Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 198 After She Was There

On the playground of Itomori High School, the townspeople gathered together in family units, with picnic mats and the like spread on the ground.

Their emotions were still stable at first, but after seeing the comet really falling in the direction of Itomori, most people started to panic instantly, and some even rushed to the car on the edge of the playground to escape. In fact, during the daytime evacuation, Toshiki Miyamizu also hinted that the townspeople could leave Itomori directly. The roadblocks they set up on the road only restricted entry, not exit.

But now this kind of disorderly behavior is absolutely not allowed. If so many people gather together and cause a commotion, a few people may die due to stampede before the comet falls.

Originally, the people from the town hall were maintaining order, but now, seeing the comet approaching continuously, these people who had not received any professional training were so scared that they collapsed to the ground and had no hope at all.

Cry, scream, pray...

The scene was in chaos. The small comet that split off became brighter and brighter, completely surpassing the sun. The meteor-like split body released powerful light pulses and kept making harsh and strange sounds. Mixed with the sounds of the scene, it was even more shocking. Feeling intense nausea.

Miyamizu Mitsuha looked at his father and saw that he was also staring at the comet closely, as if he was frightened. I couldn't help complaining in my heart that it was really unreliable and completely inferior to...

Not as good as...

She shook her head, not thinking too much about who the reassuring person was. After coming down from the mountain, the feeling of memory loss became more and more obvious, but it didn't matter.

Tokyo, just go there and everything will be explained!

Walking to the area of ​​Miyamizu Shrine, grandma was sitting there, holding a cup of green tea in her hand, looking no different from usual.

"Grandma, the shrine is going to be destroyed." Mitsuha Miyamizu couldn't help but say. For grandma who values ​​the shrine so much, her mood today may be even sadder than other townspeople in Itomori.

"Ah, yes." Miyamizu Kazuyo took a sip of tea, opened his eyes a slit, and looked at Miyamizu Shrine on the other side of Itomori Lake.

Now you can clearly see where the comet landed, with the Miyamizu Shrine in the center.

"This way Mitsuha, you can pursue the life you like." Miyamizu Kazuyo said slowly, his wrinkled face full of relief.

"Grandma..." Mitsuha Miyamizu was stunned. She never expected to hear such words from her grandmother who had been so strict with her in learning Shinto knowledge since she was a child.

Grandma naturally loves them, and no one knows this better than the two sisters who depend on their grandmother for life. But she also knew how high the status of Miyamizu Shrine was in her grandma's heart.

"The Miyamizu family's mission has been completed."

Looking at the falling comet, Miyamizu Kazuyo was also filled with emotions. She is the most devout believer, not only because of the mission passed down by her family from generation to generation, but also because she deeply understands the specialness of the daughters of the Miyamizu family. This is true for me, this is true for my daughter, and this is true for my granddaughter.

This specialness has brought endless prestige and power to the Miyamizu family, but it has also firmly trapped them in Itomori. While living alone with her granddaughter for so many years, she often thought of her daughter who died young.

She would also think about what if, if she could go to a hospital in a big city.

Erye, can she survive?

In those seventy-nine years, she thought she had forgotten how to cry. However, whenever she sees her granddaughters who look more and more like Erye, she will cry silently at night. This was also the reason why she would cover up for her son-in-law who betrayed the family and tell Siye that her father had run away from home.

If you can really do it, then go for it.

"Ah! Then I can't inherit the shrine?" Yotsuba, who was nestling next to her grandmother, wailed, and her two braids hung down weakly.

"If you want, you can ask your father to find a shrine and send you there to become a full-time shrine maiden." Mitsuha Miyamizu, who had just been surprised by what her grandmother said just now, came back to her senses and said to her sister angrily.

This little guy thinks about witches and witches all day long. If that's the case, let's work hard at a shrine from now on. I heard that the daily salary of shrine maidens in big cities can even reach 10,000 yen.

"No! I want to be a god, not a little miko!" Yotsuba's little head shook like a rattle. He was a wage earner, but he had a great business plan!

Watching the interaction between the grandfather and grandson, Yukino Mokari next to her smiled lightly. She was sitting and kneeling on the other side of Miyamizu Kazuyo. Seeing the end of the conversation, he poured a cup of tea for Mitsuha Miyamizu in a leisurely manner.

"Thank you, Teacher Xueno." Sanye quickly took it with both hands.

"Hmm, are you here for something?" Xueye shook his head.

Yes, I came here to find a bamboo sword, Mitsuha Miyamizu suddenly remembered. Why did I completely forget my purpose as soon as I came here?

She couldn't help but look at the three people in front of her. Grandma and Yotsuba didn't say anything. She was sitting there on her knees in a gray casual suit, with a demure smile on her face and a soft voice. Teacher Yukino Momokari, and the cluttered people around her. The environment is completely inconsistent.

Even though the comet was about to fall, she was still so calm. Yotsuba didn't feel scared, maybe because there were two people around her who acted like nothing happened?

"Teacher Yukino, aren't you scared?" Although time was already urgent, Mitsuha Miyamizu couldn't help but ask.

"Maybe it's because I ate a very sweet apple, so now my stomach is full and I feel at ease."

Looking at the familiar face saying the unfamiliar name, she felt nothing in her heart, because she knew that she was already much happier than Mitsuha Miyamizu.

"Yes, it's super sweet! Sister, you eat it too!" Yotsuba shouted.

"That's it..."

Is Apple so powerful? If I had known, I should have given every town citizen an apple to calm them down.

Be strong, the voice in my heart said softly.

Holding a bamboo knife, Miyamizu Mitsuha walked up to the townspeople who had begun to lose their minds and started to go crazy, and stabbed them in the crook of their legs, making them kneel down obediently.

Although this is a safe area, it will still be affected by the shock wave of the falling comet. The right way is for everyone to sit on the ground and hold hands.

After knocking over several people in a row, seeing that he had attracted most of the people's attention, Miyamizu Mitsuha cleared his throat and said loudly:

"The disaster has come, but it is also over. I assure everyone that this is an absolutely safe area."

"But, Miss Sanye, our home is gone."

Nakamura Heihachi knelt on the ground, his face mixed with snot and tears. A man in his forties was crying like a mess. Beside him, his wife and daughter were also crying together.

"I can understand everyone's mood. The shrine that the Miyamizu family has inherited for thousands of years will also be reduced to ashes in this disaster." Mitsuha Miyamizu said loudly, but when he spoke, he felt inexplicably guilty. But then a voice in her heart said, It's okay, that guy often does this anyway, what I said is the truth!

"Itomori is our hometown, and our residence is the container of life and the sustenance of memories. I can understand you all! However, we never choose disasters, but disasters choose us. All we can do is live well, Cheer up and rebuild a new home.”

There is no fancy philosophy, she just says what everyone understands.

"Shifata Nana (There is no other way)"

As a citizen of a disaster-prone country, this is basic common sense that everyone knows. Chaos has just occurred, but the fear of life and death has overwhelmed reason. At this moment, I saw Miss Sanye who brought the apocalypse to everyone and saved everyone's lives. The townspeople immediately found their spiritual support and slowly calmed down.

Toshiki Miyamizu stood aside, looking at his daughter standing in front of the crowd, his face full of pride.

Finally, it's over.

Watching the comet getting closer to Itomori, the townspeople showed nervous expressions on their faces. Only Miyamizu and his daughter, who were sitting at the front with their backs to the crowd and shoulder to shoulder, were full of excitement.

Carrying thick smoke and scorching heat, as well as its unstoppable power, the comet slammed down on the Miyamizu Shrine.

The harsh and strange sound from before disappeared, and the whole world seemed to have fallen into a realm of silence. Everyone thought they would scream out in fear, but at this moment, they found that no sound could come out of their wide-open mouths, and even breathing became difficult.

boom! ! !

The highest mountain in Itomori, the Miyamizu Shrine that had overlooked Itomori for thousands of years, was instantly razed to the ground and turned into a fiery red.

Even though they were so far away, everyone could still clearly feel the scorching heat brought by the comet on their faces, as if it could melt people in an instant.

Then the earth opened. A clod of soil larger than a house flew high into the sky, and before it had time to fall, it was pushed and smashed into the distance by the monstrous air waves. Some people on the playground were crying and trying to crawl back, because the huge flying rocks looked like they could bury the entire school.

But he was quickly grabbed by the people around him. This was Mitsuha Miyamizu's order just now. No matter what happens, hold the hands of those around you tightly. Maybe it was the hands of his family that gave him a sense of security, or maybe the figure with the ponytail in the front made him realize again that he was safe. He finally calmed down and watched this super experience with fear. disaster film.

Lake Itomori, which was so calm at all times, seemed to have reached a stage of rebellion. Amid the violent explosions, it screamed towards the shore of the lake. The lake water that usually brought countless fish catches became a huge wave that destroyed everything.

The house was shattered into pieces of wood flying randomly in the sky, and the good earthquake resistance could not play any role at this time. The bridge was submerged in the lake water and earth and rocks in an instant, and the road first twisted and then suddenly exploded upwards, breaking into pieces and joining the team that destroyed Itomori. Cars turned into airplanes, trams turned into earthworms, trees were uprooted...

The strong shock wave finally reached the school playground, and the glass on the school windows shattered in an instant. Fortunately, Toshiki Miyamizu was well prepared and removed everything on the playground that might cause safety hazards. Football goal, big trees, old tables and chairs.

The earthy smell mixed with the smell of fire, the water vapor hitting your face...

Only by trying their best to grab the people around them can everyone resist the monstrous wave of air.

Amidst the ringing in their ears, the townspeople of Itomori watched everything they were familiar with reduced to ruins. They regained their hearing through crying. They heard the sound of clods of earth hitting the houses, the sound of flames igniting the mountains and forests, and the sound of Itomori Lake flowing into the depression. sound.

Although it was a disaster-ridden country, the rescue team only arrived the next day, and earlier than them was the TV station's helicopter. On TV, some experts are still swearing that even if the comet breaks up, it will never cause damage to human settlements. I don’t know if such remarks slowed down the rescue so much.

In a country like Neon, earthquakes may occur after a comet hits, so rescue work can only rely on helicopters. As the mayor of the town, Toshiki Miyamizu was naturally the first person to be rescued. Even if the rescue team did not save him, the TV station would take him to a safe place as soon as possible.

"The Founder of Miracles" "Folklorist → God Lord → Mayor"

"Evacuation drill before the meteorite falls!"

The Yomiuri Shimbun's front page headline focused all the news on Toshiki Miyamizu, the mayor. This is not only due to various considerations, but also the unanimous statement of Toshiki Miyamizu and Mitsuha Miyamizu.

Itomori Town has also become a new secret legend of neon, that is, a place where daredevils and vloggers go to shoot videos. If you sleep here for a night, you will get a lot of likes.

The post-disaster resettlement work was proceeding in an orderly manner. When choosing a resettlement site, Toshiki Miyamizu, a representative of the townspeople, unhesitatingly refused to be resettled nearby. The townspeople themselves were in a state of panic after the disaster, and they were also unwilling to be dispersed and taken in by various places. They all unanimously decided to follow the Miyamizu family.

By the miracle of a new political star thrust into the national spotlight. Toshiki Miyamizu returned to his hometown, Nara.

His real name is Toshiki Mizoguchi, and his family is a famous and prominent family in Nara. As usual, he used the magic power of Tuxiaza, and the eldest son who returned with great honor was quickly accepted into the family.

The townspeople of Itomori were also accepted by the Nara area. As the shrine leader, Kazuyo Miyamizu invested the funds allocated for the reconstruction of the shrine into the post-disaster reconstruction funds of the townspeople.

The prefecture and the country are naturally responsible for post-disaster reconstruction. They will use various funds collected by society to provide "disaster victim living reconstruction support funds" to families whose homes have been damaged to some extent due to natural disasters and build temporary residences. Or provide public accommodation. In short, you can survive no matter what.

When the people of Itomori Town began to rebuild after the disaster, Yukino Momoka said goodbye to the Miyamizu family and took the Shinkansen to Tokyo.

Miyamizu Toshiki took his family to live in Mizoguchi's house, while Miyamizu Kazuyo bought a small single-family house not far from Mizoguchi's house.

With that experience, the "Miracle Leader" began to seek a higher political status with the help of his family. Although he didn't know why his daughter always wanted to go to Tokyo, he still tried hard to get there.

A graduate of a prestigious university, the miracle worker who protected all residents during such an unprecedented natural disaster was eventually acquired by the Tokyo Fire Department.

The Miyamizu sisters originally wanted to go to Tokyo to study with their father, but they were kept back by their grandparents in Nara. The son they had not seen for more than ten years hurried home and left again. Naturally, the granddaughter wanted to stay and get close to each other to relieve her longing. Affection.

…correct timeline…

After Hojo Kyosuke came down from the mountain, he gathered his men and returned to Tokyo that night.

He told Sakura that he was safe and everything went well, and neither of them talked much. Hojo Kyosuke is used to not telling the girls around him about other girls, while Sakura is used to trusting and letting go.

After collecting information and learning about Mitsuha Miyamizu's current situation, he took the Shinkansen to Kyoto the next day and then transferred to the JR Nara Line.

The experience of traveling in Neon, whether by bus or Shinkansen, is ten times better than flying, whether it is the comfort on the road or the convenience of transportation after arrival.

Accompanying him was Ryoma Mihashi, who was leading the way. The latter's hometown was in Nara City, his sister studied at Tizukayama High School, and he was Miyamizu Mitsuha's classmate.

Mitsuha Miyamizu is a third-year student at Teizukayama High School. She has served as the head of the Kendo Department since she first entered the school and helped her school win the women's category of the National High School Kendo Competition for two consecutive years.

Although it is still vacation, Miyami Mitsuha, a senior high school student, returned to school early. Tezukayama High School is a prestigious private school in Nara, with a deviation value of 73, and is ranked among the top 50 schools in the country.

Tojo, where Hojo Kyosuke studied, has a deviation value of 78 for both high school and junior high school, ranking second in the country, although there are many schools tied for second.

Similar to Tojo, a boys' school, although Teizukayama High School is a co-educational school, they have separate classes for men and women.

At this moment, Hojo Kyousuke was walking in the corridor of the teaching building filled with girls, looking at Mitsuha Miyamizu inside through the glass of the back door.

Eighteen-year-old Mitsuha Miyamizu has changed a lot from when she was fifteen. Whenever she goes out, she will spend more than ten minutes braiding her hair in a simple ponytail. Because they hadn't seen her for a long time, Hojo Kyosuke subconsciously opened his scanning eye. Although the girl was sitting, he could easily read out the data he wanted.

Sure enough, he has grown up. He is already 167cm tall. Fortunately, Hojo Kyosuke himself has also grown to 1.8m, otherwise the height ratio would be almost out of harmony.

But that delicate little face with her head raised and looking intently at the writing on the blackboard was exactly the same as the one she saw on the top of the mountain with her eyes closed and her face slightly red.

As if she sensed that someone was looking at her, Mitsuha Miyamizu turned around and looked at the back door of the classroom. Of course she couldn't see anything because someone was far more agile than her.

Leaning against the wall, Hojo Kyousuke didn't intend to continue peeking. He deliberately put on a rustic gray suit. Although he still couldn't hide his outstanding temperament, he could barely pretend to be a teacher.

After walking out of school, I followed Ryoma Mihashi to his home and received a warm welcome.

In the evening, Miho Mihashi returned home from tutoring. As soon as he opened the door, he saw his brother and a handsome guy sitting on the tatami in a Japanese-style room watching TV.

"Sister, you are back."

Mihashi Ryoma was still sitting on the ground. When he saw his boss standing up, he quickly stood up and introduced the two parties.

"This is my sister Miho Mihashi, and this is my classmate Kyosuke Hojo. I want to ask you about something."

"Oh, it's the one with no hands you mentioned before..." Miho Mihashi had a smile on his face that suddenly dawned on him. This person is even more handsome than the photo! Stupid brother actually has such a powerful classmate.

"Idiot, don't say it!" Mihashi Ryoma's face instantly turned pale, he strode forward and covered his sister's mouth. Although everyone thinks that nickname is very prestigious, everyone who dares to mention it in front of the boss will be miserable.

"I know, I know, take your hands away, you guy." Miho Mihashi hit her brother hard on the head with her schoolbag.

"Hello, I'm Hojo Kyosuke, please give me some advice." The smile on Hojo Kyosuke's face became even brighter.

The three of them sat down around the low table in the Japanese-style room, and Ryoma Mihashi obediently turned down the volume of the TV. His father was still working overtime, and his mother went to chat with friends at his request.

"You want to ask about Mitsuba, right?" Miho Mihashi asked.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Hojo Kyosuke nodded.

"Now, let me tell you, what's your relationship with Mitsuha? Did you come all the way from Tokyo just to ask about her?" Squinting his eyes, a woman's unique gossip radar was activated.

"She is my important person. We met in Itomori, but we lost contact later." Hojo Kyosuke's smile did not change. This must be explained, otherwise Miho Mihashi might not be a friend of Miyamizu Mitsuha. I will tell him the information.

"That's it." Miho Mihashi thought thoughtfully.

"Actually, there isn't much to say. Apart from kendo training, Mitsuha studies every day. When she was in her first year of high school, some people called her the 'divine miko' she saw in the magazine. But after she led the kendo club to win the national championship After winning the competition, everyone just called her the female swordsman."

Miho Mihashi said carefully:

At that time, I was also full of curiosity. I wanted to know what the "mysterious power of shrine maidens" mentioned in the magazine was about, and I wanted to ask Mitsuha Miyamizu to divine love. Nara was originally the ancient capital and the center of Shintoism, so the witch culture is very popular.

Having such a magical witch in the school will of course cause a sensation. Every day after class, the door of the classroom will be crowded with girls watching the excitement.

At the beginning, Mitsuha Miyamizu, the miko classmate, smiled and politely explained that it was just an ordinary disaster avoidance drill, and that all the miko miko stuff was written in gossip magazines. Later, when she was annoyed by the questions, she just kept silent and never said anything about that to anyone.

Of course, in a place full of girls, there are always those kind of bad cliques. I saw that there was such a showy and maverick girl among my classmates. At that time, some seniors from the second grade came to the class.

The girls in the class were still chatting when they heard the back door of the classroom being pushed violently and making a loud noise. The class originally wanted to go over and see what happened. But when he saw that it was the second-year seniors who were very difficult to mess with, he immediately returned to his seat and sat down, lowering his head and concentrating on reading.

Mitsuha Miyamizu never paid attention to the movement at the back door of the classroom from beginning to end. She kept her head down reading. When she introduced herself on the first day of enrollment, she directly said that she was going to Tokyo for college. It's not "I want to go to a university in Tokyo if I can", nor is it "I'm looking forward to a university in Tokyo". Instead, I decided to go to university in Tokyo.

The senior students called out Miyami-san's name at the back door, and Miho Mihashi still remembered Miyami-san's expression.

At this point in the story, her voice suddenly rose: "Sanye turned her head super coldly. After seeing the senior students behind her, she stood up, closed her book slowly, and walked over with a contemptuous smile on her lips. .”

"Hey, sister, remember well and don't add so many fantasies!" Mihashi Ryoma shouted.

"Shut up" X2

"Really, when Sanye walked towards the back door of the classroom, her ponytail was swaying left and right. Everyone is wearing the same school uniform, but she is so handsome. She looks like an ancient swordsman!"

"Then what?" Hojo Kyosuke asked.

"Then, I quietly followed them outside the women's restroom and stood at the sink to peek."

"Wow, sister, when did you become so brave?" Ryoma Mihashi said in surprise.

"There are exceptions to this. After seeing Sanye's attitude, I always feel that those seniors should be easily dealt with."

Miho Mihashi did not hide his timidity at all, and then started talking again

When they walked out of the door, the seniors expected that Miyamizu, who was in the lower grade, would not dare to resist them. After seeing her standing up obediently, she walked out of the classroom. The seniors did not see that Miyamizu picked up the classroom A broom in the back.

"I understand, Nara's female swordsman beat up the senior sister who was not easy to mess with."

Ryoma Mihashi was someone who had gone to kendo competitions with the high school club, and he knew clearly how strong Mitsuha Miyamizu was in kendo. Although there was absolutely no way he could compete with his boss, the sword moves were truly unique. Those seniors who only knew how to bully the weak and fear the strong would not be able to compete with him no matter how many times they came.

"Really, let me finish. That's right, that's it. Mitsuha just waved the broom so simply. The senior sisters were like idiots. They all seemed to take the initiative to fight. It was so funny. .

Moreover, later the senior students wanted to take revenge through other means, but after a little investigation, they learned that although Mitsuha's surname was Miyamizu, she was a member of the Mizoguchi family, and her father was from the Tokyo Fire Department. bureaucracy. I was so frightened that I came to apologize the next day. "

Speaking of this, Mihashi Miho laughed happily.

"Do you have any more information about Mitsuha's previous statement that he wanted to go to Tokyo to study at university?"

When Hojo Kyosuke came to Nara, besides wanting to make sure Mitsuha Miyamizu was okay, the most important thing was to confirm this. Although the two had made a good agreement at that time, and he believed that Sanye could remember the meeting again in Tokyo even after losing his memory, he would feel at ease only if it was confirmed.

"She just wanted to get into a university in Tokyo without any specific goals. When I went to her house, I heard that her family wanted her to get into Ochanomizu Women's University. I guess it was because her father was in politics.

When I asked her privately why she wanted to go to a university in Tokyo, she kept repeating the same sentence, "The most important people are waiting for me there." Asked her who that person was, whether it was her lover or something else, but she couldn't tell and would only repeat that sentence.

‘The most important person is waiting for me in Tokyo’”

Speaking of this, Miho Mihashi glanced sideways at Hojo Kyousuke. Although this boy was extremely handsome, he was very impolite in his words. The reason why she told Sanye so carefully was because of what the other party said at the beginning, "She is my important person."

After thinking about "Kyosuke Hojo from Tokyo", "an important person", and "the most important person waiting for me in Tokyo", she guessed that the two did have an unusual relationship.

However, Sanye was talking about "the most important person", while the handsome guy in front of her was just talking about "the important person". Sure enough, handsome guys are unreliable, she complained in her heart.

"In order to go to university in Tokyo, Mitsuha is studying really hard. After I finished the tutoring organized by the school, I was so tired that I didn't even want to eat, but Mitsuha had to go to a private school every day after school to take extra classes. She even completely gave up on kendo practice. She didn’t listen to our advice to take a rest.”

Miho Mihashi said angrily.

"Is this so?" Hojo Kyosuke lowered his head and pondered slightly.

"Thank you for informing me, there is one more thing I want to trouble you with." He took a pile of things from the side.

"These are some snacks. If you don't mind, please accept them."

"Wow, SHIROTAE's raw cheesecake!" The moment she saw the English characters on the box, the girl who was just angry screamed.

"Thank you so much, Hojo-san."

Um? Is this store so famous?

"This is what I suggested to the boss to buy, and I worked so hard to bring it back. At least you can say thank you to me." Mihashi Ryoma shouted.

"Asshole brother, I begged you countless times two years ago!"

"Isn't it bought now?"

Hojo Kyosuke:......

"Please help me deliver this bamboo knife to Sanye."

The bamboo knife was brought from Watergate City and given to him by the master of the dojo, Yamamura Onohiro. It was carefully maintained every day and the raw materials and craftsmanship were special. So even though more than two years have passed and so many people have been beaten, the bamboo knife has not been damaged at all, but has a warm color.

"Bamboo knife?"

Miho Mihashi, who was still bickering with his brother, was stunned. Although the bamboo sword in front of him looked like a handicraft, how could any boy give a bamboo sword to a girl?

"Well, please keep other things about me a secret."



After bidding farewell to Miho Mihashi, Hojo Kyosuke walked to the station with Mihashi Ryoma. The latter had been attending tutoring at school and came today on leave.

Sanye mentioned the bamboo knife when the two met. It was said that his bamboo sword wanted to be more comfortable to use, so after recovering his memory, thinking of the nickname "The Female Swordsman of Nara", he decided to give her the bamboo sword that had been with him for many years.

"Chief, is this okay?" Mihashi Ryoma asked. He thought that with his eldest brother's character, he would definitely go directly to the house of Mitsuha Miyamizu.

"That's it. See you in Tokyo later."

Mitsuha Miyamizu, who is about to face the college entrance examination, is in the "most critical period for students" rooted deep in Hojo Kyosuke's soul. He knew that his appearance would definitely disrupt the girl's life and study, and he didn't want to disturb her at such a time. If Sanye fails to get into the ideal school due to his own reasons, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Sanye said when the two met

"Next time it's my turn to come to Tokyo to find you!"

Now she is putting in so much effort just to fulfill her promise. If this is the case, then see you in Tokyo.

After all, it will only take less than half a year. I hope that by then I will have found a way to restore Sanye's memory. If not, I will restore the memos in her memory and find more that can remind her of the connection between the two. s things.

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