After Gao Mu Satoru clarified, he turned off the live broadcast.

He rubbed his temples and sighed: "Alas, sometimes being too famous is not a good thing."

Indeed, almost no one does not know Gao Mu Satoru now, and his popularity is extremely high.

His international influence even exceeds that of many first-line superstars.

This has led to his every move being watched and noticed by the outside world, and he even has to wear a mask when he goes out to avoid being recognized.

Sometimes, Gao Mu Satoru really wants to retire, after all, he has made enough money now.

However, he has a greater ambition deep in his heart.

This ambition is to engrave his name forever in the long river of history.

Become a legendary figure!

Although Gao Mu Satoru is already very famous today, he knows that it is far from enough to achieve this goal.

At present, the market value of Liangwu Group has exceeded 10 trillion yuan, ranking first in China and ranked in the top ten in the world.

But this is not Gao Mu Satoru's ultimate goal. He is eager to push Liangwu Group to the top position in the world.

Gao Muwu sat on the sofa, holding a cup of coffee, thinking about how to further expand the influence and market share of Liangwu Group.

However, his thoughts were always interrupted by some trivial matters, which made him feel a little irritable.

He shook his head and tried to put those troubles behind him.

He stood up and said to Hirakawa: "Come with me to Yamaguchi's house."

Hirakawa nodded, turned and left, ready to drive his Maybach.

Yamaguchi's house.

Hirakawa parked the car steadily at the door, then got out quickly and followed Gao Muwu into the house.

Although the relationship between Lianghua and him is not as close as before, their relationship has eased recently. At least she is no longer as resistant to him as in the past.

After entering the Yamaguchi family, Hirakawa went to talk to Chi Haoxian.

At the same time, Gao Muwu went straight to where Lianghua was, hoping to spend a good time with her.

Gao Muwu came to the door of Lianghua's room.

Gao Mu Wu gently pushed the door open and went in. Lianghua was still leaning on the window with her head looking out.

Gao Mu Wu walked to Lianghua quietly, and seeing her quiet appearance, he couldn't help but guess: "Is this child in a daze again?"

He slowly approached and sat next to Lianghua.

Lianghua heard the movement and immediately woke up. She turned her head and looked at Gao Mu Wu with a gentle smile on her face.

At this time, Lianghua's belly was slightly bulging, and a new life was nurtured inside.

Time flies so fast, there are only five months left before the due date.

Gao Mu Wu gently stroked Lianghua's belly, feeling the beating of the little life inside.

Lianghua smiled and said, "The little guy is kicking me again."

Gao Mu Wu said gently, "It seems that he can't wait to come out and see the world."

It feels that Lianghua's personality has become dull again. Thinking carefully, she doesn't have many friends, only Gao Mu Wu.

Gao Mu Wu couldn't help but feel distressed when he thought of this. He smiled and said, "Lianghua, after you give birth to the baby, let's go out and have fun, okay?"

Lianghua didn't say anything, neither refused nor agreed.

Gao Mu Wu looked at Lianghua's expression, feeling a little disappointed, but still trying to keep a smile.

He knew that Lianghua might need some time to adjust her mood, so he was not in a hurry.

After a while, Gao Mu Wu said again: "Lianghua, I really look forward to traveling with you and enjoying the world of two people. We can see beautiful scenery, taste local food, and experience different cultural atmospheres. Such a trip will definitely make us feel happy and relaxed."

Lianghua listened to Gao Mu Wu's words, raised her head slightly, and a gleam flashed in her eyes.

Although she still didn't speak, Gao Mu Wu could feel her inner desire.

So he continued: "If you don't speak, I will take it as your consent, so it's settled."

After speaking, Gao Mu Wu gently held Lianghua's hand and gave her a warm smile.

Lianghua also slowly responded with a smile, indicating tacit consent.

Seeing Lianghua's smile, Gao Muwu's heart was filled with joy.

At noon, Gao Muwu began to show his superb cooking skills.

He handled the ingredients skillfully, cutting vegetables, frying vegetables, boiling soup...

A series of actions flowed smoothly, and soon, a table of sumptuous dishes was placed on the table.

These dishes included steamed fish, braised pork, stir-fried seasonal vegetables, etc. Each dish looked so tempting that people couldn't help drooling.Hirakawa looked at the sumptuous meal and exclaimed sincerely: "Takagi-kun, your cooking skills are really great!"

Indeed, no one can escape the temptation of delicious food, especially the food made by Takagi Satoru.

Takagi Satoru heard Hirakawa's praise, and a smug smile appeared on his face, and then said to the two: "Don't just look, try my cooking skills."

After that, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, savoring the deliciousness.

The three of them enjoyed lunch happily, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

They ate and talked, laughing constantly.

Just then, a crisp ringtone broke the harmonious atmosphere.

Takagi Satoru's mobile phone suddenly rang.

He put down his chopsticks, picked up the phone and saw that it was a call from Zhimei.

Gao Mu Wu went out to answer the phone and said jokingly: "What's the matter, Zhimei, did you miss me again, so you called me?"

Gao Mu Wu was still as unserious as ever, with a hint of joking and relaxed tone.

However, Zhimei ignored his jokes and asked directly: "There is a party in the United States, are you going to attend?"

Her voice revealed a serious atmosphere, as if this party was very important.


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