Brothers, this chapter is not finished yet. I will finish it tomorrow.

The truck crushed the car to pieces.

Pingchuanzhi looked at the broken car with lingering fear.

If Gao Muwu hadn't pulled him out just now, he would have turned into a pile of meat paste by now!

Just thinking about it makes him scared. Pingchuanzhi's back has been soaked with cold sweat.

Life and death are just a moment.

"Fuck... Fuck... Fuck!" Pingchuanzhi swallowed his saliva and said, "Did Li Bingji and the others do it?"

Gao Muwu's eyes were full of murderous light, and he was completely targeting their lives.

Gao Muwu said in a low voice: "Well..."

"Fuck, they want to beat us to death!"

"Okay, it's important to meet up with Zhimei first!"

This matter is not over!

Don't you want me to die? Then I will die for you to see.

Takagi Satoru was not idle on the road, making a big fuss about this matter, causing a sensation in the city.

However, the news he released was: Takagi Satoru and Hirakawa Shi were killed by a car.

In order to make this matter look credible and real, he directly threw the blood plasma he had prepared in the car in a flash.

The car was broken into pieces and was in a pool of blood, which was extremely miserable.

Of course, public opinion was all directed at the chaebol, and many people scolded the chaebol.

Many people sympathized with Takagi Satoru.

At this time, it also caused an uproar in the country.

Yamaguchi family.

When Takagi Satoru was not at home, Lianghua usually returned to Yamaguchi Hirotada's house, and it was as if she had not married.

Yamaguchi Hirotada sometimes always teased: "If your family knew about it, they would laugh at us."

Lianghua always lowered her head and did not refute every time she heard it.

Gao Mu Wu always said for Liang Hua: "What's wrong with going home? Liang Hua can do whatever she wants, as long as Liang Hua is happy!"

His words seemed to refute Yamaguchi Hirotada, but it made him happier, because Gao Mu Wu loved Liang Hua.

Chi Haoxian rushed in, and Yamaguchi Hirotada frowned slightly. He knew something had happened, and it must be a big deal.

Usually, even if something happened, Chi Haoxian would not panic and remain calm, but it was completely different now. It must be a big deal.

"Don't worry, talk slowly."

"My brother-in-law... My brother-in-law has an accident!"

What Yamaguchi Hirotada was most worried about happened. Han Kingdom is not the country, and the power of the chaebols there is much greater than his.

So he secretly sent people to follow Gao Mu Wu to ensure his safety, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't prevent it.

"Don't worry, tell me the details."

"Just now............Just now our people sent a message that the brother-in-law's car was crushed by a large truck."

Yamaguchi Hirotada hurriedly asked: "How is he?"

Chi Haoxian lowered his head and hesitated to answer.

Yamaguchi Hirotada yelled: "I asked you how he is!"

Chi Haoxian avoided answering: "The car at the scene was directly destroyed, and blood............blood flowed all over the ground."

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue in Yamaguchi Hirotada's mind.

Such a description has already said that Gao Mu Satoru is dead. Yes, how can an ordinary person survive such an accident.

No matter how godlike Gao Mu Satoru is, he is still a human being.

Yamaguchi Hirotada is experienced after all, and he quickly calmed down: "Don't tell Lianghua about this first, I'm afraid she can't bear it."

As soon as the voice fell, he saw Lianghua standing at the door, tears in her beautiful eyes.........................

The worst thing still happened, and Lianghua still heard about it.

Lianghua stood there and said, "Is this..............Is this true?"

Chi Haoxian lowered his head and said nothing. Silence is golden, and silence represents everything.

Lianghua turned her head and looked at her father Yamaguchi Hirotada again. She asked, "Is this............really............really?"

Before she finished speaking, tears had already fallen.

Yamaguchi Hirotada said in great distress, "Lianghua, Lianghua, don't worry, Gao Mu Satoru, Gao Mu Satoru will be fine."

"Um............Dad, is this true? Is Gao Mu Satoru really in trouble?"

"Lianghua is obedient, you go sit for a while." Yamaguchi Hirotada comforted, and then looked outside: "Someone help the young lady out to rest."

At this time, the servant came to help Lianghua out, but before she went out, Lianghua fainted on the ground, and Yamaguchi Hirotada was stunned.


Mieko's home.

Mieko has the habit of watching the news every day. Suddenly, an urgent news attracts Mieko's attention.

Takagi Satoru, chairman of Liangwu Group, died in a car accident in Seoul!

Mieko's pupils suddenly widened after seeing it. Takagi Satoru and Hirakawa Zhi were in Seoul.

The news was about them without a doubt.

Xiaowu............. Xiaowu died?

Mieko didn't believe it in her heart, because in her heart, Takagi Satoru was omnipotent.

But.................. The reality is in front of her, the bloody facts are in front of Mieko, you have to admit it.

Mieko picked up the phone and called Hirakawa Zhi.


Berlin, Germany.

Misato looked at the news on her phone, stunned in place, her heart pounding.

Takagi Satoru died? !

How is it possible.

Zhimei clicked on the phone to play and entered the familiar phone number.

After thinking for a while, he dialed the number.


Hirakawa took out his cell phone and saw that it was a call from Mieko.

"Do you want to answer it?" Hirakawa asked Takagi Satoru.

"Of course I will answer it. I guess Mieko is worried." Takagi Satoru nodded.

Hirakawa was moved after hearing this. He looked at Takagi Satoru and said, "My mother still cares about me. She called me when she knew something happened to me."

Takagi Satoru smiled and said, "Please answer it first."


Hirakawa nodded and pressed the answer button. Mieko's familiar voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Xiaozhi, how is Xiaowu?"

Hirakawa held up the phone and stood there awkwardly.

The words he had just said with confidence were still ringing in his ears. As soon as he said it, he was slapped in the face.

"Mom, why are you only asking about Takagi Satoru? What about me? I am nothing."

Mieko was stunned. She just saw the news that Takagi Satoru died in a car accident, so she didn't think of Hirakawa Shi.

"Are you two together?"


"Huh... are you two okay?"

"No... I'm fine, very lively."

"That's good, that's good, what's the news about?"

"Oh, it's all Takagi Satoru's fault."

"I'm glad you're okay, I'm relieved."

At this time, Takagi Satoru's phone showed an unknown number.

Takagi Satoru's eyes narrowed, could it be...

Takagi Satoru picked up the phone and answered it, but didn't speak to avoid exposing his identity.

The other party also tacitly didn't speak, which Takagi Satoru found very strange.

Heavy breathing came from the other side.


Takagi Satoru was sure that the person on the other side of the phone was Misato!

As soon as I finished speaking, the other end of the phone hung up.....................


Brothers, please give me gifts (crying)

My friends, seeing that I update so steadily, please give me small gifts, isn't that too much (dog head protection)

I also want to rush to the list.

Please give me free gifts, of course it would be better if there are paid ones, but I dare not ask for paid ones (humble).

Please give me small free gifts, thank you very much.

Please give me free power for love. With gifts, I will be more motivated to update.

One hundred power for love will give me one more update, (one power for love is one cent (crying))

Gift King will give me three more updates (although it is impossible, but I still look forward to it~)

God certification will give me two more updates (although it is impossible, but I still look forward to it~)

Big health care will give me one more update (this should be possible, brother, I want health care (crying))

Explosive update, inspiration capsule, Xiu'er, please come, please. (Heart)

Other paid gifts can be added (Heart)

(Heart) (Heart) (Heart)

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