Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 355 Kyosuke, dad knows how difficult it is for you.

"No, ah, no, dad, you definitely don't really want to celebrate Kyousuke!"

Miyami Mitsuha shook his head first, and then became a little incoherent:

"Besides, Kyosuke's parents are both there. Dad, it would be inconvenient for you to go."

While explaining in a panic, the girl's mind couldn't help but drift to the elementary school sports meeting.

At that time, my mother was still alive.

As the most prestigious man in the town - the husband of Miyamizu Shrine and the current head of the shrine, my father was naturally invited to be the guest to give the opening speech.

At a sports meeting, no matter what event you participate in, your father and mother will definitely stand on the sidelines and cheer for you.

When I am about to finish a long-distance run, my mother will shout to me loudly next to me. When I participate in a relay race and use my mouth to find marshmallows in the flour, my mother will shout to me loudly next to me...

Then my father would hold up his precious Minolta XD electronic camera and keep taking pictures of himself. He would take pictures of himself with a sweaty face and a dazed look on his face as he was overtaken by his opponent. He would also take pictures of his face covered with flour. Looking like a marshmallow...

In the Borrow Object Run competition, the mother, who is her "favorite" target object, chose to run away while other children were happily pulling their mother to the next level, turning the Borrow Object Run into A mother-daughter chasing race, and dad will record the happy time later...

Now that I think about it, why do I like Aunt Miyoko so much? Not only because she is Kyousuke's mother, but also because I see the shadow of my mother in her, right?

As long as he recalls his experience in Hokkaido and the long-lost family affection for him at that time, Mitsuha Miyamizu will feel a faint warmth in his chest surrounding his heart.

Then, my mother died.

As the most prestigious person in town - the husband of the late Mrs. Futaba, the former head of Miyamizu Shrine, and the current mayor of Itomori Town, Dad was naturally invited to be a guest at the sports festival.

When other parents stand on the edge of the sports field cheering loudly for their children and take precious photos that can record their childhood.

Toshiki Miyamizu, that man, stood on the rostrum, staring at him with sharp eyes like a falcon, holding the microphone he snatched from the relaxation staff, and shouted loudly in the tone of the daimyo scolding his retainers in the TV series. Saying "Sanye! Show your spirit!"

As long as this voice sounds, he will definitely get the first place. It’s not that he really burst out with amazing strength under his father’s “voice of encouragement”, nor is it that his classmates are afraid of his father, the mayor, so they deliberately give in to each other. Instead, everyone was staring at the relaxation area with their mouths open, trying to figure out what was going on. Only I ran forward with a red face, running all the way through the key points, out of the sports field, out of the school gate, and back to the shrine...


So embarrassing.

Just recalling that painful memory, Mitsuha Miyamizu felt that the temperature on his face had begun to soar. Really, why can't my head be as useful as Kyousuke's? This kind of dark memory should be sealed forever!

"In short! Dad, you! Absolutely! Absolutely can't go!"

The girl's little head shook like a rattle, and she couldn't imagine what would happen if her father went to the banquet.

"Mi tsu ha! How can you talk to dad like this!"

"Shut up, or I won't take you with me." Mitsuha Miyamizu said without looking back, then stretched out his hand against his father's back to push him upstairs.

"Oh, sorry, Dad, I have to go first."

Yotsuba nodded obediently. With her ability, she could only support her father to a limited extent in the face of her sister who had been exercising tyranny.

"Let's go, Sachiko, Koba, let's go have a big dinner."

The three little ones walked out the door. Glass pursed his thin lips and showed a polite smile, nodded to the father of the Miyamizu family, and quickly followed the three little ones out of the door.

"As a government employee, you can't be lazy even on holidays. Buy a one-day pass quickly, get on the train and patrol Tokyo to see if there are monster comets and aliens coming to attack neon lights. You can't be a salary thief. !”

Mitsuha Miyamizu started an unqualified moral kidnapping. After all, salary thieves are the true form of working as a worker. If she really worked as hard as she said, her subordinates would be in trouble and her boss would not look good.

Miyamizu Toshiki's expression was extremely complicated, not because of his daughter's filial behavior, but because of his daughter's belated puberty.

Hey, it was all because he was absent from Sanye's childhood that her rebellious phase came so late. The old father sighed in his heart and became more determined to accompany his rebellious daughter to meet Hojo Kyosuke's parents. My daughter is ignorant, so as a father, I can help her think more.

However, Sanye is really strong.

Miyamizu Toshiki was already pressing his toes on the ground very hard, but he was still being pushed forward.

It's all that bastard boy's fault. If he hadn't taught Sanye how to learn kendo, her daughter would still look so cute now.

【five minutes later】

"Hello, Uncle Miyamizu."

Glass lowered his head and said hello seriously, then hurriedly ran from the back row to the front two-person seat and sat with Miyamizu Mitsuha. The back row was left to the three little ones and Toshiki Miyamizu who had already changed into a suit.

"Yes." Toshiki Miyamizu smiled and nodded, then turned his head and winked at his little daughter, and the two quietly high-fived.

"Hirata, you can go."

The miko lady gave instructions to the driver, then closed her eyes and groaned in pain.

Glass gently held the girl's hand. As someone who was once asked by her mother to cut off her beautiful long hair, no one could understand the other person's feelings better than her.

Mitsuha Miyamizu felt the warm feeling on her hands, opened her eyes and gave a wry smile to Glass.

Her father was indeed a person who could switch freely among folklorists, priests, town mayors, and Tokyo bureaucrats. With just one sentence, she had to agree to let him go to the banquet together.

"I will drive myself. If I miss today, I will visit Hojo's house in person."

Ah~~! It's painful~

Glass pursed his lips again, held the phone in his right hand, and had the same wry smile as Sanye's on his fleshy face.

The car drove towards Xinqiao Station in the port area, which was the station where people from Pratunam City were about to arrive.


Hojo Ichiro raised his glass and sipped lightly, while casually responding to the words of the people around him, while observing his son calmly.

The last time he came to Tokyo, just seeing so many girls visiting his home one after another, he was already so shocked by his son's horrific behavior that he wanted to run back to his hometown immediately.

After returning to his hometown, he was even more grateful that he retreated in time, because that brat Kyousuke was so bold as to live with so many girls!

It was so terrible. While his wife was laughing at the videos sent by Sakura, Ichiro Hojo had only one question in his mind.

Kyosuke, how on earth did he manage to get so many girls to gather around him without causing a world war?

You must know that each of these girls is more complicated than the other, not to mention their family background...

No, when I think of the series of titles of "diplomat", "section chief of the Fire Department", "Second Furniture Dealer in Saitama City"... I just threw out my handwritten business card domineeringly, letting the former Tokyo lawyer find out despite the call. A thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

This is not the time to compete in court to see who is more shameless. If Kyosuke, that bastard, is not careful, he, his father, will have to follow Doge and apologize!

Bastard, as expected, the colorful world of Tokyo still fascinated him!


Ichiro Hojo took a sip of wine to calm down his shock, but was surprised to find that the junmai ginjo called "Beautiful Kamogawa" produced in Kyoto tasted surprisingly good.

It's cool and smells like rice...

Ah, what nonsense am I talking about? Even a bottle of sake worth 500 yen can taste like this.

In short, not to mention the family background of those girls, just by themselves, each one of them is such an outstanding girl that people feel that it would be great if their own daughters could be so cute. Of course, Kashiko is already very cute now, and she will definitely become even cuter when she grows up. After all, her mother and wife are so lovely.

Just like Kasumigaoka Shiu who planned this surprise event, not only persuaded his wife to agree to cooperate with him without telling Kyosuke, but even summoned Kyosuke's friends who had been scattered all over the place. This kind of action and character are completely different. It's what a high school student should look like.

Not to mention, the man who was so embarrassed in the venue, Hidenori Ishida.

Although there is no intelligence source, Hojo Ichiro has roughly pieced together some truth based on the situation at the scene.

How could a girl who could do such cruel things live peacefully in a home with so many girls?

Ichiro Hojo was puzzled. At home, what he was thinking about was whether his son's house was full of quarrels every day. The most important task every day was to make love between the girls. After meeting Shiyu Kasumigaoka, what he was thinking about was whether his son's family would have a full martial arts show every day, and the most important job every day was to bandage the wounds of the girls.

And now, watching my son sit next to the female high school teacher named Yukino Momokari...


Thinking of this, Ichiro Hojo couldn't help but start to feel sour. Forget about being a senior in high school, a freshman in college, a social woman who runs her own tours, how come even a female high school teacher is here and they are already living together.

Kyosuke, you kid...

In short, when they saw their son sitting next to Yukino, within a few minutes, the classically beautiful young lady smiled, and both Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri started a lively conversation. Then he sat next to the restaurant owner Miki Okudera, and within three to five minutes she looked as radiant as if she had just come out of a beauty salon.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the table had changed completely in just a few minutes under the mediation of his son, Ichiro Hojo had to sigh:

It’s not easy for Kyosuke either.

He finally understood why these girls with different personalities, each of them extraordinary, gathered around his son willingly, and why they all became as docile as the water of Kamogawa in front of his son.

Although he didn't know why he, who only loved one person in his life, gave birth to such an outrageous son, he couldn't help but feel proud.

He is indeed my son. He is as popular as when I was young. Of course, Miyoko's excellent genes are also indispensable.

Hojo Ichiro smiled happily, and for a moment he actually believed that his son did not need to run back to Hokkaido like Mr. Yagi said.


He poured another glass of Kamogawa wine. The clear and transparent wine glowed white under the yellow lamp, as bright as his mood at this time.


Aisaka shouted loudly, drank it in one gulp, and then refilled the glass for his friend's father.

Seeing that Yukino and Miki have found the rhythm of the banquet, and senior Eiri and Shiwa opposite them have also let go of their restraints, Hojo Kyousuke smiled reassuringly, and then prepared to return to the men's side and fulfill his responsibilities as the host.


"Ah, it's coming!"

Yamauchi Sakura picked up the ringing mobile phone and looked at it, shouted happily, then ate the beef diaphragm skewers in his hand, stood up neatly and was about to walk out.

"Is it Yuzuru and the others?"

Hojo Kyosuke put down his hand that was about to stand up on the ground again. Although he asked this, he knew in his heart that it was impossible. Even if the Keihin Tohoku Line and Negishi Line, which has the highest delay rate in the Tokyo metropolitan area, today It's rare to be obedient and not delay, and it's absolutely impossible to come so early.

Don’t get me wrong, the delay rate is not because too many people choose this route to travel through another world. It’s just that the delay is simply used as a cute point, probably to increase people’s expectations.

"No, it's someone else~"

Yamauchi Sakura replied with a smile while taking down the shoes from the shoe cabinet, then clapped her hands and walked outside to greet the new guests.

other people?

Hojo Kyosuke sat cross-legged and looked around, thinking about it from Sakura's perspective, and came to the conclusion that they probably weren't her parents.

Sakura, this guy, has regarded her mother as a tool since she was a child. When she was a child, she tried her best to get her father to stay in the company and work overtime. Then she could convince her mother not to cook, and the two of them would come to her house to have dinner together. I'm not someone who likes to play with my parents.

Then, there is only Megumi Kato.

Hojo Kyosuke nodded. He heard from Shiba-senpai that he had invited Megumi before, but the other party said that he had something to do at home and it was not convenient to come.

Maybe it's done now?

However, given Yi Hui's character, "something happens at home" shouldn't mean watching the live broadcast of herself receiving the award at home, right?

Thinking of the "lies that are all truth" that the bob-haired girl used to say, Hojo Kyosuke couldn't help but smile.

But soon, his smile froze on his face.


If there is anything special about the energetic and crisp voice, it must be that after this greeting sounds, you will subconsciously feel that the people around you who have already arrived will say something like "Ah, you are finally here." I've been waiting for you for a long time." "Come on, come on, sit here with us." "No, come over here."

If I didn't have the confidence that I must be the most popular person here, I would never be able to say such spirited words.

While speaking, Lai Wan bent over on his side, opened his right hand and shook the green-white fingers gently. His black hair swayed slightly with the movement, and the slightly red hair tips were raised in response to the owner's lively words. .

"excuse me."

Behind her, there was a calm and orderly voice, and a meticulous fifteen-degree bow.

"Yano? Yukinoshita?" Hojo Kyousuke stood up and looked at the two people in front of him in surprise.

Yes, that girl who will become the most popular character no matter where she is. Even if she arrives at the end of the banquet, everyone will be willing to extend the banquet for her.

Wearing a white shirt, a black knitted jacket and a knee-length skirt, and carrying a brown bag, the girl who looks fashionable and playful, with no trace of her age, is Yukinoshita Yono.

Next to her, Yukinoshita Yukino stood expressionless.

Well, although the expression on her face was so cold that she didn't look like she was attending a banquet, Hojo Kyousuke didn't mind at all. Because he knew that at this moment, this girl with long black hair and straight hair was feeling nervous in her heart.

"Hey hey hey——"

Yukinoshita Harano drawled her voice, took off her shoes, and approached Hojo Kyosuke.

Thanks to the big guys for your monthly votes, recommendation votes and reward support. Will update more tomorrow!

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