Gao Mu Wu couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He remembered that the Mafia was an organization led by Idari, but why did it appear in the United States now?

However, he soon realized that he was in a parallel world where everything was possible, so he was no longer surprised.

His eyes became cold and ruthless, and he said in a low voice: "Whether you are the Mafia or any other organization, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

As soon as the voice fell, a strong murderous aura gushed out from Gao Mu Wu.

After feeling this murderous intent, Hirakawa Zhi shuddered, as if he was enveloped by the coldness.

He felt uneasy, like sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in the back, like a fishbone stuck in the throat..................

Takagi Satoru continued: "The mastermind behind this is definitely not just the mafia, there must be other people involved. Continue to investigate further." Ping

Kawashi nodded and replied: "Yes!"

The two had no entanglement with the mafia, but the sudden attack of the mafia was obviously aimed at Takagi Satoru and Zhimei, with the purpose of taking their lives.

Therefore, Takagi Satoru deduced that there must be someone behind it.

Pingchuanshi looked at Takagi Satoru and suddenly asked: "By the way, do you know how much trouble this incident has caused on the Internet?"

Takagi Satoru nodded and replied calmly: "I saw it, but this is also expected."

Pingchuanshi asked with some doubts: "Then should we respond? Wouldn't it be bad to leave it alone?"

Takagi Satoru shook his head and said firmly: "No."

After explaining clearly, Takagi Satoru turned around and went back to his room to rest.

In the next few days, Gao Mu Wu, Zhi Mei and Pingchuan Zhi stayed in the hotel.

Due to the special identities of Gao Mu Wu and Zhi Mei, the police specially sent people to protect them and ensure the safety of the hotel.

In Zhi Mei's room.

Gao Mu Wu was changing the medicine for her wound skillfully.

After changing the medicine, Zhi Mei sighed softly and said hesitantly: "Actually... you can let others do these things."

Gao Mu Wu chuckled and teased her deliberately: "Why? You think the old people are not as good as the new ones."

Zhi Mei shook her head and explained: "You know I don't mean that. You have been taking care of me like this. I'm afraid you are too tired."

Gao Mu Wu smiled and said: "I know, I just said that to tease you."

Zhi Mei turned her head away, her face was slightly red, and she looked very cute.

Gao Mu Wu couldn't help but laugh and teased: "Zhi Mei, you are really cute."

Zhi Mei was shocked. She never thought that one day the word cute would be used on herself.

Gao Mu Wu looked at her and continued, "By the way, I will go with John to the paradise on earth he mentioned today."

When Zhi Mei heard this, she immediately sat up straight and said firmly, "I...................I will go with you."

Gao Mu Wu frowned, looked at her worriedly, and said, "You are still injured, how can you go with me."

Zhi Mei looked at Gao Mu Wu and said firmly, "But I want to go with you."

Gao Mu Wu's heart softened, but he couldn't help but persuade him, "Be good, it's not too late to go later, your most important task now is to heal your injuries."

After hearing this, Zhi Mei's eyes flashed with a trace of loss, but she still nodded obediently and didn't say anything more.

The two chatted for a while, and Gao Mu Wu got up and left the room.

After leaving the room, Gao Mu Wu turned to look at Hirakawa Zhi and asked softly: "Are you ready?"

Hirakawa Zhi nodded vigorously, his eyes flashing with excitement, and couldn't wait to know what kind of place the mysterious "paradise on earth" mentioned by John was.

Gao Mu Wu smiled, patted Hirakawa Zhi on the shoulder, and then took him to the place designated by John.

Not long after, the two arrived at the place John said.

John had been waiting here for a long time. Seeing Gao Mu Wu coming, he smiled and came forward and said: "I didn't expect Mr. Gao to have such courage and guts to come in the face of unknown dangers. I really admire him!"

Gao Mu Wu smiled slightly and responded: "This is nothing to me. They are just a group of clowns to me. It's not worth my trouble. Can we set off?"

John nodded and said: "Of course, let's go."

After that, he turned around and led Gao Mu Wu and Hirakawa Zhi to a luxurious private plane.

Before boarding the plane, Gao Muwu took out a protectiveHe handed the bulletproof vest to Hirakawa Zhi and told him, "Put it on just in case. What happened last time can't happen again."

Hirakawa Zhi took the bulletproof vest, looked at Gao Mu Satoru gratefully, and quickly put it on.

Then, the three boarded the plane and began this journey full of unknowns.

During the flight, Gao Mu Satoru kept looking at the scenery outside the window, trying to find the paradise on earth that John mentioned.

Finally, he saw a small island appear in front of him, surrounded by the endless ocean.

"Is this island bought by you, Mr. John?" Gao Mu Satoru asked curiously.

John smiled and nodded, with a proud light in his eyes, "Yes, this is my private island, and it is also the paradise on earth in my mind."

"Many people have come to this island. It can be said that the upper class has come here, the business community, the entertainment industry, or other people, countless, and countless celebrities."

John began to talk endlessly about the situation on the island to Gao Mu Satoru.

Gao Mu Wu was stunned and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: So this is the so-called gathering place of the upper class, so luxurious and mysterious.

However, as John introduced more and more, Gao Mu Wu gradually felt uneasy.

He realized that there were countless secrets and transactions behind this seemingly beautiful place.

"It seems that this is the ticket to the upper class." Gao Mu Wu thought to himself.

But at the same time, he also felt that this place was not like heaven, but more like hell.

In this place full of desires and power struggles, people have to give up their bottom line and principles to enter the so-called upper circle.

Or leave their own handles as a ticket..........................

However, Gao Mu Wu felt that this was not like heaven, but more like hell.

Hell on earth.......................

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