Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 503 You can never become Hojo Kyosuke!

Hyōdo Michiru will never forget the sight of his cousin Ryota Tsuchiya kneeling on Sobu High's baseball field less than a week after he led his school's basketball team to victory in the summer trials last summer.

He buried his entire face in the reddish-brown soil, and his crying voice was so dull that it was hard to breathe.

"I feel sorry for the folks in my hometown!!"

That's what Brother Liangtai yelled, probably. Who knows, the reason why I can hear the sound through the soil is because he howls too loudly, and the sound will be distorted in nature.

The look of agony frightened all the relatives who came to support him. They were afraid that Ryota Tsuchiya would commit seppuku in the next second, and he was afraid of blood splattering on his face but did not dare to run. The one-sided baseball game was not as exciting as it was at this moment. The Tsuchiya couple quickly squeezed through the crowd and got in, holding their son who was crying until he fainted tightly in their arms, as if their precious son would fly away with Koshien's dream in the next second.

Isn’t it touching? very touching. Not only Ryota Tsuchiya, but other members of the Sobu High Baseball Club also tried their best. In the fourth quarter, it was obvious that Masaho Fujikawa, who was assisting the pitcher, was too tired to support his arm, but because there was no one better than him at all, A more reliable teammate, so I gritted my teeth and continued shooting. Runners tried to steal bases again and again, trying their best to avoid being hit and making all kinds of dangerous dodges.

It's a pity that not many people can see this scene. Except for some parents who come to watch the game, there are only birds and wind in the trees.

Touching is really touching, scary is really scary.

Hyōdo Michiru was very grateful to his cousin for thinking about him in this way, and he didn't mind accompanying the Sobu High School Baseball Club to grow slowly, although according to the strength of his cousin and the others, they wouldn't need to support him a few times. However, she is not sure whether the joining of herself and "Icy Tail" is a support or a heavier burden for her cousin.

Don't worry, Brother Liangtai lost the game again. When he was wailing, he not only felt sorry for his parents at school, but also felt sorry for his cousins ​​in his hometown. It would be too sinful to arrange a suicide this time that was not possible last time.

With this thought in mind, Hyodo Michiru stood up and squeezed to his father's side, whispering into the latter's ear.

This kind of behavior is very unsightly for most people, but she is a young woman, and what she is discussing now is something closely related to her, so it is not abrupt at all for him to do it.

As soon as Mr. Hyōdo heard his daughter's words, he broke out in a cold sweat.

yes! Why didn't I think of this?

The reason why he had always hoped that his daughter could learn from his nephew Ryota was because he took a fancy to his persistence and perseverance. I don't care whether the sweat I shed is in vain, and I will never give up no matter how many failures I experience... But all this time, everyone has only seen the good side of Ryota Tsuchiya's character, and selectively ignored his paranoid side.

Last time, because his nephew said that his baseball team had the best chance of advancing past the second round of the qualifying round, everyone took time to cheer him on, but they saw such a horrific scene.

At that time, he also took the opportunity to teach his daughter, "Look at how devoted Liangta is to baseball. Even if her strength and talent are so poor, she will not give up. Look at you again. You clearly have such great talent and strength but you don't cherish it. You waste it like this." God will hate you."

Now that I think about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with my daughter's three-minute hot character. At least she won't suddenly meet a stronger person and then be severely bruised after making great progress all the way. If you don't fail, it's not a victory.

If Michiru really led the band to become a support group for the Sobu High School Baseball Club, and then his good nephew started another hysterical loser's cry, and by the way upgraded to a home run in the next life, wouldn't his family become sinners?

Thinking of this, Mr. Hyōdo also came to his senses. When talking about growing together, others are thinking about the future. You can see the end of the future of your baseball club at a glance. You are completely seeing an invisible future. If we really want to become a support group for the Sobu High School Baseball Club, we can only support them a few times throughout the year, and there is no need to rehearse victory and cheering songs. We only need to constantly comfort them, saying that next time will be better, and the future belongs to us.

Thinking of this, he coughed twice, and facing his nephew's hot and expectant eyes, he spoke slowly:

"This, Ryota."

"Hey, I'm here, tell me. You don't have to worry about the transportation of musical instruments and the commuting of Michiru and the others every time the support comes. I will apply for funds from the school to buy a special bus right away, which is enough for the support group and the baseball club to ride together."

Ryouta Tsuchiya spoke earnestly. He has already seen the future. In the future, everyone will sit on the luxury bus together. The atmosphere will be high because there are more girls on the bus. Hojo-kun will be in a happy mood because of his cousin. After arriving at the competition venue, Sobu Gao The baseball club will usher in hearty victories one after another.


Contrary to his excited nephew, Mr. Hyōdo felt his scalp numb when he heard the excited voice. He was so excited before it even started. If he really failed again, he would probably never hit another home run again in his next life.

The father and daughter looked at each other and understood what the other was thinking.

After being cruel, Mr. Hyodo decided to be the bad guy himself.

"Ryota, I've thought about it, and we'd better discuss the matter of joining the support group again."

"Why! Isn't this a perfect match made in heaven?"

"The Hanshin Koshien you are talking about, with an audience of 50,000 people, is indeed impressive, but that is too far away. You also know that Michiru is always impatient. Maybe she will give up playing in the band again before then."

Mr. Hyōdo said it more tactfully, but everyone present could understand what he meant. People are saying, isn't Jiaziyuan all about painting a pie? If I really believed your nonsense, Michiru Hyido's guitar would be collecting dust and he wouldn't even see the day it lands in Koshien.

If she had heard her father say this before, Hyodo Michiru would have jumped up immediately, but now she kept her mouth shut. It's better to take the blame yourself than to say directly, cousin, you are too paranoid. I am afraid that I will become the murderer who forces you to death.

"Hey? Wouldn't that be just right? Uncle Hyido, weren't you very opposed to Michiru playing in a band before? Wouldn't it be just right if she gave up?"

An Yilun also said while swallowing the special strawberries in his mouth.


Mr. Hyōdo smiled perfunctorily, not intending to put any effort into making up an excuse. He just stared at Ryota Tsuchiya's face across from him, fearing that he would be stimulated and slap the table and say, "If I can't take Michiru into Koshien, I will cut off two little fingers to apologize, and use the remaining eight fingers next year to continue working hard."

But what surprised him was that his good nephew didn't seem to understand what he meant, and actually smiled, as if he had been waiting for him to say this.

This is indeed the case. Tsuchiya Ryota has been waiting for this moment for too long.

Wealth never returns to its hometown like a brocade walk at night. He has been in a state of excitement since the morning baseball training. He wants to grab the ears of the baseball clubs of more than a thousand universities in Tokyo and roar, "Hojo Kyosuke! We have Hojo Kyosuke! Hojo-kun! We have it." Get your ticket to Koshien!"

If possible, he really wanted to rent ten zeppelins and let them patrol the sky over Tokyo. Each one would have a full-body photo of Hojo-kun wearing a Sobu Ko baseball uniform, and then broadcast him stealing first base in the morning. , video of stolen home run.

Do you know what it means to be a man who can steal a first base?

Now, he finally has such an opportunity.

Ryota Tsuchiya could clearly hear the sound of his heart beating violently. Under the gaze of Hyotou family, he stood up, raised his hand and straightened his collar, and spoke slowly with a reserved smile on his face:

"Now, please allow me to introduce it to you.

The savior of the Sobu High Baseball Club!

The next three Koshien winners!

Neon Baseball History Breakthrough Heroes!

Mr. Hojo Kyosuke! "

His tone became higher and higher every time, and the shock on the faces of Bingtang's family members also became higher and higher. They all thought that this cousin had gone insane.

Listen to what is being said, forget about being a savior. Before the world is truly destroyed, anyone can say that they are the savior. The winner of the next three Koshien championships? This loan is too big, and it’s not so blatant to open a bank at home. A hero with a gap in the history of neon baseball. Such a nickname would be ranked in the top ten even in "Shukan Bunshun".

The pretty girl with short purple hair looked up at her enthusiastic cousin, her rosy little mouth wide open. Those long nicknames were too difficult to remember. She only remembered the name "Hojo Kyosuke". In such a scene, it is too difficult to forget this name.

Because, as if Ryota Tsuchiya was standing in the middle of the world, he was still opening his mouth wide to simulate an echo, and kept repeating the four characters "Kyosuke Hojo".

It's too abstract. If Tetsuta Kisaki saw it, he would definitely feel like he was facing a life-or-death enemy. It is foreseeable that Tsuchiya Ryota will not have the opportunity to enter Ruyi's dormitory in the future, even if he is Hinou Michiru's cousin. Because Momotaro would never let such a dangerous person who could threaten his position as number one younger brother walk into Ruyi's dormitory alive.


Hyodo Michiru swallowed, turned her head and saw that her father was as confused and shocked as she was. She turned her head again.

"So, because of this Hojo Kyosuke, cousin, you won't lose the second round of the qualifiers this year?" The girl asked hesitantly, with a little more energy in her voice, obviously happy for her cousin.

"What do you mean by not losing the second round of the qualifiers? With Hojo-kun, reaching Koshien is just the minimum goal!" Tsuchiya Ryo lowered his head and glared at his cousin displeased.

Hearing this, Bingtang and his daughter looked at each other.

Crazy, crazy, this guy is crazy.

"Kyosuke Hojo?" An Yilun was also confused. There was a severe phantom pain throughout his body, and along with the pain came the suffocating shadow of death. For a moment I felt breathless and speechless.

Ryota Tsuchiya was not surprised by the reaction of Hinou and his daughter. He sat down, took out his mobile phone and clicked a few times, pulled out a video, and handed the mobile phone to his uncle.

"This is?"

"Top secret information! Training video of Sobu High School Baseball Club!"


It is indeed top-secret enough that no one except you will pay special attention to it.

Hyodo Michiru didn't say anything anymore, put her little head next to her father, clicked play and started watching.

so slow! What a slow ball! You haven’t made any progress in the past year?

Michiru was shocked when he saw the pitcher's slow ball. No wonder Brother Liang was so desperate when he lost. It turned out that he had already tried his best to win the first round of preliminaries.

The video continued, and then the expressions of Hyotang and his daughter suddenly changed.

This, this? ?

So fast! Doesn’t this person need to think? Why did he dare to start running like this?

So strong!

As a sports genius, Hyōdo Michiru could see the extraordinary athletic ability of the boy in the video at a glance. Even through the screen, he could feel the powerful muscle power released by the boy while running, surging and surging!

The stolen base was successful! Hyodo Michiru cheered a little in her heart. Everyone liked the drama of stealing a base and defeating the strong by the weak, and of course she was no exception.

But this defense is really bad...

Before she could finish her words, her beautiful big purple eyes suddenly opened wide.

You ran too far, it's already second base over there!

The boy on the screen obviously didn't hear what Michiru was saying, or even if he heard it, he wouldn't care at all, because Michiru could clearly see the boy's determination from his steps, and stealing a first base couldn't satisfy him at all!

This defense is pretty good.

Seeing that the first baseman did not choose to pass the ball to the second base but directly handed it to the third base, Michiru whispered softly.

Then she saw the boy on the screen, who was probably Hojo Kyosuke, performing magic-like steps, using three types of hands to rush to home plate easily and comfortably.

Ah, this is Brother Liangtai. Last year he was wearing this outfit and lying on the dirt, making his mask full of dirt.

He stole three bases in one go. No wonder Brother Liangtai is so confident. If this boy joins him, it will be...

What! ?

Just when Hyoudou Michiru thought that was the end, she saw the boy on the screen leaping into the air in an aesthetically pleasing gesture, jumping directly over Ryota's head and hitting home plate with his toes. Scored.

Great! !

Brother Liang Tai has lost so many games, but this should be the most handsome backdrop he has ever played, right?

She was cheering in her heart, and Michiru herself didn't even notice that she had cheered loudly.

What a hearty victory. From making the decision to executing it without hesitation, passing five levels and defeating six generals, I am fully worthy of the terms savior and hero.

Mr. Hyōdo next to him was also dumbfounded. Although he had not watched many baseball games since officially entering society, he promised that he had never seen such a wonderful performance in his long life. So it seems that the good nephew may not be crazy, no, maybe he is indeed crazy.

"Is this the new guy you found today Ryota?"

"That's right! He is Mr. Hojo Kyosuke, the ticket holder of Sobu High School's Koshien!" Ryota Tsuchiya proudly declared loudly with his head held high.

"Huh? What about the back? Are there no other videos?" Hyōdo Michiru asked. After watching the video called Hojo Kyosuke, she actually wanted to play baseball.

"No more, I told you it's top secret information."

Seeing his cousin's expression, Tsuchiya Ryota felt proud and felt that the plan was moving steadily towards the expected path.

Love, curiosity is your disguise.

Thinking of this, he continued to throw out combos:

"Besides, this is Hojo-kun's first time playing baseball!"

His voice became more and more proud.

"First time!?" X3

The three members of the Hyotou family spoke together.

"That's right, now you know the reason why Hojo-kun is the savior, the future king of Koshien, and the reason why he is a fault-type hero!"

What Ryota Tsuchiya did not say is that this video is not only confidential information, but also an extremely valuable document that will be listed in the honor cabinet of the Sobu High Baseball Club for future generations to admire.

"I admit that the Sobu High School Baseball Club and I were really weak in the past. Our best result was the second round of the qualifiers, but that is over! Now that Hojo-kun has joined us, we will grow rapidly and the speed of evolution will be Beyond light.

Aren't you worried that Sobu Takano will not provide enough stage for Michiru? Koshien is just the starting point. The National Sports Competition, the Tokyo Football Competition, the Meiji Shrine Competition, and Sobu High will achieve unprecedented national dominance under the leadership of Hojo-kun. At that time, I'm afraid, Uncle Hyōdo, you will worry that Michiru needs support and won't have time to study. "

Ryota Tsuchiya has a feeling of elation and elation. It doesn't matter that I am a weakling. I have found my big brother! Mastered the password to victory!

Hearing this, Mr. Hyodo frowned.

"If he can perform like this in his first baseball game, I admit that he may grow up as quickly as you said Ryota, but what you said is too exaggerated. The strength of those strong baseball schools is not that simple. It can be easily wiped out."

"Uncle! When you said this, did you ignore that sitting next to you is a talented girl who can bring the ballet team that has been in the first round for thousands of years to the semi-winner of the regional competition?"

Ryota Tsuchiya raised his voice.

"Michiru, she is different. You know, she is not an ordinary genius." Mr. Hyōdo said proudly but with a headache.

"You also know that genius cannot be judged by common sense, Hojo-kun! He is a genius far beyond Michiru! In front of Michiru, I am a mortal without talent..."

"Ryota-nii, don't be so direct." Hyoudou Michiru said with a smile.

"But if Michi remains in front of Hojo-kun, he is still a mortal!"


Tsuchiya Ryota smiled apologetically at his cousin, indicating that he was not targeting her.

"A more genius than Michiru?"

Mr. Hyōdo's frown deepened. He believed that there might be people in the world who were more talented than his daughter, but there was absolutely no such thing as the kind of genius that would turn his daughter into a mortal.

"Perhaps the name Hojo Kyosuke is a little unfamiliar to you when it is associated with baseball, but when I mention Hojo Kyosuke and kendo, you Michiru should have an impression, right?"


Michiru frowned, as if, as if... no, I couldn't remember it at all, my brain didn't have the space to record things that I wasn't interested in.

"I don't know." She said honestly.

Looking at those big watery eyes, Tsuchiya Ryota took a deep breath, thinking that if you are tough now, you will be soft later.

"The reason why Hojo-kun played baseball for the first time was because he was practicing other sports, kendo. When he was in junior high school, he led Tojo High School's junior high school to win three national competitions, and every time They all received individual awards and dare-to-fight awards.”

"So he is another person who is as half-hearted as Michiru?" Mr. Hyōdo's eyebrows relaxed a lot.

"Why do you think so? Do you think Hojo-kun can only succeed in one thing with his energy?"

Tsuchiya Ryota asked doubtfully in an exaggerated tone.


"Perhaps I didn't make it clear. If the name Hojo Kyosuke and Kendo seem strange to you. Maybe you have heard of the work "The Devotion of Suspect X"."

Tsuchiya Ryo smiled too reservedly, and he felt that he gradually understood the happiness of his friend Tamaki Aobunobu. Without waiting for his uncle to speak, he continued:

"Kyosuke Hojo, winner of the Honya Grand Prize in 2015, has achieved three consecutive breakthroughs. He is the most promising writer in the Heisei era and an unprecedented genius! In two weeks, you will be able to see him at the Mystery Writers Association Award Ceremony. ”

He knew that his uncle must know this, because he knew from his father that his uncle had been a fan of mystery novels since he was a student. There was no reason why he had not read the most popular mystery novel last year.

Without stopping, he knew that he should pursue the victory at this time. The accumulation of surprises was not addition but multiplication. He wanted his uncle and Michiru to clearly realize that Hojo-kun was the genius among geniuses and became the support team of the baseball club with Hojo-kun. It’s my cousin’s best choice.

"Hojo-kun is a generous man. He never skimps on his talents. In addition to shining in sports, he is equally good at studying. As early as when he was in junior high school, he won the Neon Olympics gold medal in mathematics and received Special recruitment from the University of Tokyo. If there are people around you who like two-dimensional culture, Michiru, then they must also know Hojo-kun’s name. Last year, almost all of Hojo-kun’s works were on the best-selling lists of comics and novels every month.”

Ah, how cool it is!

It turns out that bragging about other people's strength is such a pleasant thing!

Seeing the shocked and stunned faces of his cousin, aunt and uncle, Tsuchiya Ryota felt as refreshed as drinking a glass of cold beer.

"Ah, I remember, I talked about this person with Xiaolan and the others when I was young!"

Hyodo Michiru exclaimed, she often heard this name from the band members. But every time when everyone saw her coming, they would change the topic, and when asked later, they would say that the newly practiced repertoire had something to do with Hojo Kyosuke.

But the strange thing is that this man is neither a composer nor a singer, so why is he related to him?

One question was solved, and a new one arose in the girl's mind.

"Ah! That violent maniac! No, Michiru, you can never be his support group!"

An Yilun finally broke free from the phantom pain, stood up suddenly and shouted loudly.

Hyōdo Michiru turned around and saw that his childhood sweetheart's cousin was covered in cold sweat on his forehead and face. It looked like he had two broken ribs.

Thanks to the big guys for your monthly votes, recommendation votes and reward support.

Well, at least there are more. I will try to update as many as possible tomorrow.

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