John stared at Gao Mu Wu with suspicion, his eyes revealed puzzlement, as if asking: Why do you need to think about it again?

He couldn't help but ask back: "Think about it again?"

Gao Mu Wu nodded and replied calmly: "Yes, think about it again."

When John heard this, his brows slightly frowned, his face full of confusion, thinking to himself: Why bother? Haven't we discussed this issue long ago?

Therefore, he frankly told Gao Mu Wu: "No need to think too much, Mr. Gao just needs to make a decisive decision."

Gao Mu Wu knew that he would never agree to join them.

If he agreed to go along with them, wouldn't it be lowering his status and becoming the same as those despicable people?

Therefore, he never considered joining them at all.........................................

At this moment, he just took advantage of this opportunity to cleverly delay time.

For Gao Mu Wu, the most important task now is to collect evidence as soon as possible, and everything else can be put aside for the time being.

The conversation with John and the others also made him realize that he must remain calm and rational, and not be easily swayed by the other party's words.

Gao Muwu took a deep breath, with a firm light in his eyes, and looked straight at John, saying: "I need more time to think about this problem. This is not an easy decision to make.................."

John frowned slightly, with a hint of doubt and dissatisfaction in his eyes. He asked puzzledly: "What's the difficulty? Our invitation is a great opportunity for you!"

Gao Muwu's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a faint smile, and his voice responded calmly and firmly: "I am very grateful for your appreciation and recognition, but I must be responsible for my future. Before making such a major decision, I still have some important things to deal with."

John saw this and said nothing more, because he knew very well that Gao Muwu had already waded into their muddy water, and it would be very difficult to get out without staining.

He has plenty of time to waste with Gao Mu Wu...................................

John smiled and said, "In that case, Mr. Gao, I will not force you anymore. I hope you can stay for a few more days and give me an answer before you leave."

What a great opportunity! I was just wondering how to stay, and you came to give me a pillow.

After hearing this, Gao Mu Wu said, "Okay."

After that, Gao Mu Wu slowly stood up, stretched out his hand to John, and shook hands with him politely.

Then, he turned and left the room, his steps firm and powerful.

When Gao Mu Wu walked out of the room, he felt that the pressure in his heart was slightly relieved.

He knew that this conversation would have an important impact on his life, but he also knew that he could not act hastily.

Now, he has to hurry up to find evidence.....................

Takagi Satoru turned around and looked at Hirakawa Zhi behind him, with a smile on his face, and said jokingly: "What? Are you full so soon?"

Hirakawa Zhi smiled and patted his round belly and replied: "Not only am I full, I'm almost full!"

Takagi Satoru shook his head helplessly and couldn't help complaining: "You look like you haven't eaten for two or three days."

Hirakawa Zhi laughed out loud, and the laughter echoed in the air.

After a while, he stopped laughing and asked: "Hahahaha...................... What should we do next?"

Takagi Satoru thought about it and replied calmly: "For now, let's stay here."

Hirakawa Zhi saw Takagi Satoru's calm expression and knew that he must have a plan to deal with it.

So, he couldn't wait to ask: "Have you already thought of the next plan?"

Takagi Satoru nodded slightly to show his agreement, and then walked towards the house.

When they walked into the room John arranged for them, Takagi Satoru immediately noticed a strange atmosphere, but he couldn't pinpoint what was wrong for a while.

This feeling came from his intuition and insight as a man.

In short, it's the sixth sense.................................

Hirakawa Shi was about to speak, "I think we should still.................."

Before he finished speaking, Takagi SatoruHe covered his mouth.

Pingchuanzhi muttered, "What are you doing."

Gao Muwu heard such a familiar smell and said on the spot: "Little Blackie."

Pingchuanzhi was confused and asked in confusion: "What little blackie."

Pingchuanzhi didn't know this joke. Gao Muwu didn't say anything, but picked up his phone and edited a message to Pingchuanzhi and sent it to him.

"There is something wrong with this room, don't talk first."

Pingchuanzhi immediately remained silent after seeing this message.

In order to avoid arousing John's suspicion, Gao Muwu said: "This time is equivalent to a vacation. Relax here and look at the blue sky and the sea."

At the same time, he said in his heart: "System, can you help me check what is in this room?"

[Yes, it requires 10,000 emotional points. ]

Gao Muwu looked at his remaining 50,000 emotional points and said: "Okay, pay immediately."

[Ding, 10,000 emotional points are consumed, and the current emotional value is 40,000. The host has completed the inspection. There are cameras and eavesdropping devices in this room. 】

Takagi Satoru nodded slightly. It was just as he had guessed. There was something wrong with this room.

He immediately sent a message to Hirakawa Zhi: There are cameras and eavesdropping devices in this room.

Seeing this, Hirakawa Zhi immediately looked around and then typed: "You have such sharp eyes, can you find this?"

"Don't worry about it. Now pretend to be careful not to let John find out."

Hirakawa Zhi looked up at Takagi Satoru and gave him an "I understand" expression. He has seen a lot of spy movies.

What else can't you understand?

Hirakawa Zhi immediately understood what Takagi Satoru meant and immediately said: "Yes, I haven't felt so comfortable for a long time."

Takagi Satoru asked the system again in his heart: "System, how much emotion do I need to buy a small hidden camera?"

[Forty thousand. 】

"Forty thousand?"

Takagi Satoru couldn't help but exclaimed. The system was completely looking at people.

However, thinking of the importance of this matter, Gao Mu Wuyi gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and decided directly: "Buy it!"

[Ding, the purchase has been successful, nano-level shooting equipment, the host only needs to silently say start in his mind, the machine will start shooting, and stop shooting when the silent saying ends. After the shooting is completed, the host can export it at any time without worrying about losing it. 】

Gao Mu Wuyi laughed when he heard it, and it really fulfilled the saying that the system's products must be fine products.

Pingchuan Zhi saw Gao Mu Wu's confident look and couldn't help typing and asked: "Do you have a solution?"



"You will know when the time comes."

Pingchuan Zhi heard that he was an old riddle man, just not telling you what the solution is, just letting you guess.


The spacious and bright room was filled with a faint smell of tobacco and luxury.

The room was decorated magnificently and luxuriously.

In the center of the room was a comfortable sofa chair, on which sat a man-John.

At this moment, he was leaning leisurely on the soft back of the chair, with a confident smile on his lips and a fragrant cigar in his mouth.

John casually put his legs on the table in front of him, gently shaking the red wine in the glass with one hand, and flicking the cigar ash in his hand with the other hand.

His eyes were full of teasing and playfulness, as if he was very interested in everything happening in front of him.

At this time, a petite girl was standing quietly in front of him, lowering her head, not daring to look directly into his eyes.

This girl was the girl who was chosen by Gao Muwu before.

At this moment, she seemed extremely nervous, her hands tightly clenched together, trembling slightly.

John slowly exhaled a smoke ring, the smoke rose in the air, and then gradually dissipated. He whispered, "How is it?"

The girl's body trembled violently, and her face turned pale as paper.

She tried to calm herself down, but the fear in her heart could not be concealed.

She whispered, "Okay......................"

The voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible, as if she was afraid of causing dissatisfaction on the other party.

John flicked the ash of the cigarette in his hand and waved at her.

"Okay, you go down first, and see how you perform tomorrow."

The girl left after hearing this.

After she left, John's expression immediately changed, and there was a fierceness in his eyes.

He had cameras installed in every room, so he naturally knew that Gao Muwu had not moved at all, such a cautious person.

However, tomorrow he would let Gao MuwuCompletely lost in the world of flowers!

He didn't believe that Gao Mu Satoru's willpower was so good that he could resist the temptation.

There was only one reason for being able to resist, that is, the temptation was not big enough.

At this moment, John took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected, and a low and hoarse male voice came from it: "Hello?"

John's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a confident smile, and said to the other end of the phone: "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to take down Gao Mu Satoru this time!"

There was a short silence on the other end of the phone, and then the man said firmly: "Well...................... If there is really no way, you can get rid of him when necessary."

John did not show any surprise or shock after hearing this, as if he had expected the other party to say this, or he actually had the same idea deep in his heart.

He just nodded gently to show that he understood and agreed.

John responded: "I know, don't worry."

After that, he hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, he called his secretary again.

"What do you want, Mr. John?" The secretary stood aside respectfully, waiting for instructions.

John took a deep breath, then slowly said: "Go and tell Gao Musuo that we'll meet on the yacht tomorrow."

The secretary nodded quickly, indicating that she understood.

"Okay, you go down first and do it quickly."

The secretary replied while recording John's request: "Okay, Mr. John, I will complete these tasks as soon as possible."

"Well, very good." John added.

"Excuse me, is there anything else I need to do?" the secretary asked.

John thought for a while and said: "No for now. If you have any questions or need further information, please report to me at any time."

"Okay, Mr. John. Then I'll go and deal with these things first." The secretary turned and left the office.

After leaving the office, the secretary walked briskly towards Gao Musuo's office.

She knocked on the door gently, and Gao Musuo's low and steady voice came from inside: "Come in."

Pushing the door open, the secretary walked into the room and saw Gao Musuo sitting in front of the sofa.

He raised his head and looked at the secretary, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and asked: "What's the matter?"

The secretary smiled and replied: "Mr. John wants to invite you to play on the yacht tomorrow."

Hearing this news, Gao Muwu couldn't help but frowned, and a murmur rose in his heart.

Why did John suddenly think of going to the yacht? What's the medicine sold in this gourd?

But since the other party has already issued an invitation, it's not easy for him to refuse.

So, he nodded and agreed.

"I know, you tell Mr. John that I'm happy to go."

"Okay, do you have anything else to tell me?"


After that, the secretary left.

After leaving, Gao Muwu fell into deep thought, and it was estimated that there would be a highlight tomorrow.

He was very curious about what tricks John would use.........................


I was temporarily locked up in a small dark room. When I get out, I will make up the plot of these two chapters, and then open a new chapter.

If it's good, it will come out tomorrow.


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