Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 488 Cousin, it’s time for you to dedicate yourself to the family

Before Hojo Kyosuke could say a few more words to the people in the Kendo Club, the sound of commands ringing in the sports ground suddenly stopped, followed by the chaotic footsteps of a herd of pigs.


Smoke and dust were everywhere, and a group of people in baseball uniforms ran over on the dirt playground.

Hojo Kyosuke stands in the middle, with baseball club members wearing white baseball training uniforms on the left, and kendo club members wearing black training uniforms on the right.

In terms of height, the baseball club member on the left is taller, and his strong muscles can be seen under his T-shirt and pants. But the people on the right are serious martial arts clubs. Even if the people in the baseball club are mainly engaged in fighting on the field, they still can't compare to the latter.

The former head of the kendo club, Aobu Tamaki, and the head of the baseball club, Ryota Tsuchiya, were glaring at each other. The members behind them were also very angry, especially the members of the baseball club who had been running for who knows how long. If there is smoke, it will be even worse.

Just when the war was about to break out, Hojo Kyousuke smiled and said:

"What? Should I start shouting one, two, three now?"

As the words fell, the tense atmosphere dissipated instantly.

"Hey, Mr. Buchou, I took them for a run." Tamaki Aobu smiled sarcastically, but didn't say anything else. Instead, he glared at Ryota Tsuchiya and led them towards the track.

"Hojo, I'm here to take you to get your equipment."

The amazing thing is that Tsuchiya Ryota didn't say anything bad about the other party. Instead, he called a deputy to take the members to continue running, while he talked to Hojo Kyosuke with a smile.

The scene of the large-scale fight disappeared immediately. The members of the football club and the land sports club, who were waiting to watch the excitement on the football field and track, sighed with regret and returned to training.

The two ministers had a tacit understanding and knew that what Hojo Kyosuke hated most was trouble. If he got annoyed, he might just turn around and go home to sleep.

The national competition is youth for the two of them, but for this adult, it is just a seasoning. You can compete, but don't go too far, otherwise you'll be defeated.

"The clothes are all customized according to the data you provided. As for the bats, the department has many new ones. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to an outside store to buy them yourself, and the department can reimburse you. There are also gloves. I heard that you have already With the pitcher's glove so unprepared, the first baseman..."

Walking into the lounge, Tsuchiya Ryota was talking nonchalantly.

The lounge is not luxurious, let alone compared to a residential baseball club like Osaka Kirikage, or even compared to an average strong team. However, although the house is small, it has everything you need, such as a shower room, a storage room, and a fitness room.

"Actually, when I entered the school, Sobu High School didn't even have a shower room..."

Tsuchiya Ryota said a little lowly, but then he quickly added:

"Last year, the progress of the Sobu High Baseball Club stopped in the third round of the qualifiers, but that was only my limit, not Sobu High's limit!"

His eyes were astonishingly bright, and fire seemed to be spitting out of his mouth:

"Hojo-kun! The mission of winning back the massage chairs and canteen for the baseball club is up to you!

Next year, when the freshmen come in next year, they will see a completely different baseball club, right? "

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to the wall behind him. Hojo Kyosuke looked up. On the wall between the two rows of lockers, there was a banner with black characters on a white background that read, "Enjoy baseball, use your brain to win." "

Ryota Tsuchiya’s voice continued:

"I know it's despicable to pin all my hopes on you, Hojo, but I've really reached my limit.

Even in my dream, I didn't see Koshien's winning flag hanging on this wall. I can't even imagine such a scene. "

His voice was a little choked, but it wasn't because he didn't work hard enough. The average dormitory baseball club only got up at six o'clock, but Sobu High's baseball club could barely keep up with that rhythm. He didn't know how much effort he put in to make the members of the club willingly show up at school at this hour. You know, this hopeless effort is the most desperate.

In the face of talent and talent, hard work and love are like shit!

"As long as you, Hojo-kun, can take everyone into Koshien, I will do it no matter what. I will wash your clothes, clean your shoes, clean the venue, clean the rest room...everything. You don’t need to worry about it. It doesn’t matter if you want everyone to shave their heads, of course, airplane heads are also fine. Everyone just wants to win.”

He continued, saying that he had inquired about Hojo Kyosuke's time in junior high school, and learned that both Dongcheng High School and Kaijiu High School had paid Hojo Kyosuke a salary. But their Sobu High School baseball club couldn't do this. The best result was that they made it to the third round of the Tokyo preliminaries. It was not easy to get the school council to allocate funds to build a shower room. If you want more money, you have to let school directors see the results, but if you want results, you need money.

So, they need Hojo Kyosuke!

Look at that stupid kendo club. It was obviously the bottom club in the school last year, but this year Hojo-kun immediately turned around as soon as he entered school. Not only did he have such a luxurious training room, but he also had sufficient funds.

He knew that that bastard Tamaki Aobu had already planned to take the Kendo club members to Hawaii for training after winning the national competition.

What a bastard. You can even talk nonsense about going to Hawaii to stay together. Are you going to practice swordsmanship? What kind of sword did you practice? Do you dare to go before the game? Are you afraid of weak legs on the field? I really forgot about everything once I had Hojo-kun!

How can it be repaired?

His friend Tamaki Aobu was stunned by a pie falling from the sky. Ryota Tsuchiya, who was so hungry that his eyes turned green, had to rely on his own efforts to earn a living for himself and everyone in the baseball club.

Hojo Kyosuke! Yes, this is the same person. There is no reason that this pie can only be eaten by one person, right? Are you afraid of dying?

For such an almighty person, if he doesn't shine properly, it would be a waste of God's gift!

It's a pie falling from the sky. The bad news is that it didn't hit you. The good news is that the pie is big enough for one person to eat.

A bamboo knife is a stick, and a baseball bat is also a stick. There is no difference between swinging a knife and swinging a baseball bat, right? Didn’t you know that in the baseball world, players who are good at both pitching and hitting are called “two-sword style”? Isn’t this tailor-made for Hojo Kyosuke!

He didn't dare to expect that after joining the baseball club, Hojo Kyosuke could lead everyone to win the championship all at once. At least it would bring hope, let everyone see that Sobu High can win, and let the school directors see that Sobu High's baseball club It is also worthy of allocating funds. In this way, even if I graduate, I can proudly say in college that I was once the baseball club president of Sobu High School.

For this, he is willing to do anything, even if his cousin is pushed into Hojo-kun's harem!

"So, Hojo-kun, I'm begging you!"

Ryota Tsuchiya took off his baseball cap, put his hands against the seam of his pants, bent down heavily, and shouted loudly.

Hojo Kyosuke did not speak, but turned his head and looked around.

The room is very old, and even if you pay attention to cleaning and maintenance, you can still see the mottled marks on the walls. You can still see dents on the door of the locker, whether they were caused by fists or heads. A lingering smell of sweat lingered on the tip of my nose, and the deodorant mixed in it made the smell even weirder.

There was an empty glass display case in the lower left corner of the room. Hojo Kyosuke seemed to see the senior who founded the Sobu High School baseball club standing in front of the display cabinet, ambitiously announcing to the members that everyone would fill the cabinet with honors.

"Must win!!"

Such shouts rang in his ears, but the display cabinet, whose paint had gradually peeled off, was still empty.

Beautiful wishes and cruel reality were so clearly and truly displayed before Hojo Kyosuke's eyes.

In front of him, Tsuchiya Ryota still didn't straighten up. The director, who denounced his own helplessness and supported the progress of the Sobu High School Baseball Club with his hard work, bent down at this moment. In order to let everyone who has been following him see victory, he will do whatever it takes.

Hojo Kyosuke clearly felt his consciousness, and he was moved by such consciousness. He thought of Glass, Eiri, Yukino, Mitsuba...

He is a lazy person who always has a clear purpose and will never do anything that is not beneficial.

If you don't take shortcuts, you will be punished.

This is the family motto of the Hojo family, and people in the Showa era would be furious if they heard it, so naturally it did not come from Grandpa Kyosuke Hojo. Yes, it is the family training passed down by Mikiko Hojo. Currently, there are only three people who are being trained: Kyosuke Hojo, Sakura Yamauchi and Kashiko Hojo.

In order to gain the ability to protect himself, he learned kendo, in order to gain money he drew comics, in order to gain social connections he went to a prestigious school, in order to gain social status he wrote mystery novels... Every step he took had a clear goal, and he chose all of them. Things you are good at.

Although it requires hard work, it is on a path called talent. Just like playing a game, you can continue to upgrade as long as you work hard.

As for baseball... Hojo Kyousuke just agreed casually at first. Doing such a thankless job was totally out of character for him.

Although Mr. Ryota Tsuchiya seems to have all the qualities to become a villain: awareness, hard work, determination to win, and any means necessary...

Once her personality changes, she becomes a perfect villain.

However, you must not have any plans to undergo sex reassignment surgery, right?

Even if there were, Hojo Kyousuke didn't think the other party would meet the system's standards.


Hearing the sigh from in front of him, Tsuchiya Ryota's heart suddenly sank, and the expression on his face almost became unbearable, but he didn't speak, he just pushed his waist and head down hard, just like him My heart is sinking towards the abyss.

At this moment, he heard Hojo Kyosuke's clear and cool voice again.

"No need for next year..."

Tugu Liang raised his head too sharply, his eyes widening.

"This year, I will take you into Koshien, bring the victory back to Sobu High, and bring glory to everyone."

Um! ! ?

Tsuchiya Ryota swore that he was not gay or voice-controlled, but at this moment he swore that he really fell in love with Hojo Kyosuke. How on earth can you open your mouth to say such beautiful words! The school bells across the country should be replaced by Hojo-kun’s voice, so that people all over the country can listen to how beautiful this sound is every day!

His chest was so hot it felt like it was going to explode.

"Hojo-kun, you mean..." He still couldn't believe what kind of promise he got.

"Just now, Minister Tsuchiya said that three rounds of qualifying is your limit, but it is not the limit of Sobu Gao, right?" Hojo Kyosuke had a refreshing and calm smile on his face.

"Well, I believe that we can achieve better results, as long as you join us, Hojo-kun."

"There's something wrong with that. Minister Tsuchiya, aren't you a part of Sobu High? Why did you reach the limit first?"

Hojo Kyosuke continued to talk, Tsuchiya Ryota said sadly, but in his opinion, it seemed that Sobu Taka was dragging Tsuchiya down.

“Who can say that the limit has been reached before life is over?

Let's work together, qualifiers, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hokkaido, we will win them all and take all the glory! "

He also bent down and bowed solemnly.

"Please give me some advice, Minister Tsuchiya!"

"Yes! Please give me more advice!" Ryota Tsuchiya shouted, feeling that this mouthful of chicken soup was so fresh and nourishing that his blood surged.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Hojo Kyosuke was thinking that the training in the kendo club would be more rigorous in the future, while Tsuchiya Ryota was thinking about how to convince his uncle to transfer his cousin to Sobu High School.

The atmosphere in the lounge was great until...

"What is this? Why do you need to wear two pairs of socks? Are these pantyhose?" Hojo Kyosuke asked, holding a pair of hard socks in his hand.

"Well, these are sock stirrups, which can protect the calves and the stockings inside. After all, changing stockings frequently is quite expensive." Tsuchiya Ryota explained, then wiped the sweat from his face, and at the same time his mentality changed slightly. .

Hojo-kun really doesn’t know anything about baseball.

Baseball uniforms consist of white stockings underneath, and a pair of sock kicks on the outside to prevent slips and tackles... Because everyone wears spikes, the risk is still quite high.

After struggling for a while, Hojo Kyousuke finally put on his baseball uniform.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, he looked carefully.

The Sobu High Baseball Club's uniforms are a classic black and white color scheme, that is, white clothes with thin black lines. It is said to be a classic, but in fact it means that there is no money to hire a designer. On the chest are two big Chinese characters "Sobu", and on the back is the number "2", a black baseball cap.

Okay, very energetic... Hojo Kyosuke joked to himself.

"Hojo." Ryota Tsuchiya suddenly shouted.


"I think you need to be more careful with your throws from the opposite side in the future."

"Touch ball?" Hojo Kyosuke asked doubtfully.

"Just a ball thrown in your face."

Ryota Tsuchiya was sincerely worried. This face was so handsome that even without any expression, the male creature would feel insulted.

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