Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 758 I want to bite a hundred!

Ruyi Liao

Everyone was busy. Hojo Kyosuke looked around and found that he was not needed anywhere. The hotel had arranged the itinerary by Xisaki, and Yukino and Nitro-chan helped with the luggage. He was the only one sitting in the courtyard to enjoy the breeze.

Wait, no, there is another one.

"Hahaha~~ Hehehe~~"

Bursts of laughter, some crisp and some unbridled, came from the living room. He turned around and saw that it was Eriri as expected.

This guy was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, staring at the TV with his toes bent without any image. Today, because of the stomachache, Eriri was delayed from watching anime. Tomorrow, she would go out to play, so she had to finish watching the anime tonight.

The girl really loved anime, and she was very devoted to watching it, and she laughed from time to time.

Before, Kasumigaoka laughed at her for not knowing how to pack her luggage, so she simply did nothing. Eriri said confidently that she was brewing emotions, and fortunately she would be in a super good mood to welcome the vacation tomorrow. Those who make a mess before going out don't understand the true meaning of vacation at all.

She said so, and Naoka, who had been kind enough to help him pack his luggage, was so angry that she walked away. In the end, it was the kind-hearted Hojo Kashiko who lent a hand. The reason was very good. The little girl said:

"Eriri almost died several times today. I have to practice in advance."

Eriri, whose body seemed to have recovered instantly, chose to forgive the stupid child and let him rummage around in her room. Anyway, the cute Nitro-chan would definitely help her clean up in the end, oh ho ho ho ho~~

So the only people left in the house with nothing to do were Hojo Kyosuke, who was lying on the lounge chair in the courtyard, and Eriri, who was watching TV in the living room with her feet on.

Hojo Kyosuke secretly felt that the years were quiet and life was worth it, but he felt a little guilty for being so leisurely in his heart. Although it was not much, it was enough to make him feel guilty, so he decided to pack up the things at home.

"Hey, Eriri!" he shouted.

"Ahahahaha, this idiot, I told you to bribe him with money, but he insisted on going by himself..."

Eri laughed loudly. She was watching an anime about a hero in another world, but it was just a comedy. The hero and the goddess went to a city to do business. The hero chose to use money to open the way, while the goddess had to rush in with justice.

The hero easily bribed the city guards, ministers, and queen with money... Then when he was about to start bribing the king, he saw the goddess tied up by the guards, and then the two began to quarrel. The hero laughed at the goddess for being an idiot, and he had to go through so much trouble for something that could be solved with money. The goddess angrily scolded the hero for not being a human being, and actually used the money he saved from working hard to bribe. The hero retorted that the useless goddess only had so little money left to do odd jobs, and the two quarreled happily.

Eri in front of the TV also smiled and showed eight small white teeth, but her happiness did not last long. Hojo Kyosuke, who shouted for a long time without getting a response, reluctantly climbed up from the recliner and walked into the living room.


"It hurts!!"

Eri covered her head and raised her little face, staring angrily at the villain who attacked her from behind the sofa.

"What are you doing? I'm seeing the funniest part!" She complained angrily.

Hojo Kyosuke asked, "Everyone has gone to pack their luggage, why are you still sitting here?"

Eri said confidently, "Because my sister Kashiko went to help me pack."

"You let a two-year-old who just learned to walk help you pack your luggage?"

"...Yes, yes! This is called training from an early age. In my hometown, the Great Ying Empire, children have to go to the mill to grind from the age of one!"

A certain golden retriever was talking nonsense, his eyes had already drifted to the TV, bastard, this is the funniest plot! She also bit back:

"You are still blaming me, why are you lying there all the time, it's just a chore..."

As she was talking, Eriri got angry. She pressed pause, twisted her waist and turned around. Just as she was about to scold, she suddenly wailed:

"Ahhh, my waist, twisted, twisted!"

After spending a day on the bed and toilet, her body was extremely stiff. Could she challenge a yoga move like cross-legged waist twist?

The girl's face suddenly shrank in pain. Hojo Kyosuke sat down while laughing and began to massage Eriri.

The princess gasped in pain and hit someone with her little fist, cursing:

"It's obvious that packing is a chore, but you are still lazy!"

"But aren't you my comic assistant? I think you should help me pack my luggage." Hojo Kyosuke retorted.

The relationship between the two is extremely confusing. You are my superior and I am your superior. It is the most equal example.

Eriri did not intend to quibble, but admitted that as the world's number one comic assistant, she did have this responsibility, but...

"Because I can't do it. Are you sure you want me to help you clean up?" She said confidently.


Of course, Hojo Kyosuke is not sure. He must have a problem with his brain to abandon the thoughtful and considerate Yukino and ask Eriri for help, so he also said confidently:

"Then I can't do it either. Don't you know that my apartment in Sendagi and Ruyi Dormitory were decorated by other people? Are you sure you want me to help you clean up?"


Eiri rolled her eyes. Of course she wasn't sure. Could it be that she would abandon the attentive, considerate and lovely Ni-chan and ask Kyosuke for help? There was nothing wrong with her head, but that didn't stop her from agreeing:

"Whether you can do it well is a matter of ability, and whether you can do it or not is a matter of attitude. As a chore, you must help me pack my luggage!"

The girl's smart little head thought very clearly. Anyway, Kashiko was already causing trouble in her room. It didn't matter if there was one more Kyousuke. It would be nice to take the opportunity to toss him.


Hojo Kyosuke glanced sideways at Eiri, and quietly added a little more strength to his hand, instantly squeezing the fool until he screamed and begged for mercy.

"Mr. Cartoonist, I was wrong. My humble little assistant will help you pack your luggage right away. Which of your favorite mugs should I bring with me on this trip?" Yingli cried sweetly.

"Love cup?"

Hojo Kyosuke was stunned. Fortunately, his mind was not very clean. He immediately thought of what Eiriri was talking about, so he casually said:

"It's enough to take you with me."

"Me? But my role this time is a cartoonist's assistant~"

"Isn't that better? Isn't the responsibility of assistants and editors to provide inspiration for cartoonists? You must have read this kind of subject matter, right?"

"Ah? What are you talking about, Mr. Hojo? Why don't I understand you at all? Please hurry up and tell me where you hide your things."

"Okay, it's the room with lilies on the door. My favorite things are placed in it. Oh, no, it's already on the sofa in the living room. Alas, modern technology is so smart."

"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Hojo's favorite thing is himself."


There was no one around, and the two of them chatted more and more wildly. Two people with nothing to do were having a lot of fun.

After chatting with each other for a long time, Hojo Kyousuke leaned on the sofa and began to rest his mind. They were going out to play tomorrow, so they had to be refreshed.

Next to her, Yinglili also started watching anime again. She was going out to play tomorrow, so she had to get into a good mood.

There were people walking around in the corridor on the second floor from time to time. It was Yukino and the others who were packing things for tomorrow, and even Yuexian was running around.

Hojo Kyosuke once again lamented that the years were quiet, and then he realized something was wrong.

What the hell, there is someone more laid-back than me.

He bent down and looked down at the fluffy puppy who was sleeping soundly on his slippers.

He pushed Yinglili with his arm and motioned for her to look down.

Yinglili was furious when she saw it. My good friend Niojiang was working hard to help me pack my luggage, but you, a mere puppy, was just lazy here! ? How unreasonable!

The girl bent down and stretched out her two small hands to lift Momotaro up.

The puppy floating in the air looked at the two people in front of him with a pair of dazed black bean eyes.

"Hey, are you leaving?"

Not mentioning Eiri's dog training, Hojo Kyousuke rubbed his chin and began to think about things.

Families with pets have many things to do when they go out. Hojo Kyosuke has a friend who loved traveling when he was in school. After working, he got a cat and never left home for more than a day since then.

Who should be left to take care of Momotaro?


The name appeared in his mind for the first time, and then he dismissed it instantly. Forget it, he didn't want to hear the news that the Shinkansen was jointly blocked by Kisaki and Momotaro when he was in Kamakura. Maybe he, as Momotaro's owner, would be fined.

Wait, it seems that Momotaro’s master is Shiyu?

No, that's not the point. The point is that Hojo Kyousuke had already heard Kisaki's breakdown on the previous phone call, so he thought it would be better not to entrust this burden to Kisaki. Although puppies can effectively relieve anxiety, Kisaki doesn't There is no time to relieve anxiety.

Under the snow?

Unexpectedly, the second name that appeared in Hojo Kyosuke's head was not Mitsuha's father. He thought about it secretly and thought that the scene where Yukinoshita was so frightened by Momotaro that he almost jumped up was so funny that he couldn't forget it.

Namo Namo, no, no, it's better to be kind. Although if you ask Yukinoshita, that guy will definitely not refuse. The holiday life of one person and one dog must be fun, but he can't see it, so he still waits Later.

There are too many places where he can entrust his pets, and all his subordinates are doing nothing (referring to practicing kendo and baseball day and night). Not only that, but also editors of novels and comics. After all, isn't that the time when editors are put on trial? Editor-in-chief Shimomura and Akamatsu-san will definitely not mind.

But he also thought that these editors did not take holidays, so he gave up.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in his mind.

Yes, I still have my beloved Tsuyoshi Aisaka-senpai.

Aisaka-senpai is so henpecked, he must be very good at taking care of puppies!

He suddenly smiled when he thought of the good idea, and then told Yinglili the good news.

Eiri also met Tsuyoshi Aisaka at Okudera-senpai's restaurant and had some impression of him, so she nodded in agreement. Only Momotaro was yelling crazily beside him, shouting at Aniki not to abandon it.

However, the two people in front of it were people who didn't even bother to collect their own luggage, so how could they be willing to bring a fluffy puppy with them.

Hojo Kyosuke took out his mobile phone and was about to inform Aisaka that Tsuyoshi was about to fall from the sky, but a call happened to come.

"Hello? Yotsuba, what's wrong?" he asked.



"Oh, okay, I just happened to think of her."

"She said she had something to do? Are you still hesitating?"

"Hahaha, you were cheated, that guy is just embarrassed."

"What are you sorry for? Of course it's the hot spring on our itinerary. Yukinoshita might be bullied by Eiriri then."

Yotsuba over there laughed loudly when she heard this, and then remembered her sister's junior high school days when she checked her growth every morning. She thought to herself that since she was in junior high school, she should also pay attention to it, so as not to become a snow girl in the future. Your Excellency.

I have decided, I will ask my sister for some precautions later.

Although I respect Mr. Yukinoshita very much, it was really fun to chat with Kyousuke-san. The two of them teased others and told all kinds of jokes.

"It's okay, just say you are bored alone, and she will definitely agree."

Hojo Kyosuke laughed and discussed with Yotsuba about abducting Yukinoshita Yukino in a few words.

It wasn't until Mitsuha's roar was faintly heard over there that Yotsuba hurriedly hung up the phone, and finally muttered that it would be nice if she could get rid of her sister.

After hanging up the phone, he suddenly found that he got along very well with all his friends' relatives, Glass's sister, Mitsuha's sister, Tsuchiya's cousin... Oh, and Hui's cousin, in short, he is really good at making friends. people.

At this time, a gloomy voice floated next to him:

"What does it mean to be bullied by Eiri in the hot spring?"

Hojo Kyousuke's expression remained unchanged and he explained casually: "That Yukinoshita guy's physical strength is particularly poor, worse than yours in junior high school. I think she might faint while taking a bath in the hot spring."

Ying Lili glanced at someone suspiciously and asked, "Really?"

Then Hojo Kyosuke cited Yukinoshita's previous incident of teaching him to dance as an example. Only then did Eiri focus her attention on Momotaro. She was asking Momotaro what dog food he wanted to bring to Aisaka Tsuyoshi's house.

"No, let Momotaro come with us."

Hojo Kyosuke said that since Yukinoshita is also going together, it is necessary to bring Momotaro, so that Yukinoshita will not be embarrassed when taking pictures, and his expression will definitely be more vivid.

"Hey! (aniki!!! I knew you wouldn't abandon me!)"

"Is that so? That's fine."

Yinglili nodded, and then started thinking again:

"If you want to take Momotaro to play in a place with so many people, you should put a muzzle on him, right?"


Hojo Kyosuke's expression was incomprehensible. Eiriri thought he didn't know what it was, so she took out her mobile phone to search, and also let Momotaro take a look.

Momotaro protested wildly when he saw it:

"Hey! (Stupid Yinglili, I don't want to wear this kind of thing, the muzzle is obviously prepared for you!)"

As he yelled, an idea suddenly came to the furry puppy's clever mind:

"Hey! Aniki! Buy more muzzles and put them on Mistress Kasumigaoka and Mistress Mitsuba to prevent them from biting you again!"

Hojo Kyosuke looked at the puppy struggling and said with a smile:

"Only ferocious dogs need to wear this kind of thing, Momotaro shouldn't need it."

"Is that so?"

Yinglili looked at the puppy that looked like a stuffed doll and put down her phone angrily.

"Hey! (No, no, no, put it on me! Put it on me! I'm the most ferocious! If I don't wear a muzzle, I might bite a hundred enemies to death in one go!)" (End of this chapter )

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