Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 614: Is Mr. Hojo finally going to spread his glory to Hollywood?

In a corner of the hotel lobby, Kenzo Konno looked at the grand scene in the lounge area and spoke so excitedly that his speed increased:

"These are foreign friends who come to attend the award ceremony. We should be more tolerant. If the results are good this year, our association will continue to host it next year."

This is all merit! As a scholar, who doesn’t want to be praised for thousands of years? He may have shortcomings in literary talent, but if the association can become the world's number one in his own hands, then his name will be louder than Mr. Ranpo!

Where did the foreign friends come from? Isn’t the one with the loudest voice the internet celebrity?

Misaki Yasuko complained in her heart that the breasts manager had quietly left the rest area at some point. She was deeply impressed by Kusaka Hero because yesterday when he booked a room, he tried to use his celebrity status to get a discount from her. However, although she rolled her eyes in her heart at that time, she still used her managerial authority to give the other party a moderate discount. This was her way of survival.

Thinking of this, a beautiful smile appeared on her face and she said softly:

"Today is such a happy day, so it's natural for everyone to be a little excited. This is a reflection of the increasing influence of the Reasoning Association."

This woman's eloquence was truly remarkable. She could accurately pinpoint Kenzo's ticklish spots and make the man smile with just one sentence.

They don't care about foreign friends in their hotel, but the second sentence is a big deal if they hold an award ceremony in their own hotel tomorrow. Mystery novels are the most influential and popular serious (fog) literary works in Neon. The Mystery Writers Association is naturally one of the most influential associations. The place where they hold the awards ceremony every time is very powerful. It is not the Shogakukan. The annex, even places like the headquarters building of Fusigawa Bookstore, are all very influential places.

It can be said that the Reasoning Writers Association has been chosen as the venue, which is an honor in itself. It can be written in the hotel introduction that "it has served as the venue for the Neon Mystery Association Award Ceremony twice." If other organizations have similar needs, the chances of choosing them are much greater.

So when Misaki Yasuko heard this, she immediately beamed and waved a waiter over to see if there was anything Kusaka Hero needed help with.

On the other side, Kusaka Hero pointed at each other like a soldier on the battlefield, drawing frantically. In the world he described, everyone around Hojo Kyosuke had been blessed by the gods, and the future was bright.

"What about you, that gentleman? Yes, that's you. Are you already restless with excitement? Haha, that's understandable."

He looked at a man standing on the edge of the crowd. This guy must have been moved by the greatness of Mr. Hojo and my piety.

"Ah? I'm a waiter. Manager Misaki asked me to ask you if your mouth is dry after talking so much and if you want to drink water."

The honest-looking waiter answered honestly.

The frenzied air suddenly fell silent for a second, and then John Henry and others clapped their hands and burst out laughing. Iida, who was carrying the camera, even burst into laughter. The dramatic effect was so great. If it weren't for the director, he would have suspected that this was a scripted performance.

When Kusaka Hero heard this, a trace of astonishment flashed across his face, but he laughed out loud the next second:

"Oh! My dear friend! Becoming a waiter may be the wisest choice you have ever made!"

As soon as these words came out, even Hanada Taito, who was an original fan, couldn't hold back and asked why with a smile.

The hero of Japan smiled confidently and said reservedly:

"If you were not a waiter, you would not be lucky enough to witness this grand event today, and would not have the honor to hear the gospel of Mr. Hojo. Just like me, before I became a fan of Mr. Hojo, I was just a little unknown actor. Now, under the glory of Mr. Hojo, I have become the main protagonist of two TV series with a budget of 50 million, and a regular guest on a variety show for ten years.

And you, my friend, have you become a fan of Hojo-sensei now? "

The honest waiter was stunned for two seconds and said hesitantly:

"As long as you become a fan of Mr. Hojo, you can become a star?"


The hero of Japan gave a decisive answer:

"You will be the star of your own life!"

There was another burst of laughter, and the air was suddenly filled with joy. After meeting Taito Hanada and Hero Kusaka, all the publishers, film producers, editors, and clerks had their expectations for Hojo Kyosuke even higher. Thousands of degrees.

The reporter carrying the camera was asked to leave the hotel. When he was leaving, Nixia Yingxiong gave the other party a business card, and then introduced a TV station director to the other party, saying that if he wanted to sell the video, please contact him first, and he would definitely give a good price. of.

After sitting down, everyone became more interested in talking.

"Kusaka, you shouldn't be a star with your eloquence. If you were a salesperson, you would have become famous already." Hanada Taito sighed, this little star is really eloquent.

"No, no, no, I think he should become a missionary. Just now I thought I was in a cultist's den. His words were so inflammatory," John said.

Hero Kusaka took a sip of water, shook his head and said modestly:

"It's not that I'm good at eloquence. It's Mr. Hojo who is too charming. It's because of him that my words are so contagious. You don't believe me but him."

Hearing this, Hanada Taito thought about it and found that it was true. Although Kusaka Hero's words were exaggerated, they were all reasonable. He said that if a fashion magazine invited Mr. Hojo to be on the cover, it would definitely sell well. Mr. Hojo had attended several public events before, and the clothes he wore caused heated discussions. He said that if the waiter became a fan of Mr. Hojo, his life would change. He even cited his own example. Not to mention other movies and novels, Mr. Hojo's works themselves have achieved good results.

So several people began to praise Hojo Kyosuke collectively. The scene was very amazing, as if everyone shouted "Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord" together during church service.

"In fact, I just came to try my luck and thought about whether I could communicate with Mr. Hojo face to face. In fact, I never thought about getting the film adaptation rights of his works."

Henry said.

Others hurriedly asked why.

"Because there are people with much more power than me who are also chasing Mr. Hojo."

Henry shrugged and picked up the snacks brought by the waiter and started eating.

"As far as I know, the agents of two big Hollywood directors have already checked into the hotel. We were still waiting in the lobby to meet Mr. Hojo at the awards ceremony, but they had already met Mr. Hojo's agent, the yellow-haired man."

Hearing this inside information, especially related to Hollywood, Kusaka Hero and others immediately focused their attention and asked questions.

So Henry asked mysteriously in a low voice:

"You all know Hitchcock, right? Alfred Hitchcock."


Hearing this name, Kusaka Hero immediately screamed.

As long as you are a movie fan, it is impossible not to know this name, the master of suspense and thriller films, the first British sound filmmaker, the pioneer of the psychological thriller category, the Oscar for Best Director, and was awarded the title of knight.

In fact, the popularity of this great director in Japan is unimaginable to ordinary people. In Japan's hottest bubble years, on the day Hitchcock died, almost all the headlines of Japanese news were reporting this incident. Hokkaido Doo Shimbun, Osaka Asahi Shimbun and others expressed their condolences.

In 1980, the scene was no less tragic than when Yamaguchi Momoe announced her retirement and John Lennon was stabbed to death. It was a year of disasters.

"Could it be that he was inspired by Hojo Sensei and resurrected!?"

Hero Kusaka was ecstatic:

"Great, the king of suspense thrillers will shoot Hojo Sensei's works, and he will definitely be able to shoot the kind of artistic killing method! A match made in heaven!"

His lips were trembling with excitement.


Hearing this, the excitement on the faces of Hanada Taito and John froze, and they all looked at Hideo Kusaka with complicated eyes.

Is this guy mentally okay? Should I continue to be a fan of Hojo Sensei? If I continue to stay with such a guy, my head will also be broken.

Henry took out a hand towel from his pocket. It was unknown whether the fat man was prone to sweating or was frightened by Kusaka Hero's crazy talk. He wiped his sweat and said:

"Hitchcock is still dead and well for the time being. He probably has no plans to revive. The person I'm talking about is his student Mav Arauz, a great director who has won the Golden Globe Award and is called "Little Hitchcock" by Hollywood. He has been nominated for the Oscar for Best Director three times, and the industry is calling for him to win the award next time."

Kusaka Hero listened very attentively, swallowing three pounds of saliva.

It would be great if such a great director could take a fancy to him. He could wash himself and deliver himself to the door right now.

Sure enough, choosing to become a fan of Hojo Sensei is the wisest decision I have ever made in my life. Otherwise, he could only see this kind of Hollywood director in movie magazines, so how could he have the opportunity to meet him.

"What about the other one? "He asked eagerly, thinking about whether he could use his identity as "Hojo Kyosuke's number one fan" to join in, even if it was just a small role. When he returned to Japan from Hollywood, the advertising fee would be increased by at least two zeros!

Looking at the excited expressions of several new friends, Henry was very proud. This is the nobility of the film industry. Even if he is just a nobody, he can be packaged as a big shot at will, and ignorant girls can sleep with him without money.

It's a pity, why are they all men? Doesn't Hojo have female fans?

The fat man thought with some regret. If Kusaka Hero heard the other party's voice, even if the other party was from Hollywood, he would spit at him. Do you think that Hojo's female fans are also what you can covet? Do you think that you will be interested in other people after you have become a fan of Hojo?

"The other one, hum, have you heard of James Cameron? "Henry said mysteriously.

"No way..."

Now it was Hanada Taito's turn to widen his eyes. This name was so familiar. "Titanic" is still the most favorite American movie in Japan. If parents dare to say that they have not watched this movie together, they will be accused of not understanding romance.

"Henry, you must be some little Cameron, right?"

John said speechlessly, so Hanada Taito calmed down and felt that it was not a good day to go out. How come everyone he met was more suitable for sales than himself?

He entered the company when he was young, and when he was about to be fired, he used all his efforts to become a disciple of the company's sales champion. The teacher told him at that time that he must know how to pour ecstasy soup on customers, even if the person opposite him is a super ugly girl. You should also treat the other person as a beautiful woman, praise her constantly, let her open her heart, and then use your sweet words as a weapon to stab her in through any opening.

The Henry in front of him was raising the expectations of himself and others as a great director with a reputation in film history, and then using the great director to introduce the real character. Compared to directly naming the director behind, obviously this method can make people feel more seriously about the importance Mr. Hojo receives. After all, if you are called "Little XXX" now, it is not impossible that you will directly become XXX in the future.

That is, the two "Little Hitchcock" and "Little Cameron" are not here, otherwise Mr. Kusaka Hero would definitely say it again——

"Choosing to become a fan of Mr. Hojo is the most correct decision you have ever made in your life. Now you are "Little Hitchcock" and "Little Cameron". After putting Mr. Hojo's works on the big screen, you will become A super filmmaker who surpasses Hitchcock and Cameron! "

Well, this is not what Hanada Taito dreamed up, but what Hero Kusaka is shouting loudly at this moment. This man has completely forgotten what he said about Henry before and only wants to promote the cooperation between Hojo Kyosuke and two major Hollywood directors. , so that he can also take a ride.

After all, as far as he knew, Mr. Hojo was indeed very kind to his fans. Yesterday, he was obviously on a date with his girlfriend, but he stopped to sign autographs for fans. The release of the new book also generously gave away two additional comics. Although it is a bit evil, it is indeed a very high-quality idol.

As long as he can become Mr. Hojo's number one fan, wouldn't this little thing be easy?

The yellow-haired man that Mr. Henry mentioned just now is the best example. The Kusaka hero who has accumulated a lot of "Hojo Kyosuke's knowledge" and can even compile the "Hojo Kyosuke Bible" certainly knows him. His name is Kisaki Tetsuta. man.

He was obviously just a loser who had two big teeth knocked out by a bad boy in junior high school, but because he followed the right big brother and unswervingly followed Mr. Hojo, he is now able to negotiate cooperation with major Hollywood directors.

It is simply a lighthouse on the sea, a weather vane on the house, a guiding light, a role model for our generation!

"In short, even such a big director wants to send people to the scene to offer blessings and build relationships today when Mr. Hojo is about to win the award. How can a transparent person like me dare to expect that?"

Henry shrugged.

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