"Two thousand corns?! Damn, this guy is really not a human being."

"But I believe that Gao Mu Satoru cannot be regarded as an ordinary person, or even as a human being."

"I agree with the above point of view, Gao Mu Satoru is not a human being."

"If you say that Gao Mu Satoru has a system, I will believe it."

The view that Gao Mu Satoru is not a human being has won the approval of a large number of netizens.

The main reason is that Gao Mu Satoru is too abnormal.

Gao Mu Satoru and his friends returned to the mushroom house.

After returning, they took a shower one by one.

After exchanging corn for food, Gao Mu Satoru began to cook.

After a while, they all finished their showers, and Gao Mu Satoru also cooked the meal.

After a day's work, the meal was unusually fragrant and delicious.

After eating, they started chatting again.

He Ri said with a smile: "I heard that Xiao Wu is very good at writing scripts. My Sassy Girl, which has just become popular, was written by Xiao Wu."

Zhao Ying nodded and said, "I know."

Among these people, only she and Huang Shi are actors.

He Ri asked with a smile: "Xiao Wu, I want to ask you a question."

"Teacher He, you are a little bit polite when you say this. Just ask if you want to ask."

"I am embarrassed to ask Lianghua in front of me."

"What is there to be embarrassed about? Lianghua basically knows everything about me."

Takagi Satoru used the word "basically". He didn't dare to say everything.

If the Shura Field breaks out later, the netizens will dig out the history books and spray him to death.

"Okay, then I'll ask, what kind of experience made you write such a good script for Sassy Girl."

Zhao Ying looked at Gao Mu Satoru with a curious look. She also wanted to know.

As a popular traffic flower, she wants to transform into a lineup of powerful actors in the future. At present, she only needs a good script and director.

After all, traffic is temporary, but acting skills are lifelong.

Gao Mu Wu grinned: "In fact, there is no special experience. These are all my own ideas. To be honest, my first love is Lianghua."

This sentence fed a lot of dog food to others.

Zhao Ying looked at Lianghua with envy. Once upon a time, she also wanted such love.

Or it can be said that few people do not want such love.

Zhao Ying said: "I have a question."

"Just say it."

"It's just that I have encountered a bottleneck period now. I want to transform, but I haven't met a good script. Can you point me in the direction?"

"Of course." Gao Mu Wu nodded and said: "By the way, I happen to have a script here. Do you want to take a look?"

"Really?" Zhao Ying's eyes lit up. Could there be an unexpected gain?

Gao Mu Wu got up and went to the room. What he said was of course a lie.

But then he thought, he has the system, and he can have as many scripts as he wants.

"System, I want to redeem the script."

[Okay, what script do you want to redeem?]

Takagi Satoru browsed the scripts in the store, and then chose the one he had already decided on: Wind Blows in Half Summer.

At first glance, the emotional value: 20,000, not expensive, not expensive at all.

This is a drama with a female lead, which will definitely help Zhao Ying to successfully transform!

After a while, Takagi Satoru turned back with a notebook in his hand.

Zhao Ying's eyes flashed with light. Many years later, she recalled the past few days and was very glad that she participated in the longing for life at that time.

This experience directly changed the rest of her life.

"Hey, take a look."

Zhao Ying opened the script to take a look. Huang Shi was also very curious and went over to take a look together, and even He Ri and Da Hua went over together.

Pingchuan Zhi was not interested in this, while Takagiya was showing off his love with Lianghua.

Time slipped away quietly, and they watched it very seriously and devotedly.

A few hours later, they finished watching.

The brilliance in Zhao Ying's beautiful eyes became brighter, and she asked: "How much is it? I'll buy it."

Takagi Satoru laughed and said: "Hahahaha, no money."

Zhao Ying asked curiously: "What do you want?"

Zhao Ying didn't think that Gao Mu Satoru would give her such a good script for nothing. After all, businessmen are profit-oriented, and Gao Mu Satoru is definitely no exception.

Gao Mu Satoru said in silence: "You will know in the future."

It's not convenient to talk about this here, it's better to talk about it in private.

Could it be that... Zhao Ying couldn't help but imagine it in her heart, but Gao Mu Satoru didn't say it clearly, so she could only suppress her inner assumptions.

He Ri said in surprise: "Xiao Wu, why can you write such a good script."

Gao Mu Satoru smiled and said: "A businessman who can't write a script is not a good violinist."


Brothers, there are indeed not enough gifts. Please give me some free gifts for love (crying)

My friends, seeing that I update so stably, please give me some small gifts, isn't that too much? (dog head protection)

I also want to rush to the list.

Please give me free gifts. Of course, it would be better if there are paid gifts, but I dare not ask for paid gifts (humble).

Please give me some free small gifts. Thank you very much.

Please give me free gifts for love. With gifts, I will be more motivated to update.

One hundred gifts for love will give me one more update (one gift for love is one cent (crying))

Gift King will give me three more updates (although it is impossible, but I still look forward to it~)

God Certification will give me two more updates (although it is impossible, but I still look forward to it~)

Health Care will give me one more update (this should be possible, brother, I want health care (crying))

Explosive update, inspiration capsule, Xiu'er, please come, please. (Heart)

Other paid gifts can be added to the next chapter (Heart)

(Heart) (Heart) (Heart)

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