Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 706 Come to the group to draw movie tickets

(If you haven't joined the full subscription group, please do so. I will draw five movie tickets for everyone to see your name. It seems that no one saw the words posted to the author last night)

The joys and sorrows of a foolish child are like summer rain, which comes fiercely and goes away invisibly. After Hojo Kyosuke called his grandfather in his hometown, the old man Hojo, who was still bragging at the auction house, hurriedly drove back to the farm and pointed the camera of his mobile phone at an adolescent calf.

The little girl Kashiko smiled instantly. Why could she recognize her own cow in an instant? Because the katakana of "Ouni-chan" was written in white paint on the shiny black-haired Wagyu cow. The crooked handwriting is absolutely difficult to imitate. It was the mark made by the little girl.

The old man Hojo, who successfully proved his innocence, did not lose out. He held up the phone that had not been hung up yet and called the ranch workers and several ranch owners nearby. A group of people crowded in front of the phone to "admire" the heroic figure of Hojo Kyosuke.

"This is definitely not the appearance of an ordinary person! I've read in Buddhist scriptures that Jianzhen looks the same as the grandson of the Hojo family!"

"Nonsense, Jianzhen is obviously bald!"

Someone refuted with careful logic:

"If you ask me, it's the reincarnation of Sugawara no Michizane, otherwise he can't have such talent!"

"Speaking of which, Yuichi, can your cows really become smart after eating it?"

"Yes, otherwise why can you, a guy who studies in agricultural high school, raise a son who is a lawyer and a grandson who is a literary giant?"

"Hiss... You guys don't secretly take cows to worship the Inari God every day in the ranch, do you?"

The topic of those farmers wearing work clothes and white gloves soon deviated, and they began to ask Mr. Hojo for his experience in raising children and cattle. Hojo Kyosuke finally breathed a sigh of relief and hung up the phone.

As a child of other people's families, not only other children are envious and jealous, but even I myself am uncomfortable. The only happy person is probably the old man who laughed on the other end of the phone.

Today's breakfast in Ruyi Dormitory is finally over. Since all the residents are women, even if there are people like Eriri who don't know how to cook, most of the others are good girls with good intentions. So on the days when Hojo Kyousuke doesn't cook, although everyone has shifts, most of the time they do it themselves, and they all cook some of their favorite dishes and eat them together.

If those guys who can only eat Nadu tea rice when they wake up early in the morning see this, they will be jealous to the point of crazy.

Open the refrigerator, take out the cold rice and discounted natto from the supermarket overnight, tear open the package, stir with chopsticks, pour in hot water, mix the cold rice and natto, and a nutritious breakfast is ready. Two words, addictive!

"Don't rush back after school. If you need to celebrate with your classmates, just make a phone call. Mom will help you entertain Nitrate's mother and sister."

Hojo Mikiko stood at the entrance and smiled as she helped her son straighten his shirt collar.

"Okay, my Kyousuke is as dazzling as ever today~"

The mother smiled.

"Got it. I'm going out."

Kyosuke Hojo also smiled, then leaned forward to hug his mother and said loudly:

"Love you, mom."


Mikiko Hojo was stunned, then laughed.

Yamauchi Sakura, the narrator, moved quickly and immediately squeezed over and hugged Mikiko Hojo.

"I love you too, mom!"

The girl blinked her big eyes and laughed, lively like an elf.

So the mother laughed even happier.

The blonde princess' eyes widened, but she didn't have time to be entangled or shocked, because the cunning red-eyed witch was about to hug the lovely Aunt Mikiko, so the stupid princess quickly got into the open arms of Kasumigaoka Utaha and hugged Kyosuke's mother first.

"Me too! Love you!"

The girl's delicate voice became silly for no reason.

"I love you too, Lily~"


"Get out of my way!"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was furious, and she dragged the idiot away, then adjusted her expression and hugged Hojo Mikiko solemnly.

"I...Oh Kasan, Kyosuke and I are going to school."

"Yeah, study hard today~"

Nishimiya Yaeko looked at her eldest daughter with a serious expression. She wanted to come up, but her face turned red. But she still came up bravely and gently hugged Kyosuke's mother, grunting and not saying a word. However, she received a rub on her head from her mother, so she smiled foolishly.

Naoka looked arrogant, but she didn't hesitate for two seconds and quickly walked over to hug.

"I'll be back soon."

She whispered, what for? Of course, to accompany her mother to relieve her boredom.

After everyone hugged, Hojo Mikiko looked at Yukino Momoka.

This picturesque classical beauty stood there, at a loss for what to do. She grabbed the shoulder strap of her bag with one hand and stammered: "I..." Her expression was uncertain, a little embarrassed and at a loss. A hand reached through the crowd and grabbed her fair wrist, pulling her over gently and firmly. "Does Baixiangli not like me?" Hojo Mikiko smiled gently. "How could it be!" Yukino shouted immediately. "Hehe~ Work hard on your work today." The stupid beauty said softly. "Yes!" Yukino stood at attention, still nervous. "I'll leave Kyosuke to you. Make sure he doesn't fall asleep in class." The mother warned.

As soon as these words came out, both Sakura and Glass burst out laughing. Who didn't know that if Kyousuke was sleeping, Teacher Yukino wouldn't even ask the students to read the text aloud, and would just like to mute the exam directly.

Xueye himself also chuckled, then put his slender legs together, folded his hands on his lower abdomen, and bowed respectfully:

"Okay, oh Kasan."

When they got here, the girls shouted "I'm going out" in a sweet voice and ran out one by one.

The relationship between internal and external people is a deep-rooted concept in neon society, which is particularly obvious in neon language. When the relationship is with "outsiders", there should be no mistakes in the honorifics, and the third-level honorifics cannot be skipped. But when the relationship becomes "one of our own", calling a friend's mother means "our mother".

After leaving the door, two cars were parked at the door. One was to pick up Yotsuba Miyamizu from school. The little girl's school was still some distance away. The other car was here to pick up Ying Lili. It was good that this idiot could stay awake after staying up all night. Now he didn't want to take a step away.

Inexplicably, looking at his older sister and Kyousuke-nii going away, Nishimiya Yuzuru actually missed going to school. She was very happy and asked for leave directly to enter the Golden Week ahead of schedule.

But in a flash she put this strange thought behind her.

"Aunt Mijiko, where are we going to play today?"

On the way to school, all the students visible to the naked eye are students wearing Sobu High School uniforms. There were boys walking around with convenience store sandwiches, girls chirping, and a boy and a girl riding bicycles.

The youthful scene reminded Hojo Kyosuke of his previous life. In his senior year of high school, a girl he didn't know came to confess to him. After he politely refused, he asked how she knew him. As a result, the girl said:

"You bought drinks at the small supermarket in front of the school every morning during the three years of high school, and I stood behind you every day."

Hojo Kyosuke called that experience "Drink Love", and I have to say it was quite Japanese, nonsensical and inexplicably romantic.

Yamauchi Sakura and Nishimiya Glass didn't know that the boy next to them was still thinking about other girls and still asking about what happened yesterday when they were with them.

Hojo Kyosuke explained everything at the award ceremony to them in detail, as well as Beichen Ittoru's family affairs. Of course, what interested the two girls the most was the fact that a major Hollywood director was going to adapt Hojo Kyosuke's novel.

Not to mention Glass, Sakura is someone who has to carry DVDs with her even when moving house. Watching movies was something she and Kyosuke had been doing since they were kids. After becoming friends, Glass also saw a lot.

Sakura asked curiously: "Hollywood, Kyousuke, you will also go there, right?"

"Probably, once the screenwriter is confirmed, the director will invite me over." Hojo Kyosuke nodded.

"Wouldn't it be possible to see Kevin?!"

Sakura was a little excited.


Hojo Kyosuke was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became a little subtle:

"You can see it, but I think you'd better not have too high expectations. After all, not everyone is as good-looking as we have been since childhood."


Sakura's face lost a bit of excitement and she said with great agreement:


Glass next to him chuckled, finding it very interesting how Sakura and Kyosuke chase stars.

Kevin, the hero of "Home Alone", the reckless kid.

One of the Hojo family's favorite movies, I have to dig it out and watch it again from time to time. During the time that Kaashiko was here, Yamauchi Sakura had already watched the first and second parts of the movie with the little one, and made an appointment to watch them together next time they go to Hokkaido.

The three of them chatted endlessly. Hojo Kyosuke talked about how he beat that guy whose name he didn't know three times last night and lost his memory three times. He was nicknamed the "Forgotten Swordsman". How could he be a new person? It made Sakura and Shoko laugh out loud, and then they talked about the filial and adopted son of the 6th generation of Beichen Itto-ryu. The two girls were shocked when they heard this. They couldn't imagine that there were foreigners who liked kendo so much.

However, the beautiful world of three people did not last long. From the moment they walked into Tongxue Road, there were students from Sobu High School following the three people. They were all eager to go up and talk to the famous people in the school, but they were afraid to do so. Come forward.

Although Hojo-san is usually very approachable, but in their own way of treating others, they don't think that Hojo-san would like to be disturbed by others when they are "happily attending school with beautiful girls."

But now, there are thirty or forty people in the crowd behind the three people. Thirty or forty people may sound like a small number, but when crowded on such a road that is not too wide, it is completely a large, dark mass.


Hojo Kyousuke sighed, put his schoolbag into Sakura's arms, and said to the two of them:

"You guys go first."

"Hey, have a nice trip~~"

Sakuragi smiled and ran away with Yu Xinzi's unbearable glass.

Although being dragged, Nishimiya Glass still couldn't help but turn around, looking at Kyosuke-kun who was already surrounded by the crowd, and silently blessed him in his heart.

"Congratulations, Hojo-san."

"Sokuichi, you are too strong, Hojo-san!"



Miscellaneous sounds kept reaching Hojo Kyousuke's ears. Although he had expected it, he still underestimated the enthusiasm of his classmates.

It is terrifying for high school students who are already adults and planning their future to suddenly find a great writer who won the Neon Mystery Association Award among their classmates. Even if they don't have a close relationship with Hojo Kyosuke, just saying one sentence is enough to become a topic of conversation with their classmates in junior high school and elementary school. Maybe they can get extra points by saying that they were classmates in high school with Hojo Kyosuke during the university interview.

The male classmates may just think it is very face-saving to be able to talk to Hojo Kyosuke, but the female classmates' motives are very impure, especially after Yamauchi Sakura and Nishimiya Glass, who were guarding the door, left. The female high school students, who may not be beautiful but are definitely invincible in youth, all excitedly called out "Hojo classmate, Hojo classmate".

The baseball team members who were about to help the boss out of trouble suddenly didn't dare to step forward. As boys, they knew that this kind of encounter was definitely a temptation that boys could not refuse! But what puzzled them was why those idiots in the kendo club were so blind that they squeezed in to form a human wall to maintain order and protect the big brother.

The deputy director of the Kendo Club, Tamaki Aonobu, glanced at his old friend Tsuchiya Ryota, with a sneer of contempt on his face.

How could Ryota, this idiot, know that the anger of the gods in Ruyi Dormitory was more terrifying than ruining his elder brother's affair.

He still couldn't forget the power of Miss Miyamizu during the last Kendo training camp.

Afterwards, because he asked sincerely, the old seniors among the runaway angels taught him a lot of valuable knowledge. Especially Senior Onitsuka Eikichi, who was simply a treasure to protect the house.

Seeing that those girls finally couldn't harass Hojo classmate, Yuigahama Yui secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was trying very hard to help Hojo classmate block those fanatical girls just now, but she was almost squeezed flat with her small arms and legs, and her delicate bun hairstyle on her head was messed up.

Just after she breathed a sigh of relief, the bun-headed girl was stunned. If anyone should be worried, it should be Sakura and Glass classmate who should be worried. What am I worried about...

No, I'm repaying a favor! Thank you Hojo-san for saving the cookies!

Surrounded by dozens of people, Hojo Kyosuke walked towards the school with difficulty. It took him a long time to walk a few hundred meters.

When the school gate finally appeared in front of him, he stopped again.

"Congratulations to our school's student Hojo Kyosuke for winning the Neon Mystery Writers Association Award"

Such a banner appeared on the gate of Sobu High School.

No, Hojo Kyosuke looked carefully and saw that the banner was clearly tied to the arch prepared for the sports festival.

These guys...

"How about it, are you proud?"

A cold voice sounded beside him, and Hojo Kyosuke turned his head to look.

The black-haired girl stood there with a proud look on her face. (End of this chapter)

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