Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 639 Final Selection

It was already past two in the afternoon. A lot of people had come to the restaurant during lunch. After lunch, most of them stayed to chat and wait for the final selection. Hojo Kyosuke's fathers-in-law were finally no longer alone.

Among them, two editors from the publishing house had a good relationship with Hojo Kyosuke. Because of the love-hate relationship last time, the novel editor Akamatsu Yuki disliked the comics editor Shimomura Tetsuya very much. After sitting down, he squeezed him in various ways. The latter didn't care. Whether Hojo Kyosuke could win the award was related to his subsequent plans.

Once the news of Hojo Kyosuke's winning was announced, the promotion of detective comics would also take advantage of the situation and be directly forced to bind.

Friends in the literary world, such as Misaki Megaku, Wancheng Yaji, etc., Kizaki Tetsuta in the school, the vice president of the kendo club and the president of the baseball club...

In addition, there were the newly connected congressman Yamaguchi Daisuke, the little star Kusaka Hideo, and a bunch of shameless foreigners who came up. The happiest one among them was Hanada Taito, who stayed in the hotel for his idol.

When he first saw Hojo Kyosuke, he was going to bow to express his excitement, but he ended up bowing while shouting, "You bastard, why don't you continue?", which made everyone present laugh. The scene was very lively. People who didn't know would think that Hojo Kyosuke was already having a celebration party when they walked into the restaurant.

Main entrance of Tokyo Daiichi Hotel

There was only half an hour left before the final selection began. The number of reporters crowded at the door was three times more than in the morning. If Hanada Taito saw so many dark shots, he would be scared to death without any procedures.

At this moment, a black car stopped at the door one by one.

The reporters immediately rushed up, the car door opened, and a man who was only 1.6 meters tall "jumped" out.

Nishizawa Naka, one of the five judges of the award committee, had a very bad relationship with Oosaka Tsuyoshi, and was the first person that Hojo Kyosuke gave up on.

It should be said that people's life is really a blessing in disguise. Because of his clear position, Nishizawa Yang was directly abandoned by Hojo Kyosuke, while Kurokawa Toyomasa and Naganuma Hiroki, who seemed to have great hope of winning over, were tortured by Hojo Kyosuke and his "accomplices" and lost their face.

Not to mention that as a person who clearly opposed Hojo Kyosuke's award from the beginning, Nishizawa Yang attracted many people who hated Hojo Kyosuke very much, including Matsumoto Motohiro of "Sankei Shimbun", several veterans of the Reasoning Association who wanted to set things right, actor Kamiki Hikaru who failed to get the heat and was ridiculed, and councilman Nishi Takeshi who wanted to uphold justice in a different way...

So at this moment, Nishizawa Yang was very proud and even rushed to be the first to get off the car.

"Teacher Nishizawa, Teacher Nishizawa, please wait a moment!"

As the messy voice sounded, a black and thick microphone was stuffed directly into Nishizawa Yang's mouth. He couldn't stop even if he didn't want to, because of his height, many microphones that couldn't fit into his mouth were directly pushed against his head.

Damn, what a presumptuous fellow!

With a curse in his heart, Nishizawa Yang reached out and pushed the microphone away, glared at the staff beside him, and signaled the other party to help him clear the way for him to enter.

The staff was very perceptive and immediately stepped forward to separate Nishizawa Yang and the reporters and shouted:

"Please pay attention to order, Mr. Nishizawa will accept everyone's interview!"

Hearing this, the reporters who walked slower finally completed the encirclement of Nishizawa Yang, and now he was surrounded by people in front, behind, and on both sides.

"Mr. Nishizawa, as a judge who opposed Mr. Hojo Kyosuke's winning the award from the very beginning, what are your expectations for the final selection that is about to begin?"

"Mr. Nishizawa, Mr. Nishizawa, this time the selection will also continue the previous ideas, right? Yesterday, you said in an exclusive interview with "Sankei Shimbun" that you would never allow a little kid like Mr. Hojo to win the award. Have you convinced the other judges?"

"Mr. Nishizawa..."

The questions that came one after another were as noisy as five or six bee colonies rioting at the same time, and the people's heads were about to explode.

But at this time, Nishizawa Yang had no time to blame the staff who had no vision. Instead, he had to refute the reporter's words quickly. Although every word of the other party hit his heart, there was also a trap that would make him fall into an irreversible trap.

"First of all, I am not against Mr. Hojo winning the award, but I think "The Door on the Half Slope" is more qualified to win the award. I have no intention against Mr. Hojo, and I don't think Mr. Hojo is a brat! On the contrary, as a member of the Neon Mystery Association and a senior in the mystery literature world, I am very happy to see such an excellent young author like Mr. Hojo. It is precisely because of the continuous injection of fresh blood that the Neon literary world can..."

Nishizawa Yang had a smile on his face. While saying words that conform to the correct values, he cursed the reporter in his heart for forcing him to say these words.

Just as he was being interviewed, the doors of several cars behind him opened, and the second person to get out was Tsuyoshi Osaka.

The reporters who had just swarmed in front of Nishizawa Yang saw it and rushed over again. This time, they didn't catch up with the reporters behind them.

It's still the same trick, adding fuel to the fire, confusing right and wrong, calling a black cat a white cat. There's no need to question the integrity of the Japanese paparazzi. It can't be said that there is none at all, but it can only be said that it's darker than a black hole.

He directly said that Oosaka Tsuyoshi was Hojo Kyosuke's gay friend, saying that he stood firmly on Hojo Kyosuke's side for love, and asked him if he would firmly defend his love if someone wanted to tarnish it now.

Some people also asked whether the strong tension between Osaka Tsuyoshi and Nishizawa Osamu was caused by hatred.

Osaka Tsuyoshi, who was just watching Nishizawa Osamu's jokes, immediately felt overwhelmed. As a writer, he always had to face literary newspapers and media, and everyone would maintain the dignity of being a cultural person. However, most of the media that were recorded here today were gathered because of the recent wave of heat caused by Hojo Kyosuke and the Mystery Association. There were countless gossip magazines and unscrupulous tabloids.

If this was a private chat, Osaka Tsuyoshi would definitely say, "With Nishizawa Osamu's embarrassing appearance, why would he compare with Hojo? His mother would not agree", and use his friend Hojo Kyosuke's handsome face to mock Nishizawa Osamu. However, if he dared to say this in this situation, these unscrupulous media would immediately confirm that he was gay.

Ah, bah, what facts, made up.

Somewhat at a loss, Tsuyoshi Osaka immediately pulled out Kurokawa Toyomasa, who had just held a press conference and was very good at dealing with reporters and the public, and asked the old senior to help him explain.

Kurokawa Toyomasa, who was originally planning to quietly walk into the hotel with a blank expression, felt even worse, but he had to force a smile, saying that the relationship between the judges was very harmonious and there was no fighting. Everyone was passionate about literature, so they would do their best to protect their favorite works.

It took more than ten minutes for several people to get rid of the reporters and walk into the hotel.

The large elevator was full of people, but it was very quiet. No one wanted to discuss the interview that the reporter had just conducted. Although it sounded good, if the relationship was really good, how could the award committee choose the five of them as judges? What they wanted was for everyone to stir up trouble.

Suddenly, a laugh suddenly rang out in the quiet elevator.

Kurokawa Toyomasa knew without looking that it was Tsuyoshi Osaka standing next to him who was laughing. Turning around, he found that the fat guy was smiling.

What's so funny? Are you happy because the reporter said you are gay?

Complaining in his heart, Kurokawa also followed the other person's line of sight, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

This laugh made the others who were suppressing their laughter laugh out loud.

In the corner on the left side of the elevator, Nishizawa Osamu, who was only 1.6 meters tall in leather shoes, was held in the arms of a burly man who was 1.8 meters tall, tidying up his hair and clothes that had just been messed up by the microphone.

The sturdy man was Nishizawa Osamu's secretary and his wife.

The reason why Nishizawa Osamu was instantly elected as the backbone elite of the anti-Kyosuke Hojo alliance was because he and Kyosuke Hojo had an absolutely irreconcilable conflict.

In Kyosuke Hojo's new work "The Dream and Death of Writer K", the protagonist writer K encountered many setbacks and finally did not win the award. Instead, he killed all the unfair judges and finally got his "beautiful wife" Miss Tianzi.

In reality, Nishizawa Yang was a disciple of a famous figure in the mystery novel world. He worked hard and wrote many of his works under the name of the famous figure. In the end, he married the famous figure's 1.85-meter-tall Miss Qianjin, who could run a horse on her shoulders. In the end, he won the grand prize with the help of the famous figure's father-in-law. It can be said to be a happy ending.

Miss Qianjin is very much like her father. When Nishizawa Yang thought that he had reached the peak of his life and could spend his life in wine and women to find inspiration, she resolutely came out and directly took over many jobs such as Nishizawa Yang's life assistant and work secretary.

People in the Dahan Mingguo often say that there are three things that cannot be avoided in a person's life: death, taxes and Samsung. For Nishizawa Yang, his life can be condensed into two words-wife.

The wife who can run a horse on her shoulders said that although the two cannot live together, they can die together. If one day she is going to die, she will definitely kill herself first.

But when others are saying that Hojo Kyosuke is fighting against the rotten old system with his own strength, people who know Nishizawa Yang's story say that Hojo Kyosuke is laughing at Nishizawa Yang.

Now, looking at Nishizawa Yang who was being manipulated like a rag doll in the arms of the strong man, and thinking about all of Hojo Kyosuke's girlfriends who were all stunning, Osaka Tsuyoshi's laughter became even more rampant.

Nishizawa Yang himself felt ashamed and wanted his wife to stop, but his wife only helped him to adjust his collar, which had already lifted his feet off the ground, so how could he dare to say another word?

The strong man himself felt that his laughter was too noisy, so he turned around and glared at the person who was laughing, and everyone immediately shut up.


Let you be rampant for a while, and when you meet Hojo, let Miss Miyamizu teach you what it means that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens!

Osaka Tsuyoshi said angrily in his heart.

The group took the elevator to the fourth floor, and the signboard had been placed at the door.

As the figures of the staff disappeared, the door of the "CATTLEYA" conference room closed.

The final selection officially began.

The reporters who blocked the door for interviews had already sent the latest information to the newspapers and magazines behind them. Although it was not the time for weekly newspapers to be released, it did not affect their release of the latest news on the Internet.

The words of the previous judges were all distorted and their original meanings could not be seen. The photos were even more played with. Osaka Tsuyoshi's bewildered look was interpreted as disdain for Nishizawa Osamu, and there were several large words next to his head saying "Standing on the same side as Hojo Sensei, I don't know how to lose!"

Nishizawa Osamu was also played with. The editor of the unscrupulous tabloid photoshopped him with a smile on his face and his strong wife, and the picture next to him said "Let's see who has thicker arms. My wife is not bad either!"

The closer it gets to the final result, the more monsters and ghosts there are on the Internet, and various predictions emerge one after another.

Since the release of Hojo Kyosuke's new book, the attention received by this Neon Mystery Association Award has been unprecedentedly high. After that, he dragged Kenzo Chino to the show, and the association was reformed again. Every selection discussion was live broadcast, and the whole network voted... The heat has never dropped.

Originally, Kenzo Chino also planned to live broadcast the final selection this time, but it was strongly opposed by many people in the association. It doesn't matter if everyone watches the previous discussion. It's just a show to fool the people. But if the final selection is also live broadcast, it would be too disgraceful. At this time, the truth must be told!

Among the people who opposed it, there are many old predecessors who have a close relationship with Kenzo Chino, so he had to give up this tempting idea.

Without live broadcasts, netizens can only focus on the online accounts of various media. Everyone doesn't care whether the news is true or false, as long as it is interesting enough. It's better to say that the more exaggerated and false it is, the more they will be addicted.

Some websites even have "guessing contests" open, allowing people to "express their feelings" for their favorite works.

"...So, precisely because you want to support Minister Hojo, Zaimokuza, you should bet on others."

Hikigaya persuaded earnestly:

"If Mr. Hojo wins the prize in the end, you will be happy, and this is likely to be the result of your betting on others. If he doesn't win, you can use the prize money to buy gifts to comfort him, isn't that a happy ending?"

Zaimokuza thought for a while, and pointed his thick finger at the name of Hojo Kyosuke.

"Baga Hachiman! Don't try to fool me, you must have bet on Mr. Hojo!"


Hikigaya lowered his head and sighed regretfully.

Seeing this, Totsuka Ayaka pursed her lips and said:

"Well... In this case, I will do what you said, Hachiman."

Hikigaya, who had failed to deceive Zaimokuza, was immediately moved to tears:

"No! Ayaka, you must suppress Minister Hojo, otherwise you will lose everything!"

Angel? This must be an angel!

Thanks to the big guys for their monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and rewards, thank you!

The remaining 4,000 words will be updated before 3 o'clock

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