Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 360 Hojo and his son


Ichiro Hojo was stunned. He didn't know what was going on with the man next to him. It was such a joy to have a weekend break. Does it have to be filled with refreshing drinks on the table and slept at the workstation all day long to be happy?

Hearing the sound of porcelain plates being placed heavily on the table next to him, he also felt a trace of anger in his heart. After all, he was half the owner of this banquet, and he was already being so flattering and why was he so disrespectful? Do you know how to read the air? If my filial daughters-in-law find out, I will carefully arrange a set meal for you with Ishida Hidenori.

Feeling a little aggrieved, he turned his head while holding the wine plate, wanting to see what Toshiki Miyamizu was doing.

When he turned his head, he saw that the man beside him was not paying attention to him at all. He also turned to the right and looked at his daughter, Mitsuha Miyamizu.

After just one glance, the slightest bit of anger in Hojo Ichiro's heart disappeared instantly, and the expression on his face became extremely peaceful.

Over there, Miyamizu Mitsuha was holding a white porcelain plate, holding a grilled deer short rib with two fingers and bringing it to Hojo Kyosuke's mouth, with a cute smile on his face, as if he was constantly persuading him to eat. The latter had a look of rejection, closed his mouth tightly and refused to eat.

Even so, the girl who had been holding up the plate and ribs did not show any impatience at all. Instead, the expression on her face became softer and her persuasion became more gentle.

Ichiro Hojo could see that the red juice on the ribs had flowed down Mitsuha Miyami's thumb to his wrist, and was about to flow onto his sleeves, but his son still refused to open his mouth.

Wouldn’t this brat have a great time eating in Kushiro? Why are you so coy now? The old father cursed in his heart.

Then he saw that after Miyamizu Mitsuha pouted and acted coquettishly, Hojo Kyosuke finally opened his mouth and took a very stingy bite. Although the latter still had a look of disgust on his face, the girl had an extremely satisfied smile on her face, as if she was the one who ate the browned and fragrant deer steak.

Seeing this, Ichiro Hojo understood that this was the interest between young lovers.

Brat, you are quite capable!

Although he had seen his son's amazing performance before, Hojo Ichiro found that the other party still had a steady stream of surprises for him.

Thinking like this, he instantly understood Toshiki Miyamizu's mood, picked up the small wine bottle on the table and filled it for him.

"Come on, Miyomizu-san, cheers."

The moment he picked up the wine plate and leaned over, he accidentally saw his son's side with his peripheral vision, looking at Miyamizu Mitsuha who once again raised another plate of food to feed his son. Hojo Ichiro only felt that his movements were at least two points similar to those of his opponent.

At this moment, looking at Miyamizu Toshiki's sad face, Hojo Ichiro understood: so-called parents are born to repay debts.

If Kashiko falls in love with someone like his own son in the future, then he will stand in the dock and let the world see why his firm can win a criminal case every three years on average.

After having this idea in his mind, he could face it calmly when facing Toshiki Miyamizu's vicious gaze. After all, maybe the two of them can sit down and complain to each other in the future.

When Miyamizu Toshiki heard this, no matter how reluctant he was, he had to take away the eyes welded to the little bastard's body, picked up the wine plate and looked at the little bastard's father:

"Hojo-san, do you see over there?"

"Hahaha, Miyomizu-san wants to eat deer steak too?"

Ichiro Hojo replied with a smile, then quickly raised his hand to greet the waiter:

"Excuse me, two more venison steaks."

"..." Toshiki Miyamizu narrowed his eyes. They are all people who have been working hard in society for so many years. Who are they trying to fool with this little trick of making fun of others?

He wrapped his index finger and thumb around the white porcelain wine plate and carefully picked it up. Looking at the crystal wine that was overflowing and seemed to be spilled at any time, he seemed to see his current happy life.

That Itomori Town filled with painful memories, that Itomori Town that turned into an inescapable nightmare and pulled itself deeply into the abyss, was destroyed by a comet before I could destroy it in a modern way.

My endless hatred, the days and days of struggle, the gritted teeth against the gods and fate, all became part of my fate at that moment.

Other people might have collapsed the moment the comet set, but Toshiki Miyamizu was different. He had the words left by his wife, his daughter, and even the comfort of the little bastard according to his daughter.

After breaking free from fate, Toshiki Miyamizu finally lived the happy life he had dreamed of.

Putting aside her own career for the time being, her parents forgave her. Mitsuha no longer needed to step onto the altar and become a miko of the Miyamizu family who could not even control her life or death. Instead, she was admitted to a prestigious school, escaped from ignorance and came to a big city. I am no longer absent from my youngest daughter's growth and can enjoy the joy of being a father.

The nightmares no longer come. On the contrary, I still occasionally dream about my deceased wife.

Erye is still as beautiful as before, and her smile is still so gentle. Even if both parties can't talk, she can still make him smile all day long after waking up.

He is very satisfied with everything he has now. Even if Mitsuha really plans to marry Hojo Kyousuke, he will send his most sincere blessings and then help them fight against their parents so that the latter can not marry into their mother-in-law. The Mizoguchi family or the Miyamizu family.


"Hojo-san, I love my daughters very much. I protect them carefully every day, like holding an overflowing wine plate, for fear of spilling a little."

"Well, I understand, a daughter is an angel!" Ichiro Hojo nodded heavily. He had fully felt Toshiki Miyamizu's intention to kill his son.

"So, Hojo-san, do you think that's normal? Your son, my daughter, those girls next to your son, look over there, do you think it's normal?"

Toshiki Miyamizu drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and didn't care at all when the wine spilled on his clothes. Instead, he sprayed the alcohol in his mouth on Ichiro Hojo's face.

He swore that if he were still in a rural place like Itomori, he would have raised his shotgun to Hojo Kyousuke's head. He could still sit here because he was afraid that his anger would scare his daughters.

Don't ask me, I am also a lawyer after all. People with eyes like this know abnormal things. Of course I know it too. I also thought about persuading him, but why are your daughters so good and my wife and son like them so much? I really can’t persuade you. Who doesn’t know that I have the lowest status in the family?

Ichiro Hojo restrained himself from rolling his eyes in panic, and while he was thinking crazily, he kept cursing in his heart. They said that parents are here to repay debts. How much did I owe that little bastard in my previous life. Count how many girls there are, not all of them have to come once! ?


He picked up the wine bottle again, wanting to think carefully while pouring the wine. But I didn't expect that the weight when I picked it up was wrong. It turned out to be empty. I changed another one and looked again. I changed four in a row and they were all empty.

This made his already irritable brain even more overheated, and he couldn't help but raise his head and glare at the two rice pails opposite him.

They are still fighting over who is the most powerful subordinate of the little bastard. At this time, they are of no use at all and only add chaos!

He turned his head to get supplies from other tables, but when he turned his head, he saw a wine bottle delivered to him.

It was editor Tetsuya Shimomura who just ran away. Looking at the attentive smile on the other person's face, Ichiro Hojo knew that these bastards had been waiting to have fun.

Bastard, the little bastard’s friends are all bastards!

He cursed in his heart, and was glad that the two of them were not sitting in the Japanese room at home staring at each other. At least they had the lubricant of wine. But the only pity is that what is on the table is not strong liquor but low-alcohol neon liquor.

Seeing that the other person's eyes were getting more and more serious, he knew that he had to stop talking:

"Miyamizu-san, have you ever attended college?"

Miyamizu Toshiki glanced at the man next to him and quickly guessed what the other person's purpose was. He had long known about the family background of the little bastard Hojo, and knew that he had been specially recruited by the University of Tokyo. Even his father was admitted to the law school of the University of Tokyo. Although his mother was not admitted to a top school, Not bad either. It can be said to be a high IQ family.

After recalling this piece of information, he guessed whether the other party wanted to occupy the high ground of IQ first and use this condescending advantage to make sophistry, so he said unceremoniously:

"I graduated from Kyoto University and then worked at the Graduate School of Humanities, Kyoto University."

Compared to Tokyo University, which trains politicians, Kyoto University, where I study, is more powerful when it comes to academic research. This can be proven by just looking at myself.

"Oh! How amazing, he is actually a researcher!" Ichiro Hojo exclaimed, raised his wine plate and toasted.

How could Toshiki Miyamizu take this small compliment lightly? Although he also drank a full glass, he was still alert and ready to scold the other party at any time.

"To be able to enter the research institute, Miyamizu-san must have studied very hard at that time, right?" Ichiro Hojo asked while pouring the wine, then picked up the wine again and made a toast.

When Toshiki Miyamizu heard this, he couldn't help but drink a glass of wine and responded:

“Although it’s hard work, I’m studying things I like, so it doesn’t feel like hard work anymore.”

What an amazing scientific research spirit, Hojo Ichiro admired in his heart, and then his inner sophistry became clearer.

"Many of my classmates in school are the same. For the sake of their future future, they are so focused on studying that they don't even have time to participate in usual dinner parties and social gatherings. It really makes me feel very ashamed."

"Yes." Toshiki Miyamizu nodded, then took the empty wine plate and put it on the table:

"Hojo-san, that's not what we're talking about now."

"Oh, my, as a researcher, don't you know that no matter what you are researching, you can't be impatient?" Ichiro Hojo lifted up the small wine bottle and filled it up again for the other party.

"Then Miyamizu-san must have never participated in dinner parties or social gatherings?"

Toshiki Miyamizu stopped drinking, gave the other party a sideways glance, and said in a rather harsh tone:

"At that time, I already had a fiancée, so I basically didn't go to dinner parties or social gatherings."

He emphasized the word fiancée. No, it is no longer as simple as emphasizing the tone, it is simply word for word, and I want to grab the other person's ears and yell.

Ha, ha ha...

You don’t have to shout so loudly, I can hear it. Ichiro Hojo smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew what the other party wanted to express, but there was no way. He was not only a lawyer who had abandoned his conscience long ago, but also the father of a bastard son. At this moment, he could only forcefully I continued with my scalp:

"No wonder Miyamizu-san thinks it's abnormal for Kyousuke and Mitsuha to look like that."

"Huh??" Toshiki Miyamizu opened his eyes wide, and his serious face with Chinese characters looked even more scary.

When Ichiro Hojo saw the other party's expression, his guilty conscience was reduced a lot. He had seen this expression countless times in court. Prosecutors who could scare prisoners into confessing with just their eyes glared at him like this. , but that can only reveal their guilty conscience and encourage their own confidence.

He followed Toshiki Miyamizu's example and wrapped his index finger and thumb around the wine plate, and continued to ask in a calm tone:

"What you said is abnormal, is it abnormal for you, or is it abnormal for them?"

Miyamizu Toshiki turned his head again, and the scene there had changed to Hojo Kyosuke preparing food for his daughter. The little girl with golden hair next to him actually came over and was chatting happily with Mitsuha, without knowing it. What can be done with the dishes that this chef has finished?

He looked over there, then at Ichiro Hojo, and took a deep breath:

"No matter who it is, this is not normal!"

Hojo Ichiro's smiling expression remained unchanged, except that the corners of his eyes twitched violently when he glanced at the unfilial son with his peripheral vision.

Hey...little bastard, can't you just stop for two minutes? ?

His smile didn't change. He had encountered this kind of defendant who looked arrogant just because he hired such a good lawyer. He didn't know how many times he had encountered it, and he had gained a lot of experience.

Gently turning the off-white wine plate in his hand, he still spoke in that steady and confident voice:

"Dinners, social gatherings, and drinks are all things that everyone will experience. These will become beautiful memories of their youth and add motivation to support their lives in the future."

"Nonsense, I didn't..."

"That's right, you don't have that, Miyamizu-san. You spent all your youth in the laboratory." Ichiro Hojo interrupted him directly:

"And now, when you look at your daughter who is enjoying her youth, you feel strange and feel that it is an abnormal thing."

"I haven't been to those social gatherings or anything like that, and my family is still happy now!" Toshiki Miyamizu retorted.

"So, is this the reason why you copied your boring youth onto your daughter and wanted to deprive her of the best years of her life?" Ichiro Hojo's expression at this moment was surprisingly sharp and somewhat aggressive.

Hearing this, Toshiki Miyamizu was furious. No one can say that to him. Do you know how much he has paid for his daughter to have a good life?

The senior Tokyo bureaucrat raised his left hand and dropped it heavily on the table to express his anger. But he still held back, knowing that unnecessary anger would not bring any good.

"What are you talking about?!" he asked every word.

"When young people get together, it is not just a meaningless squandering of youth, but also an opportunity to meet outstanding friends and make progress together. Look over there, there are doers, best-selling novelists, and outstanding people who graduated from the same school as Sanye and started their own businesses. Young painters, future voice actors... With these people, Mitsuha's youth will become more colorful."

Ichiro Hojo spoke clearly and unhurriedly, then he stopped turning the gray-white porcelain plate in his hand and drank the wine in one gulp:

"Of course, if you definitely want to deprive your daughter of her right to a beautiful youth, is that your, uh, right as a father? We outsiders can't judge."

"How could I want to deprive my daughter of her youth? What nonsense are you talking about!" Toshiki Miyamizu said angrily.

"Hahaha, I think so. How can there be parents in the world who don't love their children."

Hojo Ichiro laughed, and then raised the wine bottle again.

"That's right!" Toshiki Miyamizu took a sip of wine, just like Mitsuha said, how can there be children in the world who don't love their parents, and the same goes for parents.

Looking at the other party's expression, Hojo Ichiro knew that he had successfully fooled him.

Maybe there will be another chapter at two or three o'clock or four or five o'clock. Anyway, it will be updated.

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