Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 159 She is constantly pushing the limits for him

“You cannot regard the limits of your own vision as your own limits, otherwise you will never make progress.”

The girl's bloodshot eyes no longer had the brilliant brilliance of the past, but instead looked a bit fierce. Coupled with the powerful words spat out from her lips, Machida Enko next to her truly felt Her determination.

"Oh, the poem is really small. Can't you discuss it with me before deleting it? At least keep it as a reference." Machida Enzi stood up and patted her face with both hands to clear her chaotic brain.

"I'm sorry, Miss Machida, your hard work has been in vain." Looking at his editing, Kasumigaoka's eyes were apologetic. The deleted novel was not only his own hard work, but Miss Machida also devoted as much effort as his own. Work hard in it.

"Who asked me to show off an author like you?" Machida Enzi leaned down and pinched Kasumigaoka's white and tender cheeks that were still full of elasticity even after so many days and nights. Really, why don't these young people understand older women?

"I'm going to prepare some midnight snacks. Let's continue fighting after we're full!"

Standing up straight, taking off her gray suit jacket, the editor stretched hard, and then said. Noting that even though she stretched so hard, her clothes didn't tear or buttons fall off, she glanced enviously at her author, who was still wearing school uniform.

"Xiao Shi, would you like to take a shower first during this time?" In order to catch up with the progress, he pulled the other party to sit in front of the computer as soon as he came out of school on Friday. He had no time to change clothes, and even slept briefly in the middle. I just slept in my school uniform, and now both the uniform and the person are in a state of disrepair.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the notebook in front of her, then put down her hand and touched the stockings on her legs. Although they were still so smooth, the girl always felt that they were still a little greasy. To be honest, if she hadn't been fully focused before As for writing, she couldn't stand it for a long time. But the newly aroused desire to write and the inspiration that was about to burst out of her mind made her reluctant to leave the keyboard.

"Okay, you can't break through the limit well in this state. Go and take a good bath!" Machida Enzi stretched out her hand to pull the girl with black hair and red eyes up, but because she didn't have the strength, both of them almost fell. Fell to the ground.

"Ms. Machida, let's take a rest. If you want to have a late night snack, just eat instant noodles." This apartment does not have only one bathroom.

"Haha, Xiaoshi, you don't think I can make a decent meal, do you? Of course I planned to eat instant noodles from the beginning." Machida Enzi said with a smile.

"..." The girl rolled her eyes lightly, then walked to the closet and found a set of her own pajamas and a spare set of new pajamas.

Without saying much, the two of them walked into the bathroom respectively with a change of clothes.

First, she opened the bathtub and filled it with water for taking a bath later. Then the girl began to take off the stockings on her legs that she had worn for two whole days. Lifting up her pleated skirt and pinching the edge of her stockings, the girl's usually smooth hand felt a little greasy. I don't know whether it was due to psychological effects or because she hadn't washed her hands for too long.

As she bent down, she held the stockings with both hands and slowly slid them down. The buttocks wrapped in the stockings were first liberated, and because of the girl's bent posture, she became more and more slim and rounded. She took turns raising her legs and taking off her stockings. She stood on the white floor tiles of the bathroom with her bare feet.

Looking at the crumpled stockings in his hand, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's little face wrinkled, her red eyes full of hesitation, and she carefully brought it close to her nose. The water mist in the bathtub filled the air, the light seemed a little hazy, and the girl's serious movements seemed to be conducting some precise experiment.

Fortunately, it doesn’t smell like sweat. A perfect girl like me really doesn’t sweat!

After a gentle sniff, the girl's face relaxed, a relieved smile appeared, and then she quickly took the injured black unknown object away from her little face.

Throw the stockings into the trash can. She has no intention of wearing them again after washing them. She took off her skirt, shirt, and black underwear set. She kept the underwear for later washing and threw the clothes directly into the washing machine.

Turning on the shower head, and standing in the trickling hot water, the girl began to wash her body, covering her whole body with foam, and then sat on a small chair and rubbed it carefully.

After washing the body, the water in the bathtub is almost full, and the hot spring powder is put in. Kasumigaoka Shiyu raised her left leg and gently touched the water with her toes to test the temperature. When raising her legs, she raised her buttocks and twisted slightly, and the buttocks on the other side naturally tightened, revealing a toned line, which fully showed that the girl's voluptuous legs were not lacking in exercise.

It would be better to say that without exercise, it is impossible to have such a perfect waist and hip curve, and the thighs cannot be so round and attractive.

After confirming that the water temperature was suitable, the girl held the edge of the bathtub and slowly stepped in. In fact, high-end bathrooms at home have temperature displays, and the water temperature is set in advance, but human instinct still drives girls to do this.


Her buttocks were in contact with the ceramic bathtub, and her back was leaning against the backrest that perfectly fit the human body. The girl couldn't help but let out a moan that made her blood boil.

Wet a towel, wring out the water slightly, and put it on her face. The girl straightened her legs and stretched her body that had been sitting in front of the computer for two days.

The rusty body was fully moisturized in the warm hot water, just as the advertisement for the hot spring powder said, "You can take home hot springs to eliminate diseases, smooth skin, and restore vitality."

The bathroom gradually became quiet. The warm air sucked into the body through the hot towel calmed the girl's restless heart. Miss Machida's voice could be heard faintly from next door, singing a nursery rhyme from Wako City. .

Haha, Miss Machida is really like a child even though she is so old.

Shaking her head slightly, the girl took off the towel that had dropped in temperature from her face, placed it on the bay window aside, and then raised her head to look at the ceiling where mist was rising. Perhaps it was because the hot compress had relieved some fatigue in the eyes, the bloodshot eyes in the girl's eyes were much less, and the burgundy eyes that had regained moisture shone with a moving brilliance.

"Hojo Kyosuke"

The girl's red lips moved slightly, and she whispered the name of the culprit who made her resolutely delete the novel she had spent so much effort on.

Through the mist, Kasumigaoka Shiu seemed to see the figure who loudly solicited guests for Eri Kashiwagi at the comic exhibition last time.

She really wanted to make him proudly hold her work in his hands and recommend it loudly to the people around him. Although Eri Kashiwagi is just a girl who looks like a primary school student, she is really envious... She has been working very hard on writing. On the Internet, Mr. Hojo explained the techniques she used in writing one by one, as well as the following. With those feelings, she knew that she was on the right track, and even if she wasn't sincere, she could still write works that fascinated people.

Therefore, she revised the already perfect outline and used more gorgeous writing techniques to write a sequel that even Ms. Machida called perfect.

But when she saw the news about Hojo-kun in "Weekly Bunshun" today, the girl was not immediately shocked by his results, but felt a kind of joy like a rose suddenly thrown into the open window on a sunny afternoon. It is a kind of pride and honor for the success of the one you admire.

I have long known that he will succeed. Even if he comes to the field of creators, he is still so good. The person I like is slowly showing his excellence to the world.

But then, looking at the bright red score of 500,000 copies, she knew that just that kind of work was not enough to catch up with Hojo-kun. Hojo-kun is showing off his charm unscrupulously, and there will be more and more girls like Eri Kashiwagi around him, swarming over like bees smelling pollen. You must also work hard, no matter who your opponent is, you cannot take him away from you.

However, no matter how powerful my writing skills are, I am only a girl in the third grade of junior high school. With my lack of experience, I cannot write works that can truly touch people's hearts, no matter how gorgeous my words are. The only people who will cry or be fascinated by their own works are only those idiots.

So, she deleted the novel and came up with an idea she had never had before.

She wants to write herself, and Hojo-kun, into this novel.

In the past, although she wrote Sayuka based on herself, she didn't really put her heart into it at all. It was just a fake with her character traits. But now, she decided to put her own emotions into it, making Sayuga her own avatar and truly living in the novel.

As for the male protagonist Naoto, he used to be a tool to develop the plot and highlight Sayuka's character. Now the girl decided to make him more attractive and let him truly become the male protagonist.

She had an idea in her mind that made her both bold and shy, and she was about to realize it through this novel.

"Xiao Shi, haven't you washed it yet? The instant noodles are ready. Come out quickly and finish eating before the battle begins."

Before the girl could get excited about the idea in her heart, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound outside the door.

Really, Miss Machida, why don’t you soak it more, aren’t you afraid that your skin will look like an old woman’s?

"I know, I'll come right away." She agreed helplessly, and the girl straightened up and stood up in the bathtub. Drops of water slid down her body, converging into thin streams of water, rising and sometimes sinking along the way. Smooth and upright, sometimes intricate and slim body flow down.

On the other side, Miki Okudera, who had finished her call with Hojo Kyosuke, was about to return to the living room to continue talking to her family when she received a call from her friend Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"Miki Miki, have you read today's Weekly Bunshun?"

A friend's urgent voice came from the phone. Although the other party was always so impatient, Okudera Miki was still a little curious as to why a gossip weekly made her call her in such a hurry. After all, I have business to do when I return to my hometown. If I just share gossip, the other party shouldn't be so anxious.

"No, you know, I'm not interested in those."

Yes, although she is a retired hottie, she really wants to be a good chef and doesn't really pay attention to that. On the other hand, my friend Shizuka Hiratsuka, who looks carefree like a boy, is quite interested in the gossip about celebrities. Miki Okudera also teased her about whether she was delaying finding a partner because she pinned her feelings on idols, and whether she read gossip magazines to wait for her idols to fall in love and then start her own love life.

Of course, this speculation was completely denied by the other party.

"I'm sending it to you now. Please take a look and see if the person mentioned above is the high school student boyfriend."

"I told you that Kyousuke and I are not a couple..."

Before she finished speaking, the other party hung up the phone. Miki Okudera looked helplessly at her phone, waiting for the other party to send a message.


"Pictures"——Xiao Jing

When she clicked on the picture, she saw that the pen name EGOIST was a little unfamiliar, but after seeing "One Punch Man" she knew that the person in the report was indeed Kyousuke, but there was something strange about it. Kyousuke is obviously a high school student, but why does it say he is a junior high school student? Before I had time to think about it, my friend called me again.

"The person mentioned above is Hojo Kyosuke, right? Your little boyfriend."

"It's indeed Kyousuke, but it's not mine..."

"Didn't he say he was a high school student last time? Why is he now a junior high school student?"

Okudera Miki raised her head, looked at the stars in the sky, and thought for two seconds.

"Perhaps Shukan Bunshun made a mistake. The school Kyousuke attended originally had a high school and a junior high school. It would be strange for a magazine that reports on gossip and black material to suddenly report such a thing. It is normal to make this mistake. ?" she guessed.

"That's it, it seems to make sense." Hiratsuka Shizuka on the other side of the phone immediately accepted this explanation. After all, compared to the reports in the gossip weekly, it was more feasible if he was his friend.

"But I didn't expect that kid to be so powerful."

"Haha, didn't Kyousuke tell you this before?"

The two chatted for a while, and Miki Okudera hung up the phone. She wanted to call Hojo Kyosuke immediately to tell him about the matter and see if the magazine's erroneous report would cause any trouble to him, but after thinking about it, she opened the search engine and searched for Hojo Kyosuke's name.

I thought I would gain nothing, but I didn't expect that his name appeared on many forums, and there were even many photos. But just like what Shizuka Hiratsuka said, it only said that Hojo Kyousuke studied in Dongcheng, not Dongcheng Middle School.

Sure enough, how could someone as reliable as Kyousuke-kun be just a junior high school student. When the two of them get along, if she doesn't look at his face, Okudera Miki will even feel that she is talking to her senior, with that reassuring sense of reliability.

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