Kitahara Osamu was directly hit by Takagi Satoru's sweetness. She was still cold on the surface, but she was already happy in her heart.

She left Longguo happily.

Since Kitahara Osamu left, the show "Longing for Life" has also ushered in the last episode, and no other female guests were invited to participate in the following episodes.

In the mushroom house.

At this time, the mushroom house was revealing a faint sense of sadness.

He Ri picked up the wine glass and sighed: "I didn't expect time to pass so quickly. In a blink of an eye, we have to say goodbye. I still remember the scene when we just met..."

He recalled the bits and pieces of the past, and a wave of sadness surged in his heart.

Takagi Satoru seemed more open-minded. He smiled and said: "As the saying goes, there is no banquet that will not end in the world!"

Although he didn't seem to care on the surface, he was actually a little reluctant in his heart.

After all, during this period of time, everyone spent a lot of happy time together and established a deep friendship.

After the show, Takagi Satoru and others arrived at Kyoto Airport.


Gao Mu Wu looked at Liang Hua and Ping Chuan Zhi, and then said calmly: "You two go back first."

Hearing this, Liang Hua was a little surprised and confused. She looked at Gao Mu Wu and couldn't help asking: " don't go back together?"

And Ping Chuan Zhi curled his lips. He knew very well what Gao Mu Wu was going to do next.

Although he didn't know exactly what it was, he could roughly guess it through observation and experience.

Faced with Liang Hua's question, Gao Mu Wu shook his head and replied with a smile: "You go first, I still have some work to deal with."

After hearing this, Liang Hua immediately said: "Then I will stay with you."

After hearing this, Gao Mu Wu shook his head repeatedly in his heart, but on the surface he was still calm.

"It's okay, Liang Hua, you go first, I will be there in a few days."

Liang Hua said aggrievedly: "But I want to accompany you."'s inconvenient for you to accompany me.

Gao Mu Wu was just thinking about how to stop Liang Hua, and Hirakawa Zhi assisted him and said: "He went there to discuss business matters. Let's not distract him."

Liang Hua was reluctant to leave, but for the sake of the overall situation, she said: "Okay..."

Gao Mu Wu gave Hirakawa Zhi an admiring look, worthy of being his good wingman.

Good brother, you must have another bottle of beverage in the future, and the first bag of instant noodles only has the seasoning packet, and the second bag only has the noodles.

Gao Mu Wu walked up and gently rubbed Liang Hua's head, and said softly: "Liang Hua, don't miss me too much, I will go back to accompany you in a few weeks."

Liang Hua nodded and said obediently: "Then I will wait for you at home..."


After a simple farewell, Gao Mu Wu watched them board the plane to Tokyo.

After Liang Hua left, Gao Mu Wu set off for Zhao Ying's crew.


The brothers are about to experience the ultimate Shura field.

There are indeed not many gifts recently, so I'm begging for a free gift for love (crying)

The update has been stable, and my friends, seeing that the update is so stable, I'm begging for a small gift, isn't it too much (dog head protection)

Please give me a free small gift, I also want to rush to the gift list (rush!)

Please give me a free gift, of course it would be better if there is a paid one, but I dare not ask for a paid one (humble).

Please give me a free small gift, thank you very much.

Please give me a free gift for love. I will be more motivated to update with gifts.

One hundred gifts for love will add one more chapter, (one gift for love is one cent (crying))

Gift King will add three more chapters (although it is impossible, but I still look forward to it~)

God Certification will add two more chapters (although it is impossible, but I still look forward to it~)

Big Health will add one more chapter (this should be possible, brother, I want health care (crying))

Explosive update, inspiration capsule, Xiu'er, please come, please. (Heart)

Other paid gifts can be added (Heart)

(Heart) (Heart) (Heart)

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