Gao Mu Wu hurried to the back garden.

I saw Lianghua sitting alone in the pavilion in the back garden, holding a leaf in her hand.

I don’t know what she is doing, staring into the distance in a daze.

Alone and alone.....................

Gao Mu Wu thought that Lianghua had no other friends except him.

He might be Lianghua’s only one.

Lianghua took the leaf, broke off a leaf and said:

"He will come today."

"He won’t come today."

"He will come today."

"He won’t come today."

"He will come today."


When she waited for the last leaf, Lianghua whispered softly:

"He won’t come today."


Lianghua’s face showed a lonely expression, then she threw away the bare branches, picked up another leaf, and continued to count.

Gao Mu Wu felt distressed and couldn’t help but smile. Lianghua was really silly and cute.

Gao Mu Wu walked behind her, patted her shoulder and said: "The person you've been thinking about is here."

Lianghua turned her head to look at Gao Mu Wu, and tears suddenly flowed from her eyes.....................

She really missed Gao Mu Wu too much.

All the grievances in an instant burst out.

Gao Mu Wu hurried forward and wiped away Lianghua's hot tears.

"Don't cry, don't cry."

"Well... I really miss you."

"I know, I know, didn't I come to see you after I was done with my work?"

"Don't cry, it won't look good if you cry again, right?" Gao Mu Wu wiped his tears and coaxed.

Lianghua burst into tears and laughed: "You said before that I look good no matter what I look like."

"Of course, Lianghua is the most beautiful in the world!"


Yamaguchi Hirotada saw Lianghua crying from a distance, and his heart suddenly tightened.

The person he felt most sorry for was Lianghua.

How could Chi Haoxian, who was standing by, not see the red and swollen wound? After all, he had been with him for decades.

"Team leader, it would be better to let them get married earlier."

Yamaguchi Hirotada was also very satisfied with Gao Mu Satoru. He was young and promising, even better than him.

Yamaguchi Hirotada nodded, "By the way, what is his relationship with the Kitahara family? To be precise, it's Kitahara Harumi."

Chi Haoxian pondered and said: "Kitahara Harumi is a student at the University of Tokyo. Kitahara Harumi returned to her alma mater a few months ago and met Gao Mu Satoru."

"Apart from these, is there anything else?"

Yamaguchi Hirotada asked. As a man, he had an intuition that the two of them would never do this.

"Anything else? I don't know anything else."

Chi Haoxian said truthfully. If he hadn't been by Gao Mu Satoru's side all the time, how could he know the inside story.

"But I think Gao Mu Satoru won't do anything out of the ordinary."

"I hope so."

If Yamaguchi Hirotada knew what Gao Mu Satoru did, he would have wanted to kill him.

During dinner.

Yamaguchi Hirotada asked: "By the way, Kitahara Harumi who was with you last time."

Gao Mu Satoru immediately became alert when he heard it, "Oh, I am entering the field of mobile phones, and Kitahara Harumi is also studying this field. We are from the same school. We met under the recommendation of the principal."

Gao Mu Satoru chose to conceal many details and only gave a general idea.


Yamaguchi Hirotada smiled and said: "Speaking of which, the Kitahara family is still a big family. Kitahara Harumi, as the daughter of the Kitahara family, has long been targeted by various forces."

The target that Yamaguchi Hirotada said naturally refers to marriage. Those with a little strength will do this, not to mention the big family of Kitahara.

"Speaking of which, it's time to get married. After all, you are almost thirty, but Kitahara Harumi has never been in a relationship, which is really strange."

While talking, Yamaguchi Hirotada has been observing Gao Mu Satoru.

He was just testing Gao Mu Satoru.

Unexpectedly, Gao Mu Wu was calm and his face was normal.

"Who knows, maybe he has some quirks." Gao Mu Wu said with a smile.

If Kitahara Jimei was here, she would probably smash his head.

"Hahahaha, I can't say for sure, but she can't be willful this time when she goes back."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Go back home and force her to marry........."

Gao Mu Wu was stunned after hearing this. He finally knew why Jimei was so anxious to go back.

He also knew why Yamaguchi Hirotada brought up this topic.

Gao Mu Wu looked normal and just nodded slightly.

Will he be forced to marry? Gao Mu Wu couldn't help but calculate in his heart.

If he went to the Kitahara family to grab the marriage, what would his chances be?Less.

Alas, it seems that I have to continue to accumulate strength. The current strength is still a little weak.

I don’t know how long Zhimei can last.

No, the mobile phone must be released quickly, it is urgent!

After finishing his meal, Gao Mu Satoru called Yinghua to discuss the details.

The choice of the appearance of the mobile phone, the public opinion of the product release, etc.

Use all the strength of Liangwu Group to make the mobile phone as soon as possible.

Yinghua didn’t understand why the senior was so anxious, but she still did what the senior said.

Time flies.

A few months passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Gao Mu Satoru had nothing to do, and he played with Lianghua for a few months to make up for the time before.

Of course, Misato and Maki are the same, and they are the main goal of keeping things fair.

Please call Gao Mu Satoru the master of keeping things fair.

A month later, the mobile phone was finally made.

The moment Gao Mu Satoru picked up the mobile phone, a familiar feeling came over him.

Gao Muwu's product launch is also being prepared.

He plans to make a splash at the product launch


Brothers, there are really few gifts recently (crying) I'm not lying to you.

I'm begging for free small gifts here.

I'm begging for free power generation for love. With gifts, I'll be more motivated to update.

One hundred power generation for love will add one more update, (one power generation for love is one cent (crying))

Gift King will add three more updates (although it's impossible, I still look forward to it~)

God certification will add two more updates (although it's impossible, I still look forward to it~)

Big health care will add one more update (this should be possible, brother, I want health care (crying))

Explosive update, inspiration capsule, Xiu'er, come, please. (Heart)

Other paid gifts can be added (Heart)

(Heart) (Heart) (Heart)

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