Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 624: Glass: Kyousuke-kun finally favors me. I'm so happy.

Chapter 624 Glass: Kyosuke-kun finally favors me~~ I’m so happy

Yamauchi Sakura, who was teasing Nishimiya Glass, suddenly closed her mouth, which made the blushing girl next to her breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Ah, Sakura, really, what does it mean to have picked out the winning underwear and treated herself as a gift to Kyousuke-kun to celebrate. Although today is indeed worthy of celebration, how can you say such a thing in front of everyone... Moreover, my sister and mother are here today, and Yuzuru's child must sleep with me. But you can also let your mother take Yuzuru to stay in a hotel. There happens to be a free room. Yuzuru seems so curious about this hotel...

Thinking of his sister's excitement as she ran around with a camera and took pictures as soon as she arrived at the hotel, Glass felt that this idea was very feasible. Mom would definitely be willing to accompany Yuzuru.

However, I am really not prepared to win the battle with underwear, so what should I do...

The girl who was so shy that her face turned red suddenly felt troubled.

"Ah~ Ni-chan, are you really thinking about H?"

The sudden sound from the side startled Glass.

"No way! Absolutely not!"

While she was quibbling wildly, her little head shook like a rattle. When she realized that the person speaking was Sakura, she looked around guiltily and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing clearly that no one had noticed the conversation between the two.


Kyousuke-kun must be very happy today. It would be great if I could make him happier. Then I would be happy too, Ni-chan.

She doesn't care about sex, she just wants Kyosuke-kun to be happy.

But today...

Nishimiya Glass pursed her lips, and her baby-fat little face was as round as a bun. She frowned slightly and looked around.'s definitely impossible today.

If anyone dares to sneak into Kyousuke's room alone on a day like today, let alone Eiri, I won't even agree to it!

Oh, what a pity.

Regretfully, he buried his thoughts quietly in his heart and thought quietly for a while. Glass suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He wrinkled his nose and thought for a while, and then realized that it was because Sakura didn't take the opportunity to make fun of him just now. She turned around and saw that Sakura had her ears straightened up like a little fox, looking intently in the direction of the restaurant door, her small ears even trembling slightly.

This is Sakura's unique skill, which she often showed off to herself when she was a child. In fact, it's not quite accurate to say she's showing off. Sakura just keeps insisting that trembling her ears can enhance her hearing, and she goes out of her way to persuade herself to practice with her, saying that this can improve her hearing.

"If you move your ears, I am the ear of the wind. If you put your little hands in front of your eyes, I am the clairvoyant."

This is a secret book on the art of war compiled by Sakura at that time. It is said to have a long history. She learned it from "Journey to the West" taught by Kyosuke-kun in the fourth grade.

Sakura is not teasing anyone, she really firmly believes that such behavior can make her voice heard more. Therefore, the teaching was extremely serious. Faced with Kyousuke-kun who looked helpless to dissuade him, Sakura even proposed to find a professional (Nishimiya Yaeko who works in the hospital) to judge whether it was of any use.

In the end, Sakura lost the opportunity to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine, not because the theory of moving the tips of the ears to enhance hearing was wrong, but because she simply could not learn to move her ears.

Nishimiya Glass studied hard for a long time, her face was so red that she could not move her ears even a micron, unless the observer was dazzled.

But it doesn't matter, Sakura-chan has a solution!

"Nitro-chan, don't worry, I will definitely let Kyosuke invent a machine that can help move your ears!"

Sakura said this, full of confidence.

Later, although the development of the "Shunfeng Ear Transformer" was still at the naming stage, Sakura, who was already a high school student, still did not give up her great theory that could benefit hearing-impaired people around the world. Occasionally, she would find a few talented people and teach them how to make their ears move.

First it was like this, then like this, and finally like that, swoosh, my ears started to move.

This is how Sakura taught her. In the "Hearing Ability Persons Association" she founded, in the last three years of her junior high school career, her association had a total of three members who could move their ears. It's a pity that those three people were able to move their ears before joining the club, but the amazing thing is that everyone insists that shaking their ears can indeed improve hearing. This seems to add a lot of detailed data to Sakura's great theory.

But Glass knew that in the face of Sakura's unreasonable appeal, even if Sakura said that the sun in the sky was actually Kyousuke-kun's left eye, let alone trivial things like shaking her ears to increase hearing, others would probably believe it. After all, during those three years of junior high school, another club Sakura founded was called the "Sophist Club".

As for the abandoned "Shunfeng Ear Transformer" project, Glass initially thought that Sakura had recognized the reality and gave up on the nonsense. But in fact, it is a symbol of the further evolution of Yamauchi Sakura's great theory!

The person who promoted this evolution was none other than Sawamura Spencer Eiri!

"Since moving the eyeballs can restore or enhance vision, the same goes for the ears!"

"You can't rely on external objects. A voice changer is just like glasses. It cannot make a substantial change. The only way is to attribute all great power to yourself!"

These words were called the enlightenment of a leader by Sawamura Spencer Eri, a loyal follower of "Yamauchi Sakura's Shunfeng Er Theory", and she was naturally very proud of them as observation materials.

Ah... speaking of this, I believe you all will understand it without the lovely Glass explaining it.

After a long period of time, the great Sakura-sama finally found someone who could realize her great ambition. Yes, Yinglili did something that Glass never did, she learned to shake the tips of her ears.

Just like what Sakura said, first it was like this, then like this, and finally like that, wow~~, the ears started to move.

In Glass's impression, during that time, Eirili would perform her magic tricks in front of others almost all day long. In Shiyu's words, "Eriniri could turn into a puppy with just one tail." Momotaro I was excited to think that my best friend had finally awakened the memory of his past life.

Eirili didn't pay attention to the witch's ridicule at all. Instead, she approached Kasumigaoka even more proudly, twitching her left ear and then her right ear.

One can imagine what would happen to Shiyu who was so competitive that she would even fight for a long time about whose fan Kyosuke-kun would become first. She was immediately furious to death, so Sakura had another student.

By the next day, there were two more wailing people in the house. One was Yinglili who was shaking her ears frequently and causing cramps. She was covering her ears and moaning in discomfort. The other was Shiyu who could only grit her teeth and strain hard because she couldn't move her ears. Her strength was not used to shake her ears, but all her strength was used. I used it to grind my teeth, and my jaw was so sore that I felt like my teeth were about to fall out.

So my Kyousuke-kun could only gently help Yinglili's ears with his left hand, and massage Shiyu's cheeks with his right hand. At the same time, he had to dissuade Yinglili from touching her ears anymore.

"I-I don't want to either, I can't control it anymore! I just can't help but want to move my ears!"

Yinglili was crying like this. Her ears were not the part she was allowed to move. How could she withstand playing with them like toys. But it doesn't matter, she has a solution! Just focus on your chores and you can make your ears forget about them!

But even so, Eiri, like Sakura, insists that shaking the ears can indeed enhance hearing, and the effect is as good as eye exercises!

However, I remain skeptical about Nijiang. After all, in front of Shiyu, Yinglili will insist that it is an elegant aristocratic style even if she drinks bottled iced tea.

Now seeing Sakura shaking her ears again, Glass knew that she must have heard something.

Quietly speaking, Kyosuke-kun has actually explained to himself many times that such behavior will not help his hearing. Every time he heard Kyousuke-kun's dissuasion, Glass felt as happy as pouring in a pack of popping candies, causing those pink floating clouds to turn into somersault clouds.

Because, Kyosuke-kun is very, very partial to Sakura. Not to mention that vibrating the ears can enhance hearing. Even if Sakura asks him to make a "Shunfeng Ear Voice Changer", he will do it without hesitation and help Sakura deceive others, such as Eiri.

But at that time, Kyousuke-kun was worried that he would be disappointed because he couldn't learn to shake his ears, so he actually said in front of everyone that Sakura's theory was false and told him not to care.


Glass is really happy. It turns out that Kyousuke-kun's heart is not only biased towards Sakura, but Kyousuke-kun is also willing to favor herself!

Ah~~I’m really, really, really happy!

Even if it was in a corner, it was the first time that Nishimiya Glass knew clearly that he had the same position as Yamauchi Sakura in Kyousuke-kun's heart.

As a result, Nishimiya Glass, who felt a little regretful and sad in his heart, instantly had a beautiful smile on his face. It is as humble and small as an orange flower, and it exudes a sweet and sour fragrance like an orange flower.

Of course! Glass, I didn’t lose my mind because I couldn’t learn to shake my ears and recover my hearing. Only Eirili would believe that kind of thing! Glass' sadness just felt that he had failed Yamauchi Sakura's kindness, and he was disappointed that he could not respond to this pure kindness.

Smiling happily, Glass tried his best to pretend to be serious and said to Kyousuke-kun:

"Kyosuke-kun, you can't say that. Sakura's hearing has obviously improved. Don't worry about me, Kyousuke-kun. I will continue to work hard!"

Although it is so happy to be favored, Ni-chan is not an idiot like Eiri, and she has to hug Sakura tightly. After all, this is her first friend!

"Who's here?"

Nishimiya Glass asked with a smile. She couldn't hear subtle sounds in the distance. If the power of the hearing aid was adjusted to that high, the sound of the three-bladed steak knife and fork falling on the fat man next to her would make her ears bleed.

Of course, it may not be that her hearing is bad, but that Sakura's ears really turned into soft ears when she moved, hehe~~

Glass didn't care at all, just like when Zhihua shook her shoulders when she didn't hear the teacher's roll call clearly in class, she would only be grateful instead of envious and jealous.

"Yes, my parents, Glass's mother, and Yuzuru are all here, and there's also a strange voice. It seems to be Kei's friend, right?"

Yamauchi Sakura reported.

Megumi Kato, who was silently observing from the side, did not expect that Sakura had become a strong person who could see through his own invisibility. Maybe it was because he studied with Kyousuke-kun every day, right?

Thinking this, Hui frowned slightly and listened, but heard nothing.

Noticing the girl's appearance, Yamauchi Sakura immediately began to proudly promote her great doctrine. Glass quickly interrupted:

"anything else?"

Based on her understanding of Sakura, if only Uncle Yamauchi and the others came, Sakura would never stare at the door so intently. Um... I'm sorry, Uncle Yamauchi, Aunt Yamauchi, I'm not saying Sakura doesn't care about you, it's just...

"Hehe, of course, Kyousuke is here too~~" Sakura smiled and lowered her voice.

Yes, of course Sakura prefers Kyosuke-kun who she can see every day when she opens her eyes compared to her parents who she can see every day when she goes home.

She is also very partial~

Just when Hui wondered if Sakura was talking nonsense again, she heard the sound coming from the door.

His friend Ohashi Renko walked in first, followed by a shorter boy.

Oh... Renzi found the target so quickly? But is she actually a party in the next year?

Hui opened her mouth in surprise.

"Hey, Hui, this sister has super good photography skills. She just took a lot of beautiful photos for me. You must try it too. It's really awesome! It's completely different from what I took. It feels like her camera The me in the hotel is an ordinary accommodation for rich people, but the me in my mobile phone is a vain ghost who borrowed a loan shark to come to the hotel to take pictures and pretend to be a rich person.

Oh, Yuzuru, everyone has already ordered the dishes, how about taking some more pictures? Me holding the red wine? Huh? Why is there no red wine, only juice? Forget it, let’s pretend it’s Coke…”

Amidst the chattering, the girl Kato Megumi silently closed her mouth, trying hard to control her sense of existence, hoping that her friend could completely forget about herself.

Also, is it a girl? Oh yes, Sakura said that she is Glass's younger sister, she looks so exquisite.

She looked at the girl next to her friend. She had medium-length broken hair, which gave her a refreshing and youthful look. Coupled with the exquisite female facial features, she looked even more handsome.

As beautiful as Glass, it's really hard for her to be tortured by Renzi. Please ask Glass to apologize to her later.

However, Nishimiya Yuzuru did not look like she was being tortured. For her, who had only taken photos of dead insects and birds in the past, it was indeed a joy to have a live model who was so cooperative. For this reason, it doesn’t matter even if you have to cooperate with the other person to take some silly photos.

As expected of Kyousuke-nii's friends, they are all good people.

The little girl thought happily, and decided to ask Sister Yinglili to be a model for her for a while later. A luxurious hotel, a foreign woman with noble blood and exquisite appearance is a perfect match. She had watched a detective movie, which started with a white-skinned foreign beauty wearing a Victorian dress being murdered on the red carpet in the hotel lobby.

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