Mitsuha Miyamizu opened her eyes. Miraculously, she didn't have the feeling of not getting enough sleep in the past. She propped up her body with one hand and looked towards the window on the left with her clear brown eyes.

The outside world is still gray, with only a faint light shining through the glass. It is obvious that the morning light has not yet reached this rural town.

Since she gradually took over the affairs of the shrine from her grandmother, she no longer uses the sun as an alarm clock to get up. She will get up early regardless of weekends or not.

After folding the quilt carefully, she went to the closet and took out the miko uniform that had been ironed long ago, but after thinking about it, she put it back in the closet.

"It's better to wait until you're done cleaning before putting it on." With this thought in mind, she put on a set of sportswear that was easy to move around.

She couldn't help but feel a little funny when she was getting dressed. Kyosuke asked her to buy this sportswear. According to Yotsuba, that person always wears sportswear whenever he is not in school.

"It seems like he's not omnipotent. At least I'm better at wearing skirts." As she muttered to herself, the girl burst into laughter. I don't know if it's because of my inexplicable thoughts, or because I discovered that I am better than that boy in one aspect.

If it were in the past, Mitsuha Miyamizu would choose to wear a witch costume even if she was a sanitation worker, because townspeople would come up to pay homage at any time, and she would need to pay attention to her image.

But it's different now. Firstly, it's still too early. Even an old man who has had little sleep will choose to come to worship after the sun rises because of the dew on the mountain. Secondly, she is completely different now in the eyes of the townspeople. Even if she If all the hair is shaved off, the townspeople may think that it is the will of the gods.

Maybe if I run for mayor now, I can succeed. Then I can let that bastard father return to the shrine and continue to be the shrine lord and inherit the shrine, and I will reform Itomori properly.

In her wild thoughts, the girl put on her sportswear, tiptoed to the corridor, and carefully closed the sliding door. She turned her head and looked at the next door, which was her sister Yotsuba's room. This little guy doesn't look like a sleepy child. He gets up on time at six o'clock every day when he is studying, and he doesn't know where he gets so much energy.

But now it’s my sister who finally wins!

He gently opened the sliding door and looked at his sister who was still sleeping soundly. The god incarnate in the eyes of the Itomori townspeople smiled childishly. Really, I wonder if it’s really embarrassing for me as a sister to stay in bed every day and be woken up by my sister!

Coming out of the backyard of the main house, the girl came to the stone steps of the shrine. After taking a look at the stone steps with no top visible and the red torii gate, she sighed softly. If Hojo Kyosuke was here, he would be able to jump to the top of the stone steps.

The miko lady in red sportswear hummed as she climbed up the stone steps. When she finally stepped onto the last stone step and passed through the last torii gate, the golden morning light quietly kissed her. A white neck covered with sweat.

Turning around, the golden sun rises from between the mountains. There is a faint white mist above the dark green forest. Lake Itomori seems to have woken up after sleeping all night. Birds are flying on the shore. Up, the lake became sparkling again.

The fatigue of climbing the stone steps seemed to disappear without a trace at this moment. Mitsuha never knew that Itomori, whom she wanted to escape with all her heart, was so beautiful.

However, no matter how beautiful it is, Tokyo is still better. If possible, I would rather be a handsome Tokyo guy in my next life.

With a playful smile, the girl pushed the strands of hair that were wet with sweat behind her ears. Under the golden sunlight, the small earlobes seemed to be carved from jade, so delicate and green.

She went to the utility room and took out a broom, and began to sweep the fallen leaves on the square. Although it is May when trees are full of vitality, the leaves still inevitably fall. So although there are so many trees that look beautiful, a steel jungle that doesn't shed leaves is better.

The girl imagined that she had become a great swordsman, swung the broom vigorously, swept all the fallen leaves together and piled them up. If it were Hojo Kyosuke, he would definitely have a bunch of subordinates come over to help with the cleaning, that lazy guy.

Thinking of Hojo Kyosuke and the fragments of Tokyo in my memory, the boring cleaning didn't seem so painful anymore. And maybe because of my recent training in kendo, the big broom that used to feel so heavy is actually very light now.

After cleaning the square, Miyamizu Mitsuha took the broom to the utility room of the office building and put it away. She took out a rag and began to clean the stair railings in the front hall of the shrine, the main entrance, and every carving. She carefully wiped and brushed away the dust. Then there is the narthex, where cleaning must be done with even greater care, as dust raised may be considered disrespectful by the gods.

Sweeping the floor, he removed the brown high-seat lacquer trays containing various offerings one by one and carried them to the office building next to the shrine's front hall. Then he placed the brand-new sacrifices that had been prepared the day before on the high-seat lacquer trays and carried them to the office building next to the shrine's front hall. In the front hall, they are placed one by one in front of the altar in order.

The removed sacrifices will be eaten by the shrine maidens of the Miyamizu family, their sisters and their grandmothers. This is also a part of the sacrifice, which is quite important in Neon's Shinto religion.

But maybe it’s the rule set by the gods in order to prevent the miko who serves him from starving? Mitsuha Miyamizu guessed this, and then glanced up and down to see if there were any areas that were inconsistent with what her grandmother had taught her.

This apple should face the door with its fuller side. It seems that the altar was moved slightly when I just wiped it... After adjusting like this for a long time, the sun still poured in from the window, and the girl with her sleeves rolled up and her waist smiled with satisfaction. nodded.

Very good, today is also a perfect day. The corners of the miko's mouth were raised in a high grin, and she didn't even notice the braids that were still a little messy.

Putting down his sleeves, correcting his posture, and swallowing a big mouthful of air with the special morning scent, Mitsuha Miyamizu calmed down, took two deep breaths, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

She bowed twice to the altar, took two deep breaths again, recalled her memory, and began to recite "Shen Li":

"I look up to the Holy Spirit of Miyamizu Shrine, I am sincere and fearful, and I would like to offer my sacrifice. The Great Saint is kind-hearted and has given me food, clothing, and shelter. All my requests are granted, and all my wishes come true. The family is harmonious, and every day I do not enjoy the happiness of being a family... "

The so-called "Shenli" is the unique name given to blessings at Miyamizu Shrine, which is a daily prayer to the gods for blessings. So there are still benefits to running a shrine. At least you don’t have to compete with believers for the “first incense stick”. It should be easier for the gods to respond to such prayers, right?

Although he was thinking wildly in his mind, no matter who he was, as long as he saw the miko-san at this moment, he would definitely feel that it was a blessing to be able to believe in the Miyamizu Shrine with such a miko.

A girl wearing a red sportswear stood upright in front of the altar, golden light draped behind her, every hair strand was shining, and the red and yellow knots used to restrain her hair seemed to have a mysterious brilliance. Her cherry blossom lips moved slightly, and an aria with an inexplicable rhythm came out of her mouth, as if she had reached a certain location and was connected to a great existence.

Sacred, solemn, cannot bear to be blasphemed...

"elder sister!"

The prayer to the gods was interrupted by a clear child's voice, and the serious expression on Sanye's face fell instantly.

She had to start reading from the beginning again, the girl wailed in her heart, but after turning her head, there was a doting smile on her face.

"What's wrong?"

As Yotsuba was about to step into the front hall, she suddenly stopped. Looking at her sister at this moment, she almost forgot to breathe.

The sunlight coming in from the door created a backlighting effect on my sister's face. As the sun gradually rises, its color changes from golden to red to white, turning into a sacred color that often appears in cartoons.

The sister standing in the holy light looked very much like her mother at this moment.

When this idea appeared, Yotsuba was startled, but fortunately, she finally remembered to breathe and took two deep breaths quickly.

It's so strange. He was obviously so young when his mother passed away, and he had no clear memory of his mother in his head. Even her face was only known through photos.


As she was about to enter the front hall of the shrine, her mother turned around and asked what was wrong.

Yotsuba guessed that she had low blood pressure and was dizzy because she climbed such a high stone step without breakfast, so she felt as if she had experienced such a scene.

In the white light, Yotsuba saw that it was a room filled with an uncomfortable smell. The mother, whose face could not be seen clearly, was sleeping on the bed. Her mother's hands, her own hands, and her sister's hands were tightly folded together. Mother's hands are so slender that you can even clearly see the finger bones, but they are still so warm.

"This is not a farewell"

In the white light, Siye saw her mother's face, so warm. My mother's voice was gentle, as if it could be conveyed directly to my heart. She knew that this was what her mother asked her and her sister to tell her father.

"Four leaves? Four leaves!"

Yotsuba, who had not eaten breakfast and climbed so many stone steps, felt that if he was shaken like this for a while, he would definitely vomit it out, so he had to reluctantly get out of that memory. Bizarrely, she saw her mother's eyes, the same brown pupils as her sister, looking at her reluctantly.

"Sister, your eyes look just like your mother's." Siye finally understood why she regarded her sister as her mother.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Our eyes are very similar to our mother's..."

As he spoke, Sanye's voice dropped. Yes, Yotsuba was so young when her mother died, she didn't remember this at all. But how did she know? Maybe from the photo? Putting this question out of her mind, she decided to fulfill her responsibilities as the eldest sister.

"Siye, you came just in time. Let's recite 'Shenli' together."

"Ah~ don't."

Yotsuba wailed and began to regret why she ran up the mountain to help her sister as soon as she woke up. If she had known better, she would have let her work alone. With this in mind, she walked forward and stood side by side with her sister.

The two sisters took deep breaths together, looked serious together, and spoke together. Pious congratulations rang out, and their childish voices and magnetic voices were mixed together, resounding in the shrine on the top of the mountain.

"I look up to the Holy Spirit of Miyamizu Shrine. I am sincere and frightened, so I would like to offer my sacrifice. The Great Saint is kind-hearted and has given me food, clothing, and shelter. All my requests have been answered..."

Mitsuye spoke slower than before, worried that Yotsuba would not be able to remember the congratulatory message, but to her surprise, the little girl actually followed her and read it word by word.

Seeing the serious expression on Siye's little face with baby fat, Mitsuye's heart was full of pity, and she regretted that she and her sister had divided the ownership of the last box of ice cream last night.

This moment is exactly like that moment. That year, my mother also stood here with her, teaching herself the congratulations, pitch, pauses, and breathing sentence by sentence.

Compared to Yotsuba, I am really much happier.

"From now on, you will be the one to teach Yotsuba."

At that time, my mother's body was already very weak due to the disease, but she still supported her body and taught herself various skills and entrusted herself with this.

Mitsuha Miyamizu has not forgotten her mother's instructions. After losing her mother and father in this family, she is working hard to become a qualified shrine maiden of the Miyamizu family.

She thought, as long as I do well enough, the curse of inheriting the shrine will not fall on Yotsuba.

Every day, every day, every year, the girl dared not relax at all and tightened herself all the time, for fear that she would do anything that was not in line with the status of a miko of Miyamizu Shrine and be criticized by the believers.

If I don't do well enough, their eyes will fall on Yotsuba, and the girl has a deep fear in her heart. No, absolutely don't let this happen. Yotsuba grew up happily like this. He went to elementary school, junior high school, high school, university, went to big cities, entered big companies, met boys from outside, got married, had children, and never came back to this place again in his life.

Yotsuba must not be restrained by this ignorant town. She will go to the outside world with the name Miyamizu.

As for myself...

It's not bad to have felt the outside world through Kyosuke's eyes and body.

Maybe swapping bodies will last a lifetime? In this case, I can still help him educate his children.

With this thought in mind, the girl who had finished reciting the congratulations took her sister out of the front hall. Next, she had to clean the shrine's office building.

"Three leaves, four leaves——"

A female voice came from outside. Mitsuha Miyamizu clearly saw that her sister "pricked up her ears" the moment she heard the voice. Although Mitsuha was not a creature like a rabbit, she had such a feeling. .

Really, do you, little guy, like Sayaka that much? It's obvious that I'm your sister, okay? Didn't our relationship become so much better because of Kyousuke before? Looking at her sister who threw down the rag and ran to the door quickly, Mitsuha Miyamizu had a helpless expression on her face.

"Sayexiang, why are you here?"

Stepping out of the door of the office building, Yotsuba waved and shouted loudly to Sayaka who had just stepped through the last torii gate. For those of them who are so close to the gods, shouting in the divine realm will be easily forgiven by the gods. Maybe the gods like such energetic girls.

It’s still available tonight, but I’m not sure when it will be released. You can wait until tomorrow morning to check it out.

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