Gao Mu Wu and Pingchuan Zhi entered the company together.

Pingchuan Zhi said to Gao Mu Wu on the way: "Recently... Recently, something seems to have happened in the company."

He approached Gao Mu Wu with a mysterious look on his face and said in a low voice.

After hearing this, Gao Mu Wu couldn't help but turn his head and asked: "Something happened? How come I don't know about it?"

His eyes were full of confusion and surprise, and he obviously didn't know anything about what Pingchuan Zhi said.

As the head of the company, Pingchuan Zhi actually knew more about the company than he did.

Pingchuan Zhi rolled his eyes and said: "It happened a few days ago. You said that it was not important and I didn't need to tell you in advance."

After Pingchuan Zhi said this, Gao Mu Wu remembered that he was recovering in Yunbian Town at that time, and he specifically asked him not to tell him if it was not an important matter for the time being.

"This is not the point now. The point is what happened?"

"Do you know Fengtian Group?"

"I know, what's wrong?"

Gao Mu Wu has a deep impression of Fengtian Group. It is the number one company in the country.

And Gao Mu Wu must not avoid it if he wants to be the world's number one...........................

"They want to go against us."

After hearing this, Gao Mu Wu frowned and couldn't help saying: "Why? I remember that I am in a completely different field from them."

Feng Tian is in the automotive field, while Liang Wu Group is more in the Internet.

Although Gao Mu Wu plans to enter the new energy vehicle field, that is a matter for the future. Now I haven't provoked him, why should he go against me...................

Hirakawa Zhi shook his head and said: "I don't know."

Takagi Wu thought for a moment, and asked Hirakawa Zhi: "Then what do you think he wants to do? Is he going to attack us? But he has no reason to do so!"

Hirakawa Zhi sighed and said: "Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's just a coincidence..."

Both of them were silent for a while, and then Gao Mu Wu suddenly said: "No, I have to find a chance to ask him. If he really comes for me, I won't sit still and wait for death. "

Hirakawa looked at Gao Mu Wu and nodded gently, indicating that he agreed with his opinion, but at the same time he did not forget to remind him: "Even so, we still have to be careful! After all, the other party is the president of Fengtian Group. Such a person has huge power and resources in his hands, and his means must be no less. "

After listening to Hirakawa's words, Gao Mu Wu raised his mouth slightly, revealing a confident smile, and responded: "Don't worry, Hirakawa, I know. I will always be vigilant and act cautiously. "

After that, Gao Mu Wu slowly stood up, tidied his clothes, and then turned to walk out the door.

At this moment, Gao Mu Wu suddenly stopped, as if he remembered something, frowned slightly, and thought to himself: Even if Fengtian Group did not take action against him now, they would definitely target him in the future.

Because Fengtian Group will never sit and watch others take away their share in the automotive field, and he is the one who must take this share.

Thinking of this, a firm look flashed in Gao Mu Satoru's eyes, and then he quickened his pace and left the room.


Liangwu Group.

The sun shines through the glass wall on the spacious corridor, reflecting a bright light and shadow.

Gao Mu Satoru slowly walked into Liangwu Group, his steps were steady and firm, as if carrying an invisible force.

Every step seemed particularly powerful, as if announcing to the entire company that something important was about to happen.

With Gao Mu Satoru's arrival, the atmosphere of the entire Liangwu Group became tense.

The employees cast their concerned eyes, guessing what the intentions of this mysterious boss were.

And those senior executives knew it well, they knew that this summons meant that Gao Mu Satoru might take action.

In the conference room, a group of senior executives had been waiting for a long time.

They were dressed in suits and leather shoes, with serious faces, and their eyes revealed awe of Gao Mu Satoru.

There were documents and reports on the conference table, waiting for Gao Mu Satoru to review.

Gao Muwu stepped into the conference room, his eyes swept over everyone present, and then sat quietly in the first seat. His expression was cold and majestic, which made people feel awe.

"Everyone, I called you all here today because I have something important to announce."

Gao Muwu's voice was low and magnetic, full of irresistible power.

The senior executivesThey looked at each other, wondering what would happen next.

They knew Gao Muwu's methods and decision-making ability, and they dared not take any changes lightly.

Gao Muwu picked up a document and slowly flipped through it. His eyes were focused and sharp, as if he could see through everything. There was silence in the conference room, and only the sound of flipping papers echoed in the air.

After a while, Gao Muwu put down the document, raised his head, looked at the people in front of him and said: "After careful consideration, I decided to make a comprehensive reform of the company. We need to break the existing constraints and find new development opportunities. This is not only about personal interests, but also about the future of Liangwu Group."

The faces of the senior executives were different when they heard this. Some people showed joy, thinking that this was a rare opportunity;

Some people were worried, worried that their status would be affected. However, they all understood that Gao Muwu's decision was unquestionable.

Gao Mu Wu continued: "First, we will review the company's business structure, optimize resource allocation, and improve efficiency. Secondly, we will strengthen internal management, establish a strict assessment system, and motivate employees to realize greater potential. Finally, we will actively expand the market, seek cooperation opportunities, and enhance the competitiveness of Liangwu Group."

His words were so powerful that the senior executives felt unprecedented pressure.

They realized that this reform would bring huge challenges, but it was also an opportunity to enhance their own value.

"I hope you can actively cooperate and work together to achieve the gorgeous transformation of Liangwu Group."

Gao Mu Wu's eyes swept over the crowd again, with a firm light flashing in his eyes.

The senior executives nodded one after another, expressing their willingness to fully support Gao Mu Wu's reform plan.

They knew that this was a critical moment for Liangwu Group to move to a new height, and no one could stay out of it.

There was no way not to be in awe, Gao Mu Wu was an out-and-out ruthless person. Although young, no one would despise Gao Mu Wu

Gao Mu Wu smiled and motioned everyone to sit down, and then sat quietly at the head of the conference table.

His eyes swept over everyone present, as if he wanted to see through their appearance to see their inner thoughts.

Gao Mu Wu then said: "Recently, there was news that Fengtian Group was secretly targeting us. As for the specific reasons for their doing so, I don't want to know too much. In fact, since the establishment of Liangwu Group, even before it was officially established, I have been facing pressure and challenges from all sides."

At this point, Gao Mu Wu paused for a moment, and then continued: "However... these targets did not make me succumb. On the contrary, they became my driving force to keep moving forward and pushed me to where I am today."

He paused for a moment, as if to organize his thoughts, and then continued: "Okay, I won't say any more extra words, let's talk about the next task."

"First, we must continue to vigorously promote the development of Internet business. Next, our focus will be on new energy vehicle projects." Gao Mu Wu's tone was firm and decisive.

"Regarding Douyin, I am not personally very worried. After all, we have accumulated a lot of experience and resources in this field, and the future development direction is relatively clear. But for new energy vehicles, this is a brand new challenge and a reality we must face." Gao Muwu's eyes revealed a trace of worry.

"Although we are a latecomer in the automobile manufacturing industry, considering the huge potential and broad market of new energy vehicles, we cannot miss this opportunity.

At the same time, we must also clearly realize that compared with other established automakers, we may have gaps in technology, experience, etc.

Therefore, we need to redouble our efforts to make up for these shortcomings as soon as possible to ensure that we can gain a foothold and make a difference in the field of new energy vehicles."

Gao Muwu's expression became serious. He knew that the road ahead was full of difficulties and challenges, but he also firmly believed that as long as all employees worked together, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve the company's goals.

Gao Muwu grasped the Internet industry at the beginning and has now reached the level of a leading enterprise, so he is not too worried about the Internet.

The real highlight is new energy vehicles.

"We can learn advanced foreign technologies, which will enable us to develop rapidly."

"At present, the field of new energy vehicles is still blank, and no one has set foot in it. However, this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us, which can enable us to achieve a gorgeous transformation. In the future, we will become the focus of global attention!"

Takagi Satoru passionately said to the publicHe told everyone with confidence and determination that as long as they work together, they will succeed.

"I believe that through everyone's unremitting struggle and fighting spirit, we will usher in a brilliant tomorrow. In the end, the throne of the world's number one company will definitely belong to us!"

Takagi Satoru stood on the stage and shouted this sentence to the employees below with passion.

His voice echoed throughout the conference room, as if to ignite everyone's heart.

Takagi Satoru's eyes were firm and confident, and his words illuminated the fire of hope in everyone's heart like a torch.

His body language was also full of power. His straight spine, waving arms and impassioned tone made people feel his confidence and determination for the future.

The employees below were deeply moved by Takagi Satoru's words, and their eyes were flashing with excitement and expectation.

Some people clenched their fists, some nodded slightly, and some even couldn't help but whispered in agreement.

For a time, the whole conference room was filled with a warm atmosphere, as if a revolution was about to break out.

Gao Mu Satoru knows that as a leader, he needs to inspire the morale of the team and make everyone believe that everything they do is meaningful.

Therefore, he constantly emphasizes the company's goals and visions and encourages employees to work hard for them.

At the same time, he will also share some success stories to let everyone see that as long as they work hard, they will definitely achieve results.

Finally, Gao Mu Satoru emphasized again: "The throne of the world's number one company will definitely belong to us!"

This is not only a slogan, but also his commitment to the team.

He believes that as long as everyone works together and pursues excellence together, this goal will definitely be achieved.

Inspired by Gao Mu Satoru, employees have expressed their willingness to go all out and contribute their own strength to the development of the company.

They believe that under the leadership of Gao Mu Satoru, the company will be able to create more brilliant results and become a global leading enterprise.


The brothers are about to experience the ultimate Shura field.

There are indeed not many gifts recently, so I'm begging for a free gift for love (crying)

The update has been stable, and my friends, seeing that the update is so stable, I'm begging for a small gift, isn't it too much (dog head protection)

Please give me a free small gift, I also want to rush to the gift list (rush!)

Please give me a free gift, of course it would be better if there is a paid one, but I dare not ask for a paid one (humble).

Please give me a free small gift, thank you very much.

Please give me a free gift for love. I will be more motivated to update with gifts.

One hundred gifts for love will add one more chapter, (one gift for love is one cent (crying))

Gift King will add three more chapters (although it is impossible, but I still look forward to it~)

God Certification will add two more chapters (although it is impossible, but I still look forward to it~)

Big Health will add one more chapter (this should be possible, brother, I want health care (crying))

Explosive update, inspiration capsule, Xiu'er, please come, please. (Heart)

Other paid gifts can be added to the next chapter (Heart)

(Heart) (Heart) (Heart)

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