Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 541 Villain, one of our own

Yukinoshita Yukino resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and for a moment she even wanted to turn around and leave.

Without revealing the fact that Yamauchi Sakura arrived only a few seconds before her, she just walked towards the other party with a gloomy face. Reason told her that she must not respond at this time. That idiot Sakura wanted to play with herself rather than play with the colorful lights. The angrier she became, the louder she laughed.

With this idea in mind, she silently opened the door to the club room and walked in. But the moment she was about to step through the door, she thought again, since she was enjoying teasing herself, would her appearance also belong to Sakura? Under calculation? This is not an ordinary idiot, but an idiot who can play with his sister. It cannot be measured by normal people's thinking.

I'm afraid she doesn't need to be angry when she sees herself being teased. Just teasing herself is enough to make her happy. Just like a child taking a remote control car to the Civic Square, the remote control car running around is completely irrelevant. Just the envious eyes of other children are enough to provide the required inner needs.

Similarly, the villain who snatched away the child's remote control car did not really desire to get happiness from this little toy. Just depriving the little kid of happiness was enough to make the villain happy.

And Yamauchi Sakura is such a villain. The reason why he said this is because Yukinoshita found that his previous eagerness to rush to the service department disappeared without a trace the moment he saw the shining door number.

With this thought in her head, she stopped, and Sakura who was following behind immediately bumped into her back.

"What are you doing, Yukino-chan? All the makeup on my face is on your clothes." Sakura complained.

"The content of today's club activity is to not talk for an hour."

Yukinoshita turned around, and their faces were almost touching. This is the most severe punishment she can think of. She wants this idiot Sakura to understand his status! After she finished speaking, she turned around and entered the classroom. She walked to her seat and started reading. Today she is reading a new book she just bought yesterday, a detective novel.

Yesterday, she got a notice early that none of the club members would come to school, so she simply didn't come to open the door, but chose to go to the bookstore to pass the time.

It's raining, drinking warm black tea, and reading an interesting novel. This kind of life is simply paradise.

This was how she spent yesterday. Because she was satisfied enough, even though Yamauchi Sakura kept sending photos of her family making kimonos together, it couldn't make any ripples in her heart. She even had the leisure to make her own kimonos after returning home at night. She sewed a small vest for "Mr. Pan" and planned to fight back fiercely when Sakura showed off today. This shows that she really is not envious at all.

After the sound of the classroom door being pushed shut, the classroom fell into silence. Only the sounds of clubs shouting commands outside that were having outdoor activities floated in, occasionally mixed with the sound of some musical instruments. Loud, the tone is strong and sharp; one moment it is a trombone, the sound becomes thick and full, and the next moment it becomes a tuba...

The instruments are constantly changing. People who don't know may think that the instructor is testing the level of school members. Only Yukinoshita knows that the more than ten kinds of instruments just now are just played by three people. If there is a instructor, he may be directly ashamed. The suicide was not because the members were too talented, but because they were too inferior. Although the instruments just played a short piece of music, none of them found the key.

Really, in that case, why not concentrate on practicing an instrument? If you want to succeed, you must first learn to focus! Yukinoshita was thinking endlessly. If she wanted to ask why she could judge the level of the performer from just a few pieces of music, it was because she had been involved in those instruments, but after reaching the entry-level mastery, she lost her ability due to physical strength. The question was given up.

Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that she was not reading but thinking. This is simply unbelievable for a dedicated genius like her. Even on Christmas in Hibiya Park, she can sit on a bench and read a novel without any distractions in the face of a flood of people.

Why can't I concentrate when I am so quiet now? She thought, and then her smart brain quickly found the answer - it was too quiet.

There has been no sound at all in this room since just now. Yukinoshita knows that in a noisy environment, people will enter the "distracted concentration" mode, thereby stimulating people's creativity, while an environment that is too quiet will People can't help but look for possible sounds.

In other words, this guy Yamauchi Sakura actually didn't say a word after he arranged today's club activities! ?

Realizing this, Yukinoshita Yukino had a horrified expression on her face.

How could she hold back and say nothing? !

Rather than believing that Yamauchi Sakura could suppress his desire to speak, Yukinoshita was more willing to believe that he accidentally fell asleep during the last class and that everything now was an illusion.

She turned her head mechanically, and when she saw Yamauchi Sakura's condition clearly, the fear on her face deepened.

Yamauchi Sakura is actually reading a book! ?

Even though she knew it was stupid to pinch herself to confirm whether she was dreaming, Yukinoshita couldn't help but do it at this time.

"What are you doing, Yukino-chan, pinching me suddenly." Sakura raised her head in displeasure.


Yukinoshita breathed out, that's right. There is absolutely no way this guy will shut up just because of his words. His words may not be 1% as effective to her as the boss of the welfare agency.

And now that the loser has been born, she did not get entangled in club activities, but asked curiously:

"What are you looking at?"

Yes, Yamauchi Sakura was actually reading a book, which was why Yukinoshita's expression became so panicked. This phenomenon cannot be said to be rare, it can only be said that it has never happened before.

Although Sakura actually surpassed herself in the last math quiz and got a perfect score, now Yukinoshita has figured out what's going on. That guy didn't study on his own at all. With a tutor like Hojo Kyosuke making up lessons every day, even a hot girl who is obsessed with dyeing her hair can easily get high scores.

Yamauchi Sakura hates reading books, let alone textbooks, and even graphic novels.

But such a person is actually reading a book now? What a terrifying thing!


Hearing Yukinoshita's question, Sakura closed the page of the book. She had only read for a short while, but her face was already visibly tired.

How much does this guy hate reading? ?

Seeing the other person's tired look, Yukinoshita couldn't help but complain in her heart. But at the same time, she was also curious about what kind of book it was that could make Sakura-sama so hard and insist on reading it.

"Are you curious, Yukino-chan?" Sakura teased, her expression changing from tired to playful. It would take an ultra-high-speed camera to capture her emotional changes.

"Why should I be curious about a book that a fool can read so attentively?" Yukinoshita responded coldly.

"Yes, why are you so curious, Yukino-chan?"

Who wouldn’t be curious about a book that can make even a fool read it with such concentration? Yukinoshita said to herself, but she could see that Sakura wanted to tease her so she had to suppress her curiosity. Fortunately, Sakura was very unusual today and actually handed over the book directly.

"Let me read it for you for a while first. I have exhausted my reading energy and need to take a rest."

Only then did Yukinoshita see clearly that it was not a white book cover, but simply white paper. It was just a stack of simply bound printing paper.

Turning the first page, she couldn't help but read a line of black words in a low voice.

""The Dream and Death of Writer K"?"

"It's Kyosuke's new book." Sakura said softly while lying on the table.

Yukinoshita turned around and saw the girl squinting her eyes and smiling like a fox.

"This is top-secret information that only 'ours' can see. You've made a lot of money, Yukino." Sakuragi giggled.

Ignoring the unclear words, Yukinoshita turned her head and continued to focus on the manuscript in her hand.

"Why would Hojo write a new book at this time?" She couldn't help but ask this question.

Long before she heard the name Hojo Kyosuke from her sister and mother, she had read "The Devotion of Suspect X", and mystery-themed novels were within her scope of interest. After getting to know Hojo Kyosuke, I couldn't help but pay more attention to the mystery novel world, so I naturally knew about the awards from the Mystery Association, and I also knew about the recent storm surrounding Hojo Kyosuke.

In fact, yesterday Yukinoshita was in the bookstore and read the books of the two judges who were the most vocal against Hojo Kyousuke's award. Each of them read three books. She wanted to see what kind of senior writer was qualified to issue such severe accusations against Hojo Kyousuke.

Although Hojo Kyosuke is a guy whose private life is so chaotic that even wild animals are shocked, Yukinoshita has never doubted his talent and talent. She watched "The Devotion of Suspect Liao read it after undergoing several rounds of spiritual baptism, hoping to see if Hojo Kyosuke's work could explain the extremely strange place.

The novels are all very good. After all, they are all adults who have won awards. This made the girl's after-school time very enjoyable yesterday. Even the cookies were delicious. But what makes Yukinoshita strange is that these two teachers are not good enough to criticize Hojo Kyosuke from such a high level?

Of course, she also looked at the works of several other candidates, and easily came to the conclusion that the grand prize should be awarded to Hojo Kyousuke. With her impartiality, this conclusion is naturally impersonal. In fact, if she really brought personal feelings to it, she would have to worry about whether winning the big prize for that guy would increase his arrogance and make his already outrageous love life even more confusing.

Therefore, this society is indeed wrong, and it is difficult for outstanding people to survive.

Although the initial goal was not achieved, Yukinoshita's Taoist heart became more determined.

As she was reading the book, she was thinking, what would she do if she were in Hojo Kyosuke's position and faced such a situation?

It didn't take long for Yukinoshita to get the answer, resist.

As a righteous superwoman...damn it! ! Why can't you delete this word from your head? !

The justice in her heart would not allow her to succumb to such unfair treatment. She would not talk shameless nonsense in newspapers and media like those "teachers", nor would she protest by refusing to attend the award ceremony. Instead, she would Dressed up, in front of all the judges and the media, he asked why he was not the winner.

Yukinoshita clearly knew that if she really did this, not only would she not be able to get the justice she deserved, but she would be met with overwhelming ridicule and a flood of doubts. After all, how can one person compete with society and the system with his own strength?

She knew that this was definitely not what a smart person would do, or even what a "normal person" would do, but apart from enduring it silently, accepting the dirty unspoken rules and being complicit with the other party, the girl could only think of this way to deal with it.

She also knew that if it were really her, there might be a better solution. After all, her mother and father both have deep connections and plenty of money. If she puts this kind of helpless thing in the hands of her sister and mother, she might They will be solved easily, after all, they are all "right people" who can adapt to and flexibly use social rules.

In the end, Yukinoshita had to admit with some frustration that she could not find a good solution. No matter how much she questioned or how thorough the arguments she found, it was really annoying to have no definite answer.

Today's Yukinoshita Yukino hates the incorrect world as always.

After the girl finished reading the book, she was sitting in the bookstore thinking absentmindedly. The kind-hearted shopkeeper not only gave her cookies, but also brought a desk lamp. So the bright bookstore and the gloomy sky outside seemed to be divided into two worlds, just like the girl and the world.

Yukinoshita Yukino is such a person who is loyal to herself and implements herself all the time.

So what will Kyousuke Hojo do?

This was the last question left in the girl's mind. At this moment, she finally realized why she was so eager to come to the service department.

She was curious and wondered how Hojo Kyosuke would respond.

He is a person who lacks a sense of justice and is also a smart person who can adapt to society. Yukinoshita knows this clearly. Apart from other things, just look at the very comfortable lunch place on the rooftop. You will know that Hojo Kyosuke is willing and good at using rules. He has never objected to taking shortcuts but rather likes them.

After all, there is no way that a man who can be valued by both his mother and sister can be as unpleasant an idiot as himself. (End of chapter)

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