Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 173 He is always so flexible in his demands

Early the next morning, Hojo Kyosuke knew that he had to apologize for his first impression of Otaru, which was "a vast area with few people." He woke up just as the sun was shining. It wasn't because of the sun. Hojo Mikiko was well aware of her son's sleeping problems, so she prepared curtains with excellent light-blocking effects early.

However, there is nothing you can do about sound insulation. Neon single-family homes are generally made of wood. Although it has the advantages of earthquake resistance, cheapness and good thermal insulation effect, it is really poor in terms of sound insulation.

Early in the morning, the streets and highways were full of cars running around, waking him up instantly.

When I buy a large house, I must carry out sound insulation renovation as soon as possible! Hojo Kyosuke said harsh words in his heart for the countless times.

Putting on a pair of big shorts and a T-shirt, Hojo Kyosuke opened the curtains. There is a large open space under his house. If it is not in use, some outsiders can park for free. However, these days, the door has been locked due to the large number of people at home.

On the heavily trampled ground, Tetsuta Kisaki and three of his subordinates were already practicing sword swinging. Judging from the heat coming out of their bodies, they must have finished their morning run.

Hojo Kyosuke, Hojo Kyosuke, even if you are already so powerful that no one can match you, how can you slack off! Someone is grieving in his heart for his own fall.

Just as he was about to pick up the bamboo knife placed in the corner of the room and go down to join the youthful and passionate training of his subordinates, his expression changed again.

Hojo Kyosuke, Hojo Kyosuke, you are so powerful that no one can match you, yet you still train so hard, are you not giving others any chance to catch up with you? You are so cruel!

Putting the special bamboo knife engraved with "Beichen Itto-ryu" back in the corner, someone who had gone through a fierce inner struggle opened the door and walked down the stairs with ease. His room was in the innermost room on the second floor, with the road outside. . So living in the city center with poor sound insulation is like sleeping in a vegetable market!

"Grandma, what are you eating today?"

Walking to the kitchen, Hojo Kyousuke held his grandma's shoulders affectionately and asked. He discovered during dinner last night that his grandmother Hojo Keiko's cooking skills were as good as Okudera-senpai's. He planned to ask his grandma to write a cookbook as a gift for Okudera-senpai.

The plan goes through!

"It's a cream stew."

Hojo Keiko turned her head and smiled so hard that she couldn't even see her eyes. The old man really planned to wake up his eldest grandson in the morning and follow him to work on the ranch, but she scolded him. My own Kyousuke is a writer. Although he is only a cartoonist now, he will definitely become a person like Natsume Soseki in the future. How can he serve cattle and sheep with him? She was already very angry when she brought her lawyer son back, and now she wants to turn her grandson into a cowboy as well. She will never allow it!

Like now, it would be nice to come back and see myself every holiday.

"Wow, it smells so good."

Hojo Kyosuke, who has mastered the skill of "making the elders happy" at the proficiency level, took a deep breath and said exaggeratedly, and then asked his grandma if she had any exclusive ingredients. As for going to the ranch to work or something like that, Hojo Kyosuke is a farmer's boy, so he doesn't want to rush into things like that. However, children like Tetsuta Kisaki and others who grew up in big cities need to experience it.

"Hehehe, it's just some home-cooked dishes, there's no secret recipe. Anyway, I just added a little..." Keiko Hojo stirred the pot and talked to her grandson with a smile. Happiness that had never been experienced before flowed in the old man's heart.

You must know that Neon is a place where magical things like "second-generation houses" are popular. The so-called second-generation houses can be simply understood as married children living in the same house as their parents, but the kitchen, entrance, etc. all have their own uses. It can be said that they are close neighbors. Of course, it is a bit inappropriate to say this. This way of living can also effectively meet the needs of both parties.

To have a son and daughter-in-law who abandoned decent jobs in big cities and returned to the countryside to raise cattle at just one command, as well as a grandson who was still so close to her even though they hadn't seen each other for so many years, Hojo Keiko felt that she could show off again at the residents' gathering next week. . By the way, I want Fujiko and the others to take a good look at their grandson's comics. Maybe their grandson will be a fan of his grandson.

Thinking of this, the smile on Hojo Keiko's face grew stronger, and she took out her exclusive spices from the locker and explained them to her grandson one by one.

When Hojo Mikiko came back, she saw this happy scene.

"Mom, did you also go to work in the ranch?" Hojo Kyosuke asked in surprise. He had discovered a long time ago that there were only four idiot subordinates in the family and his grandma. After asking, grandma told him that everyone else had gone to the ranch. . However, no matter what, he could not connect his mother with farm work.

"What's the matter, I will help out occasionally!" Seeing her son's appearance, Hojo Mikiko said dissatisfiedly, just like when her husband forgot to turn on the switch of the automatic feeder, she would also turn it on!

"Okay, but where are dad and grandpa?"

"They are taking a bath. They accompanied the veterinarian to deliver a cow this morning." Hojo Mikiko said as she walked into the kitchen, placed the package in her hand on the chopping board and slowly opened it.

"Maverick?" Hojo Kyosuke asked curiously.

"You can't eat that!" Hojo Mikiko said warily; "You have to at least grow to adulthood!"

"Who wants to eat it? I was just thinking about the news I saw online that calves in Hokkaido pastures are fed by feeding machines."

Well, put a sensor collar around the cow's neck, and when a calf comes over, it will automatically produce milk and count the amount of milk each little guy drinks. Those who have had enough will not be served again, and those who have not had enough will be replenished manually.

"Hahaha, that's something only found in large ranches. Our family is only medium-sized at most, so we don't need that kind of thing." Hojo Keiko explained with a smile.

"Your father is responsible for the milk after the calf can drink milk independently. As expected of a lawyer graduated from Tokyo University, he has never made a mistake in doing this kind of thing." Hojo Yuichi walked into the living room and said loudly.

Hatagoro and others, who also walked in with a white towel wiping their sweat, were shocked when they heard this. Is the student who majored in law at Tokyo University only responsible for feeding calves in the Hojo family? As expected of the chief!

Kisaki Tetsuta was very encouraged. Sure enough, getting admitted to Tokyo University was just the threshold for following his elder brother, and I could only make a meager contribution. I must work harder!

"What's this?"

After greeting everyone, Hojo Kyosuke looked at the fresh meat on the chopping board.

"It's Ezo deer. Mom, I bought this specially this morning!" Hojo Mikiko had already turned away. Because it was so fresh, blood was still oozing out of the meat. She was so dizzy that she couldn't bear the stimulation. scene.

"Deer!?" Hojo Kyousuke stared at the piece of ribs that he had just thought of three ways to cook.

"Yeah, didn't you like eating in Kushiro the day before yesterday?" Hojo Mikiko came over, opened the photo album with a narrow smile on her face, and found the photos Mitsuha Miyamizu took with her.

Mitsuha Miyamizu, I never thought you were such a person! The deer is so cute, but you are so happy eating it!

Sitting on the dining table, Hojo Kyousuke grabbed a rib and chewed it fiercely, silently praying for the deer in his heart, praying that the other party would have a good deer life in the next life.

In the afternoon, local Kyosuke Hojo took four of his men to wander around Otaru. If you don’t mention seafood, there isn’t much food in Otaru. The main thing is to look at the buildings left over from the last century, especially in places with dense public buildings. It’s like going to Europe. By the way, if he recruited a group of white people to shoot a movie next to the Otaru Canal where he was walking last night, no one would doubt that it was shot in London.

Some activities are suitable for boys to play together, while others are not suitable, such as sightseeing. At this moment, sitting on the sightseeing cable car of Mount Tengu, several people looking at each other immediately decided to end the sightseeing of this sand sculpture.

"Let's go find some delicious food!" Hata Goro said, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

"That's right, let's go to Otaru to have fun together after we find a girlfriend." Kuroda Kaito said, he is the one whose name has never appeared among the five main candidates in the Kendo Club.

"You guy, you're showing off your girlfriend again, aren't you!" Mihashi Ryoma laughed and scolded, yes, the reason why he never said his name is because this guy is a hateful person who has a girlfriend.

"Hahahaha, after winning the National Kendo Competition, you will become more popular." Kuroda Kairen said with a smile.

"Then let's go to Kumagoro Ramen as our next stop!" Hojo Kyosuke made the final decision.

"Awesome!" X4

Neon people's love for ramen is difficult for foreigners to understand. Even if they live in a place famous for ramen, they will still happily eat another famous ramen when they go to another place. To put it another way, even if it is so poor that there are no tourist attractions, there will definitely be a ramen shop that has been passed down for decades.

Just like this shop with a neon brown bear sign in the doorway, Hojo Kyosuke knew that his shop was definitely not called this because of the bear meat in the ramen. It must be because the founder's name was Kumagoro. !

But after getting closer, looking at the introduction on the wall, Hojo Kyosuke was defeated again.

It wasn’t that the founder was named Kumagoro, but the soup base he made attracted even a bear that liked to eat fish. Then the founder named the bear Kumagoro.

The soup base made from dozens of kinds of dried fish is light brown, clear and translucent, and you can clearly see the ramen noodles arranged neatly below. The deep red barbecued pork has fully absorbed the essence of the soup, and is slightly shiny, making it look like a bite. It will be like exploding. Green onions float randomly on the surface, and you can feel the unique smell without smelling it.

It's delicious, no less delicious than the restaurant Hojo Kyosuke and Sakurara ate at in Ginza that was featured in the Ramen God magazine.

After eating two large bowls per person, the five people walked out of the ramen shop.

"What to eat next!?" Hata Goro asked.

"Of course they are Hokkaido's specialty corn and potatoes!" Tetsuta Kisaki pushed his glasses with a glint of cold light with his left hand and made a cold voice.

…But isn’t the cream stew in the morning filled with freshly bought potatoes and corn? Hojo Kyosuke was holding a large bag of instant Kumagoro ramen in both hands and complained in his heart.

But he didn't mean to refuse. It didn't matter what we ate when we went out to play, what mattered was who we went with. Although these four idiots like Kisaki are not very smart, they burped wildly together after eating a bowl of noodles and it was unexpectedly enjoyable.

After shopping around and eating, even Tetsuta Kisaki, who seemed to be the most interested in attractions such as art towns, crossed those places off the plan, and the group happily ate from noon to evening. In the evening, after I went home for dinner, I went out to a seafood restaurant in Uman, Hokkaido, for a late-night snack.

"Don't worry, even if I take you here to eat for a month, it won't affect my wallet."

After the boss said this, Hata Goro and others, who were already drooling looking at the fresh king crab and snow crab in the fish tank, immediately walked to the boss and reported the name of the dish.

"I'm so happy."

Kisaki Tetsuta had already ordered the food, and now he was sitting on the seat with Hojo Kyousuke, looking at the three noisy friends with a happy smile on his face. It's great. Before following his eldest brother, he never thought that he could have such a pure friendship, and be able to go to the northernmost part of Neon with his friends to eat and drink happily.

"Now you still want to be the worst student in Neon?" Hojo Kyosuke teased.

Glancing sideways at his elder brother, Tetsuta Kisaki said angrily: "Isn't that your position as commander-in-chief? I'm just your military advisor."

"You guy." The handless Lord Demon held his forehead.

Immediately, the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Although Hata Goro and others who came back from shopping did not know what happened, they also laughed. Fortunately, this is a place for drinking, the atmosphere is very lively, and no one cares about their noise.

A late night snack cost 200,000 yen. If Hojo Kyosuke hadn't successfully escaped poverty, this meal would have prevented him from paying the rent of his Tokyo apartment, but now, it's a trivial matter.

Hatagoro, who was completely excited, even suggested drinking sake sold by Tanaka Shuzo, a specialty of Otaru. What Hojo Kyousuke didn't expect was that even Kisaki, a guy who read legal classics whenever he had free time, was actually ready to take action.

What if the store won't sell to them? All I can say is that there are always more solutions than difficulties. In the end, Hojo Kyosuke bought five cans of pomegranate Coke from the vending machine and threw them to them, and then escorted the restless men to the Otaru Canal.

This kind of riverside is not only suitable for couples to walk, but it is also comfortable for a few good brothers to sit on the stone bench and enjoy the sea breeze.

Not far away, where the canal connects to Ishikari Bay, few people said anything as they watched the water pouring into the canal. Hojo Kyosuke guessed that maybe they were all lamenting their youth.

"I really want to jump in and have a swim."

"Yeah, maybe we can even catch king crabs."

"And the leaffish."

What a bunch of idiots, can they get so drunk even if they drink coke?

In the next week, Hojo Kyosuke and several of his subordinates followed his grandfather to work on the ranch during the day, and started hanging out in Otaru in the evening.

"Brother, I can really continue to work!"

At Chitose Airport, Hata Goro and others were reluctant to leave while dragging their suitcases.

"Go away, my cow has no desire to die recently." Hojo Kyosuke kicked him angrily. One of the top white old cows that could be sold for millions was eaten by these bastards within a week.

"See you in Tokyo, big brother." Kisaki Tetsuta said.

"Well, you should relax a little during the holidays. You are already second in grade, so there is no need to work so hard." Hojo Kyousuke patted the number one boy on the shoulder, thinking whether he should relax a little in the next exam.


Watching the white plane streak through the sky, Hojo Kyousuke also turned around and planned to return to Otaru. As for whether the plane was flown by his subordinates, does that matter? Does it mean that he, the eldest brother, still has to wait here for his younger brother to go to heaven? Not a beautiful girl!

The days that Hojo Kyosuke can stay in his hometown are actually not very long. This vacation itself is only a little more than a month. A week later, in mid-August, he has to return to Tokyo to accompany Eiriri to participate in the summer CM, and he has to continue painting " One Punch Man". When he left Tokyo, he and Erili had only managed to produce two issues of content, and now they are almost exhausted.

After returning to Otaru, Hojo Kyosuke brought the gifts he bought from Tokyo to his aunt's house, which was also the house of the relative who opened the Italian restaurant Kotono no Tashi. You have been eating and drinking for free for so long. Why don't you pay a visit when you return to your hometown?

The gifts he brought were Ginza's specialty brand cosmetics and his comic book. If possible, he wouldn't want to give the latter, but he couldn't hide this kind of thing.

"Hehehe, Kyosuke is really amazing. He has made so much money at Saikoku Junior High School." After some pleasantries, my aunt Shuko Miyagi said with a smile.

"One is good luck, and the other is thanks to the help of friends." Someone was modest as usual.

"Hey, the child's father, do you think our Garden of Words should have a "One Punch Man" theme?"

"No, this kind of cartoon has almost no overlap with the audience of our restaurant." Cousin Miyagi Toyoko rejected it without giving any face to her mother and cousin.

"Hehehe, don't worry about it, Kyosuke, that's the kind of character Toyoko has." Uncle Miyagi Takayuki tried to smooth things over.

"It doesn't matter. I have been in contact with my cousin before. I quite envy her rigorous character." Even though his cousin lowered the price of Okudera-senpai's formula last time, Hojo Kyosuke never complained. After all, this is a serious business. . That cousin didn't mind at all about me eating and drinking for free.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Hojo Kyosuke left with a large bag of cheese products. The Miyagi family's ranch was bigger than the Hojo family's. He also saw the fully automatic feeding machine as he wished. It was really amazing.

After returning home, Hojo Kyosuke lived a fulfilling life. He worked in the pasture with his grandfather and father in the morning, went to a small workshop to learn how to make glass at noon, and watched TV and chatted with his family in the evening, and recorded his grandma's recipes.

There isn't much else in Otaru, except for the many glass-making workshops, each of which can proudly claim to be half a century old. The Yagi Glass Shop where Hojo Kyosuke studied was opened by his grandfather's friend. Hojo Kyosuke originally wanted to pay some tuition or consumables, but the old man named Yagi Kazumasa refused.

"Old man, my workshop is not profitable to begin with. The grandson of the Xiong family wants to come and learn from me. I'm not happy yet."

As expected of someone who can become good friends with his grandfather who looks like a bandit leader, Yagi Kazumasa has long unruly hair. He only ties it up with a hair tie when he comes to the glass making workshop. At other times, he They all spread out.

Mr. Yagi’s son and grandson have all moved to Sapporo to work and live, and his wife passed away early. His daily routine is to make some glass objects and go for a walk along the Otaru Canal every day. Perhaps the biggest significance of Hojo Kyosuke's arrival to him is that he used to talk to emotionless glass and furnaces, but now he is talking to a handsome young man who is hard-working, studious and nice to talk to.

"We call glass glass, but we actually learned it from the country next door." The old man said slowly as he lit up the furnace.

"Fake crystals burned with medicine are dark green in color with gas eyes, or yellow-green, or white. They are pure and clear, so they are called glass."

Hojo Kyosuke thought to himself, since he knew Glass, how could he not get to know him. But he didn't say anything. He just helped the old man open the metal lid of the furnace and smiled as he listened to the old man reciting this sentence in Chinese with a Hokkaido accent.

"I see."

“Otaru used to make practical items such as glass lampshades, floating balls, and fish floats. It was only after the decline of the fishing industry that we started to make some handicrafts.”

Mr. Yagi scooped out a large spoonful of silica sand from the silica sand storage device and explained the principle of glass formation to Hojo Kyosuke. Someone with a perfect score in chemistry listened with a serious face. The next step was to make gifts for Sakura and Glass. , Don’t be careless!

"But old man, I have no prejudice against crafts. This feeling of making such beautiful things with your own hands is really wonderful."

While waiting for the silica sand and nickel oxide to melt, the old man took Hojo Kyosuke to the display shelf in the corner to admire his work.

Hojo Kyosuke, who had visited famous glassware stores such as Kitaichi Glass and Taisho Glass in advance, was surprised to find that Mr. Yagi really liked making glass. From stained glass lampshades to glass pens and glass dolls, he has everything in the store.

The old man picked up a blue-green cup with his lean arms and handed it to Hojo Kyousuke, motioning him to look at the lights on the roof.

The white light collided in the glass, making the already crystal clear cup appear even more dazzling, with scattered blue-green light emitting through the surface of the cup.

"It's beautiful. That's called the Mount Fuji Cup. It's the proud product of Edo Glass."

Looking at Hojo Kyosuke, whose eyes were filled with blue and green glass, the old man smiled proudly.

"Fuji Mountain? Is it because it looks like a mountain when turned upside down?" Someone still didn't give up on understanding the Neon Man's naming idea.

"Hahaha, no, no." The old man smiled and opened the refrigerator nearby, took out a bottle of plum wine, wiped the glass casually and poured a full glass.

"Look, is there a Mount Fuji now at the bottom of the cup?"

A Mount Fuji, the same color as the wine, suddenly appears on the bottom of the thick cup. The top of the cup is also frosted to look like snow. It really makes people want to drink two more cups.

Hojo Kyosuke, who was silently dunking six in his heart, clapped his hands with an exclamation smile on his face, which made Mr. Yagi even happier, and he drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Then do you want to make this kind of cup?"

"In no mood."

The ones he wanted to give were all beautiful girls. This kind of quilt, which looked very suitable for drinking, was passed by him directly. The capacity was too small, and it was not in line with his best wishes of "drinking more hot water". If it's for Maki-san and Onizuka, you can consider a set for each of them, but you can just buy it in the store later.

"What about this one? This is the cut pattern." The old man raised another cup, which also had a Mount Fuji carved on it.

I always feel that those cutting marks are not conducive to holding hot water, and why are they all wine glass styles? Someone shook his head again.

"Yagi-san, what I want to make is a big cup that can hold hot water. It's best if the shape is rounder. Functionally, it should be able to hold hot water, be anti-falling, and won't hurt too much if it hits your toe."

"..." Yagi Kazuo, who was raising the next wine glass with great interest, paused and turned to look at this rude junior. In that case, why don't you choose paper cups?

"Are you giving it to a girl?" Fortunately, the old man was very understanding and figured it out immediately.


"Are you a lover?"

"Haha, not yet." Hojo Kyousuke scratched his head in embarrassment.

Every word made the old man silent again. Fortunately, the silica sand in the furnace melted. The old man lifted up a steel pipe and began to seriously teach Hojo Kyosuke how to make glass.

No, I'll go back to Tokyo tomorrow

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