Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 449 Dumplings, Glass and Meatballs

Just when other students were already discussing what dishes to bring to Nishinomiya Glass' house to enjoy the cherry blossoms next year, Yuigahama Yui discovered a blind spot.

The girl in the photo had a smile as bright and beautiful as a flower, attracting all eyes like a black hole, so that everyone ignored one detail.

Meatball head!

Today’s Niangjiang has a crotch pierced head, and the one in the photo also has a crotch pierced head! Yuigahama's eyes are bright, and he comes to a conclusion after careful reasoning!

"Nijiang, could this photo be taken by you this morning?"

she asked quietly.

Hearing this, Glass, who was trying to persuade everyone not to be so polite with a smile, turned his head and looked at Yuigahama who was speaking in surprise. The others Ebina and Miura Yuiko also did the same.

"I said, Yui, even if I know you want to take pictures too much, you don't have to be so impatient, right?" Miura Yuiko, the queen of the current group, frowned and said.

After hearing the Queen's words and being looked at by so many people, Yuigahama panicked for a moment and quickly shook his hands to explain:

"Because you see, in the photo, Nizi has a hairpin, and now she also has a hairpin. From the beginning of school to now, she has only had a hairpin this time. The strawberry hairpin with white rhinestones is also the first This is the first time I’ve seen it, and the size of the circles on both sides of the bow tie is exactly the same..."

Although it was just a minor complaint, Yuigahama was so frightened that he tried to explain as if he had eaten a three-color meatball. But she found that the more she spoke, the stranger the people around her looked, so her voice gradually became lower and her chin almost touched her chest.

"...So, that's why I wonder if this photo was taken today."

Having said this, the girl raised her head again and smiled her usual smile. It was a perfect disguise and self-protection, the last line of defense for harmless little animals. There was no reluctance or reluctance, and it looked quite sincere.

She raised her right hand and scratched the back of her head, laughing:

"But you don't have to think about it to know that it's impossible. The cherry blossoms have faded long ago, and even if there are still some left, they won't be able to bloom so beautifully.

Hehe~~Sorry, sorry, I'm just talking nonsense again. But to be honest, I feel that Ni-chan’s hairstyle matches the cherry blossom tree very well~”

The girl scratched her head cutely and stuck out her pink tongue, looking like a daredevil.

This is the secret book "Absolute Protection".

Skill principle: As long as I admit that I am a fool, others will not care about me.

It's easier said than done. It can only be done by a master who has been immersed in the field of air reading for a long time. The air is like something in society. It is obviously there but you can't feel it. But once it changes, everything will change. If you want to become an air reading master, you must master the following skills:

1. Have a clear positioning of yourself, perform skillfully, and work hard to maintain the image of "harmless little animals for humans and animals".

2. Have a good understanding of the personalities of the queen, maids and other characters in the small group.

3. You must not have any opinions. The speed of admitting your mistake does not need to exceed the speed of light, but it must be faster than the speed of the queen's anger.

4. Smile, smile is always the best weapon. But just smiling is not enough, rich body language is the key. Scratching the head, sticking out the tongue, tilting the head, rubbing ants with the toes, etc. are also good actions to fully show that you are an idiot.

5. Even if the clown serving the queen tells a boring joke, he must be able to sincerely praise and actively create emotional value for his companions.

6. When the topic gets stuck, the queen must not be allowed to speak first, but a new topic must be opened tactfully. While taking into account the previous topic, you can smoothly move on to the next thing.


100. In short, those who can become masters in the field of air studies can survive safely no matter what environment they are in. They don't have to worry about being excluded by classmates and colleagues and becoming alone.

101. Be careful not to expect love and friendship when reading Air Master, otherwise thousands of years of hard work will be lost in one day.

(It is said that there are higher-level transfers beyond Air Master, such as the scumbag Neptune. The way to advance is to completely seal your heart and love, so that you can move freely.)

In short, Yuigahama Yui, who smiles like a harmless little animal, is actually such a strong person. Unlike other people who seemed at a loss for group life, she did not choose to live in isolation and become a lone wolf. Instead, she used her strong perseverance to find a way to survive that suited her, and she tenaciously worked hard to protect herself in a dangerous school. .

Not only does it create a comfortable learning environment for yourself, but it also puts parents at ease.

Of course, all this is beyond the comprehension of vulgar people.

Looking at the giggling Yuigahama, Ebina and Yuko's eyes moved back and forth between the photo and Nishimiya Glass.

"It's really what Yui said. I didn't expect Yui to be so observant?" Ebina said in disbelief.

"Hehe~~ No, my observation skills are not good at all. Didn't the teacher say in art class that I don't know how to observe at all?"

Yuigahama quickly shook her head and denied that among girls, "strong observation" is one of the top three negative attributes along with "good at studying". Moreover, she had already decided that she would try to drop at least ten places in the next monthly exam. Then all she had to do was say, "Hey, hey, I couldn't control myself when I entered high school, and I accidentally overdid it." The image of an idiot was instantly It becomes more three-dimensional, and playful people will make everyone feel more friendly.

It should be added that Yuigahama Yui was admitted to Sobu High School with high scores. Her admission score ranks fifth in the class, and those above her are Hojo Kyosuke, Kirisaki Tetsuta, Yamauchi Sakura and Nishimiya Glass. Even Hikigaya Hachiman, who was eleventh in grade in Chinese language, was far behind her. After all, Hikigaya's mathematics was too miserable.

Although the girl's parents were very happy about such a good result, it also brought her a lot of trouble. The girls all speculated whether she was the kind of person who was very good at studying, even though she had explained that it was all about luck and that after school Later, they all went shopping with everyone. But if she wants to clear up the suspicion that she did not stay up all night to study after returning home, she can only work harder during the next exam.

Just like now, facing Yuigahama's defense, Miura Yuko said suspiciously:

"Yui, are you actually very smart?"

"How is that possible! I'm an idiot!"

Yuigahama categorically denies that this world is the least friendly to smart people, and only fools are suitable to survive!

Miura Yuko's eyes still shone with suspicion, and Yuigahama's whole body tensed up, with 100 billion brain cells ready. She has enough confidence to prove that she is a fool. After all, she has really not studied since the beginning of high school!

Because high school is really happy!

Shortcake's life was in danger on the first day of school...ah, this is not happy! The happy thing is that Shortbread has a savior, the famous Hojo Kyosuke. Among his classmates are the brilliant Yamauchi Sakura and Nishimiya Glass who has a super good personality. The most important thing is that he has become friends with them even if he doesn't need to deliberately flatter him.

It was a perfect start. I was in a daze every day during class, and happily chatted with everyone after class. Even if it is a topic initiated by themselves, Niu-chan and Sakura will happily discuss it, and occasionally Hojo-san will also participate. What a joy it was to chat!

Although Yumeko cannot join the club after school because she has to go shopping with Yumeko and the others, this cannot be completely regarded as a shortcoming. After all, although Yumeko has a strong personality, she is actually a very gentle person. Although Ebina's hobbies are a bit scary, he is also easy to get along with. Shopping is such a joy!

There is no need to do homework when I get home. After eating, I can watch TV series and variety magazines with my mother. What a joy it is to watch TV!

Every day is so fulfilling, this is the perfect high school! All in all, it’s such a joy not to have to study!

In this case, who dares to say that I, Yuigahama Yui, am not an idiot!

Wait, if you don’t study at all, your grades will drop by more than ten places next time...

The girl suddenly realized a tragic fact, but then she thought about it, the others were playing crazier than her, and she had not participated in the club activities after all.

In short, Yuigahama Yui feels that she must be a good friend of Yumeko, and her grades will definitely be closer to hers. (Miura Yoshiko’s grade ranking starts with 2, and the number of students in the entire class starts with 3.)

But just when Miura Yuko wanted to speak, Nishimiya Glass suddenly spoke.

She took off the strawberry hairpin on her head and said softly:

"It's not that Yui is very observant, she just cares about her friends very much. Wasn't Yui the first to notice that you had your hair permed last week?"

"Really? I have a bit of an impression..." Miura Yuko frowned.

"Ah, it's not an important thing. It doesn't matter if you can't remember it!"

Yuigahama, who knew that this was not the case, quickly shook her hand to interrupt Yumeko's memories, fearing that the other party would suddenly become smarter. She turned her head and saw Nishimiya Glass looking at her tenderly with his big discerning eyes.

Ah~~My Nijiang is so cute!

You are obviously the one who cares about your friends!

Yuigahama felt her body warm and her heart was melted.

"Yui really cares about her friends, but I didn't notice this hairpin at all." Ebina interjected, her eyes flickering back and forth between Yui and Glass, her smile a little weird.

"Hehe~~" Yuigahama giggled and stopped retorting.

"I bought a new hairpin when I was shopping on Saturday, and I'm wearing it for the first time today. I was worried that it would look weird. I felt relieved when I heard you say that, Yui. After all, you are an absolute expert on round hair. .”

Glass put the hairpin in Yuigahama's hand and motioned for the other party to try it too.

"Huh? So, this photo was really taken today?" Yuigahama reacted just as he was about to try it out.

"Yeah, look at the shooting time."

Glass pointed out the attributes of the photo.


The girls around him took a deep breath, and the air-reading master was faced with a great challenge.

"What's going on?" someone asked impatiently.

"Didn't you ask me before if that girl was Kyosuke-kun's girlfriend? This is the evidence."

Glass put the phone back and looked at the prosperous cherry blossom tree with soft eyes, as well as himself sheltered under the cherry blossoms in the tree crown.

"You think that Kyousuke-kun's presence at dinner with that girl in the early hours of the morning is a symbol of love, but you don't know that Kyousuke-kun spent the entire night completing this cherry blossom tree. He was about to fall asleep at dawn."

She said softly, with no trace of jealousy or envy in her tone, only happiness and a little bit of heartache. She felt sorry for Kyousuke-kun who stayed up all night.

The cherry blossoms are clustered in clusters, but they do not block the sunlight from falling through the gaps, giving energy to the weak and tender grass on the ground.

Kyosuke-kun is the sun high in the sky, Sakura is the cherry blossom tree that covers the sky, and he is like the grass on the ground.

The trees are desperately growing upward, eager to get more sunlight. However, I am just an inconspicuous grass and needs very little sunlight. The cherry blossom tree can protect you from wind and rain, but it does not prevent you from getting close to the sun.

Is there anything happier than this in the world?

"So, if Kyousuke-kun is not willing to waste so much time, how can she be his girlfriend?"

The girl concluded that she used the word "waste" because this is the tradition of the Hojo family. The meaning of life is waste, and waste produces happiness.

Why waste time? Because there are things I want to do. Why waste money? Because there is something I want to buy. Why waste your life, because there are people you want to accompany.

Waste is happiness!

It's a pity that Yuigahama Yui couldn't hear the girl's voice, otherwise she would have been moved to tears and immediately begged to join the Cult of Waste. After all, she has been practicing the teachings for a long time. She is really happy to waste her study time doing other things!

"So, this cherry blossom tree was handmade by Hojo-san?"

"So, this cherry blossom tree was actually made by Hojo-san for someone?"

Miura Yuiko and Yuigahama Yui asked in unison, but their focus was obviously different.

"Yes, it seems that just collecting petals took Kyosuke-kun a lot of time."

Glass first answered Yumiko's question, then turned to look at Yuigahama:

"Although he didn't say it, I learned through special channels that this was a gift from Kyousuke-kun to a girl with special talents."

Speaking of this, she lowered her head and whispered mysteriously:

"As a reminder, that girl's talent is that she is very lucky and can get all the multiple-choice questions right."

Hearing this, while others were still confused, Yuigahama had already got the answer.

Yamauchi Sakura

When the teacher explained the math test paper before, Sakura showed her this unique skill. When she prayed to learn this skill, the other party also put a lot of thought into it. In the end, Yuigahama had to admit with envy that there really were people who were born to be favored by the goddess of luck. Yamauchi Sakura was such a lucky person.

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