Hirakawa Zhi exclaimed, "Fuck!"

He counted Gao Mu Satoru's ties last time, but he didn't expect this guy to be so serious.......................

"Don't worship me, I'm just a legend......................"

"No, I must find a partner when school starts this time." Hirakawa Zhi swore.

Gao Mu Satoru has heard him say this countless times, and it's still the same sentence, if he wanted to find one, he would have found one long ago.

"Maybe if you beg me, I'll let someone introduce you to one."

Gao Mu Satoru looked at Hirakawa Zhi with a smile.



"You didn't lie to me?"

Gao Mu Satoru's face was dark, "Don't say these three words!"

After hearing this, Hirakawa Zhi looked aggrieved, "You're being mean to me~"

"Get out of the car."

Gao Mu Satoru felt too disgusted and didn't want Hirakawa Zhi to taint his sports car.


Hirakawa Zhi snorted before getting out of the car, disgusting Gao Mu Satoru again.

Then he got off the car contentedly. It was Gao Mu Wu who had pissed him off just now.............................

After getting off the car, Gao Mu Wu called Ying Hua.

"Ying Hua, is everything okay recently?"

"Not so good......................."

Gao Mu Wu was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's because of the recent tricks of Kawadokai and Hashigami Kenhiro." Ying Hua said with a pout.

Recently, the offensive of Kawadokai and Hashigami Kenhiro is a bit fierce. As soon as Gao Mu Wu's company launches a product, they immediately copy it.

One is copied, one is copied.

It's so shameless. Gao Mu Wu has never seen such a shameless person.............................

Although there was a company like this in the previous life, it was not as excessive as you!

Uncle can tolerate it, but Aunt can't!

"Ying Hua, does their behavior constitute infringement?" Gao Mu Wu asked.

Yinghua had already done the investigation in advance, and she replied: "Some have already constituted infringement."

"Oh? Great, sue them!"

Between choosing the law and the fist, Gao Muwu chose the law. After all, the fist can only solve the problem temporarily, not the fundamental problem.

Gao Muwu continued: "You start preparing for this matter."

"Okay, I promise to complete the task!"

After explaining the matter, Gao Muwu hung up the phone.

His left eyelid kept twitching. Could it be that good things are coming?

Gao Muwu was suspicious in his heart. Isn't there a song that goes like this? If the left eyelid twitches, good things are coming........................

Gao Muwu didn't know what good things were.

He only knew that if he didn't get off the bus, he would be late..................

Although the third year is easy, there are still a few classes.

After the class, it was already a little late.

The phone rang. It was Mieko calling. Gao Muwu picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hey, Mieko."

"Xiaowu, come back for dinner tonight, don't eat out, we ate out yesterday."

Takagi Satoru was stunned, is this another laborer for me...................

But that's right, I have nothing to do in the evening, I should go back for dinner, I miss Mrs. Mieko too.........................

"Okay." Takagi Satoru replied.

"That's great..." Mieko said happily.

[Ding, Hirakawa Mieko's mood changes from calm to joy, generating an emotional value of 5000, and the current emotional value is 107000. ]

Takagi Satoru was more certain when he heard this, he would not be able to escape from being a free laborer tonight.

But I haven't had sex with her for a long time...................

Hirakawa Zhi sat in the back and asked, "What did my mom say to you on the phone?"

Takagi Satoru replied, "Let me go home for dinner."


Hirakawa Zhi's voice suddenly rose an octave when he heard this, which scared Takagi Satoru.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? You scared me........."

"My mom didn't even ask me to go home for dinner." Pingchuanzhi said with a very aggrieved tone, his eyebrows knitted tightly.

"Am I a biological child or an adopted child? Even you can't compare to me.!"

"Don't worry about these small details. People should be more open-minded......................."

"Of course you are open-minded, because you are not the one who is ignored."

Takagi Satoru laughed and started the car to go home.

As soon as he entered the house, the delicious smell of food came from inside.

"I'm back."

Mieko was wearing a purple hip skirt, with a braid, a few strands of hair scattered on her cheeks, and a happy smile on her face.

"I'm back." Takagi Satoru said with a smile.

Hirakawa Shi was fed up and complained to Mieko: "Mom! You didn't even ask me to go home for dinner."

Mieko smiled and said: "Really, maybe mom neglected it."

Takagi Satoru licked his lips and said: "I haven't eaten Mieko's food for a long time, I really miss it. "

Hirakawa looked at him with contempt, and it was obvious that he was saying this to make Mieko happy.

After all, he had tasted the food cooked by both of them. Objectively speaking, Takagi Satoru's food was indeed better than Mieko's.

After the meal, Takagi Satoru patted Hirakawa's shoulder.

"The task of washing the dishes is left to you."

Hirakawa said aggrievedly: "Why? Bullying me again."

Takagi Satoru smiled and said: "What do you mean by again? Who cooked before?"

"You and my mother."

"That's it, you don't cook and you don't wash the dishes, go wash the dishes. "

Hirakawa Zhi had no choice but to brush away reluctantly. He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't talk him out. He was very miserable.

[Ding, Hirakawa Zhi's mood changed from calm to sad, generating an emotional value of 5000, and the current emotional value is 112000.]

Takagi Satoru went back to the room to wait. After the dead of night, Mieko knocked on the door as usual.

Using the excuse of backache, he used this excuse again and again. I don't know how many times he has used it.

The battle lasted for more than two hours. After it ended, it was already late at night...................... .

This time, Mieko did not stay in Gao Mu Wu's room, but returned to her own room.

Gao Mu Wu knew it well, but did not stop him.

As soon as he left, Gao Mu Wu felt a little sleepy. It turned out that the airplane sleeping method was indeed effective.

But Gao Mu Wu was not an airplane, but an actual battle........................

When he was about to close his eyes and meet Zhou Gong, he suddenly heard a rustling sound outside the house.

After receiving the potion given by the system, his senses were particularly sharp, and he could not have heard it wrong.

Outside the house There must be someone outside!

In addition to what Hirakawa said before, Kawado and Hashigami Kenhiro have made some moves, and Takagi Satoru's first reaction is that they are spies of these two forces.

Of course, Takagi Satoru is more inclined to Kawado........................

Chasing, Takagi Satoru pulled up his pants and chased out without even wearing a shirt.



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