Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 291 I knew it would be like this with this guy

"My brain activity is ten times that of ordinary people. If you want to reach my level, you have to more than double the folds of your cerebral cortex."

Hojo Kyosuke said casually, with a confident smile on his face that made the three people next to him stunned.

"Really?" the two editors asked in unison. This is an excellent promotional material.

Well, this kind of discovery that can shock all mankind is just a gimmick to increase sales in their eyes.

"Of course it's fake. How can my body provide so much energy?"

"Even if it's less than ten times, there's always three times. It's a little more convincing."

Tetsuya Shimomura immediately wanted to turn this joke into reality. He was about to publish a genius high school detective. It was good publicity to throw out explosive points in time.

"My eldest brother's IQ is above 170."

Xisaki pushed up her gold-rimmed glasses, her voice indescribably proud.

"170!? Is there a specific value? Which institution did the test?"

Tetsuya Shimomura asked quickly, there is nothing more attractive than mystery novels and mystery comics written by people with high IQs.

If readers cannot guess the final result, they will be more convinced of the author; if readers can deduce the result and the real murderer by themselves, they will feel satisfied. It turns out that my IQ is also that high. No matter which one, it will bring a high degree of discussion to the work and increase sales by the way.

"I haven't tested it, but in the Neon Math Olympiad that my eldest brother participated in, the silver medal winner was a member of Mensa Club, and his IQ was 170. And my eldest brother won the gold medal with an overwhelming advantage!"

Kisaki raised his voice. He would never forget what happened that day.

"Well, it's just that it's not very convincing." Shimomura said disappointedly.

"No, it's hard to understand the difference based on your IQ. Although it's really difficult to tell a person's IQ from just a single game, you should note that I said overwhelming!

Overwhelming, overwhelming that makes all opponents feel despair! "

Kisaki stood up and waved his hands.

"Okay, okay, Kisaki, can you wait until I'm not here to tell you?" Hojo Kyosuke waved helplessly.

"Haha, Hojo, don't be a spoiler, Kisaki, keep talking." Aisaka sat down and pushed down someone's arm.

Kisaki picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water. After moistening his throat, he recalled and said:

"Less than five minutes after the test paper was handed out, my eldest brother had already handed it in. At that time, I hadn't even finished the first question. Everyone raised their heads, regardless of the passage of time, and they were all in shock."

"Doesn't anyone think that Hojo abandoned the exam?" Akamatsu Yuki asked.

"How is that possible? That's the finals, not the preliminaries!" Tsuyoshi Aisaka said. Although he had never participated, he had heard it from the seniors around him when he was studying in Dongcheng.

"That's right, Zhongya Zheng, who won the second silver medal in the end, I believe that if his elder brother hadn't had such a great influence on him, his final score would definitely have been improved."

Kisaki said that if it weren't for this, he might not even be able to get the excellence reward. After all, he knows the strength of his elder brother best and will never be affected.

"So what's Hojo-san's score?" Tetsuya Shimomura.

Hojo Kyosuke glanced at the editor-in-chief speechlessly. This guy changed from "Hojo-san" at the beginning, to "Hojo" later, "you guy", and now he has changed back to "Hojo-san". What stands out is that One can read the dishes one by one.

Kisaki looked at Tetsuya Shimomura with incomprehensible eyes like "What are you talking about?" and "Where is your brain?"

"Of course it's a perfect score. Are there any other possibilities?"

We have all said that the overwhelming advantage is despairing. Using far less time than you do to get points that you will never get is called despair.

"Okay, okay, Kisaki, don't talk about these old things." Hojo Kyosuke waved his hand.

"That's right. It won't be too late to wait for my eldest brother to win all the domestic Olympiad gold medals in Neon this year, and then win the international gold medal before I can be interviewed."

Kisaki nodded and spoke as easily as bending down to tie his shoes, as long as his limbs were intact.

"Damn it, Hojo-kun." Aisaka smacked his tongue and clapped his hands.

"Hojo-san, have you ever considered publishing teaching aid materials? All you have to do is give permission."

Akamatsu Yuuki said that although the main business direction of the publishing house is not education, it is still okay to tilt it a little bit. I believe the president will definitely agree with his suggestion.

"Can you change the setting of the comic and change it to a math genius and a swordsman genius? After all, playing football and knocking down mortals doesn't feel cool enough. Compared with football, the wooden sticks that can be seen everywhere are more scientific and also It can appropriately add some amnesia plots and kill two birds with one stone."

Tetsuya Shimomura's mind is filled with Detective Comics.

"Why don't you just become a private detective? Reason first, find the prisoner and kill him directly? Then kill all the people in the black organization." Hojo Kyosuke said casually.

"Yes, yes, this is better! It can just channel the violent emotions in society now and respond to the trend against the abolition of the death penalty." Tetsuya Shimomura nodded repeatedly. Everyone likes to watch legal detectives, but the loyalty of fans of this kind of dark side hero is not the same. higher.

"In the mid-term, we form a detective team, then join a group of beautiful thieves, and start a team confrontation. In the later stage, we start to use the crimes of criminals to force the country to change the law. Is this the direction of the story okay?"

"Well, you can have a group of beautiful thieves, but it's not feasible to change the law. Detective-themed stories are all about discussion, implying the shortcomings of the law. Directly forcing changes is a bit too much, and it can easily cause discomfort to readers." Tetsuya Shimomura rubbed his chin. , thinking about the feasibility.

"You also know, and we are a shounen manga, okay? It shouldn't be too dark." Hojo Kyosuke said angrily.

"Hahahaha, great idea, I copied it. The protagonist's name is Hojo Ryosuke. A mathematical genius experienced a series of desperate tragedies and was completely disappointed in the world. One day, he received a commission and met Ji Qi. All the beautiful girls in the world.

Love and despair, salvation and redemption. Next year's Grand Prize is mine! " Aisaka smiled and joined in the conversation.

"I have written it down. I will go to the house to chat more next time." Chisong Youqi took out his notepad.

"Don't, don't, don't. After thinking about it carefully, this kind of story is not suitable for an uncle like me to write. It would be more popular among girls if I let Hojo write it."

Aisaka shouted quickly. The nagging the other party was talking about was naturally not coming to him to drink or go to the club to play. It must be a terrifying reminder.

"Hahaha" looking at the poor writer, the conference room was filled with a happy atmosphere for a moment.

We chatted for more than an hour, and the main thing everyone discussed was the upcoming Grand Prize of the House. Just like what Kisaki said before, even Aisaka Tsuyoshi, who was the winner, firmly believed that the person who won the grand prize must be Hojo Kyosuke.

By the way, he also mentioned the banquet date set by Konno, the president of the Mystery Writers Association.

"Banquet?" Hojo Kyosuke asked doubtfully.

"You guy, you really don't care about your own affairs! You're lobbying for the banquet of those two socialist judges!"

Everyone present was Hojo Kyosuke’s stakeholders, so Aisaka didn’t shy away from speaking out.

"It hasn't started yet? Didn't Kisaki say before that it's almost done?" Akamatsu Yuki said in surprise. This was also a big deal for him. If you need working capital, you can even apply to the company.

"The banquet will definitely be held. It is easy for the eldest brother to deal with those two people. Isn't this almost done?" Kisaki said matter-of-factly.

"Yes." All three except Hojo Kyosuke nodded.

"Thank you for having such confidence in me." Someone smiled.

Dong Dong——

There was a knock on the door, Chisong answered, and a woman dressed as a secretary opened the door:

"Akasatsu-san, the reception over there is about to start, you can go."

After finishing speaking, the woman nodded politely to the other people.

"Okay, let's go." Hojo Kyosuke stood up and buttoned his coat.


The car was Yingjishe's official car, a silver Toyota Alphard.

On the way, Hojo Kyosuke felt it carefully and said:

"Xisaki, why don't our company also have a few of these cars?"

"Hojo, have you started a company? This car costs more than four million to buy. If you are a new company, there is no need to buy such a good one." Tsuyoshi Aisaka said.

"Considering your real needs, brother, I think it's better to buy a RV directly." Kisaki ignored Aisaka Go's words. He knew what his brother was talking about.

"You guy, don't talk nonsense. Can an RV or something like that be driven in a place like Tokyo?" Hojo Kyosuke immediately retorted.

"Then I recommend the bus!"

"Oh, I agree with this. Hojo-san does have this need." The two editors also laughed. They had both been to Ruyi Lao and had seen the terrifying scene.

"What are you talking about?"

Tsuyoshi Aisaka knew as soon as he heard it that he was not talking about the so-called company.

"You'll find out once you go to Hojo-san's house." Tetsuya Shimomura said mysteriously.

"This guy still owes me one meal. After waiting for so long, it must be two meals anyway!"

Talking and laughing all the way, the group arrived at the Meiji Memorial Hall in Moto Akasaka, Minato City.

This building has changed its identity four times. It was first used as the restaurant of the Akasaka Temporary Palace of Emperor Meiji, then it was given to the first Prime Minister of Neon, then it became the Constitution Memorial Hall, and finally it became the Meiji Jingu Shrine. For general wedding venues, the name is designated as "Meiji Memorial Hall".

In the parking lot, Hojo Kyosuke looked around and counted a total of thirty-two cars parked at a glance. He was a little disappointed.

"There's no wedding happening today?"

"How can there be a wedding when there is an award ceremony?" Tsuyoshi Aisaka also stepped out of the car and stretched himself. Judging from his physical fitness, he was a qualified writer.

“But aren’t there four restaurants?”

And from the perspective of Neon people, wouldn’t it be a great auspicious thing for a wedding to be brought together with such a cultural event? Even if it's not as good as living next to the literati's final place, it's not much different.

Hojo Kyosuke told this idea to Aisaka Go, who briefly thought about it and nodded. He is also proud of being a writer:

"you're right."

"There are indeed four restaurants that can be used for banquets, but there is only one hall." Kisaki stepped forward and explained to her eldest brother.

While talking, several people walked to the main building of the Meiji Memorial Hall.

Hojo Kyosuke raised his head and looked at the huge entrance hall full of Tang Dynasty, or Japanese ancient architectural style.

The wavy arched shed extends from the main entrance and is supported by two giant brown trees. It looks antique. The main entrance is a paper door framed by black wood, and the stairs are covered with red carpet.

As expected of the supporting facilities of Meiji Jingu Shrine, even the awnings are so gorgeously built.

Yes, although it looks full of palace style, it actually exists as an awning and is quite simple, so it goes beyond the main body of the building.

There are three black Rolls-Royces on the left side of the door. It seems that wedding car services are also provided. Very thoughtful, Hojo Kyosuke nodded repeatedly after seeing it.

"Brother, this will also be used as a place to entertain foreign guests. It is not an exclusive venue for weddings." Tetsuta Kisaki knew what his eldest brother was thinking at a glance, so he quickly stepped forward and said.

"Of course I know this, why do you have to remind me specifically?"


Before looking at it for two seconds, the committee staff came over. Hojo Kyousuke saw that this was not the same Amamiya Miki who served as the host at his first book signing, an employee of Kinokuniya Bookstore.

The reason why he recognized the other person at a glance was definitely not because the lady with the bob hair looked at least 60% as cute as Megumi Kato, but because his memory was so good. Not only did he remember his name and appearance, he also remembered that the other party bought him a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice during lunch, which was very sweet.

"Teacher Hojo, you are finally here."

Wearing a black butt-hugging skirt, Amamiya Miki ran over and said softly with a charming blush on her face.

"Sorry, I'm a little late." Hojo Kyosuke said politely, although he was not late at all.

"Ah, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm rude. I've been looking forward to you all day, Mr. Hojo."

Realizing that she had said something wrong, Amamiya Miki quickly bowed and apologized.

"But hasn't it just been one morning today?"

The winner Gosaka Aizaka, who was completely ignored on the side, interjected, although he had experienced this kind of treatment the first time he went to Yantei for dinner with this guy Hojo, but this time he was an attendee, and it was really too much!

"Oh, it's Mr. Aisaka, I'm sorry I didn't notice you just now." Amamiya Miki bowed again and apologized.

"It's okay, I can only blame me for being too inconspicuous compared to this guy Hojo."

"That's not the case! I'm really sorry." Amamiya Miki continued to apologize. There was nothing that an apology could not solve.

"Okay, you guy, please don't embarrass the little girl." Hojo Kyosuke put his arm around Aisaka Tsuyoshi's shoulders and walked forward.

"Little girl? I'm at least ten years older than you, okay?"

"Five years old! I started working right after I graduated from high school!" Amamiya Miki quickly chased after him and shouted.

Aisaka heard the words and his head was full of black lines, and he became a tool to increase his favorability.

Walking in from the main entrance of the main building, under the guidance of Amamiya Miki, the group walked through the long Japanese-style corridor. The reason why I emphasize that it is a Japanese-style corridor is because when walking, I feel a hollow feeling under the wooden floor. The guardrails on both sides are like those in the Dahe drama, with brown wooden strips and paper-colored glass.

Outside the corridor is a green lawn, which is much lower than the corridor. This is because of the suspension under the corridor and a bamboo screen placed at the border between the lawn and the restaurant to ensure the privacy of dining. Of course, sitting in the restaurant has a clear view of the lawn.

"Go this way." Amamiya Miki stretched out her right hand.

"Tomorrow's award ceremony will be held at the First Restaurant, and today's reception will be at kinkei. I'm sure Mr. Hojo will like that place."

kinkei? Golden rooster? This name is also very simple. Hojo Kyosuke thought.

As she spoke, the group also came to the kinkei in her mouth.

As soon as the door opened, a golden light shot out. The moment he walked in, Hojo Kyousuke also knew why he called the golden rooster.

The walls of the entire hall are covered with various forms of golden roosters. They are not golden roosters, but golden pheasants with gorgeous colors.

The floor was polished so shiny that the crystal chandelier above was reflected clearly. The top is a reddish-brown hollow keel, which is very stylish.

As soon as a large number of people walked in, they attracted the attention of the people inside. A man in a black suit lowered his head and said sorry to the person talking next to him, and quickly walked over.

Still three meters away, Hojo Kyousuke saw the bright smile on the other person's face and the outstretched hand. His expression instantly changed from still to dynamic, he grinned, and walked over with his hand outstretched. Kisaki next to him promptly whispered the identity of the person in front of him.

"Welcome, Mr. Hojo, I've been looking forward to it for a long time." The black suit firmly held Hojo Kyosuke's hand.

"I'm sorry, I was delayed. I kept Representative Hamamoto waiting for a long time."

Someone also caught on, now is not the time to bow to each other and hand out business cards.

Hamamoto Shigeru was stunned, obviously not expecting that Hojo Kyosuke would actually know his name. Didn't Mr. Ishida say that he was arrogant and difficult to get along with before? But now, just judging from the meeting etiquette, this genius who became famous at a young age does not have any arrogance at all.

"I didn't expect Teacher Hojo to actually know my name." He said it directly with a smile.

"The successful hosting of the Honya Awards is inseparable from the hard work of Representative Hamamoto. How could I not remember you? Besides, Miss Amamiya mentioned you several times on the way here and said that it was all thanks to the ease this year." On your behalf.”

Hojo Kyosuke had a hard-earned business smile on his face, and he expanded the scope of the chat with his casual remarks.

"By the way, Aisaka-senpai is here too." He stretched out his hand and pulled Aisaka away, pretending to be a passerby.

"Teacher Aisaka, it's been a long time. Please give me your autograph soon. All my votes are for you."

Shigeru Hamamoto smiled and said that as a representative, he has no right to decide who the award will be awarded to, so there is no problem at all.

"This is really embarrassing. I would have voted for Hojo." Aisaka said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Mr. Aisaka is really good at joking."

"Haha, yes, I have always tried to incorporate humor into my works."

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