Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 722 You can ask anything? Mr. Hojo, do you really have more than a dozen girlfriends?

Peek, peek, and peek again.

Sitting in the last row, Sayaka kept looking at Hojo Kyosuke in front of her secretly. Her little head turned away for a while, and then turned back in shock. The imperial envoy who sat in the same row with Hojo Kyosuke turned around and stared at him blankly, as if he was playing a game of staring.

"Actually, if you want to look, just look directly. I won't be jealous."

Miyazu Mitsuha said helplessly. Her friend's sense of stealing was too strong. Those who knew knew that she was curious, and those who didn't know thought that she was secretly in love with her own Kyosuke.


Sayaka asked immediately in surprise. In her simple values, she shouldn't care so much about her good friend's partner. But...

That's Hojo Kyosuke! Alive! Real! Hojo Kyosuke who can be touched by hand! !

I really can't help it. When I go back to Nara in two days and tell people around me, everyone will be envious!

"Well, if you have anything to ask, you can ask directly. Just treat Kyosuke as your friend."

Miss Miko nodded, smiling kindly, and was extremely relieved about her friend.

After getting permission, Sayaka immediately began to ask questions to Hojo Kyosuke frantically, her face flushed like a happy bird.

"Is it true that you have more than a dozen girlfriends as the magazine said?"





"What's wrong?"

The sudden silence made Sayaka suddenly confused, and she looked at the people around her in confusion.

"Did I... say something wrong?" Her expression gradually became sad.

"Yes, I'm curious too, is what the magazine said true?"

Miyazu Mitsuha raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at someone with an inexplicable light in her big eyes, and said with a smile:

"Can our Hojo teacher solve Sayaka's curiosity?"

Yes, Kyosuke brother, just as there is no road that only goes downhill in the world, how should you answer this question?

Miyamizu Yotsuba looked at someone with sympathy, and wanted to say that no matter who Kyosuke's girlfriend was, she was his good sister. But she was afraid of being beaten by her sister, so she could only support him with her eyes.

The imperial envoy immediately thought of those doubtful girlfriends of Hojo Kyosuke written in the magazine before, who were childhood sweethearts and high school beautiful girl writers, and were really envied by others. At that time, he read with relish, but he didn't expect that his good friend was among them.


The imperial envoy, who still had a green monk's head, raised his eyebrows in an inverted eight character, staring at someone fiercely.


Hojo Kyosuke glanced at Sayaka calmly with his peripheral vision, thinking that he had originally planned to take you to visit the Asahi Shimbun Building, but now it seems that I have to wait until the next life.

Really, you really ask when I ask you? Do you know what polite words are? No wonder you call you brainless Ah Xiang.

Take a deep breath, how can such a small scene be difficult for him, Hojo Kyosuke?

Super brain, full power!

The moral bottom line is pulled to the lowest!

"How can you believe the gossip magazines?"

He looked at Sayaka with a reproachful look in his eyes and an angry tone:

"If Sayaka wants, today I can help you find a magazine with a sales volume of no less than 50,000 to publish gossip about you and Kimura Takuya. You can have as many children as you want."


Sayaka's eyes lit up immediately.

"What about me? Can I have a baby too?"

The Imperial Envoy also shouted loudly.

"Huh? Imperial Envoy, do you also want to have a baby with Kimura Takuya?"

"No, I want to... No! I want to confess to you, Sayaka, on it."


"Absolutely true!"

The Imperial Envoy sat up and saluted, but then found something wrong:

"Wait, don't you also want to have a scandal with Kimura Takuya? Why can't I..."

"I am..."

The two started arguing again.

Hojo Kyosuke and Mitsuha Miyamizu looked at each other, without any tension as before, and their expressions were the same kindness.

"Your relationship is still as good as before." Hojo Kyosuke sighed.

"Who would have a good relationship with this guy!" X2

Mushroom head and monk head are the same, and then snorted at the same time:

"Humph!" X2


Seeing the two good friends who seemed to be frozen in the cracks of time, Hojo Kyosuke and Mitsuha laughed heartily, only Yotsuha was very dissatisfied and criticized the imperial envoy.

The small episode was easily resolved by someone, and it did not affect Sayaka's conversation at all. You have to know that among the people who talked to her in the first ten years of her life, the most famous one was Mitsuha Miyamizu, the top celebrity in the town, or Mitsuha Miyamizu, the divine priestess who later became famous in the newspapers, or Mitsuha Miyamizu, the girlfriend of Hojo Kyosuke.

It's rare to meet a big man like Hojo Kyosuke, and she has too many things to ask.

If you can't ask about the relationship you are most interested in, then ask about other things.

"Hojo-san, you..."

"Just call me Hojo."

"Yeah, the Internet says that the income from your comic book is enough to buy a mansion in Tokyo. Is that true?"

"It's a little bit wrong."

"Haha, I knew it was fake. If it was really that profitable, wouldn't everyone be drawing comics?" Sayaka breathed a sigh of relief.

Hojo Kyosuke smiled: "To be honest, I haven't finished a comic so far, so I don't know how much income a comic can make."


"If it were a house like the one I live in now, the income from almost one-third of the comics would be more than enough."


Sayaka's expression became dull, and she tugged Mitsuha's arm next to her, and she murmured:

"Sanye, I seem to have found my life goal."

There was fire burning in the mushroom head's eyes, and she shouted:

"Teacher! Mr. Hojo Kyosuke! I want to draw comics!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Mitsuha Miyamizu laughed out loud without hesitation.

"What, I finally found something I wanted to do, Sanye, why are you laughing at me like this!"

Sayaka woke up from her money fantasy and shouted dissatisfied.

Mitsuha Miyamizu hadn't spoken yet, but the envoy next to him who was also dreaming suddenly laughed out loud:

"Hahahaha, Sayaka, your grades in art class were not as good as mine when you were in junior high school. What are you daydreaming about?"

His delayed laughter caused tons of damage to Sayaka, and the girl immediately started beating her.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

Hojo Kyousuke also wanted to laugh. At this moment, he missed Mitsuha's body very much. If he was still in Mitsuha's body, he could laugh at Sayaka unscrupulously, but he is now a respected Hojo teacher. If he did that, he would What hit Sayaka was, alas... I couldn't laugh at Sayaka wantonly, it was so painful.

"Ahem, actually I think it's pretty good."

He thought for a moment and said.

"Huh? Really!"

Sayaka exclaimed, leaning forward and looking expectantly at Mr. Hojo.

"Well, let me think about it... By the way, Sayaka, just draw your daily life. I think it will be fun."

"My daily routine?"

"Well, it's just like Doraemon. For example, you first wanted to open a coffee shop, and then went to the coffee shop to inspect and study every day. However, she drank enough coffee and got tired of eating cakes, so she simply announced that she gave up on this dream. Then you want to be an announcer, and you have been dreaming about becoming a celebrity for a long time, but then you find that you can become an anchor just by registering an account on the Internet, so she simply announced that she gave up on this dream..."

Next to her, Mitsuha Miyamizu, who had already burst into laughter, continued:

"Then, Sayaka, you wanted to draw comics again, but you found that the plot you worked so hard to come up with was not as interesting as your daily life, so you simply gave up on it..."

"Ahhh, I won't give up!"

Sayaka yelled frantically, everyone was laughing at her!

"Finally, in the finale, Sayaka finally found a dream that she wanted to devote her whole life to."

Miyamizu Yotsuba said.

Sure enough, Sister Yotsuba is the best. Sayaka looked at her good friend movedly.

"Sayaka came to the Yotsuba Shrine, which has long become the number one in the country, and became a miko. The whole play ended."

Yotsuba smiled happily.

"No, no, no, this ending is not dramatic at all. Comics can't be so boring!"

Chi Shi shook his head vigorously, he couldn't see Siye being happy.

"It should be changed to when Sayaka made up her mind to serve the gods all her life, the shrine's priest Miyamizu Yotsuba was kicked out of the shrine for embezzling believers' incense money, so she simply announced that she gave up on this dream. Well, like this That’s right, this kind of comics can’t have an ending and can go on forever.”

The envoy nodded with satisfaction.

"Nonsense, the shrine belongs to my family, and the donations from believers are my money. How can this be called corruption? You bald man who knows nothing, don't talk nonsense!"

Yotsuba said angrily, this guy has started talking about "our family's shrine" since he was very young, and he really likes running shrines.

As long as she was not facing the envoy alone, Sayaka's temper was indeed very good. Faced with the teasing of her good friends, she just muttered:

"Why do I have to become a miko in the end? I'm not as beautiful as Mitsuha. Even if I become a miko, I won't be popular."

"That's not the point. The point is that in this way you can be immortal forever in the comics."

Although Chi Shi is a straight man, after being a boyfriend for so many years, he has learned some skills in coaxing his girlfriend.

Sayaka was indeed fooled and said happily: "Huh? It seems pretty good."

Seeing her good friend accept the dream everyone planned for her so easily, Miyamizu Mitsuha said while holding back a smile:

"The name of the manga would be "Sayaka's One Day Dream"."

Sayaka clapped her hands and said happily: "Within, it's really good! It sounds like a very popular comic!"

"Well... I can help you draw it and hand it to the editor when the time comes."

The honest man Hojo Kyosuke has some uneasy conscience because he knows that Sayaka definitely does not have this talent. But then he thought about it, this kind of waste of time and half-finished dreams was nothing to Sayaka.

Sayaka then asked more about the comics industry. To be honest, she didn't read comics at all, so she only asked questions about children. for example

"Hojo, have you ever met a beautiful editor? I heard that many cartoonists fall in love with editors."

"No, my comics and novels editors are all middle-aged bald uncles. And if there are couples in the industry, it is mostly the male editors who make a move on the female cartoonists. Because of their profession, female cartoonists are usually simpler, and the editors may be for the convenience of urging them to update, well... I don't know, I'm just talking nonsense."

"Have fans confessed to you? There should be a lot, right? There are many of my college classmates..."

"What kind of questions are you asking, get out of the way and let me do it."

The Imperial Envoy had heard enough gossip, pushed his girlfriend's head away and started asking all kinds of industry secrets.

Regardless of what can be said or not, Hojo Kyosuke generously told them all, and after hearing that, Sayaka's one-day dream became a one-minute dream, and she announced on the spot that she gave up.

The atmosphere in the car was very good, and the strange feeling of not seeing good friends for a few months suddenly disappeared. Sayaka and the Imperial Envoy even felt that they and Hojo Kyosuke were good friends who had been together for a long time, and there was always a sense of familiarity when chatting.

The car was not driving fast, and Sayaka looked out the open window at the bustling city outside.

She had to lie on the ground to see the top of the building, which made her exclaim repeatedly.

"There are more people in this building than in the entire Itomori town, right?" She excitedly shared her new discovery with her good friend.

There are more people in a building than in a town?

Science genius Hojo Kyosuke and fake genius Mitsuha Miyamizu looked out at the same time and began to do mental arithmetic silently.

"It's true..."

Miyazumi Mitsuha suddenly widened her eyes and murmured in disbelief.


Miyazumi Yotsuha also widened her eyes, and the following scene popped up in her head:

The people of the entire Itomori lined up to walk into this building, and then never walked out again. She stood at the door of the building and shouted: Why are there so few people? Too few, too few, too few people and too little money! The gods are going to be angry! Hurry up and give me more children! All of them go to earn money and have children, and donate more money!

The envoy was also shocked by his girlfriend's amazing wisdom for a while, and said in surprise:

"There are such buildings in Nara, why didn't you think of it then?"

"Can the buildings in Tokyo and Nara be the same?"

Sayaka retorted.

"That's right."

The envoy actually accepted this statement very easily.

Alpha stopped on the side of the road, and the driver went to find a parking place by himself.

The envoy looked at the various delicious foods on the street and said in a general way:

"Mitsuha, do you still remember the son of the farmer who was knocked down by your punch? At that time, the best car in the town was his, but now any car on the street is better than his."

"Knocked down by my punch?" Mitsuha was a little confused.

"Is it Infiniti? That's just the most basic entry-level model, not a good car at all."

Hojo Kyosuke smiled and spoke, and Mitsuha finally remembered that it was the beginning of her being called a divine priestess.

"Huh? How do you know?" The envoy was stunned.

Someone smiled and said nothing. He would not say that he had planned to smash people's cars in the middle of the night for revenge.

"Speaking of which, I don't know how that guy is doing now?" The girl asked curiously. After the disaster, she only cared about the ordinary townspeople.

"His farm bought insurance, not only did he not lose money, but he also made a lot of money. But I heard that he lost all his money in stock trading later, and even the Infiniti was sold. What a pity, it was a good car. It obviously avoided the comet but not the stock market."

The imperial envoy shook his head and sighed.

"I have an Acura NSX at home. If you are interested, the imperial envoy will take you to see it later." Hojo Kyosuke said with a smile.

"Huh? Is it the first generation?"

The imperial envoy shouted immediately. No man could resist this temptation. (End of this chapter)

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