Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 660 I want to see Kyousuke happy

In the end, Hojo Kyosuke was driven away by a group of writer friends because this guy deliberately looked proud. Either he raises his hand and breathes into the watch to wipe the surface, or he raises the uncalibrated watch to others and asks if the watch is broken.

His seemingly complacent behavior succeeded in eliminating the looming barriers between him and his friends. When he became famous at a young age, when his friends looked at his young face and then thought about his achievements, it was inevitable that there would be a gap and a gap would arise.

This is not what Hojo Kyousuke wants to see. If he wants to be flattered, he will immediately rush back to the organization's dojo. Those idiot subordinates will probably immediately dance around him like primitive people worshiping fire. As a friend, it is better to be more normal. After all, a person cannot make progress if he cannot hear criticism.

"I have to become stronger. I hope you will be the one to judge me next time, Hojo!"

Wancheng Yaji finally offered his blessings. He sincerely felt that all authors should thank Hojo Kyosuke because he helped everyone create a new path. Everyone who has doubts will disappear as soon as he raises his head and sees Hojo Kyosuke standing at the top. You can know this just by looking at the new authors who were discussing enthusiastically around Michio Kotaro.

"It turns out that mystery novels can be so interesting."

"Yes, I will stand in front and wait for you."

Hojo Kyosuke smiled modestly, then smiled and greeted many people he didn't know, and returned to his comfort zone.


He had just sat down next to Sakura and was about to take his sister from Eiri's arms when he received a kick on his calf.


With an extremely angry voice, Eirili hugged Kashiko tightly with both small hands and looked at someone angrily:

"Did you already know that those people were going to cause trouble? Why didn't you tell me and tell everyone earlier! Everyone has been worried here for a long time. Just now that woman at Kasumigaoka almost..."

"It's impossible for me to be impulsive. I suggest you find another person to lie to."

Kasumigaoka's understatement forced Eiri to change her next words.

"... Just now Ni-chan's face turned pale with worry! She almost rushed to the stage!"

The little golden retriever decisively picked up a soft persimmon and pinched it.

Hojo Kyousuke turned his head and looked at Glass. Well, that beautiful face was indeed very white. He was looking at him with a pursed lips and a smile, but he couldn't see the nervousness that Eiri said. However, anyone with normal intelligence would know that Yinglili was embarrassed, so he just casually patted his trouser legs with his hand, followed the example of Nijiang with a docile giggle and said:

"Okay, okay, it's my fault. I'm sorry for making you worry. Sorry, Yinglili."

Perhaps because she didn't expect someone to admit her mistake so easily, Eiri was a little stunned for a moment. Her head was shut down for a while, and she finally woke up when she felt Prince Kazuo squeeze her hand. The girl immediately deceived her head and pouted her little mouth. He muttered loudly:

"I'm not worried about you! I just think you're looking down on me!"

Right, that is it!

Eiriri completed self-hypnosis in an instant. Kyosuke must have felt that he was unable to help him, so he hid it from himself! Really, this idiot, if he had said it earlier, how could he let the old man cause trouble on such an important day?

The girl was instantly angry, today was Kyousuke's big day! This bastard is so careless!

She immediately wanted to give this idiot a good education, but when she turned around and saw that cat-like smiling face, she lost all energy, and even her tone of voice weakened:

"Today is not just important to you, everyone is happy."

As Yinglili spoke, she couldn't help but avoid the chore worker's satisfied gaze, but as soon as she turned her face away, she couldn't help but turn back.

"I want to see Kyousuke accept the award happily and see everyone worship Kyousuke..."

Her voice became lower and lower, as if she was talking in her sleep.

In the end, maybe she realized that everyone was looking towards her, so the blond girl suddenly raised her voice:

"Next time! Next time, I must tell everyone in advance! Did you hear me? You should never carry it alone when you encounter difficulties!"

The proud princess bared her cute little tiger teeth and ordered.

"As you command~"

Hojo Kyosuke agreed with a playful smile. There were too many people around, otherwise he would have to add the word princess. It's not that he would be embarrassed based on his face, but once he said it, Eirili would be so embarrassed that she would faint. Mitsuha and Shiba-senpai would definitely be jealous after that, and Yukinoshita should look at her like a scumbag again. .

Um? No, why does this guy look at me so strangely?

Hojo Kyosuke's eyes swept over Yukinoshita Yukino, and he was immediately startled. It wasn't that Lord Justice Superman finally couldn't help but want to execute him with his eyes. On the contrary, he had never seen respect in Yukinoshita's eyes like at this moment.

Well, from the moment they first met, Hojo Kyosuke has established himself as a scumbag in the eyes of Yukinoshita Yukino, well, a scumbag. So even though he has become a big figure who can influence national legislation, he still lacks personality in the eyes of Miss Yukinoshita.

After thinking about it, Hojo Kyousuke was about to ask Yukinoshita if he had finally discovered his integrity, but the latter turned his head very abruptly, clearly refusing to talk.

Well, the genius girl is like this. Someone raised his eyebrows, then replied to the words of the children at the table, took off the watch from his hand and handed it to Yotsuba and Yuzuru to appreciate.

In fact, Yukinoshita Yukino's curiosity and thirst for knowledge are so strong that she is eager to discuss with Hojo Kyosuke about the things that happened at the award ceremony today. She wants to know how Hojo feels when he is targeted, how he came up with a counterattack strategy, whether he wants to do anything after experiencing such a thing, and whether Hojo...

In short, the black-haired girl wants to know how Hojo Kyosuke, who was treated unfairly because of his own excellence, took a completely different path from her.

Why are our endings so different?

Yukinoshita Yukino's heart was full of countless thoughts, and her little face was flushed for a while, and her little hands on her thighs under the tablecloth were clenched tightly. She was trying very hard to restrain herself, restraining herself from disturbing Sakura, Glass and others who were sharing the joy with Hojo Kyosuke.

The girl was restraining herself, but Hojo Kyosuke did not ignore her.

"Here, this is the bonus, haven't you seen it?"

Someone handed over an envelope, and Yukino subconsciously took it and looked down stupidly.

Hmm...pure white envelope, about half a centimeter thick, I have never seen it before...No wonder! How could I not have seen it before!

The black-haired girl was annoyed by being teased. She frowned and was about to speak, but she pinched the opening of the envelope with her fingers.

Or, take a good look? After all, it was Hojo's good intention. The prize money awarded by the Neon Mystery Writers Association was indeed something I had never seen before.

So Yukinoshita carefully opened the envelope and took out the neatly arranged banknotes inside, all of which were Fukuzawa Yukichi.

"One, two, three..."

? ? ?

Eriri's eyes widened suddenly. She clearly heard the sound of Yukino counting money. She immediately turned her head and saw Yukinoshita counting money awkwardly.

Unlike the pleasing movements of professional storage, Yukinoshita Yukino was more like playing cards. She lowered her head to avoid wrinkling the banknotes while counting them carefully, with her brows slightly frowned.

Ah... stupid is so cute...

Eri blinked her eyes. She didn't expect to see this scene from Yukinoshita, who was as cold as a rabbit on the moon.

She turned around and saw that Sakura and Yangno had taken out their phones to record the video.

Little Kashiko was watching with interest and reached out to grab the money. Yukinoshita hesitated and handed the part that had been counted to the little girl, but still seriously reminded her not to mess around, and by the way, she popularized the importance of coins.

Kashiko nodded blankly, not knowing whether she regretted reaching out, but then she also imitated sister Yukino and became familiar with it. Now she can only count to ten, and she starts a cycle every time she reaches ten.

Hojo Kyosuke looked at the two girls, one big and one small, and smiled. He didn't expect Yukinoshita to be a little money-grubber.

He was very busy at the moment. Eriri looked the most angry, but she was relieved after a little coaxing. Others like Mitsuha, Shiyu and Miki were also very angry and worried about him. So he was pretending to be proud, telling the story like a storyteller how he discovered the conspiracy of Tsuruta Masajo and his gang, and how he used his intelligence to kill the enemy, and it took a while to make the girls laugh.

He was relieved after everyone gathered around the prize watch to admire it, and then he was about to go to his parents and parents-in-law, but he heard Mitsuha suddenly say:


He turned around and saw the girl's snow-white neck straight, with her pointed chin pointing to the right. Hojo Kyosuke looked over and immediately closed his eyes in pain.

Seeing someone like this, Mitsuha laughed out loud:

"Mr. Naito and Yamamura Ono have been waiting there since the award ceremony began. When Tsuruta Masajo stood up to speak, Mr. Naito was ready to rush up and arrest him."

When Naito Akifumi and Yamamura Ono, who were wearing black suits, saw Hojo Kyosuke's gaze, they immediately waved their hands and prepared to come over. Someone quickly gestured to tell them to wait.

"Ah... I forgot about that."

Hojo Kyosuke sat down next to Mitsuha again and whispered:

"It's such a pity. I thought I could have a good drink with Uncle Miyamizu tonight, but now it seems that there is no time."

This guy shook his head while talking, and his tone sounded very regretful.

Mitsuha Miyamizu laughed and bumped his forehead against someone's shoulder. The regret on the latter's face disappeared instantly, and he was very happy with a hippie smile.

"Sure enough, did you foresee the situation tonight? That's why you told Mr. Naito that you would go to the main dojo today?"

The girl raised her delicate eyebrows and asked fiercely.

"Hehe, you are worthy of being the goddess of the gods. You found this out~"

Hojo Kyosuke did not deny it, and even felt proud.

It is not easy to enjoy the blessing of having many wives. Last time, Mr. Miyamizu was the only one who attended the awards ceremony of the Honya Awards, and it was so difficult. Tonight, there is a super family photo. Later, the question of who to toast first will be enough to give me a headache for a long time. Uncle Miyamizu is a stubborn donkey. You can get him drunk directly, but he will only grit his teeth and secretly hold a grudge afterwards. But this time, there are also Nozomi's mother and Sakura's mother. You can't get them all drunk to relieve their worries, right?

As the saying goes, if you don't plan for the future, you will have immediate worries. So Hojo Kyosuke started planning after the Honya Awards. It happened that Naito Akifumi came up impatiently, which was just right for him.

It’s not that I don’t want to celebrate with my father-in-law and mother-in-law, it’s really hard to disobey the teacher’s orders.

Well, this guy Kyousuke Hojo even specifically reminded Naito Akashi to call Yamamura Ono Shihan over.

"Shall I go with you later?" Sanye asked.

"Well, isn't that of course? Going to that kind of Hongmen Banquet, where is the Nara female swordsman with so little information?" Someone was still smiling.

Sanye's little nose wrinkled and she said fiercely: "I hope someone can beat you up, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to dad tomorrow."

"Hey, I'll hide behind you."

"I don't care about you!"

The girl said very playfully, then stretched out her hand to push Hojo Kyosuke:

"Hurry up and go to dad's side. He has looked here a dozen times. If you don't go there, he will come here to urge you."

Mitsuha is still considerate, Hojo Kyousuke sighed in his heart, and without delay, he stood up and went to Naito Akashi to say hello to the two people, and then walked to his parents' table together.

Now, Hojo Mikiko couldn't see the nervousness of gnashing her teeth before. She was enjoying the congratulations from her relatives with a relaxed and comfortable look. When Hojo Kyosuke sat down, she hugged her precious son's arm and kept talking about how awesome it was. .

The father-in-laws, including Mr. Spencer, inevitably asked what the farce was about. Hojo Kyosuke changed the story he had told the girls before to make it more serious and told it again, reducing the self-bragging part and adding more behind-the-scenes stories. consider. Because the subject matter type is controversial, it must go through a struggle to gain a foothold. Everything is under control.

After talking a lot, Akashi Naito and Ono Yamamura were introduced to everyone.

When Mr. Miyamizu and Mr. Yukinoshita heard that the plain-looking man in front of them was actually the teacher who taught Hojo Kyosuke, a genius in kendo, they were immediately shocked. They pulled Yamamura Ono out of curiosity, but the latter never expected it. How could he, who was so humble in the dojo, receive such attention? Now he began to brag without any hesitation.

Hojo Kyousuke also took the opportunity to tell him that he could not have a celebration banquet with everyone that night and was going to the Beichen Ittoryu family dojo. When Hojo Mikiko heard this, she immediately pouted to express disappointment. Someone shouted in her heart, mother, don’t make trouble at this celebration banquet. You really can't go there, someone will die.

Fortunately, Naito Akashi was very powerful and immediately stood up and bowed and apologized, saying that even Dogeza would have to take Hojo Kyosuke away today.

So all the father-in-laws and mothers-in-law expressed their understanding, except Toshiki Miyamizu who looked unwilling. He has been drinking secretly at home every day for this period of time. He feels that he has recovered more than 80% of his power in his heyday, and he is just waiting to avenge his shame today and vow to drink both Hojo and his son down. As a result, the Hojo kid was about to escape before the plan even started? (End of chapter)

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