Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 676 Okay, I am the villain

For a moment, Hojo Kyosuke almost thought he was not in Japan. Because even otakus like Zaimokuza Yoshiki and Hikigaya Hachiman did not think of the 18x story when they heard about this amnesia ability. They were so pure.

If my general Eriri was here, she would definitely make these guys commit seppuku to apologize to this land and this country.

But then Hojo Kyosuke suddenly realized that the people here were basically people who had been practicing kendo since junior high school, and even their work was for kendo. I'm afraid they only have swords in their minds. Thinking of this, someone was a little relieved, because compared to these people who only knew how to practice swords, his lovely subordinates at least had motorcycles in their minds.

Ignoring Zaimokuza who was sweating profusely, he smiled and nodded to the two cute girls next to Hikigaya. It's Hikigaya's sister, she's really cute, but my Kashiko is still cuter.

Oh, wait, no, the other one is Totsuka.

It's amazing! Even my scanning eye made a mistake. Sorry, Totsuka-san.

A trace of surprise flashed across Hojo Kyosuke's face, but fortunately no one noticed it under the shadow of the horizontal gold mask.

Only then did people realize that a person could change so much just by changing his clothes.

Although Hojo Kyosuke, who was wearing a decent and gorgeous suit before, also had a strong presence, it made others pay more attention to his handsome face and elegant temperament. But now that he has put on a full set of protective gear, his body has doubled in size. Even if you don't face him directly, you can feel a huge sense of oppression.

"What's next?"

Hojo Kyosuke asked the referee, the fifth generation. The protective gear was so hot that he wanted to go home and take a shower.


Chiba Seinosuke looked at Nagase Ichiro. According to the previous agreement, it was his turn to fight again.

Nagase Ichiro took a deep breath, grabbed the mask on the ground with a serious face and was about to fight. Although I didn't know how to crack "Re-become a Human Slash", wouldn't it be enough as long as I tried not to get chopped? But before he could stand up, he was surprised to see that Daidoji Masahiro had already stood up.

"Ah? Senior Brother, what are you doing?"

Kunou Tianyin asked in astonishment.

"I will fight next." Daidoji said calmly.


"Absolutely not!"

"Even if that kid has strength, how can he be allowed to kill the general as soon as he arrives?"

"Yes! Are we all dead? Before I lose all my memories and become a baby, Hojo Kyosuke must not think of coming to you, Senior Brother!"

The disciples of Beichen Ittoryu were excited and stood up and shouted. One by one, they gritted their teeth and looked fiercely at the "usurper with some strength".

"If he is allowed to face Senior Brother unscathed, it will be my shame!"

Kunou Tianyin shouted loudly. No matter how strong Hojo Kyosuke was, he came to seize the identity of the successor of Senior Brother. He was a provocateur, a usurper, and evil!

Before this, Daidoji fought three people in a row to protect the honor of the dojo, and he would not retreat even if he used the most embarrassing wrestling tactics. Now...

"Don't underestimate us! Even if we are not as strong as you, the eldest brother, we are ready!"

The disciples shouted and looked at Hojo Kyosuke with hatred. With such an excellent example, if they retreated a step, they would be swallowed by their conscience!

Listening to the sincere friendship of these brothers, the fifth generation was very pleased, and even the chief inspector Takenaka was very pleased. This is the power of the team. As a disciple of Beichen Ittoryu, these people can also support him like this.


Hojo Kyosuke blinked, a little confused, why did he seem to become a villain?

"Bagaya Lulululululu"

Suddenly, a roar of nine bends and eighteen turns exploded.

"You scum! You want to compete with the general? Go back and practice for another 100 years!"

"Want to show your loyalty in front of us? You are far from it. Come out and chop three times. Those who can stand up can speak!"

"Idiots, I only need one big toe to deal with you. The remaining nine toes are used to stuff into your mouth to prevent your screams from disturbing the general!"


All kinds of messy abuses sounded, and the runaway angels who had been sitting cross-legged before all stood up, pushing each other and cursing wildly. The standard and skillful ejection made many policemen present reach their hands to their waists reflexively to touch their weapons.

Because the runaway angels came the latest, they sat at the outermost edge of the crowd, while Zhongqiao and his colleague Junze, who came the second to last, unfortunately sat in front of them. At this moment, colleague Jun's shoulders trembled, feeling the saliva falling on his head and dared not move.

As for Nakahashi, it was even worse. Onizuka Eikichi cursed him with his mouth and slapped his head to increase his momentum. Now it goes without saying that everyone knows that this bad boy wants to be a teacher in the future. The way he slapped his head reminded the older people of the teachers in the Showa era. The slapping of the table was really impressive.

Poor Nakahashi, from time to time he had to raise his hands and push away Onizuka's legs that wanted to ride on his shoulders.

Zaimokuza Yoshiki, who was chanting the legend, put on various postures of white crane spreading wings and golden rooster standing on one leg, and fired lasers crazily to attack the people on the opposite side.

After the people from the Rampage Angel spoke, the disciples of Beichen Yidao Flow who had been excited before were all dumbfounded. They are already members of society. How long has it been since they have been scolded like this? Other spectators were also stunned at what they saw.

Hojo Kyosuke closed his mouth and looked at the stunned Beichen Itto-ryu disciples on the left with lowered eyelids, and then at the arrogant subordinates on the right who were foaming at the mouth.


Like I’m really a fucking villain.


Hojo Kyosuke swung his bamboo sword fiercely, looked at his lovely subordinates fiercely, and roared:

"Shut up now, or I'll chop you all down first and then I'll chop them down!"


Even though Hojo Kyosuke's fierce face when he was serious was hidden under his visor, the violent angels who were so arrogant just now still closed their mouths instantly and sat down before anyone else could see clearly. They knelt down and looked at each other with expressionless faces.

Others were shocked again when they saw this scene, how disciplined it is!

No, it’s not discipline, it’s—

The apex predator dominates the food chain!

In fact, if the situation were to change and hearing what Kyousuke Hojo said, the people of the Rampage Angel would immediately put on protective gear and get beaten with a playful smile, even Hikigaya would be very happy. But the situation is obviously different now. Brother's mood is not right!

"Ah~ I'm sorry, my subordinates are a little too excited."

Hojo Kyousuke turned to look at Beichen Ittoryu's people, with a warm smile on his face, and said warmly:

"If you want to compete with Daidoji General, I have to defeat you first, right? Come on, don't leave any one behind. Your name is Jiuneng Tianyin, right? This is a lovely junior brother, how about you first?

In order to express my respect for you, I will do my best. How about two knives? One more stab than Nishimura just now, a pretty good treatment, right? "

The words were obviously as gentle as the breeze, but the moment they floated into their ears, the disciples of Beichen's Yidao Style instantly stiffened, and something seemed to be passing through their bodies quickly.

Looking at the uncertain face in Hojo Kyosuke's armor, they understood clearly.

It was courage, courage disappeared from their bodies.

The legend of the Forgotten Swordsman echoed in their heads, and Nishimura Ryota's confused look after losing his memory flashed before their eyes.


Jiuneng Tianyin clenched his fists and used all his strength to spit out one word with great difficulty.

How could this be! How can I be afraid! How can you let the senior brother face this demon alone! ?

At this moment, the mental journey of the disciples of Beichen Yidao style has changed from

"The breath of the monster is burning the air" became "The devil's claws have grasped our necks, and the nightmare is about to come to Beichen Yidao Ryu"

But I will never give in!

Jiuneng Tianyin raised his neck and tried to fight to the death, but a hand held down his shoulder.

Daodaosi took a step forward and smiled at his lovely junior brother. The scars on his face were still terrifying, and he said in a deep voice:

"Back off, Amane. If I were not the one to challenge you, it would be an insult to Hojo-kun."


"No but, don't let Hojo-kun misunderstand us."

No one spoke anymore. Looking at the scene of these brothers and sisters, Hojo Kyousuke felt like he was hit in the chest again, and his identity as a villain was confirmed.

"Ah, I understand. This guy wants to consume Minister Hojo's physical strength so that those people just now can defeat the Minister. This way he can quibble that the Minister cannot even defeat his defeated generals!"

A disguised voice came out from the crowd.

Upon hearing this, the sixth generation Otsuka Yoichiro's expression changed and he looked at Daidaiji Shoji suspiciously.

Does this guy really have such scheming intentions?

"Nonsense! Senior brother is not that kind of person!" Jiuneng Tianyin immediately retorted loudly.

Daidaiji's terrifying face became darker and darker, but he did not look for the speaker, but looked at Hojo Kyosuke opposite with his head held high:

"Hojo-kun, in what capacity do you fight? What stance do you take to challenge the many powerful men here?"

Hojo Kyousuke's dark eyes flashed, and he understood everything.

"bring it on!"

Daodao Temple roared:

"Defeat me, and then carry the three hundred years of history of Beichen Ittoryu to win more glory!"

The deafening voice resounded in everyone's mind, but no one complained about Daodao Temple's loud voice. Everyone was shocked by this gentleman's great mind.

Not only did he not waste Hojo Kyosuke's physical strength to do such despicable things, but he wanted to sacrifice himself to bring justice to Hojo Kyosuke's battle!

"I really deserve to die..."

Zaimuzao clasped his hands on the ground and lamented in despair.

"Asshole, that's why I told you not to talk behind my back!"

Hikigaya Hachiman was going crazy, but the look he looked at Daidaiji Shoji was very complicated. This kind of self-sacrifice for someone, he... hates it the most!


It’s really dazzling...

He looked at the tall Dao Dao Temple General and felt as if he was covered with a layer of holy light.

"Okay! I admit you!"

Onizuka Eikichi stood up, slapped Nakahashi on the head hard, and shouted:

"Brother, please be merciful and spare his life! He is a man of backbone!"


The solemn atmosphere disappeared instantly. Hojo Kyosuke looked at his idiot subordinates and then at the general of Daidoji Temple. First he sighed, then smiled happily.

Fortunately, this criminal officer with noble sentiments will soon become his junior brother.

Finally, I have a somewhat reliable subordinate.

Someone smiled happily and decided to be gentle.

The Fifth Generation Chiba Seinosuke looked at the two opposing people in the field, his cloudy old eyes full of satisfaction. This is how a school grows healthily!

"So, the competition begins?" he asked.

Hojo Kyosuke and Daidojiji General Sidu nodded in unison.

When the two began to salute, everyone in the dojo straightened their backs and assumed the most serious sitting posture in their lives.

Everyone stared at the two people in the field with wide eyes. This was not enough. Everyone also took out their mobile phones to record the scene. This was given permission in advance.

Daidoji Shoji kept his left foot relaxed, his eyes as big as bells, carefully looking for Hojo Kyousuke's flaws. The previous three duels between the opponent and Nishimura Ryuta ended too quickly, so he could not see any of the opponent's fighting habits except for his unparalleled speed and strength.


You have already seen the unparalleled speed and power, what more information do you need?

Faster is stronger, stronger is stronger!

If you want to defeat such an opponent, you can only win with skill.

This angry-eyed King Kong never imagined that he, who always relies on his strong body to overwhelm others, would one day have to rely on his skills. What a drama.

Head, shoulders, arms, waist, thighs, feet...

Daodaoji looked at the enemy on the opposite side and analyzed it using countless battle experiences in the past. But as he watched, sweat broke out on his forehead.

No flaws!

Attacking from any angle will result in failure!

He could see very clearly that Hojo Kyousuke's eyes were saying, "It doesn't matter, you can think about it slowly, I won't attack first."

Directly handing over "First, First, First", if it were another time, Daodaoji would have felt insulted, but at this moment, he was extremely lucky that because of the mercy of his opponent, he had the opportunity to take action.

The stalemate between the two made people in the audience start to get a little restless. People who didn't know why thought that the two wanted to kill each other. But masters like Nagase Ichiro and Miyazaki Masaru can clearly see the tremendous pressure Daidoji Shoji is under.

Your opponent is standing there, very relaxed, waiting for you to attack, but you know very well that as long as you take action, you will fail.

It is simply a double torture, both physical and psychological!

The faces of Beichen Itto-ryu disciples were filled with sadness and anger, while the sixth generation Otsuka Yoichiro had a "comfortable" expression on his face.

Great, Hojo Kyosuke is so proud that now his son-in-law can succeed to the throne!

Can't wait any longer!

Daodaoji told himself in his heart that he also shouted out like this.

The fear in his heart was spurted out with a breath of turbid air, and accompanied by a deafening roar, he raised the bamboo knife high above his head. This was the upper section of the fire-like invasion. It was his own righteous battle and the awareness of "cutting off the enemy's life" , on the occasion of mastering the priority, he took the supreme advantage and launched a fatal blow. (End of chapter)

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