Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 483 If you want to throw money at me, please be more brutal.

"Take it!"

A banknote suddenly unfolded, making a beautiful sound unique to money, and Higuchi's delicate face was clearly visible on it.

Before the confused Hojo Kyosuke could figure out what was happening, he saw the man opposite him putting the five thousand dollar bill into his hand without breaking up.

Um? ah?

He clenched his fist subconsciously. The touch of the banknote was so beautiful, as if he was really shaking hands with Higuchi Kazuyo, the pearl in the history of modern Japanese literature.

Nishimiya Glass, who was following Hojo Kyosuke, also looked confused, but she immediately thought of a possibility and quickly turned her head to look around, looking for possible cameras. The girl thought she had encountered some prank show. After all, this was Shinjuku. People with four or five cameras on their faces could be seen everywhere, whether they were personal video hosts or variety shows. As for her, Nina Jiang, it’s quite immodest to say that she already had the chance to appear on the show when she was still an amateur. Ahem, even though it was just a small show in Watergate City that not many people watched.

Hojo Kyosuke didn't do that. If there was really a camera filming, his keen five senses would have discovered it long ago.

"Excuse me..." he said doubtfully.

"One crepe is not enough! Go buy five more!"

Furusong also said fiercely.

"Ah?" Glass blinked in confusion.

"Really, today's young people are getting worse and worse."

Feng Lusong also shook his head:

"Listen, kid, since you have decided to be with a girl, you must do your best to make her happy! If you don't have money, go to work, if you don't have a house, go to work. If you can't even work, how can you fall in love?"


If the uncle across from him didn't smell of alcohol when he spoke, Hojo Kyousuke would have thought he had met a drunk. Even those "Showa boys" don't like preaching as much as the man in front of me.

Well, he was talking about Mr. Yagi from his hometown.

"It's unmanly to have to share a crepe between two people! Go to work quickly!"

After leaving the last words behind, Fengfeng Lusong missed his steps and walked towards the back cursing, vaguely muttering words such as "I really can't stand it" and "Neon is going to be finished".

Ah, my mood improved a lot instantly.

The thirty-year-old man's heart, which had just been cut into pieces, was instantly glued back together.

Hum hum, look at it young people, love in high school is so fragile, how can it be pure and beautiful? Crepes have to be eaten alone to be happy!

Furomatsu, who was in a good mood, suddenly felt that his aversion to crepes had disappeared. Anyway, the budget for going to an izakaya tonight was gone, so he might as well eat crepes instead of drinking.

Yes, that Higuchi Ichiyo is the amount he can spend tonight.

He couldn't explain why he did what he did just now. Did he want to let the enviable couple see the cruelty of reality? Or do you want to take this opportunity to avenge the "crepe" in high school?

How bold...

Feng Lusong only felt his heart beating wildly. Although the boy looked young, he was really tall. When he got closer, he could see the chest muscles that stretched the white shirt into squares. This also made him walk a lot faster. First, he wanted to leave quickly after doing such a shameful thing, and second, he was afraid of being beaten.

Hojo Kyosuke, who had been scolded inexplicably, stood there, lowered his head and looked at Higuchi Kazuyo in his hand, wondering if he had met a working sage?


Glass on the side saw Kyousuke-kun's confused look, his face turned red and he laughed.

"What should I do? Do you want to buy another crepe? Kyosuke-kun." The girl whispered.

"Although you can buy a few more and take them home as a late-night snack, it's not healthy to eat such high-calorie foods at night."


Glass' eyes secretly glanced at Higuchi Ichiha in Kyosuke-kun's hand.

"This is the uncle's blessing to us."

Hojo Kyosuke smiled slightly, as if he had guessed what the girl was thinking.

"Wait for me here for a while." He handed the crepe and banknotes to Glass.


Glass smiled and agreed, then watched Kyousuke-kun chase after the uncle just now.

After Hojo Kyosuke disappeared into the crowd, she lowered her head and looked at the five thousand yuan bill in her hand.

How amazing~

Just after I expressed my feelings to Kyosuke-kun, something like this happened.

Although this experience was inexplicable, it seemed like a blessing. Don’t all fairy tales have plots like this? Unscrupulous gods hide their blessings in vicious words, and only after going through trials can they receive blessings.

Isn’t it natural for an abnormal country to have abnormal gods? The gods appear in inexplicable ways, do things that look like nerves, and send out blessings with curses.

But the banknotes in his hand were genuine, and the uncle really wanted Kyosuke-kun and I to be happy, and he made serious suggestions.

She put the handbag on her feet and unfolded the banknotes, looking more and more happily.

Can Kyousuke-kun catch that person? Will that person disappear instantly when he blends into the crowd?

Do you want to spend these five thousand yuan? Glass frowned.

On the other side, Furomatsu also looked at the familiar izakaya in front of him and slowed down slightly. Yes, he finally decided to come for a drink. Anyway, he was single and didn't have to worry about being scolded by his wife.

With his mind relaxed, his thoughts suddenly wandered, and he began to think about how he would brag to the proprietress about what he had just done when he entered the store later. Based on his experience, this kind of outrageous thing is most popular with women, it's bohemian and so on.

Suddenly, there was a weight on his shoulders, and a somewhat strange yet familiar voice sounded from behind.


Furusong also turned his head with a stiff expression.


Sure enough, it was the boy, standing almost next to each other at this moment, and he could really feel how strong this boy was. Do you feel you have been insulted and want to take revenge? So today’s young people don’t have any city government at all!

Are you going to get beaten for washing the motor? Where's the patrolman? Help me.

Furusong also managed a smile and said tremblingly:

"Well, actually I..."

"Mr. kindhearted man, thank you for treating us to crepes." Hojo Kyousuke said with a smile.

"Huh?" Aren't you here to beat me?

Feng Lusong was also stunned, so young people nowadays are quite polite.

With his mind relaxed, he subconsciously wanted to say a few more words of pleasure, but suddenly he felt that the boy in front of him looked familiar, so he changed his words inexplicably:

"I'm sorry for saying something unintelligible to you." He bowed immediately.

"Haha, no, no, my girlfriend and I are very happy. She specially asked me to come and thank you."

Hojo Kyosuke smiled and shook his head with a sincere tone, and then took out his wallet.

The calfskin wallet was visibly worn, and Furusong thought to himself that this boy's financial situation was indeed very poor. After all, everyone would try to dress as well as possible for this kind of date, but this boy came directly in his school uniform.

But when the wallet was opened, Furu Matsuya almost stared out of his eyes.

So, what are young people doing carrying so much money with them today?

There was a large pile of banknotes neatly arranged in the wallet, not to mention the small denominations in front. What shocked Furusomatsu was the at least twenty of Fukuzawa Yukichi's.

Although the light was not very good, how could he not recognize that neon figure that everyone knew about?

When the boy in front of him took out one, he saw more clearly that they were really all ten-thousand-yuan bills.

What, is he going to throw money in my face next?

Feng Lusong was also trembling slightly in his heart, with a faint expectation, would it be okay to smash two more.

"You've worked hard, please have two more drinks."

Hojo Kyosuke put away his wallet and handed the money over with both hands.

"Ah, hi!"

Feng Lusong was also stunned, and then he bent down slowly and stretched out his hands to catch it.

"See you next time." Hojo Kyosuke said goodbye with a smile.

"Yes! Have a nice night."

Furusong also subconsciously bowed ninety degrees to say goodbye, which was more respectful than to the president of the company. If I could bow to such a standard in the company, wouldn't my promotion be easy?

Straightening up, he felt that his bow was really extraordinary.

Strange, why did I respect that boy so much just now?

Watching the figure walk into the crowd, Feng Lusong also fumbled for the ten thousand yuan bill in his hand and thought about it. Is this the power of money? No, I'm not the kind of person who bends over money!

Turning around, he walked into the izakaya and greeted the proprietress and other guests skillfully. He is a regular customer here, and so are the others, so the relationship is pretty good.

He walked to the bar and sat down. After wiping his hands and face with the hot towel given by the landlady, he put the banknotes on the table and spread them out, looking at Fukuzawa Yukichi above in a daze.

"What's wrong, Furu-san, did you find money?" a man said with a smile.

This topic immediately attracted the attention of others. If you pick up the money, you won't be treated.

"It's not that you can't say that..." Feng Lusong also whispered. He was still wondering why the boy just now gave him the feeling of a big shot.

"Hey, is it true?"

The diners immediately shouted when they heard this. In a boring life, encountering such a lucky thing is very lucky in itself. It sounds awkward to say, but it’s actually not complicated. The focus is not on "luck" itself, but on "good things happening in your life."

"Did something good happen to you?

No. Probably we will meet in the future. "

It is such a happiness.

Even the busy boss lady stopped what she was doing and came over, curiously lying on the bar and looking at Fukuzawa Yukichi in front of Furu Matsuya.

"It's great that I picked up Fukuzawa Yukichi." The landlady said with envy.

The plumpness exposed at the collar of the dress instantly made Furusong's mind go blank. The words he had just thought about were instantly forgotten. At that moment, he opened his mouth and recounted all his mental activities and things he had done at the subway entrance. It was said outright.

"Then the boy chased me to the door of the izakaya and said that I worked hard and invited me to have two more drinks."

After he finished speaking, he smacked his lips a few times, feeling that what the handsome boy did was even more inexplicable than him.

"Really or not, with your personality Furu-san, you would actually do such a thing?"

A diner was surprised and said that everyone came alone, so they usually talked more freely and understood each other's personalities fairly well. Furusong was usually a sultry guy, and he even admired the boss's wife's figure. They only dare to be sneaky, how could they do such a thing.

"Really! I swear!" Feng Lusong also shouted.

"I testify that what Furusang said must be true, because I have never seen ten thousand yuan bills in his wallet!" A bald man raised his beer glass.

"...Hahahahaha, you have to be careful and observant, Iguchi."

The crowd burst into laughter.

"Did you encounter some urban legend?" A man with a red nose from drinking asked.

"A monster that buys life with money, and will take away your lifespan as long as you accept the other person's money?"

"No, no, I don't know what day I will die suddenly in the company. No monster would buy such a life. Does the monster want to go to the company to work for Feng Lu? Stop joking."

"Hey, this is too much..."

"That is……"

Everyone started a heated discussion.

The landlady picked up the banknotes and looked at the lights on the roof, feeling that she had really heard a good story tonight.

"Do you really like that girl Furu-san?" the charming landlady said with a smile.

"Ah? No, no, that boy is a hundred times more handsome than me. How could I be so overestimating my abilities?"

Feng Lusong was also stunned for a moment, and then waved his hand quickly. Not to mention self-knowledge, the pressure that the boy put on him alone was enough to prevent him from having any thoughts. Besides, ahem, he just wanted to cause destruction from the beginning.

"Haha, no, I'm talking about the one you had in high school."

The landlady smiled and waved her hand, showing the aura of a mature woman. Sure enough, eating is never just about eating. Looking at the twisting waist, even if you don't order side dishes, you can drink three times the draft beer.

"Um..." Feng Lusong wanted to deny it, but he had just revealed his old secrets, so it would seem stingy to deny it. Fortunately, a person next to him came to his rescue.

"A hundred times more handsome? Is it really that exaggerated?" asked the one whose nose was red from drinking.

"Really, and he has at least 300,000 yen in his wallet!" Feng Lusong also swore a bet.

"Ah! I thought of it!"

At this time, on the far right side of the bar, a female white-collar worker who took off her coat and was wearing only a shirt suddenly spoke.

"Furuo-san, look to see if the boy you met just now is like this." She took out her phone and quickly operated it a few times before checking in.

Others also moved closer and looked at the screen.

"Sayuri, are you kidding? This is a hundred times more handsome than Furu, at least ten thousand times!" the bald Iguchi said with a smile.

"Hey, hey, am I that bad!"

Feng Lu protested, and then froze when he saw the screen.

"It turns out that he is Hojo Kyosuke."

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