eri Riri running out of the store. At this time, he was very proud. His physique became a liability.

After running out of the bookstore, the girl ran casually without having time to identify the direction. Then she found an empty alley and ducked in, then hid herself between two gashapon machines.


Leaning against the cold wall, placing her right hand in front of her chest to feel the violent beating of her heart, and touching her somewhat burning face with her left hand, Ying Lili felt as if a clear heartbeat could be heard in her ears. Along with the heartbeat, there was Hojo Kyosuke’s voice:

"I can't live without you" "You are the most important" "Thank you for always being with me"...

Although she had always known that guy's voice was nice, she didn't expect it to have the power to make people blush just by talking. The hand caressing the face moved slowly and touched the small earlobe. The ears that used to be cold were now as cold as glass. Although the touch was still the same gentle, it was warm, and a light touch made it feel warm. She felt extremely stimulated.

Damn it, does that guy Kyousuke Hojo’s voice really make your ears pregnant?

The girl was desperately trying to add various magical certifications to Hojo Kyousuke's voice. She would never admit that she was so excited because she got the other person's approval.

Yes, so many people on the website praise my teacher Eri Kashiwagi’s painting skills every day. How could I be so happy that my heart is about to jump because of recognition from such a person? This is so embarrassing! I, Sawamura Spencer Eri, am not someone who is easily satisfied. Even if Hojo Kyosuke is already a top-level manga artist, I will never be shy enough to run away just because of his recognition and thanks!

But the cold wall behind her seemed to remind Yinglili where she was. I was just, just, just afraid of being recognized! Yes, I was just afraid of being recognized by the onlookers, so I ran away. I didn't run away because I couldn't stand the intense look in that fool's eyes.

Ah, really, it's all this idiot's fault. He always says idiotic things. I just want my subordinates to be grateful for my help. Why do I have to say it out loud?

Could it be!

Two small hands suddenly raised up to cover his mouth, but still could not cover up the small exclamation. In the narrow box, the light from the luxurious gashapon machine next to it illuminated the girl's wide eyes, and her blue eyes were filled with gorgeous colors.

Was that just a confession? ?

"I have a comic magazine in my hand," Ying Lili looked at the comic magazine that she conveniently placed on the gashapon machine next to her. Oops, it seems I haven’t paid yet! No, that's not the point. Although the person holding the comic has become himself, he still meets the conditions. The surroundings were indeed filled with congratulators and applauders.

But he is only in the first grade of junior high school. No matter how much he likes her, he can't confirm the relationship so early. Even if I reluctantly accept it, after that...

In her wild thoughts, the girl's eyes became dull, and her face, which had just cooled down, quietly turned red.

After finally rushing out of the store, Hojo Kyousuke could no longer see the girl. Fortunately, the expressions and reactions of passers-by on the road pointed the way for him.

Looking at the people who were leading the way sideways and looking at the car behind them for no apparent reason, he could imagine the girl running wildly on the sidewalk with her face covered like a big guinea pig, making rapid advances. Although I feel cute in my heart, the first priority right now is to find Yinglili first, otherwise the shy guy will run off to nowhere in a daze.

Ignoring the fact that Hojo Kyousuke also ran on the sidewalk, following the guidance of passers-by's eyes, he stopped at the entrance of an alley.

Although it is a narrow alley between two buildings, everything inside is clearly visible because of the gashapon machine lighting it up. Although the girl's body is slender, a corner of her green coat is still exposed.

What a kid. Hojo Kyousuke shook his head and laughed. When entering the alley, he deliberately stepped up his steps to make the girl pay attention to his arrival.

The sudden footsteps really woke Yinglili out of her reverie. She blinked her big eyes and took a deep breath, as if she was trying to calm herself down. Then he stuck his head out slightly and looked towards the entrance of the alley with one eye.

The bright light that originally came from the alley entrance was mostly blocked by the person who walked in. Although he was walking in a small alley with gashapon machines on both sides, the person's pace was still as calm as if he was rushing to a banquet. Amid the changes in light and shadow, the figure remains tall and straight.

Really, why are you so cool? Looking at the person walking towards her step by step, the girl felt that the shame in her heart had magically disappeared. She jumped out from hiding, with her hands on her waist, looking menacing like a cowboy about to pull out a revolver for a duel.

"It's too slow. We agreed to play the gashapon machine, and I've been waiting here for you for a long time!" His tone was as proud as ever, as if he was filled with strong dissatisfaction.

Hearing these still energetic words, Hojo Kyosuke breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that the girl would not be able to communicate well because of her shyness. Only then did he have time to turn around and look around. This place was actually outside the gashapon shop that Ying Lili pointed out to him at the beginning.

"I'm sorry, because your behavior was too much like skipping an order, so I stayed to apologize to the boss for wasting some time."

Taking up the height again, he raised his head, rolled his eyes, and followed the girl's words.

"Huh?!" The thing that she had deliberately ignored was brought up. At this time, the girl became truly shy. She grabbed the magazine and was at a loss for a moment.

"I lied to you. I didn't give you any money, so I ran out with you. Now we are accomplices." The evil-minded person did not continue to embarrass this girl whose shyness accounts for half of her emotions every day.

"Complicit, accomplice!" For a moment, the image of the hero and heroine from various animes robbing banks and stores together and then wandering around the world to start a love story flashed in the girl's mind.

"I didn't expect that the first time I saw my work would be in a magazine I got like this. It feels quite amazing."

While talking, Hojo Kyousuke had already walked to Eiri and took the magazine from the girl who was still muttering words like "accomplice, crime".

Gee, the paper quality and printing are really impressive, but what more could you ask for for a book as thick as 230 yen.

Although watching this kind of plot in anime is really interesting, Yinglili can clearly distinguish between animation and reality. She resisted the urge to accept the evidence of the two "complicits", and she said with a look in her eyes:

"Kyosuke, why don't we go back and pay the money back to the boss? If we explain it, the boss will definitely forgive us."

"It's okay, I'm a bad person. Isn't it normal to do something like this occasionally? The boss will understand." Looking away, from an angle that Eiri couldn't see, Hojo Kyousuke suppressed a smile.

"Then, I will make an exception and accompany you to have fun!" As if she had made a difficult decision like pressing the nuclear button, the girl said together as if she would die with generosity.

"Yinglili, actually..."

"Stop talking, I was the one who brought the book out. I am the mastermind, and you are an accomplice at most! Come and read our comics now." The girl turned to comfort someone.

Hey, isn’t this more foul than what I just said in the bookstore? Listening to the girl's words, Hojo Kyousuke was instantly moved. He knew that, except for the otaku side, the girl usually abided by the etiquette of a young lady, and the other party would never have thought of skipping the bill.

But he didn't dare to say it at the moment, otherwise Yinglili might bite him to death with those little tiger teeth. It was better to think about it in the long term...

"Wow, reading it in a magazine is indeed a completely different feeling than reading it on a computer! Even though I drew it myself, it still feels so shocking!"

In the eyes of Hojo Kyosuke, the bad printing became the best proof of the two meeting in the eyes of the girl.

In the narrow alley, with the light emitted by the machine, the two of them read the comics intently, and from time to time the girl's ringing laughter could be heard.

Old Furukawa Garden at night

Yingli, who had already finished washing, was sitting at her work table, with the "Weekly Shōnen High" book she bought during the day in front of her. In the blank space behind the cover are the signatures of Hojo Kyosuke and himself, both their real names and pen names, for a total of four names.

Looking at the side by side Hojo Kyosuke/Sawamura Spencer Eri and EGOIST/Kashiwagi Eri, the girl's blue eyes were full of happiness, the corners of her mouth were grinned high, she raised her pen and wrote softly below Two words:


At this time, the phone screen suddenly lit up, and the girl turned her head to look. It was a message from Hojo Kyosuke.

"I've already paid for the comics."

"Ahhhh, this idiot, a super invincible idiot, a pervert who specializes in deceiving innocent girls!"

The girl's voice sounded in the room.

After a long time, the sound of turning the pages of a book sounded. Under the desk lamp, she once again carefully read the comics that she could remember exactly when she closed her eyes.

The meeting at the door of the comic shop, being held by her feet in the coffee shop, seeing his drafts in the video game store... and now the comic serialization, little by little memories emerged in the girl's mind, and the corners of her mouth could not help but raise a high of arc.

"This idiot."

Five minutes late. Sorry, no more tonight. Thanks to the big guys for your rewards, monthly votes, and recommendation votes for your support. Thank you!

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