Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 431 Do you still have any sense of shame?

If he heard that someone was going to take away the flag of the Outrageous Angels that had been passed down from generation to generation, Kisaki believed that every member of the Outrageous Angels would be as furious as if the old man's Buddhist altar had been kicked over.

Because it is not just a flag, but also the totem and spiritual symbol of the Rampage Angel. That flag never fell, and even if everyone was knocked down a hundred times, they would still get up and bite the enemy's throat with their teeth.

Without waiting for the opponent to take actual action, they would pick up the guy and chop the opponent over, then throw the opponent's bones into their mouths and chew them, letting them know the consequences of provoking an organization as cohesive as the rising sun in the east.

The cherry blossoms of the Yamazakura group are like this. If they wiped off the petals, the people of the Yamazakura group would be heartbroken. After all, the most important thing for the Yakuza is face. They may not be willing to fight to the death for the totem, but they will never surrender. But fortunately, Kisaki has never been a good person. Being able to bring pain to others through his actions feels so great. It feels like his whole person has been elevated.

Although it is a registered violent group, the Yamazura Group itself is not very strong. It is just a subordinate organization that relies on the Higashikawa Group. The number of official members is about thirty. If a war really breaks out, the Rampage Angels can go to heaven and earth to search Tokyo, and they can also turn the Yamazakura Group into dust.

The value of four hundred official members who do not need wages is terrifying, let alone the village fighting during the Warring States Period. If the Rampage Angels were an organization registered in Itomori Town, then Toshiki Miyamizu would have to invite Kyosuke Hojo to drink every day. When toasting, without lowering your head under the table, you have to think carefully about whether the mayor still wants to do it.

The only thing that worries Kisaki is that if a war really breaks out, victory is certain, but I'm afraid some of the members of the Rampage Angel will have to be sent to a juvenile home. This is still a relatively good situation. The worst case scenario is that the Rampage Angels will be defined as a violent group, which is something he absolutely cannot accept.

Once you are labeled as a radical, it basically declares that normal business activities have nothing to do with you.

The eldest brother who was attracted by him at first and thought he could unify the dark world could draw banknotes with just the pen in his hand. His talent on the right path even surpassed that of violence. After all, this was a money society.

No matter how useless it is, money is everything!

The greatest writer of the 21st century, the great scholar who has revealed the mysteries of the universe, the ZTE Swordsman of the Beichen Yitou style, the god of comics whose head connects to other worlds... These are things that ordinary people can only dream of, and each one of them is enough to be written into human beings. The title of history is the future that can be clearly seen in Hojo Kyosuke.

Kisaki knows that he cannot become a great person, even if everything goes as perfectly as he originally envisioned. At most, my name appears in a very small section. If nothing unexpected happens, the content should be "The body of Tetsuta Kisaki, the leader of a violent gang, was found by the Arakawa River. The police reported that it was a gang struggle, and citizens do not need to worry."

And then...and then nothing more. At most, there will be some poor people who are still kept in the dark after their families are ruined and their lives are ruined. They will still curse themselves before they die. This is the best you can do.

But things are different now. When the legendary figure of the elder brother appears in texts, biographies, and history, everyone will see a person named Tetsuta Kisaki in his story.

Just thinking about it made the blood in his body boil.

I'm stupid and can't achieve greatness, but I can try my best to support you when you become a legend.

Such a big brother can never stop here! His future no longer belongs to him. He wants to become a celebrity, win over the princesses of those thousand-year-old families, earn 10 trillion yuan, and become the king of the world!

Sitting in the car heading to Yamazakura-gumi, Kisaki's eyes were dark and unclear, like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows.

His mind has already made up his mind, and there is no need to say anything about his realization.

If necessary, the Rampage Angel can be completely separated from his eldest brother. He will lead this force to completely sneak into the shadows. By then, he will be able to do more for his elder brother. For example, now, as long as it is the will of the eldest brother, let alone the Shanying Group, even their superiors, the Dongchuan Group, one of the three major violent groups of Neon, and the Rampage Angels are not afraid to touch them.

As the vehicle got closer and closer to the Yamazakura group's headquarters in Katsushika Ward, Kisaki's mood became more complicated. At this point, he couldn't tell whether he wanted the Yamasakura Group to cooperate in offering cherry blossoms, or whether he wanted the Yamasakura Group to serve as a stepping stone for the rampaging angels to step into the darkness.

"Military advisor, here we are."

the driver shouted softly.

What appeared in front of everyone was a typical Japanese-style mansion. The silver-gray courtyard walls continued to extend along the left and right sides of the gate. Emerald green pine trees slightly jumped out of the wall. The name "yamazakura" was written on the tablet next to the door.

Looking at the dark house, Kisaki did not rush out of the car, but sat quietly in the car, waiting for his subordinates to gather while quickly reviewing the information about the Yamazakura group in his head.

Not long after, motorcycles with their headlights on arrived here. Without anyone else's arrangement, they spontaneously surrounded the Yamazakura group's mansion. The professional quality can be said to be quite good.

It’s not like the people in the Yamazaki group were dead pigs, so of course they sensed something was wrong with such a big movement. Nakamura, who was in charge of the night watch, looked through the crack in the door and almost screamed when he opened his mouth. Fortunately, Uemura next to him quickly covered his mouth.

Amaterasu, where did so many motorcycles and so many people come from? ! Are you dazzled because you are too sleepy? He opened his mouth again, wanting to tell his companions what he saw, but saw a silence gesture, and then the two of them quietly left from behind the door. They didn't take off until they felt that there should be no sound outside. got up.

Nakamura, who looked horrified, ran into the house crawling and rolling, walked through the intricate corridors, opened a paper door, then fell to his knees with a plop, shouting at the top of his lungs:

"Team leader!!! Something bad has happened. The enemy is coming and we are surrounded!"

The shrill sound instantly woke up the sleeping Tojian Village. He rolled on the spot without even opening his eyes, using his years of fighting experience to resist the incoming attack. As the boss, the first thing you need to know is that sleeping is a high-risk thing. Who doesn't know that the younger brothers who are trying to conquer the boss like to hack the boss to death while he is sleeping?

The sharp blade cut open the quilt cover, and the fine soft goose down flew up randomly, and then fell, landing on the gurgling blood.

This is the simplest way to defeat someone. After all, there is no one who can carry out an assassination better than a subordinate who knows the boss's living habits. Convenient and efficient, once and for all.

Therefore, Tujian Village has been practicing this trick as early as when he had the ambition to become a BOSS. By rolling to avoid the slashing attack from above, as long as he dodges the first round of attacks, he can seize the opportunity to clamp the assassin's knife hand, which not only resolves the life and death crisis, but also obtains the weapon. It is a perfect life-saving skill. .

After years of training, he had already turned this action into a physical instinct, and would roll away at the slightest sign of trouble.

boom! !


A scream interrupted Nakamura's voice reporting the intelligence. He looked up and saw the team leader, who was wrapped in the quilt like a caterpillar, with a big swollen forehead and a shiny face that was extremely distorted by pain. The quilt with an orchid pattern wrapped him up so that he could not move, like a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered. If dying before could be considered a death of ignorance, then dying now is a death of frustration. He tied himself up and only exposed his neck, which was frightened by the executioner. It couldn't be more considerate.

Ah this...

Nakamura didn't know for a moment whether he should lower his head and pretend not to see it, or whether he should quickly step forward to help the team leader. After hesitating for two seconds, he lowered his head and continued to return the favor with the earth seat posture, but this time his waist and head were lowered even more. Low, looks like he wants to lick the floor with his tongue.

"They are all motorcycles, with scary high backrests, white flags, and they look like illegally modified headlights..."

"Asshole, is it time to study motorcycles now? Get me out of here quickly!" Tujian Village roared angrily.

"oh oh."

Nakamura stepped forward with a sudden realization, stretched out his hand and pushed the team leader hard. Tomamura rolled forward, and then this man who had been sealed for a long time was finally unsealed.

After regaining his freedom, Dojian Village had no time to mourn his poor stunt, before he was confused by dizziness and pain.

Uemura walked up, stretched out his hand and started massaging the team leader's head. Tujiancun's frown relaxed, and he finally had the energy to ask what happened.

"Countless motorcycles and countless people have surrounded the headquarters!" Nakamura said tremblingly.


Tomamura opened his eyes and yelled angrily. He kicked Nakamura, who was still kneeling on the ground, and rolled him back. Then he looked at the reliable Uemura next to him:

"Uemura, tell me, what happened?"

"We were surrounded by bosozoku. There were more than thirty people outside the main entrance alone. I didn't dare to climb up the wall and look outside for fear of being discovered. What should the team leader do now?" Uemura asked respectfully.

"Are you crazy too, Uemura, Bosozoku? Are you talking about those idiots who become masterful when they hear the sound of the accelerator?"

Tujiancun knocked Shangcun's hand away:

"You should know the consequences of lying about military information and deceiving the team leader!"

Nakamura Kamimura nodded solemnly, and automatically translated this sentence in his heart as, if you dare to lie to me, prepare to cut off your little finger! The team leader was really angry when he got up, the two of them thought together. But instead of worrying about his little finger, he was worried about his life.

Just like Big Brother said, bosozoku are all idiots. Unlike himself and others who work hard to make a living, they are different from Yakuza members. Those bosozokus are passionate sects who commit crimes that even the police cannot solve. They commit crimes of passion. Ordinary people simply cannot understand their way of thinking, and no one knows what they will do.

I and others will definitely give in when they meet a powerful guy, and Dogezata can do it neatly, but those lunatics may think, you are so awesome, why don't I replace you.

After a while, Tomamura, who was walking towards the gate of the mansion with great courage, had returned to the Japanese room of the mansion. He was sitting cross-legged with doubts and panic on his face.

Why are there so many people? Don’t know what to do at this time? Why are the backrests of their motorcycles so high? Don’t you know this thing is better with higher seniority? Why are they surrounding our Yamazakura group? Don't you know this isn't a gas station?

Finally, why don't they hit the gas! ?

This unscientific! Very unscientific!

Obviously at this time, it is time to use the overwhelming sound of the accelerator to apply pressure, carry out sonic attacks and at the same time break down the trapped person's mental defense.

But none of these bosozokus riding strangely modified motorcycles even hit the accelerator, they just stared at their mansions eagerly.

It's so scary. Are they sleepwalking?

"Brother, I discovered something when I was looking carefully just now." Uemura suddenly said.


"These people are most likely the Rampage Angels from Bunkyo District! Just now I saw the skull angel logo on someone's motorcycle."

"Rogue angel?" Tomamura repeated with a frown.

If it was this group of lunatics, it would explain why they didn't hit the accelerator.

Yes, crazy.

Since Rampage Angel started the era of "handless demons", Rampage Angel's code name in the vast industry has become "those guys with abnormal brains".

Although the berserker angels during the "Guren Maki" period were a bit abnormal, they still conformed to the appearance of a regular bosozoku. But since their second generation came to the throne, the minds of the violent angels have begun to go crazy. It doesn't matter if they don't do bad things themselves, they actually become heroes.

They don't hit the gas pedal in urban areas, they don't rob elementary school students' pocket money, they like to read romance novels, and they don't engage in any gray industry that suits their status. Instead, they forcefully insert themselves into the scalper market. Fan exhibitions, queuing up at internet celebrity stores, grabbing tickets for concerts...

It is simply a disgrace to the delinquent industry. As early as the beginning, there were big bosses in the industry who said that no organization would be allowed to accept delinquents who graduated from Rampage Angels. This was to prevent Yakuza's bloodline from being tainted.

The reason why it is said that organizations are not allowed to accept graduates of Rampage Angels is because the top of the list of bad employment options is to join a real violent gang and become a Yakuza. Many bad organizations introduce powerful characters in the organization to their juniors like this: "Idiot, lower your head quickly, how dare you look directly at Brother xx! That is a strong man who has long been favored by the Yakuza. As soon as he graduates, he will be Assignments!".

But what made the industry's glasses shattered was that the Runaway Angel actually started the path of graduation and promotion!

Those delinquents who were supposed to become the scum of society as soon as they graduated actually entered various vocational schools or worked in small companies. Individual people with outstanding performance actually directly entered the companies run by the headquarters of the Rampage Angels.

Are you still bad? Do you have any sense of shame?

"A guy with a brain problem"

This is the title of Hojo Kyosuke and his villains, and neither he nor they hate them.

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